Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 180

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Behind him is a row of luxurious half-compartment, but now it's dark inside!

I flash over quickly, picking up a chair and then waving hard at the same time.


A strong drum blocks the sound I have made! With a collective cheer from the audience, the stripper takes off the last hint of her body: her underwear!

The audience begin to scream. The dancer is twisting with her bare body around the steel pipe. At this moment, the lights on the stage are directly focusing at her naked body! And beneath the stage, a mass of bobbing heads.

The chair in my hand waving past besides making a noise. I vaguely hear a small sound of "bah"!

I know, that's the sound of a pistol with a muffler! The man inside was hit by the chair and the shot missed! The bullet hit the ceiling and smashed a chandelier bulb! But in the midst of all the noise, the sound was not noticed!

Then I've pounced in! My hands pinch his neck. But he's so strong and quick to respond that he immediately pinches my wrist and tring to break me off. I immediately press him with my upper body. I can feel his elbow against my ribs and then hits me hard...

I gasp in pain, and then my thumbs are crushing his throat hardly.

In the darkness, we are all very tacit and do not make any violent sound. I clearly feel that he's quite good at fight He can even bend his knees in such a difficult position and push me away with the strength of his legs!

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I'm pushed aside and fall on the sofa. It's darker here than outside, and almost all the light is blocked by a curtain. I can only vaguely see the man opposite is a big fellow! After he overturns me, he does not immediately rush at me, but first goes to pick up the gun that fell on the ground! I immediately lift my foot and kick the gun away again, while flying the other foot and hit him on the face. The man grunts and falling backwards.

I put one hand on his neck and the other on his chest. I feel a little wet on the back of my hand. I realize it's his blood! Then I squeeze my hand hard. He's still struggling, but he's much weaker after been heavy puched. As I'm pinching his throat, he slowly begins to not able to struggle with lack of oxygen.

It all happens in just a few seconds! By the time I finally subdue him, Silo has rushed in from the other side. He sees that I have pressed on the man and makes a safe gesture to me.

I breathe a sigh of relief. This fellow has no companions!

It's still noisy outside. Silo comes up and holds him down with me. Then I give him a sign. He immediately understands, stoops down and begins to untie his shoelaces.

I tie the guy's wrist with Silo's shoelaces and hard hit him behind his neck, knocking him unconscious.

"Do you have towels?" I gasp for a few moments. But I know right away that I have asked an amateur question. Why does a man take towels? I simply pick up the mattress on the next sofa and wipe the bloodstains on my hands. Silo raises the corner of the curtain nervously and looking out.

Fortunately, no one has noticed yet! I don't want to get into trouble. Now the question is, how do we take this guy back to the room?

I take out my mobile phone carefully, look at the man's face by the light of the mobile phone, wipe the blood stains on his face, then take off my coat to cover his wrist, and half hold half carry him out. Silo grops on the ground and picks up the man's gun and hides it in his waist.

Silo and I each grab one of his arm out. As we pass the stage, we don't attract anybody's attention.

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All the audience's attentions are attracted by two strippers on the stage. They are obviously twin sisters, look alike and are petite and well-proportioned. They are twisting together naked, doing some very seductive movements.

Silo and I go to the back door carrying that man. The waiter at the door looks at us and says, "Can I help you? Sir?"

I shake my head lightly: "My friend has drunk too much, I help him back."

The waiter does not have any doubt it and watching us out of the door.

The nightclub has two doors, one leading to the hall. I'm afraid to bring a comatose person to attract attention, so I'm going through another back door! This door goes directly through the corridor to the outside deck.

When I go out, I see Ponytail is waiting at the door. He and Tiger are waiting at the two doors, respectively, for the purpose of guarding the outside.

Ponytail is smoking against the railing. When he sees we are carrying a man to come out, he throws the cigarette butt into the sea at once, and then coming over in a pretence of inadvertence. I make a look at him and he immediately realize. Then he walks past us and heading to the nightclub.

Now, he will take over from us and continue to watch the fat man! I guess that guy is still foolishly watching the strip show and don't even know that I have saved his life just now.

There's nobody on the deck. Most of the tourists have slept. The rest of the awake people are all in nightclubs or casinos.

We carry this man heading for a stairway in front of us. There is a passage to the room directly.
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Just at the door, the guy who has been dragged along by us suddenly opens his eyes! He quickly twists Siro's hand, then lifts his shoulder and throws Silo away! Silo is rolled out of the railing! Fortunately, he grabs the railing in time, but he can't help screaming!

I've already reacted! I immediately kick the man in the lower abdomen. He sideways and tring to hide, but the narrow deck passage prevents him from fully unfolding. I kick him against the railing. As I want to twist his arms, his eyes are suddenly flashing the absolute determinedly looks.

I'm knocked apart by him, but my fingers still catch his sleeve! He turns over the railings and then just hear a crash sound. His clothes splits and I watch him falling off the railings and into the sea.


The sea is splashing. When I stretch out my head to see, I can not see him any more.

I look at remain rags left in my hand and collect my wit. Silo finally climb back from behind of the railings. He has a little strain on his arm. He's wheezing gasping, and a painful expression on his face.

"What do we do now?" He looks down at the sea under the ship. At the moment, the cruise is still running, and the waves on the sea are not too big.

"No way." I sigh.

That man jumped down with the will to die! In the vast sea, jumping directly without any tools is no different from suicide. For this, I have a deep experience!

"I can jump down and catch him..."

I laugh and say quickly, "Don't talk nonsense. The ship is sailing very fast. You can't find him when you jump down. You can't be back either. We can't stop the ship! And you might get sucked in by the propeller and be hanged to death!"

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I drag Silo down the stairs quickly. On the way, we meet two crew members passing by us. They have no doubt about us and say "Good night" to us in a friendly way.

When I get back to the room, I immediately lock the door back and take out that remain half cloth of that killer.

This is a very common dark coat. I touch the pocket on it. It's surprising that I feel something in it! Take it out, I find it's a card. This is a door card. Actually it's a room card for the guest room of the cruise.

That is to say, this fellow likes us, also boarding as a tourist!

Room 320! The same floor with us too.

I look at Silo, think and say, "Give me that gun. Let's go to take a lool. You wait outside the corridor. I'll go in to check. If anything happens, I'll call you. If someone rushes out, you just stop him!"

Siro nods, and it's clear that he is a little nervous. I laugh and then pat him on the cheek. "Easy, it's just like an exercise."

I hold the gun in my right hand, cover it with my coat, hold that room card in my left hand and push the door out. Silo is just a few steps behind me. I signal him not to come too close.

I go to the door of Room 320. This is the last room at the end of the corridor. I first look around the corridor. There's no one there. Then I carefully put my ear on the door to listen. It seems there's no sound inside.

I'm just about to open the door with the room card, I hear a voice behind me:

"What can I do for you, sir?"

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