Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 184

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The situation is deadlocked!

Silo's gun is pointing at fat man, and the fat man's bodyguard's gun is pointing at my forehead!

"I think we need to talk." I take a deep breath, smile and look straight into fat man's eyes. "What do you think, man?"

Fat man thinks about it and then says coldly, "I don't talk to people pointing at me with the gun."

I smile and then look back to Silo. "Put the gun away."

My voice is steady and my face is calm. Silo hesitates for a moment, but he trusts me very much and does so.

I take a deep look at him. Obviously, the kid didn't listen to Tiger and throw the gun away. He even took the gun off the cruise.

"Well, now I have shown enough sincerity." I look at fat man and say steadily, "How about you?"

Fat man's eyes also calms down, and then he comes slowly from behind, presse bodyguard's hand which is holding the gun down: "OK, we can talk now."

"The food was poisoned, not by me. There're only two people on my side on the yacht, me and my bodyguard." I say coldly, "You rent the yacht, too!"

Fat man says, "Not me either."

Realizing something, we are whispering together: "That woman!"

We exchange glances, and my heart settles down: I bet right, he believes me! Together we ran towards the kitchen on the yacht.

The kitchen is just at the stern. There is still a smell of seafood in it. There is a trash can on the ground. There are some shrimp shells and crab shells cleaned out.

This is a narrow space with a kitchen knife on the table. I don't speak, pick up the kitchen knife and hold it with backhand.

"At the bow of the yacht!"

The stripper was with us all afternoon. When we were talking and enjoying the sea breeze and waiting for seafood meal, she has changed into a swimsuit, also smeared sunscreen and lay down in the bow of the yacht to bask in the sun.

As we are rushing to the bow, fat man is carefully hiding behind his bodyguard's body.

The bow is empty and a blanket lies on the deck. That woman has disappeared!

I sigh.

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"She won't be afar from here."

Fat man's eyes light up and he understands what I say. Seafood is just bought, and poisoning must be done in the cooking time. It's not long before now!

There's no boats passing by. Unless she can swim back to shore! It's quite possible. After all, it's very close to the coast and the sea is calm now.

Is there a diving device on board? We immediately begin to search from the bottom cabin. Finally, we find an empty compressed oxygen cylinder in the cab! I recognize it at a glance. This is for diving.

Since there is an empty oxygen cylinder, there must be a full one too! She must have gone scuba diving.

I sigh, it seems that there is no way to catch her up. If she's swimming on the sea, it's not dark yet. We would have a good chance to find her if we search carefully. But if she's diving away, there would be no way. In such a large area of sea, none of us has a diving device and it is impossible to find her.

Obviously, fat man and I are not the kind of indecisive people. Since we have no chance to find the suspicious woman, we soon sit down together again.

I still pretend to be silly and look at him slowly say, "Man, although I don't know who you are, I think this is targeting you, right?"

The muscles in the corners of his eyes are still beating, and he seems to be a little frightened. If it weren't for that crew member, we would have died of poisoning. I'm afraid we're both dead now! To be honest, I have some fear in my heart too.

I just re-examined the kitchen and found some traces. Obviously, the dead crew member was really unlucky. After cooking, he, like many cooks in the world to taste it first. As a result, it took his life!

Fat man doesn't say anything, nor does he deny my guess that it was targeting him. The expression on his face is somewhat gloomy. I know his mood is not very stable at the moment.

"Man, you should be appreciate for your lucky." I deliberately laugh, "You think, if that stripper really came to kill you, so if you two came back to the room last night..."

Fat man's expression is uglier now. The fat on his face are shaking fiercely and he's swallowing hard!

My meaning is simple: if that woman is a killer, I luckily dragged him in the casino last night and didn't let him go back to his room! If he really took that woman back to the room, he might already be a corpse now!

After a long silence, he finally looks into my eyes and squeezes out a smile, difficultly says with hoarse voice: "My brother, it seems that I need to thank you. You saved me once."

"You're welcome." I know it's time for me to play. With a cold face, I say lightly, "Man, I'm not as open-minded as you are. Damn it, I almost got killed with you just now! From this point of view, you are really a dangerous person."

I know that it would be doubtful if I continue to be intimate with him at the moment! According to the psychology of a normal person and a general friend who just know each other, it's okay to talk and play with each other. But being dragged to death by the other one, anyone will be fear! The first reaction should be to avoid and leave each other far away! So the more I act indifferent to him now, the more I pretend to be distant from him, the more he will trust me!

We are all frightened. After a short rest, fat man was thirsty and about to turn to fetch water. I suddenly hold his hand, look at him with a twinkling eye and say with a bitter smile, "I suddenly thought of something. I'm afraid we all guessed wrong! We only suspect that the woman might have poisoned the food, but we forgot one thing..."

My eyes are staying on the teapot on the table!

Water! It's water!

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Freshwater on board is limited. That woman doesn't need to poison the food at all. She just needs to poison the water! Because seafood need to be washed with fresh water before cooking!

The teapot on the table was filled up before we got on board. Thank goodness, we didn't drink much water all afternoon. If we finish drinking the water in the pot and go to refill it. I'm afraid all the people on board are dead now!

Fat man is not a foolish. He sees what my eyes are pointing at and understands what I mean. He has already sweated cold on his forehead, takes out a paper towel and wiping. He curses in a low voice, "Bitch! If I saw her, I would skin her!"

I sigh, take a look back at Silo, and sit back a little deliberately to keep a little distance from the fat man. I pretend to be embarrassed and say, "Man, although I don't like to ask these questions, it's not my business at all. But now the problem is, I'm already involved. Just now, I almost died here together with you. So I have to ask you a question." I stare into fat man's eyes. "Who the hell are you?"

He's smiling, and I can see that there's a camouflage in the smile. Then he says, "Do you really want to know? I'm afraid my identity will be a problem."

I frown and look at him coldly on purpose: "there won't be more trouble than death."

"What about you?" His eyes are precisely looking to my hands, and he says coldly, "Your fingers are long, but the cocoon is obvious. Don't think I can't see it. Although you pretended to be a playboy to tease that bitch, gamble well, and even know wine and women very well, your hands can't be hid. You are good at fighting and shooting! The cocoon in your hand is from gun training, right?" He slowly says, "Besides, you were calm about death just now, which shows that killing is not a very shocking thing for you!"
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I smile. Unexpectedly, this obscene fat man really has a delicate mind that does not match his appearance.

"Yes, I do have my identity. But it doesn't have much to do with you." I say lightly, "I just met you once in a while, and I don't want to get into trouble. But now the problem is... I almost died here."

"It seems that we all have some secrets of our own." Fat man is smiling at me and says, "What about this thing right now? Do we need to call the police?"

The two of us look at each other for a moment and laugh at the same time. The ridiculous words "call the police" really shouldn't come from people like us. Obviously, we all believe that each other are the person who walk in the underworld.

"Man, you really have some problems." I slowly say, "For the sake of getting along well with you before, I'll give you a suggestion. You'd better find more people to protect you as soon as possible. After landing, you'd better leave here at once. Otherwise..."

He does not speak, I continue to say lightly, "Maybe I can help you."

I don't look at him and pick up the cup on the table, pour some water in. This water was in the teapot when we got on board with no problem.

"Interesting." He smiles maliciously, stares at my eyes, and steps back a little, "I'm in trouble, then I just met you... It's like trying to sleep when someone immediately brings a pillow. I never believe such a coincidence like this!"

I notice that he steps on his bodyguard, and that bodyguard immediately lifts the gun. I have to say that his bodyguard is good, at least he pulls out his gun very quickly. But I'm faster!

The cup in my hand quickly presses towards him! With a tinkle, the muzzle of the tea cup is placed on the muzzle of the gun, and it is hit to be raised high!


The bullet is shot out and pierced the cup, splashing fragments, and even cut my finger. But in the meantime, I've pinched a piece of glass and quickly stab in front of the throat of his bodyguard!

Fat man sits on the chair and looks at me helplessly. His bodyguard is as gray as dust. I slowly pick up the gun from his hand. He dare not move his neck at all. Because the sharp fragment is deadly staying against his throat, and I can cut his throat as long as I push a little hard.

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I look down at fat man and sneer, "Look, if I want to kill you, now your life is mine! You don't have any chance to resist."

"I believe in you." His face has turned pale.

I sigh intentionally, off the cartridge clip, throw the gun on the table at will, and push it away gently. I deliberately and easily laugh and say, "Man, you're really lucky. You know, I never kill for free. So I won't kill you."


"Did he really believe in you?" We drive the yacht to an unmanned place and land at will. Seeing fat man and his bodyguard walking ahead, Silo asks me in a low voice.

"No." I shrug my shoulders: "Trust will be strange! How could there be such a coincidence? He was assassinated while traveling, at the same time, he made friends with a senior killer on vacation, and the killer was willing to protect him. The plot is just a movie. Who believes in such a story?"


I press Silo's shoulder and make a silent gesture: "Shh! He's not a fool! How could such a person be a fool? He just can't figure out what I'm doing right now, and he really needs help now, and my performance proves that I'm harmless to him. That's all."

Really, fat man may guess if I'm a cop or if I'm an Interpol. But anyway, I'm not the killer to kill him!

The present situation. Under my arrangement, it looks like this: Silo and I are two extraordinary people with good fight skills. We are traveling and met fat people for a while. We don't know each other's real background, only guess that we are all gangsters. Fat man was assassinated. By coincidence, I saved him, but we were also involved ourselves. Under our mutual trial, I decide to give him a hand out of my favor. And he needs my help now too. He just needs to make sure I'm not here to kill him.

He starts calling. As he finishes his call, his face is less confident: "Brother, I think I can make a decision." This time he looks at me sincerely and says, "I need your help."

"Decided?" I smile and say, "I hope you don't need my help. At least I'd like to travel carefree."

He says slowly, "My trip was arranged by my friend, but the killer came to kill me when I arrived. So the answer is obvious. Nobody can be trusted now before I know who did it. I won't treat anybody as a friend easily. I must go to Saigon alive! Now I can't call my local friends. I don't want to be assassinated again." After a pause, he looks at me and says, "Although I don't know who you are, at least you have a chance to kill me, but you didn't do it. I can treat you as a friend for the time being. A new friend with a deep background and a chance encounter with me."

I blink at him and laugh, "Tell you a secret. In fact, I'm a policeman. I'm here to catch you."

"Ha ha ha ha..." He's laughing exaggeratively and then scolding with a laugh: "If you're a cop, I'm the fucking President of the United States!"

I crook my head and laugh at Silo standing in the distance. Silo immediately walks away and make the call. He's going to report our whereabouts to Tiger. Then Silo comes over and hands me the phone. I look up at fat man and go to the side to answer the phone.

"You just go with fat man to make sure he's safe, and then I'm waiting for you over there." In the phone, Tiger warns me again, "Be safe and, if necessary, kill him first. If something goes wrong, I'll take charge of Papa 8's challenges."

I hang up without saying anything.

"How is it? Do you have any trouble, brother?" Fat man looks at me.

I also look at him without evasion: "Yes, the biggest trouble I have now is you. You have ruined my vacation. I really should have killed you."

He laugh: "Rest assured, I will compensate you."

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He comes and walks with me, this time in a serious tone: "I come to Vietnam to deal with some business matters. I have some business connections here, but now I can't trust them. After all, they arranged all my trips. I don't know... Or my enemies are hidden in them. But I have to meet my partner. I can only trust him completely. Before I see him, I can't trust anyone else. So..."

I rub my temples on purpose and say with a wry smile, "So now you ask me for help, don't you?"

"You are a very interesting person. Maybe the acquaintance with you is the greatest reward of my trip." He looks into my eyes with a smile. I know there's a lot of camouflage in it, but I'm still in the mood. Maybe in a few days, I'll kill this man myself.


We walk for a long time before we stop a taxi. Then take the taxi takes us to an entrance of the highway. Sure enough, fat man knows Vietnam very well. He laughs and tells me that there is only one highway in North Vietnam, and it's built very generally. I look at it and find his word is right.

We have waited by the roadside and wave to every bus that come across. Finally, a bus is stopped.

We're lucky. It's a bus to Hanoi. The bus looks very old. There aren't too many passengers on the bus. After we get on, we sit in the last row.

"Brother, when Hanoi arrives, I'll take you to have a good time!" Fat man smiles at me and says, "I'm pretty familiar with Vietnam. Vietnamese beauties are very enthusiastic!"

I pout my mouth and say with a bitter smile, "Beauties?"

In fact, in my impression, women in Southeast Asian countries, especially in Vietnam, are thin and small. It's really hard to say that there are too many beauties.

"You don't know Vietnam." Fat man is smiling with emotion and says, "You can't see any beautiful woman in the street at all. But in the night, when I take you to some high-end places, you will find that almost all the beautiful women in Vietnam are concentrated in those places."

I deliberately make a very interesting appearance and listen to him continue: "Vietnam was almost built on the ruins of war. In the past few years, Vietnam has been experiencing economic difficulties and has been trying to develop tourism vigorously. But the foundation here is too poor, there is no good tourism resources. Neighbouring Thailand is far ahead. So Vietnam has put forward a slogan..."

"What is it?"

He smiles and then says, "Sacrifice a generation of girls to improve Vietnam's economy."

What hell? I'm shocked.

It's really…

He gives me a triumphant look and smiling, "Don't you know, just several years ago, in some places, you can buy a young virgin as a wife at the expense of money. And such a transaction will be considered legal! You will be considered the owner of that girl, her owner! The price seems to be around one to two thousand dollars."

I look at Silo next to me. Obviously, Silo, who grew up in Canada, can't help but show an incredible expression about such a thing!

I sigh, pat fat man, and grin bitterly: "Man, we are running away now! To be able to survive, let's talk about that then."

Just then, the bus is suddenly slowing down.

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