Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 183

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With a slight smile on his lips, he points to Silo beside me: "Your young bodyguard is also good. A very good young man. Boy, shouldn't you be a simple man?"

He''s a little alert. I immediately smile lightly and say. "Well, man, I'm traveling. I don't want to talk about anything too complicated. We met at the gambling table, then sit down together for breakfast and enjoy a simple trip together. Why ask so many questions? I come out to enjoy! Those headaches, let's just leave in the office. What do you think?"

The vigilances in fat man's eyes slowly disappear.

Tiger and Ponytail are not around. They should be watching from afar. At least for the moment, I think I'm making good progress.

"At noon the ship will be ashore. Where will you go?" I laugh.

Fat man gives a stretch lazily and says, "I don't know. I just walk around and travel casualy... How about you?"

"The same. It's my first time to come to Vietnam." I smile.

"Vietnam is not a good place to travel." He frowns slightly.

"Hey!" I deliberately laugh and say, "Man, you're starting to get to these boring stuff again! Let's make an appointment. You don't ask me. I don't ask you either. How about that? That's more interesting! If we know each other's background, we may be able to establish a simple friendship during the trip, don't you say?" I sigh intentionally: "If we know each other's background details, maybe we will start talking about business and cooperation... God, that's too annoying. I just want to get rid of that and enjoy a relaxed life at the moment."

"Good idea!" He sighs.

I feel that he has completely reassured with me.

The more I don't tell him about my background, the more he won't doubts me! This is an interesting psychological skill, but very useful.

"You don't seem to be coming to Vietnam for the first time. Maybe when we get ashore, we'll say goodbye." I smile and say.

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"Not so quick." He laugh and say: "I come to Vietnam to do some business. But I will play for a few days first. By the way, where are you going next?"

I think about it, according to the information! I know his destination is Saigon! But if I say I will go to Saigon too directly, I'm afraid that this fellow would be suspicious again, so I smile and say, "Hanoi."

"There's nothing interesting about Hanoi." Fat man laughs.

"Never been there before, I just go and look around." I say.

"Aha!" Fat man is laughing exaggeratively.

Then we are talking about the weather and some interesting topics. In fact, it's very simple. Men have an eternal theme together, that is:


Yes, the topics of women always let two unfamiliar men quickly close up.

And that's almost exactly what I'm an expert on.

The stripper next is embarrassed. Although she also sells her body for money, but she seems to be a little unfit for our two men to talk openly about these pornographic topics.

I give her a deliberate look and then stare at fat man: "Hey, man. Are you going to keep this pretty with us all the time?"

Fat man laughs: "If I hadn't been addicted to gambling with you last night, I would be in bed now." But then he laughs and whispers a few words to the stripper. Her eyes are suddenly lighting up and impatient expression disappears immediately. Then fat man takes out a pile of dollars from his pocket and throws it to her without looking at it.

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That stripper takes the money, hesitates for a while, then she leaves quickly.

I laugh: "So much... Man, you're really kind. I can testify that you didn't touch her last night."

"No. It's just a deposit. I'm very interested in this woman," He says,"So I ask her to go ashore with me, as if find a woman to travel with me. A thousand dollars a day, that's not too expensive."

I sigh: "Such a woman, two hundred dollars a day, you can let her be willing to strip off and lie down on your bed. One thousand dollars a day..." I whistle.

"Just for fun! My brother!" Fat man is laughing loudly: "I am interested in her, I just simply want her! But last night because of you, I've wasted a whole night! I know a woman like her only costs two hundred dollars a night, but I don't want to leave the ship with regret. I think it's worth spending some money to make myself happy without regret."

"But Vietnam also has many beautiful women."

"Never mind, beautiful women, the more are the better." Fat man laughs unscrupulously.
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To be honest, I'm really starting to like this guy.

He's scurrility, even a little frivolous portrayal. However, he does this kind of thing which should have been placed under table boldly. Such a person is really an interesting fellow.

After a moment, he makes a suggestion that I couln't refuse.

"At noon, when the cruise ship comes ashore, we can rent a yacht. Then we can spend an afternoon at sea, and then go ashore in the evening. What do you think? He smiles and invites me, and then he tells me the real reason behind the invitation: "We can still gamble on the yacht. You're the weirdest gambler I've ever seen."

"Yes." I have no hesitation. Am I a bodyguard or an assassin? I'm a little confused myself too.

Princess Gloria docks at Ha Long Bay, a port in Northwest North Vietnam. It's a traditional port in Vietnam, but unfortunately, it's a shallow port. Large luxury cruises such as Princess Gloria can't enter the harbor and dock, so we can only berth on the sea not far from the coastline.

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Vietnamese customs officers board the ship and tourists begin to queue up for inspection and disembarkation. Small barges are approaching and carrying tourists ashore.

I see fat man makes a phone call for a while, then find the waiter of the cruise to arrange a private yacht for us.

When we are checked by the customs officers, I see Poneytail and Tiger boarding the barge with other tourists, and I pretend not know them. Silo follows me and continues to serve as my bodyguard.

Vietnamese customs officers carefully check each tourist's passport and visa, but it is clear that the energy of money is enormous in this place. We enter the VIP passage and enjoy the treatment of not queuing. Even the customs officers do not check our baggage carefully to let us go. I paid an extra two hundred dollars for this.

A white yacht is docking next. The bottom of the cruise ship opens a door, from which we cross the cabin and get on the yacht.

The crew on the yacht is obviously experienced and polite enough to say to us, "Welcome to Vietnam."

This yacht is very big. In other words, it is not a real yacht, but a small ship. I even suspect that it was modified from a common fishing boat. But there are sea breezes, sunshine and broad decks here. All this is enough.

Fat man never doubts me. I finally breathe a sigh of relief after boarding on the yacht.

The people on this yacht are very simple. I think the danger is far away. There are only me, Silo, Fat Man, his bodyguard and the stripper, and the yacht crew.

I ask Silo to check the credentials of the yacht crew. And I have a conversation with him, confirming that he is the employee of a travel company, renting the modified yacht for visitors to play. There's nothing suspicious about it. I think I may be relieved for the time being.

The scenery of Ha Long Bay is very beautiful. What makes me feel fresh is that there are many fishermen around. These local fishermen seem that they have been fully mobilized by the developed tourism industry. They chase yachts like ours on the sea with their own small fishing boats or small motorboats. They would approach the boat and sell local fruits, food, soft drink and beers or wine to tourists.

To my surprise, the prices here are incredibly cheap! Along the way, I've been gambling with fat man and have eaten countless tropical fruits bought from fishermen. In the evening, another fisherman came by in a fishing boat to sell seafood. It's a small motorboat with two fishermen on board. Their boat is filled with pots and buckets with all kinds of the fish, shrimp, shellfish, snails, lobsters, crabs and other aquatic products.

This gives me a thorough understanding of Vietnam's price level! I pretend to be very interested in bargaining with them, while observing the two fishermen carefully, and then confirming that they are the killers. I ask for the price of everything, and finally I laugh and say, "How much of all your ship's seafood?"

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They look at each other with a surprise and a sly smile. Then they make a simple gesture: "A hundred dollars!"

I shake my head and stretch out five fingers: "Fifty!"

To my surprise, they agree immediately! I realize that my offer is too high to get scalped.

The two fishermen are so happy that they don't even need the buckets and basins for seafood anymore, just move things to our deck. And then as if afraid of I would regret, drive the motorboat to leave quickly. I look at the whole deck of seafood bought for fifty dollars and feelt a little overcome with emotion.

A crew member is smiling and looking at us. "There's a kitchen on my yacht. I can cook a big seafood meal for you. Of course, it's not free. This service charges five dollars."

Fat man pats me and laughing, "What's wrong? Do you think it's strange? Tell you that in Vietnam, a family earns less than fifty dollars a month. The price you just offered is already a windfall for them."

Soon, the seafood dinner is ready. It's really a big meal. All kinds of fish, shrimp, shells and crabs are on the table. Unfortunately, there's no vinegar. When I ask the crew for vinegar, he suggest me use the lemon. Because lemon is also sour.

"My dear friend, I think we can go to Hanoi together tomorrow. But then we're going to be apart." Playing together for an afternoon, fat man seems to have a close relationship with me already. His eyes are slightly sly: "Now I really think you are a good person. Why don't we introduce ourselves to each other? Although you and I don't want to talk about business while traveling, but sometimes when there are opportunities for cooperation, don't let go of it! "

I laugh and wondering how to answer. At this time, a crew comes up with lobster and put the dish on the table with a smile. I'm just about to speak, but suddenly I hear a strange noise from the crew's throat!

When I look up to him, I see his smiling face, which is suddenly stiffening up. Then his face is darkening rapidly with pain. His hands are gripping his own throat deadly, and he's falling down straight finally, foaming from his mouth!

My first reaction is to jump up immediately and yelling, "Toxic! Food is poisonous!"

Just then, fat man's face is also changing. He's almost taking a step back like a conditioned reflex. The bodyguard behind him is immediately rushing up and covers him with the body. At the same time, he pulles out a gun and points it at me!

"Don't move!" Silo is shouting nervously beside me, and then he pulles out a gun from his back waist and points it to them too.

"We all don't move!" I try to calm down, trying to make my voice very sincere: "Somebody poisoned the food! It wasn't me! I don't think it's you, is it?"

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