Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 179

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The man in front is very fat, tall and full of fat. He walks a little shaky. Behind him, a tall man closely following him half a step away, with a serious expression.

This fat man is the target. His identity is very special.

He does not belong to any gang. It can be said that he is a marginal person, who's wandering between the major forces in North America. And his special point is that he has a close relationship with drug trafficking groups in Southeast Asia. He is one of the agents of the South East Asian Drug Trafficking Group in North America.

But in fact, he is half Vietnamese and can speak Vietnamese. Originally, he has a lot of business with the local gangs in Canada. The drug trade of those gangs in Canada usually come from Southeast Asia. And their contact is this guy!

But now, he has changed his ways! The local gangs compromised with us, making him turn to the Vietnameses. In fact, he has no habit of being loyal to any organization.

Once he turns to the Vietnamese, the Vietnamese can get a lot of chips from him, such as more sources of drugs, as well as information about the sales networks originally belonging to the Canadian local gangs. The Vietnamese are our biggest competitor in dealing with Hell Angels, and he will help Vietnamese in dealing with drugs. So there's no need for too many reasons. For this reason alone, he has become the number one target on the must-kill list!

And our task is clear: follow him to Vietnam, and when he contacts Vietnam, kill him with that contact. But no one can touch him until he contacts the contact person!

I don't understand why. But our task is that simple. The specific reasons are considered by the leaders like Papa 8, which are not concerned with me.

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I took out money and buy some chips at random, then I find a table not too far away from him. I pretend to chat with Silo and pick up my mobile phone to play. But I actually watch the target carefully through the reflection of the screen.

Tiger and Ponytail do not stay here, they wander around pretentiously, which is purely cautious. They walk around looking for other threatening people... We don't want to figure out the problem of hunters becoming prey!

We sit for ten minutes and my chips are quickly lost. But when Tiger comes by, he makes a secret gesture to show safety.

Our gestures are very simple, when walking, if his arms swing naturally, holding hands like fists means there's a problem! Danger and retreat! If the palms open means it's OK, just go on!

The cruise is still sailing at sea. Most of the tourists around are bored. In fact, many tourists choose to take cruises rather than flights because of there are many activities on the cruise ship! This ship is registered in Panama, so when it sails to the high seas, some special entertainment items on board will be open!

The fat man and his attendant sit there until two o'clock. I go to the bathroom once in the middle, and when I deliberately approach him, I see a bored look on his face. He fiddle with his chips at will, and keep looking at the time, seems idle.

After two o'clock, the cruise radio prompts that the adult program in the nightclub would start, but the admission fee would be extra.

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I see him stand up immediately and take his attendant to the door of the nightclub.

I smile at Silo and say, "Let's go, we'll go too."

Silo's face is turning red. I laugh and pat him. "Oh, are you still a virgin? Canada is not a conservative country."

By the time we enter, the nightclub is already dark. Around a stage, sitting around the audiences. I see that guy sitting in the first row. The seats here are also graded. If you tip the waiter, he will take you to the first row.

Immediately after we come in, one of the stewardesses on board leads us in enthusiastically with a flashlight. He asks me in a low voice. I take two bills out of my pocket and hand them to him. He quickly puts the money in his sleeve and leads us to the first row.

My position is just opposite him. I see this guy with a happy smile and a few bottles of beer on the table in front of him.

At this time, the music is playing! The light was already dim, suddenly all extinguish now! I am a little unnatural, because the instantaneous darkness makes me lose control of the target!

But soon, a light hit the stage, and then a charming figure is coming out slowly under the light.

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It's a girl, dressing in a bun, with a mask in one hand, which covering her face. She's wearing a three-point bikini full of shiny patches and a translucent shawl.

She pulles the shawl with the other hand and coming up twisting her hips. Then, amid the cheers of the crowd, she quickly raises that shawl and throws it on the ground.

Somebody's whistling now!

The girl deliberately grabs the steel pipe in the middle of the stage. She sinks and twists her crotch. It can be seen that she is good at pole dancing. You know, stripper is not just shameless and willing to take off clothes to expose body! It also need to give people a sense of beauty.

In the whistles of the audiences, the music begins to become exciting and powerful! The girl is twisting and then kneeling on the ground. Her hip is twisting violently and she keeps doing all the seductive movements.

As the light is flashing, she throws away her mask and finally reveals her face. Her appearance is not very beautiful, but the make-up covers up her defects and looks very gorgeous. She stands up slowly, then turns around. Do not know how she does, the button of her upper bra is opened.

I hear the whole audiences cheering. Then, as she moves, the girl dances while twisting, and occasionally makes several seductive moves to the audience.

Then she lifts one leg, takes off one of the high heels with the golden pheasant stands on one leg, and then takes off the other in the same motion.

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She walks slowly down the stage barefoot, close to the audience. She raises her finger as if to seduce every audience, while the other hand is always protecting her bra, making the wheelhouse of her chest invisible. Finally, with a burst of exciting music, she shakes her hand, lifts her bra and reveals a pair of plump and strong breasts.

By this time, the mood of the audience has boiled. The girl is touching her body from the top to the bottom with her hand, putting her bra under her crotch, making several pulling movements, sinking her waist, and twisting her hips constantly.

Someone in the audience has pulled out the money and waving it in their hands! At this time, the dancer steps off the stage again and passes the audience. Several audiences want to reach out and pull her. But she skillfully avoids. Finally she comes up to me and sit half-way across my legs with dancing movements, gently separating her legs. But in fact, her waist is raised, and she isn't completely sitting on me. She begins to hold my shoulder, twisting her hips, and making some tempting moves.

I have to admit that she is an experienced stripper. She first presses me on the shoulder, so as to prevent my hands from moving, and not to interfere with her dance too much. I just laugh, and then a note in my hand slightly slips into her belt at the edge of her underwear. She gives me a charming smile and then blows a kiss. After dancing for a while, she let go of my shoulders and leaves softly.

In the blinking light, the dancer walks slowly to the fat man. With a note in his hand, the dancer begins to dance around him the same way, and finally sitting in his arms in the whistle of the audience around.

At that time, in the blinking light, the light of the whole hall is flickering dimly. Suddenly a sense of vigilance is coming into my mind! This is purely my instinct, but also my ability after strict training and so many life-and-death tribulations!

I suddenly stand up, and the people behind me are very dissatisfied and shouting to me to sit down. I turn around and push him aside. Then I quickly go around from the back, knock over a table, and attracted a lot of scolding. But I stare at that fat man. The dancer is still wriggling on him, but behind him something seems to stick out. Something black and round…

Silo follows me closely, and I whisper to him, "Behind him! You go from the left!"
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I bent over and rush through the noise. And there's still a lot of noises and shouting around.

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