Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 172

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"Don't wet the wound in a week." The doctor in front of me is a middle-aged man. He stands up, takes off his plastic gloves, and goes to the pool to unscrew the tap and wash his hands.

I lay in bed with my palms wrapped in gauze. The injured foot was covered with gauze too, and I have some injuries all over my body.

"Then I can't take a bath in a week?" I open my mouth to ask.

"If you want to recover faster." The doctor's tone is cold. Then he gives me some medicine.

"How soon will he fully recover?"

This time it is Papa 8 speaking. He's sitting in the room, Tiger and Silo beside him. Originally, Silo was not qualified to follow Papa 8. But I won the fighting, as my roommate and a brother, Sile was specially authorized to come here.

This is a private clinic. The doctor is a Chinese, indifferent by nature. He only treat for good pay. But he has good medical skills. In particular, he has no legal medical license and is said to have been revoked.

"Recovery?" When the doctor looks at Papa 8, he still maintains some respects: "It depends on what criteria. You see he can walk now, but he has sprained bones in his hands and he also bruised feet. If you don't take care of it, I'm afraid it will affect him. And... It's better to have someone take care of him. If it were me, I would lie in bed for the next week. Besides going to the bathroom, even God would not want me to leave the bed!" Then the doctor laughs and says, "Of course, I'm just acting with caution... Maybe it's not that serious, but it can avoid the risk of disability."
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Papa 8 does not speak, but nods.

Then the doctor gives me a shot of medicine and walks out of the room with Papa 8 and Tiger.

When they go out, Silo, who's a little stiff just now, immediately relaxed. With the other two guys who are working in the garage together, these three guys are shouting and rushing around me. Silo is even more excited: "Little 5, too handsome! You are so handsome! How did you do that? You... Your last killing hit..."

As he is cheering excitedly, he's gesturing with his hand that I finally hit on the Sand Tiger's neck.

I lay on bed, a little tired. After all, I almost got killed by Sand Tiger today too, and I really don't have much strength at the moment. I take a deep breath and slowly say, "I'm lucky. Before that, I wasn't quite sure."

Then I explain to him, "The cervical spine on the back neck of a person is a place where the nervous system intersects and concentrates. Here's a fatal place, a lot of nerves are concentrated, the result of being hit hard, you've alaredy seen. But this position must be hit very accurately..."

Actually, I'm not lying. I was really lucky this time!

Although I know that position, it must be stabbed very accurately in order to be effective! Otherwise, it can only cause skin and flesh injury to the other party at most. And in my condition, if I failed to hit, I would let Sand Tiger bleed and hurt at most. But it won't knock him down. In that case, I'm done.

Before that, although during the three months in the farm, I've already familiar with all the deadly essentials of the human body and I did have practiced many times. But in practice, it's still really not easy to make a precisely one-hit!

I tried again before going to the ring. Even when I was in good condition, my hit rate was only about 70%.

Looking off the court, it seems just a lightweight hit. But actually it's really hard, really really hard!

"Let me make a simple example: you pick up a knife and cut it at a table. There will be an incision on that table. Then, you aiming at the incision, raise the knife over your head and chop a few times quickly! You just can't hit that incision every time! Some people can't even make it once!"

After I said all this, Silo and others are all showing raptures and admirations on their faces. I see in my eyes, but I don't have much excitement and joy in my heart.

"Silo, these are killing techniques. There's nothing to show off." I sigh.

Silo is silent for a moment, but then he pats me gently: "Little 5, we are not philosophers. These kind of questions are not our thinking. At least now, you've killed the best guy of the local gangs under so many eyes! It's so cool!"

I just smile powerlessly.

Silo takes out the cigarette and just wants to smoke, but the doctor comes in from outside, stares at him says coldly, "If you want to smoke here, I promise I'll kick you and your friends into the street with one foot. Now, pinch that chimney in your hand and get out of here!"

Silo smiles awkwardly, spits his tongue at me, and then quickly withdrawing with his two associates.

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Even Papa 8 and Tiger seems polite to the doctor, and Silo does not dare to venture.

"And you, boy." The doctor hooks his finger to me and says, "You can go too. But I advise you not to move around these two days. If you really don't want to lie down and need to walk, remember to use this to avoid your injured feet touching the ground.

He takes a crutch from behind the door and throws it to me. Then without even looking at me, he points to the door and says coldly, "You can go out."

I am a little speechless. From Wood to the the doctor in GZ City, who fat fellow took me to treat, and this one in front of me. It seems that all the doctors I have met are weird guys.

So I'm lifted up by Silo and other companions and drive all the way back to the garage.

As soon as our car has entered the gate of the garage, the electronic curtain door behind us slowly lowers down. I see all the brothers in the garage rushing around the huge garage, holding pliers, wrenches, or waving their coats. They are all cheering, their faces are full of joy, their mouths are shouting my name, and finally the voices become uniform, with a fixed rhythm:

"Chen Yang! Chen Yang! Chen Yang! Chen Yang! Chen Yang!..."

I'm sitting next to Papa 8 in the car and is surprised to see such a scene. Papa 8 shows a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, then he looks at me and says with a smile, "Don't be nervous. Get out of the car first and say hello to everyone. They have been waiting for you for a long time!"

I touch my nose: "Papa 8..."

"Well, you've given us glory and honor. You deserve it!"

Then he comes up, pushes open the door on my side and makes a gesture to let me get off first.

I take a deep breath, then hold the door and step out of the car. When I stand there with the help of the crutch, all the brothers are giving a great cheer at the same time. The nearest guys are rushing to me and lifting me up with all hands and feet, others are applauding and cheering around, some of them are singing loudly. The atmosphere in the garage becomes hot all of a sudden!

Fortunately, under the restraint of Papa 8, they do not throw me up. Otherwise, my wound might be burst. They carefully put me down, and then they help me to walk inside.

Everyone rush into the restaurant in the garage. All the tables here are full of food. Obviously, these food were made on a temporary basis.

I'm later learned that when I won the fight between life and death, the brothers who were present notified the garage, and the brothers who stayed in the garage immediately began to prepare a series of celebrations.

With Papa 8's acquiescence, they immediately closed for a day, while the restaurant began to prepare food. It was hard to make a big meal in a hurry. When I arrive at the front table surrounded by everyone, there are some meals, vegetables and a large plate of lunch meat on the table, apparently canned food. But there are quite some good wines.

Then everyone go to their seats and sit down. They all quiet down and look at Papa 8. He stands beside me, picks up a glass of wine, smiles, and then says: "Today, I am proud of Little 5! I hope tomorrow, I will be also proud of you!"

After that, he takes the cup to his mouth, lifts his neck and drinks the wine all.

Everyone below are roaring and shouting, and then we all raise our cups to finish the wine together...

It's just a pity that I have to drink water. To be honest, I really want to have a couple of drinks with them, but the doctor told me not to drink! So, facing of the brothers who come up to toast one round after another, all I can drink is water.

As the celebration dinner progressing, the atmosphere becomes more cheerful, and I see boxes of wine being brought up. All of men here are hot blood. Alcohol makes the atmosphere of the banquet reach its climax! Even Papa 8 is a little drunk. Although Tiger is still sitting next to him. But the brothers here are very respectful to Papa 8 on weekdays, dare to toast Papa 8 when they come to toast me now. So even Papa 8 has a few more drinks unconsciously.

Suddenly, I see a brother coming in and running to Papa 8 and whispering a few words to him.

"Oh?" Papa 8 looks at me with a funny look in his eyes and then whispers to me, "Little 5, someone is looking for you outside. It's a girl."

Then, without waiting for me to reply, he has smiled and says to that brother, "Let her come in and let all the brothers see which beautiful girl is looking for our Little 5!"

Everyone in the room are laughing in good faith.

I'm blushing a little, but I quickly distinguish, "No... I think maybe it's my friend who come to find me..."

Papa 8 doesn't say anything, just shaking his head.

Sure enough, after a moment, I see that brother comes in first by pushing the door, and then I see the girl who is following. It's Jojo!

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Miss Jojo's face is very bad. She looks very upset.

Her face is a little tired, wearing a short windbreaker, her hair is tied at random, and a scarf is worn around her neck. She's wearing a pair of small leather boots under her feet and walking to make the "cackling" sounds. And she's carring a small sheepskin suitcase in her hand.

When Jojo comes in with head and chest holding high, all the brothers' eyes are flying to her. Such an exceedingly fascinating and charming beauty suddenly comes in, she has attracted all men's eyes at once!

Her eyes do not look either way. She just locks me in her eyes, and then strides toward me.

There are many brothers whistling on both sides. Some of them are laughing and joking, "Little 5, your wife has come to you?"

There's no any expression on her face, so she strides up to me and puts down her suitcase. She looks up and down at me for a few seconds, sweeping her eyes from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, and then stay where I was wrapped in gauze for a few seconds.

"Are you injured? Is the injury serious?" Her first sentence sounds calm, even a little too calm.

She doesn't even ask me how I was hurt. What's more, in my understanding of her, although the tone is calm, but from her eyes, it can be seen that she is talking to me under the pressure of anger.

"I... I'm all right. I've had some skin injuries. I'll be all right in two days." I answer as quickly as possible.

"Well, that's good." Jojo takes a deep breath, then raises her hand, puts it on my unhurt shoulder.

Then, just as the onlookers are all laughing and joking at the idea that this sudden coming beauty is going to embrace me, she has raised another hand and slaps on my head.

Her eyebrows are upright, her eyes are round and her index fingers are bent to use the knucklebone to knock hard on my forehead, and questioning crisply: "Little 5, you bastard! Didn't I tell you, I would come back to you? Didn't I say I would call you? My plane arrived here last night. But you son of bitch turned off the phone!!! I called all night and couldn't find you! Finally, I was forced to go back to find that cissy with no face! You know, in order to get back to you, this time in Toronto, I almost buckled the plate on the face of that sissy's old man! I fell out with his family before I came back! As a result, in order to find you, I have no face to go back to that sissy! Then I finally found your address just now! As a result, I just know you went out early this morning to gamble your own life?!"

When she says to here, she's suddenly bursting into anger! Under so many public eyes, this female Tyrannosaurus Rex is suddenly picking up a plate of lunch meat from the table, and the whole plate is fastened on my face.

At the same time, I hear her angrily growling:

"You bitch! How dare you bet your life again! Shit! You can do it, but at least you have to tell me! Don't you fucking think I'm a friend?! In case you die, where the hell can I collect your body?"

My nose is almost buttoned flat by this plate. It's really hurt! I rub my nose and wipe the lunch meat on my face. I couldn't help laughing and crying but continue to listen to her angry shock waves against me.

"What I'm most angry about is not something else, but you didn't tell me before you go to fight! Haven't you ever thought of saying goodbye to me before you die?!"

At this point, Jojo can't hold back her anger and suddenly raises her foot, kicks at my calf bone, the unhurt one.

I groan bitterly at once, but looking at Jojo's angry face and her eyes, my heart is soft for no reason but to laugh bitterly.

All the men there are stunned and everyone are staring at her.

Silo, who's next to me, can't help but hold me up and whispers, "Little 5... FXXX. Your girlfriend is really tough! My God!"

"She's not mine..." When I said this, I feel that Jojo is looking at me with a murderous look.

Then the murderous look in her eyes disappeas. She takes a deep breath, then picks up the glass in front of me and sniffs it with her nose. When she finds it's just the water, she sprinkles it freely. Then she puts the empty glass on the table and asks me quickly, "Where's the wine?"

I quickly pick up the bottle and fill it for her.

She raises the glass, smiling sweetly, and then leans over to the crowd, mainly to the Papa 8, in a solemn tone says: "This old gentleman. I'm sorry I just a little too impudent... I'm a friend of Little 5, but today I see him hurt. I'm a little too mad. Just now I made a fool of myself. Please forgive me! Let me drink it all to make amends to you all!"

After that, she lifts her neck and drinks. Then she wipes her mouth lightly, and shows the empty glass to all.

Papa 8 is smiling. He give me a deep look, then slowly says, "Just give this lady a chair!"

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Immediately, a brother gives up his chair and asks Jojo to sit next to me. Then he runs to the other table and sits with others.

When everyone sit down, Papa 8 looks at me and asks, "Little 5, this girl is?"

"My name is Jojo." Jojo laughs quickly and says, "I'm not Little 5's wife. Don't get me wrong. But I can take care of him for the time being for his wife!"

As I'm about to speak, Jojo gives me a stare: "What's up? Do you dare not listen to me?"

I laugh bitterly. I know when Miss Jojo is in mad, I'd better be good and keep my mouth shuts up.

"Here comes the guest." Papa 8 smiles faintly: "Little 5 is injured. I need someone to take care of him. Since you're here, I don't think I need to find anybody else."

Jojo is immediately squinting and smiling sweetly at me. "Okay, let me take care of him."

My heart is cold...

I know how Jojo takes care of people. Basically, none of her pets can survive. No matter what animal she keeps, there is no way for that animal to live. Now, her family can only keep a turtle.

What makes me even more depressed is that it seems that all the brothers do not take my clarification seriously, but take it as a cover. For a while, many people come to make a fuss, and some of them take the opportunity to toast Jojo.

Who our Miss Jojo is?

"Drinking? All right!" She pats the empty glass on the table and looks at a toaster brother in front of her. "You say how to drink."

The toaster is a man in his thirties who seems quite honest. Facing with Jojo's amorous eyes, suddenly a little nervous, face is also red. Under Jojo's sweet smile, he's even stumbling.

Jojo is smiling, squints her eyes and says: "But I'm a woman, you look for me to drink like this is to bully me! Such a big man like you can't bully a little girl, can you? Well, I'll drink a glass and you'll drink two! See who loses first in the end! How about it?"

He's finished!

When I see that guy's face and eyesight, I know he's finished.

It's Jojo's unique skill, with a charming voice and a charming smile. Basically, when we used to hang out in bars, didn't know she had handled how many guys to chats up.

"Good!" Sure enough, under Jojo's deliberate provocation, the poor man pats his chest bravely!

"Well, if I drink one glass, you'll drink two! You can't act shamelessly!"

Jojo smiles cutely. Basically, it's deceptive when she's not in the mad mood. But very soon, the buddy's eyes are getting wrong.

Jojo picks up the glass in front of her, fills it in one gulp, drinks it all, and finally says without face changing, "It's your turn."

The man's face has become somewhat unnatural. But in the public eye, he can only grind his teeth and bring two glasses, all filled with wine, and then begins to pour into his mouth.

Basically, if you pour so much wine in one gulp, even a good drinker can't stand it.

The man has just finished drinking, and Jojo has raised her second glass of wine as if nothing happened. The man faints at that time, with a determined look on his face, like going to the execution court, grits his teeth and picks up his glass, turns his neck up and pour another glass of wine.

But Jojo doesn't drink this time. She just dips her cup with her lips and put it down. Then she looks at the man who has fainted with a sweet smile.

When he put down his glass, his eyes are completely diffused. His tongue is wide, spraying alcohol and says: "You... You haven't... No drinks..."

Jojo sighs and pats the buddy with a sincere look. Then she infinitely sincere says: "Dude, all right, I admit defeat! You win! All right?"

With this buddy being dragged away, no one dares to come up to Jojo for a drink anymore.

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After that, Jojo's fierce image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the brothers!

After the celebration dinner, Papa 8 simply says to me, "Take a rest for a while, and when you get well, I have something to let you do." Then he leaves.

Jojo personally helps me back to the room.

Papa 8 orders me to move to a separate room. Silo helps me move my things there.

I know these guys look at me vaguely, but Jojo just doesn't care. When everyone go out, she closes the door as if nothing has happened. Then she comes to me and says, "Take off your clothes and show me your wound."

"No, no need dressing change today. The doctor said, just change the medicine once a day." I laugh bitterly.

"Oh." She says nothing, but glances at the closet on the wall and opens it. She throws her suitcase on the bed, opens, and throws the clothes into the closet one by one.

"Jojo, what's wrong with you? You just said... What happened to you and the Winson's family?"

"Oh, it's over." Jojo answers indifferently, "That old fellow, I've already seen him disagree with me... Why should I marry his son if he says? That's the kind of person I'm most annoyed with. They think they are above others, you have to decide the fate of others, but you never consider the thoughts of others. If it haven't been for consideration that he's my father's friend and an elder, I would have smashed the dish in his face!"

"In the end... What's wrong?

Jojo sighs and drops the clothes on hand. "I went to see that sissy's parents. Originally, we said it was just acting, coaxing these old guys, and then deceiving them that we don't want to get married for the time being. After two or three years, we can think about it, and we just dating first. But when we met his parents this time, they said that they wanted us to get married as soon as possible. They also said that they wanted to have a grandchildson as soon as possible. Damn it! They want to hold their grandchildren, they may just go find any woman. Why do they simply want to have a grandson that I have to sacrifice my life?"

"Then…What?" I swallow hard.

"Then?" Jojo says proudly, "I say No to that sissy's parents. They told me a lot more, and the most annoying thing was that the sissy's father said that their elders had decided, and we had to follow their decision. FXXX! I asked them directly: Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to arrange my life? How do I live? What's the matter with you? That old fellow almost had a heart attack at that time, and then I went straight away, and then I came to you with my luggage."

In my heart, I feel a little no good: "You say... turn to me?"

"Of course." Jojo seems to take it for granted: "Come on, this thing will be in my old man's ears. He's going to be furious. If I go back now, am I not looking for death? I'll stay out of the limelight first. Thinking about you're in Canada anyway. I just come and stay with you for a while. My old man doesn't know you're here. The only one knows you're here is that cissy. But he will not say it, because he does not want to marry me either. If I disappeared and they can not find me, just good for him!"

I almost faint and say, "You... You say you are going to live here?

"Yes." Miss Jojo is smiling innocent.

"But... Do you know where here is? It's..."

"Papa 8's place!" Jojo answers quickly, "This garage is your base camp, I know!"

"You know... Since you know it, you still want to stay here? Is it possible?"

"Why not?" Jojo says, "The gangsters have no home? No relatives or friends? Don't think I don't know. The people in this garage are not really gang members. Papa 8 just gathers these people here and gives you legal status, just like a reserve team! If there are a new war, you can just be pulled out! At least... I've asked. Vancouver has been in turmoil for a while before. You and other gangs fight very hard, but Papa 8 didn't use most of the men here!"

I frown. "You even know these things?"

Jojo stares at me: "That cissy told me. Winson is a little annoying, but he do knows a lot... If it hasn't been for him, I couldn't have come here."

But then Jojo laughs and says, "Never mind, even if that cissy doesn't help me, I have another way... I may go and find our beautiful princess... She must know where you are!"

We talk and laugh for a while, and Jojo curtailes her smile and says to me, "Something, I think I have to talk to you now."


"Did you ever think that Papa 8 raises so many people and exercised and prepared in the garage every day, just like a reserve team? But just as they fought so hard in the past few days, they didn't let the people here do it at all. Why is that?"

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