Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 155

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"What shall we do?" Silo hesitates and looks at me.

The SUV's taillights are flickering, slowing down and driving on the S-shaped routes over the highway. The driver is skillfully blocking our overtaking route.

Silo's expression is somewhat exciting, but more nervous. This fellow looks at me with some eagerness. The other two brothers also understand something. After all there are so many thing happened recently.

"Are they Vietnamese?" One of the brothers in the back row asks nervously. They are only working in the garage, and never went out to do any business except punching in the underground gym.

They are all looking at me at this moment.

I'm expressionless, but simply pull out a glove from my jacket pocket and pull out a Browning pistol from my waist. I tilt my head and say to Silo, "Slow down, stop. Don't open the door. Let's see first."

This section of highway is not on either side of the commercial street, pedestrians and vehicles are not much. Silo turns on the car's double flashes and then our car slows down.

Two cars stop at the roadside one after another.

I can see that Silo and the other two brothers are a little nervous. The expressions on their faces are somewhat complicated. Silo is clenching his fists and staring at the SUV in front of us.

I pat him gently on the thigh to let him relax, another hand is holding the gun and hiding inside the door.

The door of the SUV is pushed open and a foot in black boot steps out. Then I se a thin, short man pushes the door out. The man is wearing a red suit with bald head and yellow skin. He gets out and comes towards us.

I notice that he's empty-handed.

This discovery makes me signal to Silo that they should not move. Meanwhile, I pin the gun to the inside handle of the door.

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The man comes up to our car and taps on the window glass to signal us to roll down the window.

I look at him closely, his face is round and he has a big eagle hooked nose. His eyes are very bright, but the bald head makes me feel a little uncertain about his age.

I look at him coldly, and the pistol points at him through the door. His hand gently lifts his suit, which once again makes Silo nervous. But I do not move. As the front part of his suit is opened, my eyes are immediately shrinking. Inside the man's suit is a card with a badge on it.


Silo and I look at each other, but we do not dare to relax our vigilance.

I wink at Silo, signaling that he and the others should not move.

"Hey!" The hawk-nosed policeman leans the top of his body on outside of our car window, and his voice is somewhat lazy. His suit is open intentionally or unintentionally, deliberately revealing the badge.

Neither Silo nor I speak. With a complicated smile on his face, he says to us in a slightly weird accent, "Hello, gentlemen."

His eyes sweep around me intentionally or unintentionally. It seems that he also saw from the eye contacts we had just had that I should be the head of these people.

"What's the problem, sir?" I look at him and say, "Are we speeding?"

He shakes his head with a smile on his face. But that kind of smile makes me feel uncomfortable: "No, you didn't overspeed, you didn't violate any traffic regulations." Then he looks at Silo and says, "May I take a look your ID?"

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Silo, with a dark face, takes out his driver's license and gives it to him. Then he shows the ID card too.

"Your ID, please?" This hawk nose turns to me again.

I smile a little, pin the gun to the door handle, and naturally take out my ID card and hand it over.

"Oh, your visa is about to expire." His eyebrows are picking with eyes narrowing. I see a light flashing through his eyes.

"But it's not yet, is it, Officer?" I look at him coldly.

"Oh, it's just a reminder." The hawk-nosed man smiles.

I find that next to the SUV in front, there are two other men are standing. But for some unknow reasons they do not come.

Then he checks all of our IDs. Finally, he's clearly focusing his interest on me, and his eyes keep staring at me: "Please open the trunk of the car."

Silo says, "Why? What's the problem?"

The hawk-nosed man is not angry at all, but still has a strange smile on his face, "Nothing, just check."

Then he looks at me intentionally and says, "Are you new to Canada? I have the right to inspect your vehicles in public because I suspect that there may be some contraband in your car."

I look at Silo and he slightly nod to me in secret.

I look at this cop out of the window. He doesn't know I'm holding a gun in one hand and hiding inside the door. From my point of view, as long as I shoot, bullets not noly can definitely hit him through the door, but also the key part! With a smile on my face, I slip the gun into my trouser pocket, then quietly open the door and walk out.

I open the trunk and allow this hawk nose to examine it. At the same time, I open my hands and step back two steps.

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He whistles, and two of his companions immediately come over, without saying a word, and begin to search the trunk of our car.

The trunk is full of food and daily necessities, which are turned over one by one and thrown on the ground. I feel a little upset because they are just looking for trouble. I can see that they have no intention of finding anything at all, just deliberately messing up our things.

Our flour bags are torn open by them. The flour are spilled all over the ground. They also take out their knives to pierce the rice bags and let the grains flow out.

I just frown and look at these guys coldly.

I slowly pull out a box of cigarettes, ready to light. But the hawk-nosed man is suddenly smiling at me: "Sir, in Canada, smoking is not allowed in public places. Please don't smoke, or I can take you straight back to the police station!"

A few minutes later, two policemen who are searching suddenly shout and holding something out of the trunk with malicious smiles on their face: "Something interesting."

I looked at it. It's a paper bag. I don't know that.

They open it in disguise, examine it, and sniff it in front of their noses.

"It's cannabis!" One of them is a high-pitched voice.

The hawk nose shows a sneer at the corner of the mouth and looks at me: "Sir, please explain it."

I shrug my shoulders. "This is not ours."

I've got a lot of anger in my heart, but the more I have experienced, the more I'm able to control my emotions. When my heart is full of anger, my face is still keeping cold.

Obviously, they are tricking us.

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Just now, the two guys were checking the trunk with their backs to me, and two people were leaning together, blocking my eyes. Don't say they put in a bag of marijuana, even if they put in a few packs of heroin, nobody can see it!

"Please step back." The hawk-nosed man looks at me with a proud expression on his face.

Silo and the other two brothers get out of the car and look at me as if waiting for my my instructions to act. But the two policemen have pulled out their guns and pointing at us with a wary look on their faces.

I think for a second and make a decision right away. I've passed that impulsive stage, and now I'm not going to be reckless.

Although there are three policemen in front of me and they all have guns, I am confident that I can definitely kill them. But I will not be foolish enough to kill the police, let alone cause unnecessary trouble.

I sneer, slowly step back, and then raise my hands.

A policeman comes to search me at once and find my gun in my trouser pocket. I give him a cold look and say, "I have license. It's legal to hold the gun."

He doesn't say anything, takes my gun away, and then Silo and others do not resist under my sign, just leave to the police to search.

"Now, please go back to the station with us." The hawk-nosed man looks at me and smiles.

"Please tell me your name and number, officer." I keep quiet.

"Jeff." He shrugs his shoulders and then shows us his badge.

"Do you think it makes sense?" I look at him coldly. "You have no proof. It's a booty planting." I put down my hands, take out the glove and put them on for myself. Meanwhile, I motion Silo and the other two btothers to put them on the gloves too.

Fortunately, this season is still rather cold, we all go out with gloves.

"There's no fingerprint of any of us on that package. I can go back with you, but I want to call a lawyer and let the lawyer deal with these things."

Speaking of this, I look at the policeman names Jeff with a mocking expression and say with a deliberate laugh, "I'm indeed a newcomer and I'm not familiar with Canadian law. But you don't have any laws that don't let people wear gloves, do you? That's good!"

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