Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 166

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That woman, beautiful as the cloud, pretty as a flower, eyebrows like a crescent moon, eyes like spring water. She is dressing in a black evening dress. Beneath the knee-length skirt reveals attractive slender legs.

Her eyes are bright, her mouth is full of the arrogant smiles, a trace of unrestrained, and a trace of arrogance.

It's Jojo!

When she sees me, she immediately gives a loud cry, and then suddenly, like an enraged lioness, she's pouncing at me with her teeth and claws open.

"Chen Yang, you little bastard! I thought you were dead! You little bastard with no conscience! You go to hell!"

I feel that she is pounding at me with a great feeling of resentment, and then she has opened ten finger nails and scraping at me like the knife blades.

I'm almost knocked down. Fortunately, I stop in time. When she hits me in the arms, I feel the sharp pains in my chest and waist and abdomen.

This tough woman has begun to attack me like a storm in every way she can think of! Teeth, nails, kicks and punches... Come on, if I haven't been quick enough to escape, a knee would have made me become a eunuch!

I shield her left and right, and finally grab her hands so hard to pull her away. Then I see her gasping and staring at me with a pair of angry eyes.

She breaks away from me and slap me to my face. I try to sidestep. But I feel a little guilty and slow down. She hits me on the shoulder. Jojo is staring at me, biting her teeth. Then she leans her waist over, points at my nose and scolding, "Chen Yang, you bastard with no conscience! Where on earth have you been to?! For so long we almost thought you were dead! We cried for you so long time! You're so damn good! You're living so well in North America and never get in touch with your family. What do you think all of us?"

The more she's talking, the more raging she is, the more shaking she can not restrain. She continues to raise her hand to hit me. This time I do not resist, let her bump and scratch and screw on my body. I just bear the pain and looking at her.

Sophie behind me is stunned. She probably hasn't seen Jojo like this before, has she? She is startled and completely dull. Actually, when Jojo gets angry, it's even not ridiculous to use the knife!

Fortunately, she is finally tired, and finally grabbing me by the shoulder and gasping for breath. Her eyes are turning red, and tears are running down from her face. Her voice is markedly depressed, with a sobbing tone:

"We really thought you were dead! How could you be like that?"

I look at Jojo in dismay. She's one of my best friends in life, who used to laugh with me, to drink with me, to sing with me, and to spend youth and play with me.

I don't know how many words I have gathered in my heart, but they all stuck in my throat. I just can't say a word. Finally, with all my efforts, I can barely squeeze out one single word:


Jojo also stops talking. She's looking at me straight, and suddenly takes a deep breath, then looking at me fiercely, as if looking at a lamb to be slaughtered: "Boy! Now that you've been found, you don't want to slip away any more! You'll tell me the whole story honestly in a minute! If you dare to say no... Hum..."

Looking at Jojo's high-spirited look is like us hanging out in old time. Even though I have recently exercised my nerves very strongly, I still can't help feeling like a flood in my heart is going to break through the gate and spread into my eyes.

I quickly conceal a smile, smooth my eyes and squeeze out a smile.

"Jojo!" Sophie calls hesitantly. Who knows that Jojo just glances at her with the corners of eyes, but then ignore her.

The man behind Jojo is smiling at me. He's Winson Lee. The man who has always been graceful still has the calm smile on his face, as if everything is under control. Although I caught a glimmer of surprise in his eyes when he first saw me, but he is the first to calm down in the room, and then he has that almost invariable faint smile on his face again.

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He is still that handsome, but his momentum is more steady and calm.

We look at each other, he comes up and shakes hands with me. "Hello, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Then he let go of my hand, comes to Sophie and kiss her hand: "Your Highness, it's good to see you, you are still beautiful as ever!"

The smile on Sophie's face is reluctant. She is absent-minded and polite to Winson. Most of her attention has obviously been focused on Jojo and me. In her eyes, with grief, surprise, sadness and gloom.

We sit down together and dinner is served soon. Winson introduces that this restaurant is his family business. I give him a few compliments. Then the topic is immediately shifted by Jojo.

Sophie obviously wants to join the topic too, but Jojo doesn't give her a chance at all. On two occasions when Jojo is asking me questions, Sophie's interruption makes her look impatient without hiding it. This surprises me!

Who is Jojo? Super invincible male sex wolf! Sophie, regardless of her personality, is absolutely superb in her appearance. According to my understanding of Jojo, when confronted with such excellent beauty, the motto of this female sex wolf has always been would rather kill wrong, but never let go!

But now it's obvious that Sophie is showing her love to Jojo, but Jojo is out of the ordinary. She doesn't even pay attention to Sophie.

I really did not know that the one Sophie has been always missing, unexpectedly is Jojo!

So at the moment we are all in doubt, but in this closure. It's not very convenient to talk about it.

Sophie sees Jojo ignore her, suddenly changes her strategy! Jealous women are blind! She takes the strategy she has prepared for tonight: to take me as a breakthrough!

My original role tonight is a foil. My task is to play Sophie's companion. We play a show of love each other very much so that she may maintain her dignity and show that "Without you, I'm stil good!" Unfortunately, this strategy has gone bankrupt. Just because Sophie's "old love" is Jojo...

Sophie puts her body close to me quietly, and finally hangs half of her body on my shoulder, deliberately showing sweet with me. She also coquettes me, saying that she does not know how to use chopsticks, I need to teach her by hand. Then, like a curious little girl, she asks me in an innocent tone about why I know Jojo.

Jojo's words have been interrupted three times, and I see her eye corner's muscles have begun to beat. The fire has been slightly appearing in her eyes. With what I know about this woman, she's quite upset now!

Finally, Jojo is suddenly squeezing a sweet smile from her face and looking at Sophie. Her exceedingly fascinating and charming appearance immediately makes people eyes shinning:

"Oh, Sophie, you really look more radiant than when I last saw you!" Jojo's eyes seem to be full of affection. Only I can see that her eyes are disguised. This is one of her unique tricks to capture prey.

"... Jo..." Sure enough, Sophie is a little touched and says softly, "Of course I haven't forgotten... I've never forgotten everything about you... I..."

"Really?" The smile on Jojo's face is more brilliant: "So... Do you remember what we said that night?"

Sophie's face immediately shows a drunken look: "Oh! Dear... Of course I remember... It was a wonderful night..."

Hearing this, not only me, but also Winson's face are all showing some ambiguous reverie.

"A wonderful night," even a fool can guess what it means.

Sophie, with deep affection, blue eyes staring at Jojo, says, "That's the witness of our love! I will never forget it! "

"The moonlight of the lotus pond floats. Jojo is hugging Sophie's waist. Sophie is put aside her legs…"

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Sophie speaks in a deep and affectionate tone, with an infinite look of affection on her face.

I'm lifting my glass and drinking water, just can't resist it, and a mouthful of water is coming out. In a scream, it's completely sprayed on Sophie's skirt. And Winson, who's sitting opposite me, the chopsticks on his hand fall to the ground too.

Sophie immediately gives me an angry look: "Chen Yang, you are so rude!" Then she gets up angrily and rushing to the bathroom.

I'm awkward, wiping my mouth and looking at Jojo.


"What?!" Jojo is smiling maliciously.

Winson reluctantly curtailed his surprise expression and says slowly, "Jojo, I think you've gone too far in playing Sophie like that."

Jojo pouts her lips and flies her arrogance at Winson, erecting a slender finger, the middle finger.

"Shut up, sissy."

Winson gives back a bitter laugh and sighs.

I hesitate for a moment: "Jojo. Are there any contradictions between you and Sophie?"

"What?" Jojo raises her eyebrows.

"I mean, haven't you always been considerate to beautiful women? Why do you only seem hostile to her?" I'm a little embarrassed. Actually, I don't think Sophie is a bad person apart from the idea of sex.

"I won't touch such a woman!" Jojo disdainful curls her lips.


"Because she has AIDS. Don't you know?"

What FXXX?

This time I'm pale with fear. If I hadn't sat still, I would have fallen off my chair.

But then Jojo bursts out laughing. Looking at her cunning and complacent smile, I just realize that I have been cheated! Sure enough, she's laughing so hard. After quite a while, she looks at me and says, "Ha! I knew you must have an affair with her! You little bastard! Don't worry, I lied to you! I have my reasons for her!"

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After all, I am not at ease. In fact, to tell the truth, I'm really frightened by that AIDS news!

"…" Jojo sighs deeply, "Have you all met my father?"


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"Does my father look handsome, very graceful?"


Indeed, Jojo's father is a middle-aged and handsome man with a successful personality, self-confidence, dignity and elegance.

"A few years ago, my father came to Canada to do business and met Mr. Sorin. This princess had a good feeling for my father at that time! This little bitch! Originally I and she are totally unrelated. River water do not offend well water. But this little slut actually was planning on my father, how could I ignore it?"

I just feel a little bitter in my mouth.

"So, you?"

"Hum!" Jojo's spirited smile has an overwhelming momentum: "What else could I do? In order to protect my father and mother's family harmony, I had to go in person! I hooked up with this little slut, and then went mad with her all night, and showed all the means to let this little slut henceforth die for me, and never dare to hook up with my dad again!" After that, this female hooligan is deliberately squinting her eyes as if remembering the pleasant after taste. She smiles vaguely and says, "But this little girl's bedtime skills are really first-rate..."

She glances at me with her eyes open, deliberately smiling: "Little 5, what do you think?"


She stares at me with fierce eyes and a cold smile on her lips: "Boy! Less protending! Don't tell me you and she didn't happen! Tell you, I'll forgive what has happened before. Nut if you and she are not allowed to continue to tangle! Do you hear that? Otherwise, I'll take you..." Jojo thinks for a moment, then she picks up a small knife on the table, gestures "cut" and threatens, "Just turn you into…"

I'm stunned: "What?"

"A cuty!"

"A cuty?"

"Yes, a cuty! Let you get ride of the ability to engage with women."


I am sure of one thing! Jojo is absolutely the strongest, the most invincible, the greatest being of the world at this moment, maybe of the whole universe!

Jojo takes a look at time, and suddenly a strange smile appeares on her lips. Then she stands up and takes my hand. "Let's go! Before the little princess comes back."

I hesitate: "Is that not good?"

Jojo stares at me and shouts, "What? You still can't bear it?"

I shake my head and let myself be pulled up by this female hooligan. Before leaving, she shouts to Winson: "That princess leaves to you, Sissy! You're good at comforting people anyway."

Winson grins bitterly, and Jojo has pulled me out of the restaurant as fast as she can.

At night, the streets of Vancouver are dotted with street lights. Jojo is taking my hand and we are running all the way through the night. Her hair is flying like a waterfall in front of me. We have been running out of two blocks in one breath, and then we two stop, leaning over on our knees and gasping. Then we look at each other and laugh at the same time. This is a tacit understanding that has been accumulated for many years.

We've been laughing for a while, Jojo slowly calms down, looking at me, eyes very serious: "Little 5, you'd better stay away from that princess, she is not a good woman!"

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I don't think much about it, simply take this warning as a kind warning from a friend. I laugh and say, "Okay, I'll pay attention to it. I'll try to see her as little as possible in the future."

Then we walk side by side in the street. Although there aren't many pedestrians on the road at night, it's still a busier part of Vancouver after all. We two are well-dressed, man with suits and shoes, woman wears dinner gowns. This kind of man-woman collocation also immediately attract many people's attention.

Jojo is a little impatient. She frowns and says, "These people's eyes are really annoying." Suddenly she bends down, takes off her high-heeled shoes quickly, and then hit them hard on the ground. High-heeled shoes become flat heels immediately. Then she rips off one sleeve of the evening dress and throws it into the garbage can. She tears off another sleeve and ties her hair in a ponytail with this piece of cloth.

In this way, the original luxurious evening dress is transformed into a slightly leisure skirt, and the flat heels under her feet also have a leisure taste. I smile and take off my suit and fold it on my arm.

Almost entirely natural, Jojo takes my arm. I don't feel anything abrupt about this action, but it's natural and normal. Because in the past, when we were together at home, when Jojo and Azle and Wood were together, they would take their arms to go shopping too. Sometimes they even took one's arm on the left and another one's arm on the right.

The night breeze is slightly chilly. We walk down the street for a while and neither of us speak.

I love, or I miss it very much. This feeling makes me feel like I'm in a trance back home. Back in the carefree days of stables, as if I was on the streets of the old city, had just finished the meal with my best friends and wandering on the road.

Finally, Jojo breaks the silence.

"Little 5, you've been away for a long time." Her voice is very soft.

"Yes." I sigh and say sincerely, "Yes, a lot of things have happened."

She looks at me and says, "Now there's nobody around. That princess is not here. Winson is not here either. You can tell me now."

I meditate for a moment: "Now how about my home?"

Jojo frowns slightly. "I don't know how and what to say."

She sighs, "You suddenly ran away, and none of us knew what was going on. No one told us... Later, we couldn't reach you by phone. Then Azle went to see you, and now there is no one in your place. What's more, your house is in a mess, as if it had been turned over. We were all worried about you. Didi and Amy were still contacted, so we knew something was wrong with you. But you couldn't be contacted by everyone. Didi had a phone left by you before you left, but that phone couldn't contact you later, and lost contact with you completely. Your boss, uh, that woman, Nanny, right? Didi was with her previously. But... Well, that woman, you had relationship with her, right?"

I hesitated for a moment and have not spoken. Jojo has a weird smile on her face, then slapping me on the shoulder and says in a lazy tone, "Good boy, you are really good! You've gotten such a best lady like that!"

With a bitter laugh, I diverge from the topic: "Didi, they... How are they?"

Looking at me with a sombre look, Jojo restrains her smile and stops. She looks at me and asks in a very serious tone, "Little 5, what did you really think?"

"What?" I slightly dodge her eyes.

But Jojo's eyes are pressing on me: "I'm asking you what the hell was going on! No one knows your news after you left! But you know, we all have some ways. Nanny got the info that you had made such a big mess for a little girl! Were you crazy?!"

I smile and not talk.

"You were outside and don't know life or death. I know through Winson that the man you hurt is the son of a powerful man! Those guys are determined to kill you! Azle and I were trying to help you, but none of our families could. Until recently, Winson heard that the big man had withdrawn his pursuit to you. Then we got the news that you were dead!"

Jojo's voice is trembling slightly. She looks at me, takes a deep breath, and then squeezes a bitter smile on her face. Although she is laughing, tears are rolling in her eyes, and then she suddenly hits me with a punch, laughing and scolding, "This little bastard! We were crying for you! I think there will be one fewer of us now. It turned out that Wood said that good people don't live long, and evil will last for thousands of years! He said you were not so short-lived! I was so angry that I had a big fight with him. But I have a little hope in my heart. I hope you are really all right. But we've spent a lot of time and couldn't find any clues."

She looks at me, her eyes flashing, but then she turns her head and looks at the distance... Her voice seems calm, but there is something complicated hidden beneath the calm tone.

"Little 5... Do you know? There are a lot of people... A lot of people are worring about you?"

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