Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 176

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Yes, Jojo seduced me like that, teased me, and I could still resist it. It's not because I'm silly, not because I'm faulty.

That's because I really value Jojo in my heart! Value the feelings and friendship with her very much!

If I didn't hold to really have the relationship with her. Yes, with such a beautiful girl, I know it would be a very pleasant thing.

And I could feel that in the past few days, at some point, Jojo and I have been feeling a little overwhelmed. Although she was deliberately teasing me, sometimes she seemed to have some real feelings. But these were limited to a few short moments. Most of the time, she was just kidding me.

If something really happens to us. Even there would be the most wonderful moment! It's still hard to make sure that we don't regret it when we're all sober and exhausted.

I cherish such a good friend. If because I couldn't help having something with her, at last I'm worried about whether our friendship will continue. Can we be as close together as ever?

I won't do such a thing as losing a good friend for a moment's pleasure!

However, I have to admit that after these days, it seems subconsciously that my friendship with Jojo seems to have been very difficult to maintain that kind of simplicity.

When I have recovered from my injury, Jojo and I still live in the same room, but she does not continue to tease me. In her words, "Men are all beasts, you are the same. But before you were injured, the lethality was greatly reduced, so it's okay to tease. But now that you have recovered, if I tease you again, I will be looking for trouble. I'm not that foolish!"

I begin to get back to exercise, at the same time, continue my study.

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I still follow Tiger every morning to learn about some business in the organization, such as smuggling channels, how to deliver, how to trade, how to avoid risks, how to sell goods. In the afternoon, I will be sweating in the gym!

Now the brothers in the gym all regard me as the leader! Although my age is small among them, but they all acknowledge my strength!

After all, under the gaze of so many eyes, I had fought to kill the best fighter of the local gang with my own strength.

Tiger has been very busy recently, and the time he meets me in the daytime is also shortening!

It turns out that since Sand Tiger has died under my hands, his gang has collapsed! Because according to the agreement, he lost, then his gang must disappear!

Other gangs does not intervene. On the one hand, the signing of the agreement was seen by everyone. It's a credit, a dignity and a tradition.

At the same time, these gangs seem to be a little timid!

Sand Tigers'gang collapsed, and Chinatown immediately empties some of its territory! There are restaurants, teahouses, hotels and a brothel in that areas, the one where I killed Sand Snake.

According to the original agreement, these territory were conceded to those gangs. But don't know why, after Sand Tiger's death, none of the other gangs dared to take over!

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It's a delicate situation... Those gangs, first of all, want to look at each other's action, but more of fear! Although we have verbally agreed that Sand Tiger's territory can be divided among them, we will not interfere, but it seems that inside the hearts, there is such a concern:

It's me killed Sand Tiger! That's why his gang collapsed! Among them, the other gangs did not make a contribution! If they divide up Sand Tiger's territory, even if we won't say anything, but in private, maybe it will be hated by us! At this moment, it's the time when our momentum is at its peak. No one will offend us in the face!

Tiger said that some Vietnamese gangs have extended their paws these two days.

After all, drug addicts take drugs every day, and those goats have to find women to express themselves! Those little bastards, nobody suppresses them, and they will inevitably make trouble!

Under such circumstances, the lack of management of this place is not a good thing! Tiger told me that Papa 8's word for this phenomenon: "If others don't want it, just take it. If we don't eat it, we will be sorry for ourselves! As for the Vietnamese, when is it their turn to be arrogant in our territory?"

So Tiger has begun to take over. Other gangs seem to have acquiesced in this situation.

"Are you interested in running this street?" Tiger finds me and asks, "You know that place."

I think and ask: "Is this Papa 8's meaning?"

"No." Tiger laughs. "I just want to ask you... Because I have a lot of things in my hands. Now you are in the limelight among the brothers. If you take over, no one will be dissatisfied. You can pick out a few brothers and then you're the boss of that street!"

I think about it carefully and then slowly say, "But... Papa 8 said he had other things to do. You heard our conversation last time."

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I notice that Tiger's eyes flashes an imperceptible light, but then he simply smiles and says, "Okay. If you don't want to, I'll tell Papa 8 and ask him to decide to arrange other brothers to take care."

The next day, Papa 8 returns to the garage and immediately asks me to see him.

In the office, he comes straight to the point to ask me, "I heard Tiger say. He meant to let you take over and do something. You refused?"

His tone is so calm that I can not tell whether he's dissatisfied or not. So I just answer him calmly, "Yes. Tiger suggested that I take over Sand Tiger's place."

He looks at me with a strange look in his eyes: "That place is not small. Don't you always want to be somebody? Why not take over? Besides, you don't have anything to do now. What's wrong with you taking a bunch of brothers as a leader?"

I laugh and slowly say, "Papa 8, have you forgotten? I remember you said, let me learn a little during this period, and then the deal with Hell Angel, you want me to be your assistant."

"But that place has a good income." He murmurs, "If you get that place, you have real power in your hands. It's better than being an assistant with me, isn't it?"
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This time I just look at him calmly: "Papa 8. If you let me do it, I'll go."

Unexpectedly, he laughs. Smile with a bit of complexity. Then he looks at me for half a minute, waves and says, "Okay, I have something else to do for you, and I'll arrange for someone else to take over that place... Well, what do you think of Silo?"

"Silo?" I think and say, "He's very good, and he's my good brother... But he's still very young and has never come out to do anything..."

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"Well, I understand, I'll let an old brother take over, and then Silo can go and be his deputy." Papa 8 sighs and says slowly, "You are all good young men... And we are all old."

I laugh bitterly: "Papa 8, Silo has told me before that he wanted to work with me. I also promised him that I would convey his words to you."

"Oh?" Papa 8 is a little unexpected: "What did Silo say?"

He frowns. This time he thinks very carefully for a while, and then makes a decision: "Well, I just have one thing for you to do... Let Silo go with you this time! If things are done well, it will be regarded as a test for him. When he comes back, I will let him exercise in Sand Tiger's place for one year, and then he can become the manger of that street! But if things go wrong... Hum, not only he, but also you, roll back and wash the car for me!" After that, Papa 8 is laughing and scolding, "You youngsters, there are so many tricks!"

I see that he's joking, and I laugh and say, "So what do you want me to do?"

"You go back and pack up. I'm going to let you go to Asia. You'll be back home first..."

My heart is beating.


But then I hear him go on saying, "Then meet someone in mainland and you can go to Vietnam together!" After a pause, he waves to me, motions for me to come to him, then lowers his voice and says: "There are two people with you this time, one is Tiger, the other is our contact in Asia. It's not a simple task for you to go this time. The following words, I say, you listen, but don't tell anyone... Including Tiger!"

His eyes are seriousm and flashing the sudden chills!

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