Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 174

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I suddenly realize a problem: I'm going to live in the same room with Jojo for a while! Strangely, I seem to have just realized the seriousness of the problem!

She's a woman, and I'm a man! At the same time, we are not lovers! A healthy young woman, and a healthy young man, living in a room together, this is a bit complicated!

It seems that before that, I never thought of Jojo as a woman. I dare not say that to her face to face, or she will click me when she gets angry.

But that's the truth. We have been friends for so many years. Because of her sexual orientation, when we were playing together, it has become a habit for us to make fun of each other, regardless of the gender issues.

But now, we spent the night in one room. When I wake up in the early morning, I see myself lying in bed with Jojo's underwear hanging on the chair and the sound of water from the bathroom. I realize that the atmosphere seems ambiguous.

Just as I am wildheaded thinking, the sound of the water in the bathroom gradually stops, and then quiet for a while, and the door opens.

Although I'm ready for it, my heart still begins to be beating faster when Jojo comes out of the bathroom.

There's no light in the room, just some early morning light coming through the window. The moment the door of the bathroom opens, I see the light coming out of it, and then under it, Jojo is slowly stepping out.

Her hair is wet and she's covered with a bath towel. She tilts her head and holding a towel on hand. She wipes her hair slowly. Under the towel, her beautiful figure is moving. A bath towel can't hide her almost perfect body curve.

Her skin looks white and smooth in the light, just like milk. Because she sideways her head, her hair is drooping slowly along the left side, revealing half a round chin. In the light, the outline of her face flashing through my eyes, and then drowns in the beautiful hair.

She has almost perfectly neet slender arms, which like two white jades.

Then she slightly sides, then bends slightly. The bath towel covers just below her shoulders and above her knees. With her slight body-lowering, the most attractive curve of her is fully revealed.

The curve of the round buttocks is like a perfect arc. I look down the curve and see her bare legs.

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Jojo was born with a pair of long, slender legs. Her legs are straight and thin, but they are round enough and her calves are full. But when it comes to the ankle, they are incredibly thin.

Then it's her feet. She just stands barefoot on the ground. Small and delicate feet on the floor, each toe is crystal clear like a jade carving, beside the floor, wet hair is dropping water.

I feel my saliva secreting and swallowing constantly. I close my eyes subconsciously, forbidding myself to continue to appreciate. Meanwhile, I keep saying to myself, "She's Jojo! She's your best friend!"

When I repeat this sentence in my heart, I feel that Jojo has slowly approached me. Then in the dark, I hear she's laughing.

"Little 5, you're terrible at pretending to be asleep."

Then I feel that she's sitting by the bed.

In this case, I can't go on pretend sleeping with my eyes closed, but I feel very guilty. I open my eyes and see Jojo sitting close to me. She even put her legs on the bed and sitting cross-legged. God testifies, my nostrils are almost bleeding.


Doesn't she know that she only has a small bath towel on her body? Doesn't she know that under the short bath towel, she sits down with her knees crossed? Is such an action very, very inappropriate?

"You're blushing." Jojo has a smug smile on her face.

I sigh and breathe well to make my voice sound calm. Then I purposely glance boldly at her and say, "Jojo, don't you know that when you're with a man, you shouldn't dress like that?"

Jojo makes a face, then jumping out of bed, swaying her waist gently under the towel and slowly enters the bathroom.

I heard the sound of water again, and then see her come out with a plastic basin, still wearing only a bath towel, she goes to the bedside and pats the edge of the bed. "Come a little."

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"Why?" I ask, but I move my body as she said.

"Now, take off your clothes." Her tone is beyond doubt.

"Come on! What do you want to do? I'm a little embarrassed.

"Clean your body for you." Jojo sighs, "I've never taken care of patients. You're the first one. You can rest assured that I'll be careful not to touch your wounds."

I'm blushing. "Let me do it by myself."

Jojo looks at me and a little doubt flashing in her eyes. Then the slightest doubt gradually turns into a weird smile. Suddenly she is standing up and slowly turning around in front of me, showing a charming smile to me: "Little 5, what's your thoughts in mind? Are you excited in watching me dress like this?"

I cough twice to hide my emotion and sit up: "Nonsense! Would I be interested with a lesbian?"

I know I'm threatening in manner but cowardly at heart. But at the moment, I simply have a heart crossed, then sit down and take off my cloth, and take the towel from her hand.

The towel is wet when I hold it in my hand. I feel a faint fragrance on the towel. The fragrance is immediately arousing my reverie.

There is only one towel in the room. Did Jojo take bath with this towel just now? Is the scent on the towel a residual odor on Jojo's body?

I cough and try to drive this evil idea out of my head, and then wipe my chest and abdomen with the towel.

Jojo sits smilingly by the bed, and when I finish wiping the front of my body, takes the towel, hand-laundering it in the basin, then hands it to me again.

But I hurt my shoulder. It's hard to twist my arms back to wipe. Even under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a person to wipe his back.

Jojo glances at me and then says, "Turn around."

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I turn around in silence, and Jojo holds the towel between her fingers, gently presses it against the skin on my back.

It's my illusion, or it's my psychology, or it's real. Anyway. At the moment when her fingertips touches the skin on my back, I feel the muscle on my back tremble slightly. At the same time, it seems that Jojo's fingertips are trembling too!

When she's wiping my back, my muscles are tense all over. The process lasts only a few minutes, but I feel it's already quite a long time. Eventually, when my back was wiped off, I can hear both of us breathing a sigh of relief at the same time.

The atmosphere in the room is a little ambiguous and suffocating!

I even feel her last few wipes, she has loosened the towel, finger purely strokes on my back skin gently.

When I turn around back, I see Jojo looking at me resemble a smile yet not smile on her face.

As I'm about to say something, Jojo has already said, "Little 5, I ask you a question, you must answer it!"


Her smile is malicious: "How many women have you slept with?"

"..." I', stunned for a moment and then laugh and scold, "Come on! What question it it is?"

"Just ask. How many are they?" Jojo is smirking.

I shake my head at once and refuse to say anything.

Jojo pouts her mouth: "Hum, so let's exchange! I'll tell you mine, and then you tell me yours. How about it?"

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"No." I shake my head, and then I think about it and smiling sly, "How many girls have you slept with, I don't care... Otherwise... Tell me whether you have been with men?"

Jojo squints at me. That look is really thrilling! I shut up immediately.

"No. All women." Jojo says calmly, "I like women, you know."

This topic is a little awkward. I just laugh and do not go on.

But then she blinks, deliberately approaches me, almost sticking to my ear and grinning, "But I can tell you... The girls I have slept with... Half of them are not homosexual at all."

"... What?" I feel a little unexpected.

"That's not surprising. Many girls are curious. Girls with new ways of thinking and new human beings don't mind occasionally trying to stimulate." Jojo is smiling.

Then, I'm sure, she's smiling purely intentionally, looking at me with charming eyes and some strange expressions, lowers her voice and slowly says, "It's very interesting... Not gay girls, many don't mind sleeping with women... So... A homosexual woman may or may not mind having sex with a man... That's a big possibility. What do you say?"

Then, I feel the heat on my leg, and one of her slippery little hands is gently attaching to my thigh. Just as I'm feeling the impulse of my lower body, Jojo stares at me and looks excited. She seems to find the excitement of the New World, then jumping up and giggling.

I understand at once and yell angrily, "Hey! Jojo, you're kidding me on purpose, aren't you?!"

Jojo blinks at me, then licks her lips, and then raises the middle finger: "Little 5! When you were at home, did you not say that if you were with a woman like me, you would rather live ten years less? Now, you are still interested in me! Hahaha… "

Then she makes a triumphant gesture to me and proudly declares, "Jojo revenge, it's not too late for ten years!"

(Away mood now. No update for next week. Sorry!)

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