Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 171

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Subsequently, someone pulls the rope of the ring open, with the help of several young people, an old man with gray hair is invited to come up. This is the witness on behalf of the local gangs for Sand Tiger that day we sighed the contract of life and death.

He combs his hair meticulously and goes into the ring with the help of several young people. First he stands in the middle and separates me and Sand Tiger. Then he raises his arm and makes a push-down motion.

Suddenly, the noise in the warehouse is much lower. He first says a few words about the fight, then hugs his fist at Papa 8, who is sitting under the stage. Papa 8 stands up with indifference, nods, and sit down again.

Then, in a slightly hoarse voice, he's announcing the fighting rules and the contract of life and death between both sides. The contract of life and death has our signatures and handprints. The old man takes it out, unfolds it and shows it around. He's also announcing loudly: after the contract of life and death was signed, today is a life-and-death fight. No matter who is dead or injured, it is voluntary! Neither side shall pursue after it, nor should use this as an excuse to seek revenge.

I am too lazy to listen to these, just standing quietly aside.

I feel that Sand Tiger is as impatient as I am! His eyes are staring at me like a cobra!

Finally, the old man had finished his words, announcing the beginning of the fight, and then walks out of the ring. Sand Tiger and I are beginning to approach each other slowly.

At this time, the enthusiastic shouts around like a wave, once again suddenly raising up! My ears are filled with the cheer vopices for Sand Tiger. Although Silo and other brothers are trying to shout for me, but today we are not as many people as they are, and the voices is much lower.


One leg I kick sideways is blocked by Sand Tiger's arm, and the bone of my calf is immediately hitting his hard arm muscles. This kick does not hurt him. I'm just back down quickly! Sand Tiger's eyes are full of anger. He was kicked by me, but he didn't catch the chance to fight back. He is also a little angry.

I quickly step back, then my feet slowly sideslip to the right, carefully keeping two or three steps away from him, making full use of the width of the ring, and circling with him.

He does start with patience, but after a few laps, he can't help it and begins to attack tentatively. This guy's two straight punches have been avoided by me in succession. I also find an opportunity to kick him once. Sand Tiger begins to fret.

After all, in his heart, I was determined to be beaten quickly and kill with one blow!

Suddenly Sand Tiger is jumping forward two steps, lifts his left fist and throwing it to me! I'm ducking at once, and his fist is almost closing to my chest. I take the opportunity to turn to his side and hit him in the chest with my elbow! He immediately his right arm to defend my elbow hit!

Our arms touch each other, and both of us shake! This is our first frontal upper limb collision. As a result, his strength should be slightly greater than mine. I immediately step back and keep two or three steps away from him again, and carefully running around him.

I'm entangled with him for three or four minutes by my strategy of running and hitting. Sand Tiger starts fighting his full strenth! He has figured out my strategy, and he sees that I dare not fight him head-on, just running. So he carefully reduces the movements of his feet, but through a clever route, quietly, little by little, pushing me to one side of the corner.

It isn't long before I find that the space around me is getting smaller and smaller. His mouth begins to show a grin. Suddenly, I see a sharp glimmer in his eyes!

Behind me is a stake in the corner at the edge of the ring! Sand Tiger catches the rhythm of my footsteps, and suddenly a straight punch is coming over! I'm immediately sidelining, and at the same time reaching out and patting him on the arm of the punch he hit, slapping him off, but then he's going to crazy! His left and right fists are hitting like a storm!

I put up my arms and block them a few times, but immediately I feel a lot of pressure! Finally, I catch the rhythm of his fists, grab his right wrist suddenly and pressing it down slightly on the back of his hand. This is what I learned in capturing skills. But after all, Sand Tiger is experienced fighter. His right hand is clamped, suddenly the upper body keeps still, and then only one leg to support the body, the other leg is directly kicking up!

I see that foot is kicking to my face and I have to let go in a hurry. At the same time, my body is darting upward!

My body is in mid-air, arms are spreading out like a roc. Then I have jumped onto the wooden stake with more than one meter and fifty feet high behind! The narrow stake only allows me to step on it with one foot, but the other leg could only bend slightly. With my body arching and my arms opening, I'm just posing like an eagle fighting with a rabbit.

The speed and rhythm of attack and defense are very fast. He attacked fast, I hid quickly, and even more, the light and agile movements that appeared in my leap has won countless cheering voices.

My brothers are applauding me, while the local gangsters continue to shout for Sand Tiger, and some of them have begun to curse me. On our side, Silo is also leading a group of brothers to scold them. Both sides are far apart from each other and keep scolding. Fortunately, all the leaders of various gangs are holding their men. Otherwise, people here might have fought long ago.

The noises and confusions do not disturb me! In fact, Sand Tiger is the same! I have to say that he is really good! He's arguably the best opponent I've ever had!

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I only have two seconds to stand on the stake. Sand Tiger pauses slightly, the raises his fists and keep attacking me!

Immediately I'm pedaling my left leg on the stake, jumping over his head with one heel, and go behind him. Then I stretch out my right leg and kick him in the back. At this moment, Sand Tiger's amazing waist strength is fully displayed! He's immediately taking back his punches, then he twisting his waist and turning around! At the same time, he's hitting me right to my ankle with a swing of his left fist!

With Sand Tiger's strength, if this punch lets him hit my ankle with all his strength, my foot will definitely be completely wasted! I immediately strengthen my legs and bent my knees violently! Immediately my instep arches and then my left and right legs are wobbling as if stepping on water, and my feet are synchronized kicking out.
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Pah, Pah, Pah, Pah!

My toes step on Sand Tiger's arms four times, and my body lands with the backing power. I step back several steps before I can stand firm.

These four kicks were so dangerous that he almost hit me on the ankle! I almost escaped his punch like a needle in a crack! But my last kick did not fully escape, just kicked his fist! Fortunately, his arm was trampled three times, and the strength was much weaker, so the fist and my toes collided frontally and it did not hurt me.

Nevertheless, after I landed, I feel a dull pain in my toes and feeling the whole sole of my foot numb with shock. I step back and feel that some of the movements of this foot are not natural, mainly the pain of my thumb, which seems to have caused some injuries just now, so it affects the movements of my feet!

When Sand Tiger sees my frown, a triumphant grin immediately appears on his face. He shakes his arm. It seems that I have kicked him four times just now, which also have some effects on him.

I twist my ankle quietly, trying to relieve the pain on my foot. Sand Tiger is suddenly rushing up! This time his right fist is in the front and his left fist is hiding in the back! My eyes shrink in an instant, and then I slip back at the foot. But his left fist is come hitting again! Seeing that his fist is in front of my face, I suddenly lean back and upper body falls on the ground. But I hide a little too slow, just feel a hot wind passing through my face and there's a hot feeling on my cheeks.

It turns out that although I have escaped just now, my face was gently rubbed by the edge of his fist! I feel a little swollen on half of my face. Fortunately, it was not corrected at this moment. Otherwise, not only my teeth but also my eyeballs would be blown up.

Half of my cheeks are swollen!

To be honestly, I feel a little stuffy in my heart! I haven't had such a fight with people since I learned kungfu that I need to dodge and defend everywhere. Now I was hit in the face! I'm so angry that I stare at Sand Tiger, open my mouth and spit hard.

FXXX! You real think I have no unique skill to hit?

Sand Tiger sees my cheek is swelling up. He is immediately excited. He raises the fist and hit again!

This time, I do not move my feet to run, but twist my waist to hide his right fist. At the same time, I put a bow and arrow step on my legs. Then I take a violent breath and shout angrily. My fist clench tightly. Then I lift my breath, kick my legs and twist my waist, all my strength is concentrated on the right fist, and I punch to him violently.

That's the heavy strike my master taught me. Sand Tiger punched empty, seeing that my punch has been counterattacked. He immediately retract his arms. The right arm is in the back, the left palm opens, and uses it to defend against my fist.

I punch him in the palm of his hand. His left palm wraps my fist! We are both shocking!

At this moment, only Silo bursts out a cheer!

Siro is the one who knows my kungfu best. When he sees my posture, he knows I'm going to hit hard! I can blow a sandbag out with this punch! This kind of strength hit the human body, if hit correctly, absolutely can win! So Silo has confidence in me!

I just got it right and I got away from his first punch, then I had a little time to adjust. Old Cat is right, the weakness of this strike is need a little time to adjust it before punching. In actual combat, good enemies move very fast. It is impossible to stand in place and give you time until you adjust your posture before hitting.

I found this opportunity very hard just now!


This is a real muffled noise! I feel as if my fist has struck not on the palm of a man, but on the iron wall. My hand bone is shaken so badly that my arms are numb!

Sand Tiger's face is serious too. His feet immediately retreat a few steps! He retreats very quickly, as if he is bouncing back! But in the end, he still stands firm! And look at his appearance, there is no big problem!

My heart begins to be sinking completely.

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The punch I've just hit is the hardest punch I can, but it was still blocked by him unexpectedly! And my right hand is numb with pain.

But then I see the muscles in the corners of his eyes jumping, and then suddenly he quietly hides his left hand behind him! I've observed that his left wrist is shaking faintly!

My heart is instantly rekindling hope!

His fists are fierce, but he was passive defenses just now, so he couldn't exert his strength. I hit him hard in the palm, I'm afraid his left palm has been injured too! But my right fist is also very painful, I'm afraid it can't be used for the time being.

Both of us quietly put one hand behind at the same time, single-fist horizontal and confronting each other.

Then we try to attack and defend each other, but the situation begins to turn against me. My foot begins to move slowly, the pain of the tips of my feet has affected my dodging, and my right fist seems to have bone problems, I am afraid that the heavy punch just caused some sprain of my own joints, and now my right fist is not tight. I can only open the palm and use the arm to block.

I can't help it, but only use my right fist in the front and my left fist in the back. Sand Tiger's face is still full of murderous spirit. He is more careful in his steps. He simply refuses to move his feet to both sides, just keeps pressing me and forces me to retreat to the corner step by step. I make several feints in succession, trying to pull him away and hide from his side, but he's not deceived by me, staring at me, slowly approaching!

Sand Tiger's left and right fists are opening again. It seems that the punch only brought him some damages for a short time. He was only slightly affected for a while, and has gradually recoveried!

My heart is full of doubts, my punch is absolutely not light! If a punch like that would only hurt him in a short time, then he can recovery so soon? It's reaaly hard to believe it!

Damn, in that case, how can I win him?

I tell myself: No more impulses, no more impulses!

I have several side kicks in succession and he has all dodged. The last one is a right side kick. Suddenly, Sand Tiger raises his leg and hit my calf! With a bang, we both shake again. I suffer a lot this time. He bumped the front of his calf bone into the inside of my calf knee bend! I'm immediately feeling a sharp pain, stumbling under my feet, almost standing unsteadily!

I finally realize that Tiger's words are true! There are big gap between my strength and Sand Tiger! This four consecutive the top fighter winner is definitely not have unearned reputation! Whether from experience, strength, vision, and the grasp of the fighter, he is superior to me!

When Sand Tiger hits me well, he grins more fiercely: "What else do you have? You've hurt your leg, too. I see how fast you can run!"

I'm gritting my teeth, sniffing and barely defending. Suddenly his punch sweeps over my shoulder again. My shoulder sinks down, and at the same time I step back to unload most of his strength. But it's still very painful.

I've been pushed to the corner, and there're some of bloodthirsts flashing in Sand Tiger's eyes!

"You can rest assured that I won't kill you in a minute!" Sand Tiger grins fiercely. Suddenly, his fists are attacking me like a storm. He seems to be torturing me intentionally, and he hits me with countless fists, but he doesn't hit me hard! I can barely raise my arms to protect my upper body. But his fists continues to fall on my waist and arms, and some punches simply go through my defensive arms and hit me on the cheeks.

My eyebrow bone is broken, blood is flowing all over my face, corners of my mouth are broken, and blood is also flowing out of my nose!

I'm not just defending, also trying to fight back, and several of them hit the sand tiger in the face. But this guy seems crazy. He doesn't hide or defend at all. My fists hit him on the face, he just flanks head at most, and then turns his face to hit me again!

Like two kangaroos, we keep punching each other's upper body with our fists. But I suffered from injuries in my right fist, and I have been hit a lot before. My strength is much lower. Although I hit Sand Tiger's face a few bruises, but he completely does not care, just hits me like crazy!

He's just venting his hatred!

Soon, I feel that my fists have been soft and weak, and my shoulders were hit several times, which affected my arm strengths! At the same time, my eyesight is blocked by blood, and I lost several punches but was beaten a lot. Compared with the ability to resist attack, I am obviously much worse than him!

And Sand Tiger doesn't even hit me with his heavy punch! At such a close distance, I almost lost my resistance. If he hit me hard in the chest with a heavy punch at this time, I would be killed immediately! But he just keeps hitting me with his fists!

He's totally vengeful to me!

He's reluctant to kill me at once. He has enough patience when facing me hardly have the strength to fight back.

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Finally, I can't insist. My legs are soft, and I fall into his arms and hold him deadly. With a sneer, he lifts his knee and kicking me.

I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I even have the illusion that my intestines are tangled together.

Then I feel my arms are held, and as Sand Tiger throwing with all his strength, I'm thrown out and hit hard on the ground! The blood in my mouth is splashing out and spraying on the ground!

Those people under the stage seem crazy! They are shouting excitedly, and countless people are pointing at me and shouting:

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Sand Tiger, kill him! Kill this kid!"

These sounds, coming into my ears, have been somewhat distorted. I can only vaguely hear some noises. My eyes have become a little diffuse, and my vision is blocked by blood. I have tried to wipe my face a few times, but the blood is still bleeding from the wounds!

I can only vaguely see Sand Tiger is coming towards me step by step. I twist my neck and see Papa 8 sitting under the ring, his face gloomy, mouth is tightly closed, fists are tightly grasping the arm of the chair. Behind him, all the brothers are standing up and shouting something to me. One by one they look so anxious. I see Silo has been rushing to the ring and slapping hard on the floor. Unfortunately, I can't hear any word of what he's shouting at all.

All the sounds that fall into my ears seem to have turned into buzzing noises.

Then I see a foot that has appeared in front of me. It's Sand Tiger's foot! He raises his foot and kicks me! I'm kicked on the body and rolling out.

In this way, although I have severe pain on my body, my hearing seems to have recovered a little. Then I hear the cold voice from Sand Tiger: "Boy, is this all you got? Hum! Didn't you cut my brother's throat with a knife? I'll cut your throat myself today. No, I will use the knife to cut all your tendons, and then cut your throat!"

I lay on the ground and just looking at him grinning at me, but I don't move.

Sand Tiger shouts down to out of the stage, and immediately a man of their own throws up a cloth bag in the ring.

On our side, Tiger also throws up a cloth bag without expression and it falls just beside me.

This is the final rule of life and death duel. When one side is already in the ascendant, he can choose any way to kill his opponent! There is also the right to use weapons! Of course, this weapon is prepared beforehand. It can only be cold weapons, can not be gunpowder weapons such as pistols.

And, as the disadvantaged side, give you a weapon, which is "fair" - whether you still have the strength or the possibility of taking up arms to resist.

Both sides will prepare a weapon in advance, and both sides will have a man standing on the sidelines, waiting for the last moment to give the weapons out and use it.

Sand Tiger has unraveled the cloth bag and quickly pulls out a knife from it. This is a two-handed knife, the blade is obviously just grinded, flashing out the cold light. He holds the knife, first empty split two times, looking at me, as if looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

And I slowly put my hand into the cloth bag and hold the weapon I prepared. This is a very short and small weapon. I hold it in my hand, but in my present state, it seems that I even have no strength to hold it.

The spectators beneath the ring are screaming and shouting wildly. More of them are shouting in a uniform voice:

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill..."

Sand Tiger holds the knife in his right hand and slowly walks up to me. Then he changes to hold the knife with both hands, then put his feet aside, like a butcher, holding the knife to me and scratching, grinning and shouts, "Okay! Now let's start with your left leg..."

At the moment, when he's raising the knife, I'm lying on the ground like a pool of mud. But suddenly I jump a fish, bouncing almost straight off the ground, just like a spring!

He had a chance to stop me, but his hands are clenching the knife. He has no third hand and has no time to put down the knife to stop me!

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What's more, his knife is too long! By the time I get close to him, he has no time to withdraw his knife.

I have fastened my hand on his neck, and with this strength, I slip behind him like a fish! Between my left index finger and middle finger, there is a sharp object!

In that instant, I slip behind him, and he can't turn around to dodge, or even make any move. The thing that I holding has been plunged into the middle of his neck, behind his head.

Sand Tiger bursts out with an earth-shaking howl. His huge body is shaking violently. Then the knife falls to the ground and his arms are stretching out as if trying to pull that thing out. But before he's able to finish this action, he has fallen forward with a bang. As soon as he falls down, his body begins twitching!

I roll on the ground, then my hands are barely supporting the ground to make myself slowly stand up. Such a simply action, I have tried for three times to success!

Sand Tiger is lying face down on the ground, his neck has been bleeding a lot. His body is still convulsing, as if he has epilepsy!

This sudden change makes screams and shouts from the audiences which almost overturne the roof stop. It's as if it has been cut off by an invisible scissors. Almost instantly, the whole audiences fall into a dead silence!

I gasp violently. Although I'm a little soft, but I walk to Sand Tiger's side and bent down. I touch his back neck and pull that thing out.

A blood arrow is immediately shoting out and splashing on me. I weigh that thing on my hand. In fact, it's only a two-inch-long nail!

Sand Tiger is still twitching, but the range is getting smaller and smaller!

Under the human neck, that is, above the cervical spine, there is a central nervous system concentration. If this place is hit by sharp weapon, it will destroy the human central nervous system and make people lose the ability to act immediately! Many people have broken cervical vertebra. If the central nervous system is injured, it will cause systemic paralysis. This is the same reason.

When I was learning from Old Cat and Konny, I've known all the fatal weaknesses of human body. The last strike just now is the killing tactic that I have brewed for a long time.

I know that even if I was given a big knife, I still can't defend him! And that point on the back of his head and neck is the best point for me to attack! Because once you get it right, you can completely disable all his abilities to move!

Sand Tiger's face has been sidewaying. His eyes are slanting and staring at me. There are full of unwillingness, anger and hatred.

I gasp and pinch the nail in my hand. Then I bent down. The nail in my hand shakes in front of him and I say coldly to him, "You can fight very well, and you can fight very hard. But unfortunately, you don't know how to kill!"

I stand up and the whole audiences are looking at me in amazement. I see many people's faces are filled with shocks.

I gasped for a few moments, then exhaust all my strength and shouting to the people out there, "Keep shouting! Are you dumb? Don't you want to kill me? Just shout! Just keep shouting!"

I open my arms and roaring, "Shout! Kill!" My eyes seem to be infinitely evil, and then I'm shouting, "Now why don't you shout any more! Shall I kill him? Do you want it or not? Shall I kill him?! You just fucking talk!"

Then, ignoring the gawking crowd, I turn around and go back to Sand Tiger side. I sit on his back, then put my hands around his neck, strangle him, and lifte his head slightly.

At this moment, I take a look at Papa 8. He is still sitting there, but his clenched fist has loosened. He sees me look at him. His chin lightly clicks and his eyes are flashing a trace of killing light.

I take back my eyes, put my mouth on Sand Tiger's ear and whispering, "I said... I'll kill you!"

Then I put one hand on his head, another hand on his chin, and then I twist my hands!


Such a sound, in the silent environment, is sounding throughout the whole warehouse.

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