Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 186

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When the car arrives Hanoi, fat man finally relaxes a little, but he is still a little nervous, and even obviously begins to doubt me.

Very simply, he has not contacted anyone since he got off the yacht. According to his point of view, no one should be able to find him so soon! But I'm different. He begins to doubt every call I made.

We go directly to one of the only two five-star hotels here, the other one is Hilton.

"From now on, I want everyone to turn off the phones." Fat man's eyes are frightening, and then he looks at me, "Brother, I don't want to doubt you, after all, you have saved me so many times. But if you could turn off the phone from now on, I would be more relieved."

"You can choose to separate from me." My attitude is tough, "My phone won't turn off. It's up to you, if you can't trust me. Whatever you want."

His eyes are sharp at first, but after staring at me for a long time, he couldn't help but look miserable. He bites his teeth hard, then licks his dry lips, as if he has given his life and yelling, "OK! OK I believe you!"

He seems to be full of rage and shouting to his bodyguard: "What are you waiting for? Would you like to open the rooms at the reception? Do I need to sleep on the street tonight? Remember not to use our own passports!"

I smile and standing aside with Silo.

We used fake credentials all the way. After all, fat man is still a practiced old hand. When he goes out, he takes at least two sets of fake credentials.

Seeing the bodyguard is opening the room at the reception, I take a look at Silo and motion him to watch fat man, and I immediately walk to the reception.

"Sir, the room you need is..." Behind the counter, a uniformed waitress of the hotel is polite and speaks to us in very fluent English.

"Suite!" Not wait for the bodyguard to speak. I speak first: "please give me a suite room. President suite, deluxe suite, or honeymoon suite, are all right. All we need is a suite room!"

The bodyguard gives me a look with full of suspicious. I smile and look back at fat man: "What? Are you afraid of spending money?"

Fat man is a little impatient: "Do what he says."

"All right, sir." The waitress at the back of the counter shows a strange look. She quickly checks the computer: "I think... I'm afraid there is a little problem... Our president suite needs to be booked in advance... And other suites, now we only have one honeymoon suite available. Are you sure you need it?"

I smile. "Yes."

The four of us go into the elevator together. I know the reception waitress of the hotel would be amused because several men actually open a honeymoon suite.

"What hell do you want to do?" Fat man has some doubts.

I look calm: "From now on, the four of us had better eat and live together!"

I haven't called Tiger since I arrive here.

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The honeymoon suite in a high-end hotel does look pretty good. As soon as you enter the room. I see flowers on the table prepared by the hotel. Through the living room, open the curtains, you can overlook the view of the city, although it is not that beautiful.

Walking into the bedroom, we are embarrassed to see that the huge double bed is covered with red rose petals and forms a "heart" shape. Moreover, it is obvious that there are also prepared exquisite candlesticks in the room, which are used to provide romantic atmosphere for lovers.

Facing such a scene, all of four men really feel embarrassed. Silo seems to want to laugh, but he's trying so hard to hold it back.

"What the hell are you doing, brother?" Fat man is a little annoyed.

"I said, from now on, it's better for the four of us to unify our activities." I look at the environment, "The sofa in the living room outside is big enough to sleep for two people." Then I take a look at Silo. "Give me the gun." He does so at once.

"What are we going to do next? Just stay in the room and rest?" Fat man's fat face is a little puffy. I know it's caused by lack of sleep. He had too little rest and was very nervous these two days. So he is a little bit overwhelming now.

My face is cold say slowly, "Man, think about it. From the yacht, to the hotel before, they can always find you accurately! What does that mean?"

He's silent.

With a mocking smile, I say: "This means that someone is leaking your whereabouts, always leaking! If on a yacht, you could doubt the Vietnamese friend who arranged your itinerary had betrayed you, then how to explain the needle in the pillow in the previous hotel?"

His face is even worse.

I continue slowly: "You didn't tell anyone about our previous stay in that hotel, did you? But they still found you, so the only explanation is..."

I take a deep breath, and then holding the gun that Silo gave me, sitting on the sofa slowly, pointing the muzzle of the gun against the desktop, and my eyes are slowly scaning a circle of all of them, "The seller is among the four of us."

When I said this, the muzzle of the gun is raising slowly, and my eyes finally fall on that bodyguard!

He immediately pale, jumping up and angry yelling: "Nonsense! Do you doubt me?"

He seems to want to take out his gun, but my gun has already pointed to him: "Sit down, I haven't finished."

"Sir!" The bodyguard looks at fat man with emotion.

"Do as he says." Fat man squints. His eyes are shining chills from time to time.

"If it wasn't you, it must be me or my brother." I sneer, with a mockery on my face: "But if I want to kill you, I would have done it. There is no need to do so many things, right? If it wasn't for us and you, he couldn't betray himself, could he?"

I point at fat man with the index finger of my other hand.

The bodyguard's face is ugly. He stares at fat man and says: "Sir... I didn't!"

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Fat man's eyes are flickering. Obviously his heart is struggling and hesitating. But at last he doesn't speak anything.

I take a look at Silo, who immediately understands, goes up and takes the gun away from the bodyguard. Because I'm pointing the gun at him, he dares not resist. I ask Silo to take the rope off the curtain and tie the bodyguard up.

In the whole process, fat man dpesn't say anything and just watching us tie up his bodyguards. Then I walk into the bathroom with the gun in one hand and use the other hand to push that bodyguard. The bodyguard doesn't resist, but I see a deep sadness in his eyes! At last, he gives fat man a hopeful look, but fat man doesn't look at him at all.

The bathroom in the suite is large and spacious, with a very advanced bathtub and a cross flow massage system. Then Silo and fat man come in too, but fat man just stands at the door side.

I start to drain the bathtub, and then I put a little effort into pushing the bodyguard into the bathtub. Because he begins to resist, but he is bound after all, and he's not as good at fight as me. I get him done very soon.

I put him into the cold water. Of course, I don't want to drown him, just let him like bathing, most of the body in the water, only a head out of the water.

Then I take a towel, with a smile on my face, and gently help him wipe the water on his face. My voice is calm and cold: "Well, I don't have much patience. Now I ask you questions, you just need to answer them. If I am satisfied with your answer, I may be able to let you go."

"I didn't do it!" The bodyguard looks at me angrily.

He has already taken off his coat when tying him up. I take that coat, and then I rummage inside for a while to find a mobile phone. I open it and look...

"The night before yesterday, when we were drinking in the top bar of the previous hotel, you made a phone call." I raise the mobile phone and smile, "Have you ever done this?"

The bodyguard immediately replies: "No!" After a pause, he says quickly, "You can find the call record on my mobile phone!"

I don't mean to check the phone call record at all: "You're not a fool. Even if you have a record, you've already deleted it."

I quickly take the sim card out from the mobile phone. The logo shows which mobile phone company it belongs to.

I look at the logo, plug the sim card into my mobile phone, call to check the service number of that company, and then I report the number of this card, asking for the call record of the previous night.

The whole process takes me only five minutes. Silo is standing behind me, and fat man is standing at the door. The bodyguard, however, is drenched in the water. They are all staring at me.

"..." I quietly put the mobile phone to my ear, listen to the answer from the operator on the other end, and take a deep breath.

My mood at the moment is very complex, and I even feel some bitterness in my mouth. Then I say a simple "thank you" and quickly drop the phone.

That bodyguard stares at me. I hesitate for a moment, then suddenly raise the handle of the gun and hit him heavily on the head!


With a hum, the bodyguard's head askews and falls into a coma.

I take the sim card out of my phone and throw it in the toilet. Then I turn around and crook my head towards Silo, gesturing him to take fat man out. I say lightly: "OK, the scene next you won't like to see."

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Fat man's lips are trembling, and the expression on his face doesn't know whether anger or something else. He takes a deep look at the bodyguard in the water, turn around and walk out.

When I'm left alone in the bathroom, I sigh, take out the silencer of the pistol, and slowly put it on.

Piu! Piu Piu!
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The sound of the gun, under the action of the silencer, seems to be the light whistles.

Then I go out of the bathroom, close the door behind me, looking at fat man and Silo: "Let's get out of here now."

Fat man's expression is a little depressed, he murmurs: "he shouldn't betray me... It shouldn't be!"

I put the gun away, quickly tidy up the clothes: "Well, anything in the world can happen. You are not the first boss to be betrayed, nor the last."

Fat man's confidence at the moment has almost collapsed. He looks at me helplessly... I see a little helplessness and something strange in his eyes. Now, maybe he really has to rely on me.

I sigh, approach him slowly, and then pat him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. Just when he looks up at me, his neck is just raised, and my hand on his shoulder has smashed down quickly. He iss also knocked unconscious by me.

Silo is shocked: "Little 5, you..."

"Shh." I motion him not to speak: "now let's leave here and take him with us. I think we're really in big trouble now."

I smile bitterly, but my heart is bright!

The expression on Silo's face is a little dazed. I approach him, and then put a hand on his shoulder. My face is very solemn, even with a certain decisiveness!

"Silo, listen! Do you know what answer I got from the inquiry call just now?"

"What?" Silo blinks with confuse, then suddenly understands what, he cries: "is it..."

"We wronged him." I say lightly, "The telephone company says that he didn't make any phone calls last night. He is clean."

Silo's face changes color in a flash! He glares at me, "You just..."

I sigh slowly and hold him down. Otherwise, he would jump up: "I must let fat man believe me! There are only four of us in this room! If I say that the bodyguard is innocent and it was not him leaking the info, then guess who fat man will suspect? It's us!"

The expression on Silo's face is complicated. He glances at me, and his eyes are obviously hesitant: "But you mean we can only kill the bodyguard? He's innocent… "

I sigh and pat Silo gently, says with a wry smile: "Fortunately, I'm not so cold-blooded." I go to the bathroom and open the door. In the bathroom, the bodyguard is still lying in the bathtub. His body is in the water, but his mouth is blocked by towel, and is still unconscious.

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"As for the sound of the shots, I have only fired a few shots at the wall before. My good brother, I'm not the cold-blooded killer." I give a wry smile.

Ciro sighs with relief and looks at me with some sincerity in his eyes. Then he says to me very seriously: "Little 5, I really regard you as a brother. Although I will support you in everything, but, there are some things I really don't want you to do still."

"Don't worry, I have my principles."

Silo is obviously relieved. He gives me a big hug and looks at the fat man who is still unconscious: "He..."

"Let's hold him out. It's better to go through the back door of the hotel. I've just observed that this hotel does have a back door."

Two of us, one on the left and one on the right, hold him out of the room. Fortunately, there's no one in the corridor. We walk into the elevator quickly.

In the elevator, I ask Silo to hold him. I turn to the mirror on the wall myself, arrange my clothes and hair.

Suddenly, Silo thinks of something. He stares at me and asks: "Little five... Wait! You said the bodyguard is innocent... So why on earth someone could always find our whereabouts to kill him?"

Instead of looking back, I look at myself in the mirror. I look pretty good. My clothes are still neat. Although there are some water marks, it won't be noticed if don't look carefully. And those wet places will soon dry out. My face is calm. I'm holding my chin and look at myself in the mirror carefully.

At the same time, I slowly say in a light tone: "Silo, yesterday in that hotel, the bodyguard didn't call out to reveal our whereabouts, but someone called to tell others where we were..."

"Who?" Silo frowns and thinking.

I sigh, then turn around and look at Silo calmly: "I! I called! Have you forgotten?" I smile gently, but even I can feel how heavy my smile is! I continue saying slowly, "we called Tiger and told him our exact location, even our room number!"

Silo's face is changing color again!

He stares at me, and then he tries to open his mouth, then squeezing some words out of his throat: "Little five... You... Do you mean... Tiger he...?"

I shrug my shoulders, and then I pull out a cold smile from the corner of my mouth: "Silo, when we came out, what was the task that Papa 8 gave you?"

"It's watching this guy." Silo points to the fat man and says, "Then when he meets the contact people..." He makes a one handed cut action.

I nod, then take a deep breath and slowly spit it out. My expression is so complex, and I murmur in a very light voice:

"The task that Papa 8 assigned to me is different from yours!"

Just then, with a Tink, the elevator reaches the first floor, and the door opens slowly...

(These are the recent updates. Pls wait for the next update until I find a way to logon Webnovel.)

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