Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 175

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I'm in Heaven.

I'm in Hell too.

If I'm a God believer, I would think that Jojo is a femme fatale sent by God to torture men.

Yes, she is such a femme fatale.

I couldn't help turning the idea around and looking at Jojo at the same time.

She's taking the gauze and gently wrapping it on my wounds. Her movements are very gentle and does not hurt me at all. But the problem is that her movements are also ambiguous enough.

Her fingertips, as if intentionally or unintentionally, often gently scratch my skin. Her slender fingers are so dexterous that when they are slipping through my skin causes a little tremors. What's more, she deliberately raises her eyelids, glances over from time to time, and cast a charming look. Just such a look is enough to take half of my soul away.

I have no alternative to such a femme fatale.

"Jojo... I'm wrong... Is that all right?"

Ah, at that moment, she has stayed in my room for a whole day.

All day, Jojo was in my room, just wrapping in a bath towel! The snow-white thighs shook in front of me for a day, sometimes showing a little bit of spring light.

Damn! I really can't stand it!

"No... What's wrong?" Jojo looks up intentionally, innocent, with big eyes open, and looks at me purely.

"..." I can only look at the woman in silence, and then grins bitterly: "I admit defeat... I'm wrong, okay? I shouldn't have said that before..."

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"Now you admit I'm charming?"

"Yes for sure!"

"Do you think I'm attractive to you?"

"Yes! Yes! Jojo is the most attractive pretty of the world!"

Jojo giggles twice and leans over to me. I lay in bed, and she climbs over like that... God... I've tried to restrain myself from letting my eyes drift to her chest...

Originally, Jojo's upper body was very prominent. With this kind of crouching posture, her hands support the bed. Under the influence of gravity, the contour of a woman's chest is almost completely displayed. I'm even worring that the white bath towel will be hard to wrap up her breasts.

Her fingertips touch my cheek gently, and she laugh wearily. "Little 5, you're blushing again... Why's your face so hot?"


This is the time to change dressings. It's even more absurd when eat.

Jojo refuses to go out for dinner and insists that the food be sent to the room.

"Why not eat out?" I ask her.

She does not immediately answer, but first turns a circle in front of me, and then, consciously or unconsciously, lifts the hem of the bath towel: "Do you think I can go to the restaurant in this way?"

"You... You can change your clothes."

"Alas..." Jojo sighs, "Don't you know I came back in a hurry? I only have one set of underwear. It's all washed now. Unless wait for them dry, I won't go out."

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I roll my eyes and say, "Don't think I don't know. You used to go out without underwear!"

"People always change." Jojo smiles deliberately in a soft voice. She's blinking at me: "I'm a girl! Girls have the right to change their minds! Now I change my mind! Later, when I go out, I need to wear underwear and be a good girl."

I swear to God... When such a beaty in front of you, deliberately makes a pure look, and then with that sweet and tired voice to tell you that she wants to be a "good girl".

I could hardly help but want to go up and strangle this girl!

Okay, I admit defeat, I compromise! I call Silo to help me get food to my room.

I'm wounded. It's normal to ask someone to help deliver food. And I killed Sand Tiger and boosted the morale of brothers. They all regard me as an idol. It's no problem to ask them for a little help.

But when Silo personally brings the food and knocking at the door outside, Jojo deliberately laughs in a lazy voice and says, "Just leave it at the door, please..."

Silo asks outside the door, "Don't you need me to bring it in?"

"No need... We are not dressed." That's Jojo's answer.

My God!
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I fall on the bed with my face covered.

Now even if I jump into the Pacific Ocean, I still can't wash away this grievance anymore!

After a minute, there's no sound outside. Jojo jumps over and opens the door. Then she brings in a plate from the door and closes the door with her foot. Then, with a sweet smile, she comes to me and a greasy smile in her mouth. "Come eating, honey!"

"You... What are you doing? I watch Jojo sit in front of me with a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other.

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"Feed you." Jojo looks innocent: "You're not in good health. Now I'm going to take goooood care of you!"

"Ah, is it necessary?"

Jojo is suddenly staring at me, eyebrows turn upside down, and asking sharply, "Do you want to eat or not?!"

I… Eat!

Just a few food! Look at Jojo's attitude now, let alone eat, even poison I have to swallow!


"Wait, what are you doing now?" I watch Jojo gently spoon a little soup, takes a sip of the soup herself, and then put the rest of it to my mouth.

"Didn't you agree to let me feed you?"

"But... We don't need two people to use the same spoon, do we? Let's all use our own spoons." I sigh. Let me drink the soup that Jojo has tasted with the same spoon. It's a bit ambiguous.

"Do you think I'm dirty?" Fires are flickering in Jojo's eyes... This is a sign of her puzzlement! I hasten to say, "No! It's just... There are two spoons here."

Jojo does not say any word, but stands up and picks up the other spoon on the table, goes to the window, pushes open the window, and throws it out with one wrist.

She looks back at me, smiles sweetly, and then says slowly and casually, "Now there's only one."

I admit defeat, I completely admit defeat! If there are such adjectives as "great", "strong", "invincible" in the world, then these words should undoubtedly be accompanied by the aura of Jojo!

Maybe my prayers really paid off. The next day, Jojo finally put on her underwear because it finally dried up.

But it seems that my prayers are not religious enough. Because when Jojo puts on her underwear, she takes off the bath towel!

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"The bath towel has been worn for a day. It's dirty." Her answer seems to be taken for granted, and she does not seem to mean to wear any others: "Have you ever seen someone wearing a full suit at home? That's what I do when I'm at home. How comfortable and how to wear it!"

Then, on the following day, I'm forced to watch a whole day's underwear show.

I've heard an interesting saying: Erectile is not everything! But for men, it's absolutely unacceptable that can't get an erection.

But now, if the day is always in front of such an attractive femme fatale to keep erecting, this kind of taste, is absolutely more unacceptable!

Perhaps it was Jojo's efforts that prompted me to recover very quickly this time. Within four days, I was able to get out of bed and walk freely.

I have had enough of it! Really enough!

I have no physical defects, I am a normal man! In these four days, almost several times, in the face of Jojo's deliberate teasing, I almost jumped to her! If she's not Jojo, not my best friend, huh!

But even so, I almost couldn't resist it twice, but it's clear that it's okay for Miss Jojo to tease you! But if you want to do something to her, you'll die!

One night before, when I could hardly help it, Jojo didn't do much to resist. She just put her hand behind my waist and stabbed me hard with her pointed, long nails at the back and lower side of my waist, the tail of my spine.

It really hurts! No, it's not just pain! It's the feeling that when you want to burn up, suddenly a bucket of cold water pours down on your head!

After such four days, I have started to exercise in my room. Seeing me doing push-ups on the floor to vent my energy, Jojo almost laughs out of breath.

When I'm at last at ease, Jojo puts away all the hippie smiles, and then comes to me, takes a towel and gently wipes the sweat on my forehead. Then she sighs and says a word to me in a soft voice:

"Little 5, thank you! Thank you for your respect for me. I know you've had a hard time. I'm sorry to tease you so much. But you can resist it. It seems that you value our friendships very much in your heart, which touches me very much."

After that, Jojo comes up, gives me a hard kiss on the cheek, then steps back, blinks and laughs, "It's a reward for you."

(I'm back!)

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