Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 181

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I see a waiter in a white uniform standing in the distance with a garbage bag in his hand.

I take a look at Silo. He stands not far from me, not looking at me, but walking straight back. I cough and say, "Nothing. I just go back to my room."

"Oh, but this is the cleaning room. It's a clutter store." The waiter approaches and smiles politely at me. He says, "What's your room number?"

"Utility room?" I'm stunned

"Yes." The waiter comes over, he takes out a card and opens the door with ease. Sure enough, there's a room with piles of debris, buckets and brooms, etc. There are also many tools.

I just glance fron out of that room. I'm sure it's full and impossible to hide people.

The waiter turns and looks at me, slightly wondering, "Which room do you live in, sir?"

"Well, let me see..." I laugh bitterly, pretend to be thinking, and then shrug my shoulders: "I forgot... Alas, my companion and I have separated, and I have forgotten my room number... Damn it, the rooms here are almost the same!"

The waiter is immediately showing a friendly smile: "Oh, then you can go straight ahead, then turn on the front stairs, go to the service desk in the lobby. And then you give your name. They can help you find out your room number... All you need to do is show your credentials."

"Thank you." My polite reply: "Your service is very considerate."

"Hope you have a pleasant journey." The waiter takes a bucket out, nods at me, then slowly leaving.

I breathe a sigh of relief and quietly put the gun in my pocket. When the corridor is empty, I whistle and Silo flashing out from behind. I gesture him to let him wantching outside. Then I use the room card to open the door of room 320 again.

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This room is very narrow, there is no bathroom. It is indeed full of sundries, let alone people, even a mouse can not hide!

I check it carefully and hope to find some clues. But unfortunately, I don't find anything! Then I go out and return to our room with Silo.

"It seems that my guess may not be accurate. But this room card must be of some use! There's no doubt about that." I sigh.

Silo thinks and says, "Maybe he hides his gun in it."

"Possible." I nod.

Before boarding, the safety check is the same as the airport! When passing the security check, all luggage should be examined by X-ray scanning. Tourists themselves also have to walk through metal detection doors, and customs security personnel will carry metal detectors for full-body scanning. It's really hard to carry a gun. So maybe he prepared to hide the gun in that room!

I sigh, look at Silo and rub my temple: "It's a bit complicated... Our target is being gazed by others."

Silo shrugs his shoulders. "Our goal is to kill him too anyway."

"Different." I laugh bitterly: "Papa 8 said that nobody can touch him before he meets the contact person! Our goal is not only him, but also his contact! If he had died before then, we would not have access to his contact!"

"Damn it, are we going to be his bodyguard?" Silo grins bitterly.

"I'm afraid so, Silo." I also laugh bitterly.

"Pity! It should blame on me. I wasn't prepared enough. I didn't expect him to wake up suddenly, if I hadn't been overturned by him..."

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I stop Silo from going on and tell him very seriously, "You've done your best! Even I didn't expect that fellow to wake up so soon... I think he may have been specially trained... You know, many experts in this field are specially trained. They are trained to fight coma, and they wake up faster than ordinary people after coma. And I even suspect that he was pretending to be comatose at first!"

A moment later, someone is knocking at the door. When I open the door. It's Tiger. He goes into the room. I look outside. No one there.

"Ponytail is staring at the target." Tiger asks us in low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Um." I tell him the thing briefly, and Tiger's eyebrows begins to wrinkle. Then I tell him our guess.

"All right." Tiger raises his head and slowly takes two steps: "We have to be careful. It's not easy. Someone wants the target to die before meeting the contact person. As for who did it and what their conspiracy is, we don't need to take care of it. The only thing we have to do now is to accomplish this task! About the other things, I'll tell Papa 8 to let him decide. That's not what we should consider. You understand?"

I notice that Tiger has used some imperative tone.

"All right." I nod. Silo can not help standing up straight.

"Now the first guy was killed. He jumped into the sea, at least for sure he was no longer back to the ship. I don't think a person who falls into the sea can climb up the ship without any equipment. He should be out of our consideration. But now, I doubt that there are still some of our rivals on this ship. Your guess is reasonable. The killer's gun must have been hidden in the clutter room in advance. By the way, the crew you met, did he have any questions?" Tiger's eyes are twinkling at me.

"No problem." I slowly say, "I paid attention to his hands when I spoke to him. His hands did not seem to be specially trained."

Tiger thinks for a moment and says, "Okay, now let's go back works. Originally thought it would be easy before the target met the contact, but now it doesn't seem like that. Brothers, it seems that we can't sleep tonight. Now we have to go back and keep looking at our target. We can't rest assured, Ponytail is staring at him alone."

"Where is he now? Is he still watching strip?" I ask.

"No. It's like going to a casino. But now he's surrounded by one more person besides the bodyguard." Tiger's tone is a little mocking.

"Well? Who is it?"

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"A stripper." Tiger puts his mouth down and says in a slightly disdainful tone: "The strippers on this ship are all part-time prostitutes. They can spend the night with you for only several hundred dollars."

I laugh bitterly, and then I can't help laughing and scolding, "This damn fat is really full of enthusiasm. I'm afraid he doesn't know that if I hadn't reacted quickly, his body would be cold now."

"What about this gun?" Silo asks suddenly.

Tiger looks at it and says plainly, "If you don't want to get into trouble, then on the deck, you find a place where nobody is around and throw it into the sea!"

I can see that Silo is a little sighing. He always likes guns, but when he was in the garage, he had no chance to play. This silencer pistol is undoubtedly very beautiful. For him, it is a rare toy.

I pat him on the shoulder and laugh, "Okay. When we get back, I'll lend you my gun for a few days."

The three of us go out together, then separate in the corridor from two different exits and go up the stairs.

The casino on the cruise is on the top floor. This casino is very professional. It can be said that this ship is not only a famous cruise ship, but also a famous gambling ship in Southeast Asia.

There is a special counter at the entrance of the casino to exchange chips. The staff of the casino are all dressed in uniform, and the security personnel in black are walking back and forth.

As soon as I enter, I have seen Ponytail standing in front of a table, holding two chips on his hand, pretending to bet, and opposite him is our target.
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Sure enough, there's a girl next to him. That girl is the first stripper I saw tonight. This is a small but well-proportioned girl. After putting on her clothes, I could not even recognize her. Her dress is simple, but very clean. At the moment, her slender waist is surrounded by the fat man's arm, her body is leaning on his body, and she is whispering to him with a professional charming smile.

"This fat is so cool tonight." Silo is indignant. I laugh and walk over with him.

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"Don't worry, he won't be able to cool tonight." I laugh and say, "I have an idea."

"What's it?"

"For the sake of safety, we'd better make sure that he doesn't leave our sight... Especially on this ship." I laugh and say, "But if he takes the woman back to the room, we can't go in and watch him. So, the best way is to keep him out of the room tonight and stay within our sight!"

"What can you do?" Silo gives me a look.

I smile mysteriously and say, "Watch him and wait for me."

I leave quickly, then go to the bathroom and pull out a small thing I have hidden in my pocket. Now I'm used to sewing a special bag on my underwear with a soft cushion inside. Because here hiding my luck measuring instrument!

I held the measuring instrument in my hand and begin to pray in my heart.

Looks like my luck today is really good!

Or I may say: my luck of fortune today is really good!

I breathe a sigh of relief and, with an indescribable complexity, take the ring from my neck that has been hanging on my chest. Gently put it on the middle finger of the right hand.

I walk out of the bathroom and go straight to the gambling table. I stand opposite the fat man and smile at him. "Hey, friend, are you interesting to play?"

He likes gambling.

OK, I will let him keep losing and not able to leave the table! Tonight, he won't want to take the girl back to his room!

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