Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 165

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I've already dressed, but when I think about this invitation is from a beauty. I simply take off the clothes, take a bath, shave, and put on the suit Papa 8 gave me, which is my best clothes.

I hesitate for a second, take out the dagger Old Cat gave me before he left, and tie it to my trousers feet.

Sophie will be arrived in about twenty minutes.

Papa 8 didn't say much when he learned the things between me and Sophie. He just laughed and said, "It's normal for young people to be romantic. But this highness princess Sophie... You are not her first boyfriend, nor will you be her last. That's all you need to know."

Papa 8 says that, and I'm completely relieved. It seems that Sophie is nothing but a dissolute rich lady, just like the heir sisters of the famous Hilton group.

When I wear all the clothes out, Sophie has already driven a yellow Lamborghini convertible to the door of our building.

Tonight Sophie is wearing a very lady, a light yellow evening dress, open-shouldered, skirt is not long, round chest hanging a string of diamond necklace.

I see a black bridge car that seems to be far behind and parking at the corner. This should be the bodyguard Mr. Sorin arranges for his daughter.

"Get in, baby." She hooks her finger at me.

I take a look at the Lamborghini, get in the car and compliment: "Good car!"

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When Sophie raising her eyebrows, I see her deliberately pull her hair up half tonight. The front two slightly drooping bangs make her face looks very soft: "You like this car? Then you drive it."

I hesitate for a moment, but nod at once. I really like this car, and Lamborghini is also my favorite car. When I was poor at home, I couldn't afford such a good car. Today, when I have a chance, I will try driving for sure.

The two of us swap places in the car. Sophie moves from my leg to the co-driver's seat, and she rubs my crotch with her elastic buttocks intentionally, and gives me a teasing glance.

Such a sexy monster!

I suppress the fire of desire and concentrate on driving.

I haven't driven a car for a long time, and for the first time I'm driving such a good car, I start the car with a stiff motion and slam on the accelerator. The car with superior performance is making a roar and suddenly rushing out!

The wind whistles around your ears, and the engine roars loudly and forcefully! I just feel very happy in my heart. Seeing the number on the dashboard soaring rapidly, I still step the accelerator to the bottom!

Sophie, who was proud just now, screaming and hurrying to tie her safe belt.

In the evening, Vancouver's streets are empty. Our car is not just speeding anymore, but roaring out like madness. Sophie's screaming is for exciting first, and then for scaring!

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I don't even look at the road, just stepping on the accelerator all the way and driving straight. I only turn around until there is no road ahead! At last, I'm even drifting on the road! Sophie is also a wild cat. After creaming for a while, she calms down, reach out and turn on the audio! Strong heavy metal music immediately is springing up! The car is rolling up a whirlwind, accompanies by this strong music, all the way down.

Crazy! I must be crazy!

I can't remember how long I have drove or how many streets we have come cross. Finally, I slam on the brakes, and the car is running straight across the road and making a half turn before it stops!

Sophie's face is excited, her hair has been completely scattered. Her eyes are full of excitement, pulles off her safe belt, and then rushing towards me and shouting: "Baby! You are absolutely wonderful!"

I kiss her warmly, then push her away, take a breath and ask slowly, "Where are we?"
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Sophie's face is still flushed and she squints around for a while. Finally, we confirm that the buildings around are strange. We are on the wrong way.

Sophie's eyes contain excitement, and desire. If not the condition does not allow, I am afraid that this little slut will really have a sex on the car immediately.

I turn around and finally arrive at Sophie's meeting place tonight. It's half an hour later.

This is not a very busy street. But I can see that the buildings on both sides are beautifully decorated. There are several restaurants where the wealthy go in and out.

I park the car at the door of a building that looks historic on the outside. The red brick-and-wood structure, together with the old revolving doors, had some early sensations of the last century. A young tall porter standing at the door is wearing a red coat.

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He politely asks us to show the membership card. Sophie twists out a thin metal card with her fingers. His attitude is a little more respectful immediately. Then he pulls the door and asks us to get off the car.

This is obviously a membership based private club. The porter behind us has driven our car to the park, and there are two neatly dressed waiters who come to help Sophie take off her shawl.

I can't understand what they are saying at all. Because although I'm already learning English, they are speaking French.

Two waiters in suits lead us into a quiet little restaurant. There are the soft carpets under our feet. When we step on it, we can feel our feet sink deeply, very comfortable.

The two waiters are respectful, but strict in their attitudes. They walk with their heads breasts holding high and a white towel on their arms. But they just lead us to the entrance of the restaurant, where two another waiters take us in.

I feel a little dizzy, the rules here are a little too complicated. But the price of this kind of place is more expensive.

I'm really surprised when I enter the restaurant. This is a China style restaurant. When I enter the door, I see two Chinese waiters at the door, each wearing a pony jacket and a small gourd hat. The cloth on their bodies are satin, colorful and interesting. They each have a white towel on their shoulders! We just walk in. Immediately one of them lifts the towel on his shoulder and calling to us, "Two distinguished guests, please come in!"

I see that the interior decoration of this small restaurant is almost completely China style! Blue bricks, green tiles, but also decorated a small bridge on running water, there are two floating wooden boats with tables and chairs, as the dining tables.

Sophie looks at me with a smile and says, "Not bad?"

I nod. Indeed, such a place can be found in Canada. It's amazing.

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We are brought into a small box, antique and fragrant. Once we enter the door, there is a screen embroidered with Mandarin ducks playing in water. There are an old fashioned square table and four sandalwood chairs inside the room.

This is a very stylish restaurant. I have to show some admiration for the boss here. It's really appropriate to make money in this style!

"This place is the property of a friend of mine." Sophie tells me with a smile, but then a haze is flashing in her eyes: "You'll see him tonight, too. He'll meet us with that girl, the girl who refused me. They seem to be a couple."

I see. Sophie seems to be pulling me over and pretending to be her lover.

"Well, here we are. They'll come down in a minute." Sophie sighs, but immediately pulls herself, looks at me, stares at me and laughs, "Seriously, after I met you, I was really fascinated by you. With you, maybe I'll forget her!"

Just then, there comes footsteps outside the door, mix with a man's laughter. Immediately my heart is moving. The laughter hears so familiar to me.

But when I hear the next voice, the expression on my face is not only weird, but completely rigid.

A crisp woman's voice, with arrogance and mockery, is saying: "This is your restaurant? I'm sorry that you blew so crazy with me! You call its good? Look at the curtain, the wood! It's the fake at first sight! If you do have money to make such a style! You should buy a suite of it straight from the palace! That's cool enough! What's most annoying are the waiters! The cloths are in a mess! Come on, it's not bad for ancient waiter to wear linen clothes! What's the matter with you to let them dressing up as a boss's costume?

After a pause, I hear the voice laughing again and saying, "It's ridiculous that you still boast with me about this broken place!"

My mouth and eyes have been opened at the same time. I'm so straight and stunned to see a beautiful figure coming out from the behind of the screen. Then I can't help shouting.


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