Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 173

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"Have you ever heard of the airborne theory?" Looking at me, Jojo says slowly.

"What's it?"

"That sissy told me something about you." Jojo's tone is more serious than ever: "I listened to his words and worrying about you."

I smile and say, "What did Winson say?"

Jojo tells me that the so-called airborne theory is Winson's original words.

Our organizational system is very simple, even loose! But strangely, when you do things, you have a very strange efficiency! We place great emphasis on obedience and discipline within the organization! Unity of action! These are not like a gang, but rather like the army!

Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that many of the founders of the gang used to have served and retired in the army. Every time our gang acts on a large scale, it is always as fast and mysterious as the airborne troops operation.

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Generally speaking, gangs everywhere are more or less inextricably related to the local police. Originally, black and white are relative and coexist in the world. But we are not. Generally, there are no bases. It's totally guerrilla mode, shooting one gun then switch to another place.

Such a situation gives us a mysterious color, but at the same time, it also has a certain impact on the follow-up development of the organization!

Lack of foundation, we have soon been facing a situation of decline after the first generation is getting old. In this situation, the model of airborne troops began to mature!

Generally speaking, local gangs. They are already very familiar with the local police and know each other well. The police also understand that it is impossible for the gangs to disappear completely, so they mostly take "control" measures to manage their activities within a permissible range.

Such strategies are used in most parts of the world, so in this case. Almost all the dangerous elements in the local mafia have been filed and recorded by the police. Gangs are under the "semi-surveillance" of the police. In any case, the police can quickly grasp the first-hand information, whether from the police records, or some informants or undercovers can quickly find information and solve the case.

But these are all based on a long process of familiarity, contact and penetration! Our organization's "airborne model" does not allow the police to play such a major role in facing us!

Now there is a very interesting phenomenon: that is, the local people never do things locally! That is to say, generally speaking, some basic, small-scale activities in the ordinary time, which will not cause the police to suppress vigorously, will let the local people do it, but when big things happen, the local people usually do not involve!

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So what do we do when it comes to big things? It's simple! It's just like the scene when the war was going on in the past time! Papa 8 didn't use anyone here in the garage! Almost all the participants were mobilized from abroad!

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Such a practice will make the local police very headache! Because criminals are all from abroad, suddenly come, suddenly go away, come and go like the wind! The police can only monitor local gangs, but there is little information about criminal organizations abroad. Even through international relations to mobilize information, but the time is far too late to respond!

It can be said that the airborne model is precisely aimed at the police's "control-oriented, suppression-assisted" consistent strategy!

Of course, the airborne troop model also has a lot of drawbacks, mainly the loose organizational situation. Previous preparation and mobilization of personnel requires a very difficult organizational process. This is also why we seldom have large-scale operations in peacetime, but once there are large-scale operations, they are always very earth-shaking!

"Why did Winson tell you these things?" I frown and think fast in my head.

"He said this to me, probably in the hope of letting me tell you." Jojo just lies down on the bed and kicks me, signaling me to move in and give her some space.

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I throw a pillow to her, and then we sit side by side on the bed.

"Winson, this fellow... I always have a strange feeling about him... He's a man I can't see through." I sigh, "Maybe I'm a little sensitive to say that, but I instinctively think this person is dangerous!"

"I just think he's annoying." Jojo fumbles in my jacket pocket for a moment, then pulls out a pack of cigarettes, takes out two cigarettes, put them in mouth and lights them at the same time, and then take out one and hands it to me.

"He said that although you have a very good model of development in dealing with the police, this airborne model is very difficult for you to get a solid foundation for development. Without foundation, this is a fatal defect. No matter how big the action is, it's just a bustle. And it can also cause antagonism among other local gangs. That's why gangs everywhere are nervous about you." Jojo explains with laughs, "That's what that cissy said."

I smoke and sigh, "It makes sense... Well, every time we do a big case, the police will be nervous for a while and crack down on the Mafia. Such a situation, of course, would make other gangs very uncomfortable. The case is committed by us. As a result, the police suppress the underworld activities, they just suffer losses together."

"The conclusion is that your gang has no future. Despite your strong momentum, any Mafia organization must have a solid foundation for its development! But you do it on a predatory development model. Without a solid foundation, its life will not be long for such an organization. That cissy thinks that at most ten years, your gang will weaken."

I hear these words, do not immediately say anything, but mutter in my heart:

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That's not necessarily true!

We also have foresighted people like Papa 8! He has already seen the development route. This time, giving up the share of the drug business in exchange for cooperation with Hell Angel is his attempt to transform our gang.

That night, both of us finish smoking, lean against the bedside and sleep separately. At daybreak, I wake up with pain from the wound. Because I was sleeping on my side, I accidentally pressed the wound in sleep. When I wake up, I find that Jojo, who was lying beside me, has disappeared.

Look out of the window, it's a little bright and the room is a little cold. But I'm covered with a blanket. She should have covered me when I was asleep.

Then I hear the sound of water coming from the toilet. Jojo must be taking the bath. There's no sound in the room except the sound of water.

I accidentally catch a glimpse of a chair near the bathroom, with several small pieces of cloth on it. I'm stunned for a moment before I see it clearly.

Damn, that's lady's underwear!

I try not to let my eyes fall on that little translucent underwear, almost the size of a palm, but a flesh-colored half-cup bra next to it is jumping into my eyes.

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