Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 178

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The sun is shining!

When I get out of the airport, my first impression is that the air here is so good! There's irrepressible excitement in my heart. Especially when I walk out of customs, I can listen to the familiar language.

The excitement in my heart soon appeares on my face.

This is a coastal city, but because there is no industry, the air is good. The sunshine is abundant, which makes people feel lazy and comfortable. Even though I've been flying for nearly twenty hours, I still don't seem to feel very tired.

We all feel relieved when we walk out of the airport. After a long journey, the first thing is to take out our cigarettes. For people who are addicted to cigarettes, not smoking for more than twenty hours is a real torture.

The exit of the airport is crowded with people. The airport is small and the exit is not big. I see a group of tourists walking by. I hear some of them speak my native dialect. Suddenly hear the accent from my hometown, I really have an impulse to cry on the spot!

I stand there a little dazed, with only one voice in my heart:

I'm back! I'm back at last!

I look up at the flight schedule. In this instant, I have an impulse to buy a ticket home immediately!

I've been out for so long. For the first time, I feel so close to home.

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While I'm in daze, Tiger pats me.

"Tiger!" Then there's such a shout in the distance.

I see a man standing at the exit of the pickup. He wears a baseball cap and a very casual coat. His head is very short, about around 1.6 meters, and the cheekbones are somewhat high. He's a typical Southerner. But it can be seen that although his body is thin, but not weak.

Tiger goes over, gives him a warm hug, and then pulls us aside.

"This is Little 5 and Silo, good brothers who come with me this time." Tiger introduces us, then points to the man: "Ponytail!"

The man looks at me and Silo seriously. Then he gives us a hug. His arms are strong. When we hug, I can feel the strong muscles of his arms hidden under his clothes.

"Let's go. My car is parked outside." Ponytail takes us out of the airport enthus.

It's an old red Ibiza with only 1.4 output volumn, but this Ponytail likes a madman when driving.

Can you imagine such a car speeding on the city roads at one hundred miles in the daytime!

I listen to the sound of the engine and I'm really worring that he would burst the cylinder when he's driving like this. But he looks like he doesn't care at all. When he's driving, he even has leisure to chat with us. But our topics are limited to the weather or some gossips. He never asks any privacy questions, not mention a word.

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This city is not big. But the small city naturally has the advantages. It's clean here! The air is filled with a faint salty smell. And the climate here is very warm, which is very different from Vancouver.

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We have taken off our coats and wear shirts only. Ponytail is a very enthusiastic host. He drives us around.

In the evening, he takes us to a big seafood stall by the sea, which arouses my great interest.

For me, since I went abroad, this kind of seafood stall has only existed in the memory of a valuable picture. Ordered a dozen beers, some barbecue snacks, and some scallops and squid and other seafood, and we sit around a dirty round table.

Silo obviously feels very curios. For the first time, he eats the stalls in a dirty place, which is incredible for him in the past.

He grows up in Canada, and in his conception, such a place for dinner might not be licensed at all. He watches us bite off the cap of the beer bottle, take a sip of beer, eat a bite of food, and then throw the sticks all over the ground. The boy feels very unused.

"Our ship is at night." There's no one around, Ponytail takes out an envelope from his arms and hands it over. "This is the tickets, a total of four. I will go to Vietnam with you. Here are our passes, and..."

He looks at Tiger and says, "Our target will be in the same ship. They have two people. Now let my people stare at them. Don't worry. They're at the dock right now, and they're eating dinner too." Ponytail smiles, "I do business, you can rest assured."

Then Tiger and Ponytail speak something. They're speaking in the local dialect, and neither Silo nor I understand any word. Looking at the way they laugh and talk freely, I affirm a few things:

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Tiger seems to be from this place!

He seems to come back often, at least not for the first time to meet with Ponytail!

After a few beers, the atmosphere is harmonious. Ponytail speaks more freely. He holds his cup and toasts with me, "Brother, is this your first time come here?"

I smile, finish my beer without saying anything. Tiger frowns slightly and takes a look at Ponytail. He immediately realizes, and quickly laughs and says, "Sorry, I drink too much and talk too much. Okay, I shouldn't ask these questions. I'll punish myself with a cup of beer!"

I drink a few beers and sweating a little. Surrounding the sea breeze gusts, blowing on the body really feel refreshing. I can't help standing up, leaving my seat and walking slowly towards the beach.

Close my eyes, touch the phone in my pocket, I really have an impulse: should I make a call home?

This impulse is stronger now than ever! My fingers are trembling, but I still not press down in the end.

Behind me, Tiger approaching me silently. He pats me on the shoulder. When I look back, I see he looking at me with deep eyes. Then he pulles me back to the table and we all finish the beer in cup!

At eleven o'clock in the night, we drive to the port.

Ponytail parks the car, takes out his own backpack from the trunk, makes a phone call, and talks a few words. Then he smiles at us and says, "Okay, they have out of customs and on board. We may go too."

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I follow in silence, raise my wrist and look at the time, 11:10.

I smile bitterly. From morning till now, I only stand on the land of my motherland for ten hours. Then I need to go to Vietnam by cruise.

There is a cruise liner through Vietnam, which can be arrived in one night. Here, the tourism industry is very developed, especially several famous South Asian cruise ships, all stop here, one of the most famous is the "Princess Gloria".

This is a luxury cruise ship registered in Panama, which can carry thousands of people! There are recreation centers, large restaurants, bathing centers, clubs, and, casino!

It's easy to get out of customs. Customs officers just check our documents and luggages, and then we take the ticket and board the cruise deck!

"Little 5, you and Silo live in Room 307, second-class. And we're at 310... Watch out for our next door! That's the target for this time."

The cabin is small, but clean, and has a separate bathroom! For a luxury cruise ship, these hardware facilities are quite good.

After we get into the cabin and sit for a while, just at twelve o'clock, we hear a dull whistle, and then I feel the ship is moving.

Silo and I look at each other, put things down and walk out of the cabin. In the corridor, we see Tiger and Ponytail are coming out too. Their eyes are watching on the end of the front corridor. Two men just go up the stairs.

There is a staircase to the left of the second-class cabin leading to the deck and then a door. Open the door and turn in. It's the entertainment center. So the four of us go into the entertainment center one after another.

My eyes fall on two men who are buying chips at the counter. One of them is my target.

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