Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 185

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With the deceleration, the bus has moved out of the highway and into an ordinary road. I know, it should be near the destination.

It's already more than eight o'clock and already completely dark outside. The bus reaches a passenger station.

When four of us walk out of the station, fat man and I are in the front, Silo and fat man's bodyguard are in the back. I clearly feel that when the bodyguard faces us, there's a complex expression on his face and maybe even some hostility. I understand that this is because when I was on the yacht, I easily overpowered him. I'm afraid he still feel a little ill-affected.

"We need to keep a low profile." I sigh and say, "That yacht is still parking at the seaside... In case someone finds... "

Fat man is smiling: "That's in Ha Long Bay. The body of the poisoned crew has been thrown into the sea. When I rent that yacht, I arranged it through my friends in Vietnam. So don't worry, they can't find us now. As for the police here, let me tell you, they're nothing!"

I smile. After all, he knows Vietnam better than I do, so I have no objection.

Out of the passenger station, the public security immediately leaves me a deep impression!

As soon as we get out of the gate, we are surrounded by countless taxi drivers. A swarm of people are gathering us warmly. Some speak stiff English, some speak Vietnamese, and some just come and drag us away. These drivers pick up passengers at the station all the day.

A dozen of people are surrounding us, and some beggar like children also crowd in. I feel someone trying to touch my pocket. I shout at once, push a guy in front of me with both hands, and then catch the hand that is drawing my pocket.

I look angrily at the person I hold his hand. This is a boy. He looks at most ten years old, very thin, face is dirty. He looks at me timidly.

The anger on my face disappear a little bit, and then slowly let go of him, just coldly say in English: "Go away!"

Other people are also a bit entangled by these drivers. Silo and that bodyguard are guarding fat man to go out. Those drivers, like sticky candy, come and pull our clothes all the time. They are just a bunch of scoundrels!

Silo is a little upset. He grabs a man closest to him by the shoulder and throw him away. Then he kicks down another man next to him, grabs fat man's hand and running forward. This is a disaster. A group of people are surrounding! The other drivers who were originally standing on both sides of the road are all rushing up.

Silo stops. He uses his body to protect fat man to step back. He stands in front of those people and staring at them angrily.

I hurriedly go up and hugging him back, then fat man is immediately shouting a few words in Vietnamese to these rogue drivers. I don't know what he said, but after listening to him, these people are obviously hesitating.

Fat man continues to say a few words to them, then takes out several bills from his pocket, bents over and put them on the ground, spreads out his hands and steps back.

He continues to say something loudly, and the atmosphere is a little less tense. These rogue drivers are less pressing. We continue to retreat. I see someone comes up to pick up the money on the ground, takes a look, waves and shouts something to the drivers behind him, and everyone just evacuate.

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Fat man turns around. I see some perspiration on his forehead, which is obviously a little nervous just now.

I frown and haven't spoken yet. Silo is a little upset and says coldly: "Why did you give them money just now?"

Fat man leads us out of the station and walking quickly to the street. At the same time, he takes a look at Silo, with a kind of mocking tone says: "Boy! Do you think you can fight well? You're not afraid of those guys?"

"We don't pay attention to them at all," says Silo proudly. Then he pats the waist, "These are just a bunch of rogue drivers."

"Yes, they are really a bunch of hooligans in the station." Fat man says seriously, "Generally speaking, these guys are not so friendly because they are aiming at the foreign tourists."

He points to the station behind us and says slowly: "These guys make living together in the station, they are very united! They can find hundreds of people at once! How many more can you fight? Ten? Twenty? Hum... Don't count on the police. I tell you, the police are useless here. This kind of thing won't find justice for you."

"But we have guns." Silo is still recalcitrant.

"Gun?" Fat man is laughing. He goes to pat Silo on the shoulder and says, "Boy, where do you think here is? This is Vietnam! Vietnam!!!"

As soon as he's walking, he is saying in a mocking tone, "Vietnam was almost always in war in the last century! First with the French, then South Vietnam with North Vietnam, then with the Americans, and finally with China... Vietnamese have been through the wars! Guns? I tell you that the number of guns in Vietnam is definitely among the most in the world! Believe it or not, there must be a lot of people with guns in their cars, just like the drivers at the station!! Do you know that in the last century's wars, Vietnam was almost all soldiers! Even now, if you go to the countryside and pull any old lady out and give her a gun, she can use it very skillfully!" He gives Silo a mocking look. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Silo is silent for a while, then he takes a deep breath, nods to show understand.

I come and pat Silo on the shoulder and smile to him. This young man, after all, is still lack of discipline and experience of going out. It's normal for young people to have a short temper. Besides, I really like this brother. I need to comfort him properly.

We almost walk out half of the street before we stop a taxi. This is the regular taxi, and the drivers in the station drive unlicensed cabs.

Fat man is really familiar with this place. He immediately says a name of a hotel after getting on the taxi. He says that this is the best hotel in the area. As for whether it is true as he said, only God knows.

As the taxi drive into the city center, I see the streets on both sides of the car are a little alive, but I feel that most of the houses are short, shabby and narrow. Most of them are residential buildings. Basically, there's only few high-rise building with seven or eight floors. Obviously, the economy here is underdeveloped. The stores on both sides are more like night market stalls.

I also find a very strange phenomenon. Many disabled people can be seen in the street, including middle-aged men, old people, some without arms and some without a leg.

"These are all left by the wars." Fat man sighs: "Vietnam is only 30 years from the end of the last war. In the last century, Vietnam has been fighting almost all the time. The proportion of population in the country is also very unbalanced. There are fewer men and more women. And many of the men who survive are disabled."

Our taxi finally stops at the door of a hotel. Thankfully, the hotel looks good from the outside at least. The hotel is clean as a whole. A doorman comes to help us open the door.

Just then, I suddenly hear a rush of sirens coming from the street behind me! And then I see several police cars galloping across the street! After that is a military truck, the back of which is full of armed soldiers in uniforms and guns! Then another military truck, also full of soldiers.

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I frown and look at fat man: "What's the matter? Accident here or a coup?"

Fat man asks the doorman casually. After the doorman replies, he tells me calmly: "It's OK, normal thing... It seems that there is a security problem in the Square ahead. It's just a small public order conflict. Such incidents often happen here."

I am speechless...

A small security problem requires so many police, even the army?

He sees my doubts and smiles: "Brother, you really don't know Vietnam. This is how it is here. I said that the police here are useless, because the common people are very fierce, many people even have guns at home. If the police cannot control the situation, they can only rely on the army. Don't worry. It's normal. Let's go into the hotel and have a good rest. Well, now I really want to have a drink!"

I take a look at Silo and find he is looking at me too.

I suddenly realize that when we were at the station, if it wasn't for fat man to intervene in time, we would have clashed with those rogue drivers, which would also be a "small public security problem", wouldn't it?

"Cheers!" I raise my glass with fat man, and then drink the whole beer at a draught. Silo and the bodyguard of fat man are also sitting nearby, but the two guys seem to be still not quite right with each other. They look at each other and drink the beer without saying anything.

We're sitting on the top floor of the hotel. This is a bar. Well, the decoration is pretty good, but it's the kind that mixes the western restaurant with the bar.

It's called a bar, but there's not much to choose from. As for beer, there's only one choice: Tiger.

But to be honest, it's cool to drink beer here. Because a bottle of beer here is 40,000 Dong, which is only three dollars. We bought 25 bottles at once, for a million Dong.

It costs a million to drink beer. If you don't think about the real value of the money, it's pretty cool to just say the numbers.

I put down my glass and take a look at fat man. He seems to be in a better mood. What happened to us at sea today seems to be fading away. In fact, such an identity as him is usually a life of wandering on the edge of a knife. The threat of death has become commonplace.

I ask him: "Man, what are you going to do next?"

"Keep going south. I can't get in touch with my friends in Vietnam anymore. I can't trust them now," Say fat man, "Now they don't know where I am. Hum, only when I arrive Saigon can I have the only one I trust! Now, my brother, only you know I'm here. Besides, in Vietnam, I've been ghosting! Ha ha... "

I take a look at him on purpose: "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you? Maybe I'm with the people who are going to kill you."

Fat man smiles happily: "I believe my eyes. You must be a person with unusual identity and background. You are not an ordinary person... But you are not the same group of people who want to kill me. Otherwise, when we were at sea, you have a lot of opportunities to kill me."

I reply nothing. In fact, just now, when I was using the toilet, I have called Tiger to tell him we had arrived here.

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We finish those 25 bottles of beer worth 1 million Dong soon. But we all know that it's not the time to drink freely. We can only have a little fun.

When we leave the bar and enter the elevator, I look at fat man and say, "I stay the same room with you tonight. Let my brother and your bodyguard stay in a room."

Fat man takes a deep look at me, hesitates a little and says: "OK!"

His bodyguard seems to want to say something, but he still doesn't say anything. Silo frowns at me. But he listens to me very much and will not object to anything I say.

After entering the room, fat man immediately sits on the chair and asks me seriously: "Brother, now there are only two of us in this room. I think we need to talk frankly."

I sit down laughing. "Yes."

"Who are you?" There's a chill in his eyes.

"Why ask this?" I sigh.

He grins: "We are not children. Brother, we are all making living outside. I don't believe in such coincidence! I was in trouble, and you just happened to show up beside me. If I had such good luck, I would have bought the lottery!"
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With that, he suddenly takes out a thin check book from his pocket and slowly puts it on the table, then stares at me: "What are you asking for? Seek for money? I can give you the money, but I don't think you are."

I smile: "Are you really not afraid that I am here to kill you?"

"You have so many chances to kill me, but you didn't do it." He says lightly.

I sigh: "OK." I ponder a little and look into his eyes: "You are the biggest dealer of drugs from Southeast Asia to North America, right?"

His eyes are narrowing at once. I see his eyes become like vipers with cold light flashing.

I still smile very easily, pick up the cup at will, dip my finger in the water, and draw a circle on the table.

"This is the drug market share across North America. But all along, the drugs in the North American market are provided by the plantations of drug lords in South America. You have a relationship with the golden triangle as an Asian, but your market is in North America. Unfortunately, because the traditional North American market is occupied by South America, you can only get a small share. The local gangs in North America will not purchase from you. Your sales channel is for the Asian gangs in North America."

His face is a little ugly, but I don't pay attention to it, but continue to stimulate him deliberately.

"To be fair, although you are the largest Asian drug dealer in North America, because the market share of Asian drugs in North America is not large, your business have not been very smooth. Those big North American gangs don't care about you, while other Asian gangs can only play small games. But this year, your chance has come." I say with a smile: "South America's climate, continuous hurricanes have greatly affected this year's crop of plantations. The drug supply in South America is obviously insufficient, but those drug addicts can't stop using drugs all day. So the market needs to find a way to get the supply of drugs from other places! In such a case, you, who were not prominent in the North American market, suddenly become a hot figure. Now everyone wants to mobilize drugs from Southeast Asia. The Asian gangs in North America must have been looking for you recently?"

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I look at him. His expression is a little complicated. But the eyes are calm, I decide to continue to stimulate him!

"When you come to Vietnam, you should have some cooperation with the Vietnamese gangs. But the problem is, now between the Asian gangs in North America. The relationship is complicated. If you decide to cooperate with the Vietnamese gangs, you will help them suppress other Asian gangs. They may want to kill you now. In this way, I'm afraid it's easy to explain the assassinations you have encountered on the way."

"And you?" He gnaws his teeth and looking at me, takes a deep breath, then he says slowly, word by word, "Which party are you representing?"

"I can't tell you." I shake my head, look at him seriously, and then say: "But I can tell you. Now I won't let you die. It's in my interest that you live, so I'll protect you. At least now we're in the same camp."

I know there may be many loopholes in my saying so, but now I am sure that he can only believe me, he has no choice!

As expected, he weakens in momentum, bows his head and thinking hard for a while. When he looks up, he's obviously helpless: "I am a drug dealer, but I have different national origins. Vietnamese offer higher price, so I choose to cooperate with Vietnamese. As for you, brother. I'm not sure which faction you represent, but I'm just skeptical. From the standpoint of other Asian gangs, they should hope I die as soon as possible."

I pat him on the shoulder: "Why must you die? You have contacts with drug lords in the golden triangle, and you are a big dealer. You have your own sales and transportation network. You can be very valuable!"

Then we both glance at each other at the same time. I know we don't trust each other, but it doesn't matter. As long as he is willing to cooperate with me for the time being, it will be enough.

Just as he's going to sit on the bed, I suddenly shout: "Wait!"

I feel a sudden tension in my heart, standing up, and then slowly pull him to one side, carefully lifting the sheets on the bed, as well as the quilts. My movements are very gentle, very slow. I finally gently pick up the pillow, two fingers carefully along the edge of the pillow gently grope. The expression on my face is very serious, and my fingers deliberately lighten their movements.

Finally, the muscles in the corner of my eyes beat and my fingers pinch something! I slowly take it out of the pillow.

This is a steel needle about ten centimeters long! It's exactly the length of a cigarette. The needle is as thin as hair. I take it out slowly and take a look under the light. The first half of the needle tip glows a light blue under the light.

I take a long breath, and then I give it to fat man to have a look. His face is turning white as paper at once!

"Man..." I smile bitterly: "it seems that I have saved your life again." I carefully take a metal cigarette case out of my arms and put the needle in it. Carefully put it back to my pocket.

Looking at fat man with a big mouth, I say with a smile: "You know what? This needle is poisonous. If I don't guess wrong, it should be snake venom. If you just lie down carelessly and your head is on the pillow, as long as the tip of the needle punctures the back of your head, you will not even feel too much pain, you will only feel numb. When you sit up and want to examine, you will be already stiff all over."

"You... You saved my life again." Fat man looks ugly.

I have stood up and carefully checked the whole room: "now we can sleep."

"Sleep?" He's almost jumping up and shouting, "I won't sleep in this place again! Damn it! Go! Go at once! I can't stay in this place for a minute!"

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