Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 187

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After a few coughs, fat man finally wakes up slowly. He sits leaning against me. I use one hand on his shoulder and there's a smile on my face.

He takes a long breath, face is not very good, but he does not not in a rush of emotion, just takes a deep look at me and asks, "Just now...?"

"You were a little over violent mood just now. I can only find a way to keep you calm for a while." I smile.

We are now in a taxi. Just now we came out of the hotel, not through the front door, but directly out of the the back door. Then we went around the street and took a taxi at will.

Silo is sitting in the front row of the taxi, and I am in the back with fat man. Although I can't speak Vietnamese, but I found a tourist guide in the room just now and pointed an address at will to tell the driver.

The taxi takes a long drive around Hanoi, and I suspect the driver is deliberately taking us around. But I don't care. Anyway, taxi drivers take foreign tourists around are almost all over the world. And it also gives me a chance: I carefully observe the back all the way and make sure there's no car tracking behind!

"Where are we going?" Fat man's voice is hoarse. I don't know whether it's because he has been in a coma for such a long time or because he is in a low mood, "Why not stay in the hotel...?"

Then he comes to his senses. His voice is bitter: "my bodyguard, he..."

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I sigh softly: "At least you are safe now. Don't think about other problems for the time being. But we can't go on staying in that hotel."

Fat man nods to show he's clear.

He thought I had killed his bodyguard, so we left the body in the hotel. So we must leave there immediately. I'm not going to tell him the truth. No matter how, I must give him the illusion that he is at the end of his tether! So he has to and can only rely on me!

I have to give him the illusion that he's in a desperate situation! In this case, people's psychology will collapse, they will relax their mind's defense and give absolute trust to their companions! This is what I want.

The taxi slowly stops at the famous "Ho Chi Minh Square", which is the most famous tourist resort in Hanoi, just like people would go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower.

After getting off, the taxi driver sees that I don't expose him and pay him very well. He even asks us to have him to be a tourist. I smile and refuse him who have his head turned by greed. I don't have any interest in scenic spots. I just regard it as a transit place.

The three of us walk around the square and smoke. The fresh air stabilizes fat man's mood, and his brain finally begins to think: "What shall we do now?"

I look at the sky that is already a little dark: "Let's find a place to spend the night first. I've observed that no one is following us now. So we are safe for now."

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I took a look at Silo. His mood is a little low and his face is a little unnatural. I know, probably because of what I said to him in the hotel. For him with simple thought, it is too shocking. After all, this kind of infighting and betrayal of insiders and so on, it's very difficult for this young man who just comes out to work to accept them all at once.

I know I can't say anything more to him now. Some things need to be figured out by himself. Fortunately, he has absolute trust in me!

I suddenly ask fat man: "Is there any high-end nightnightclub here?"

Fat man frozes for a moment. Silo is also a bit surprised and don't seem to understand my point.

I explain patiently: "I think we'd better not look for a hotel now. It's hard to guarantee whether the cleaner or other employees will come into the room. If the people in the hotel see the scene in the bathroom, I'm afraid it will make a big deal immediately. Don't you worry that the police will search us all over the city? It's not safe for us to find another hotel at this time."

After a pause, I say with a smile: "Besides, there must be camera probes in the hotel, and it must have recorded our appearances. So I think we'd better see where it's safer."

In fact, I say this to cheat fat man. At least both I and Silo know that the bodyguard is not dead. But even if we didn't kill anyone, it would still cause confusion if someone found a guy tied up in the hotel bathroom. At this time, finding a safe place to hide for a night is undoubtedly the right choice.

Besides, I have to avoid Tiger too!

"But nightnightclubs..." Fat man has a strange face.

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I smile: "Believe me, there is no place safer than a nightnightclub! Of course, we're going to high-end places. The higher the grade, the better and the safer!"

Nightnightclub, it's definitely a good hiding place. Especially high-end nightnightclubs!

First of all, in the high-end nightnightclub, the environment is very simple. There will be no mix of fish and dragons. Because of the high-end places, the guests who can go in have some identity and background, and there will be no accidents.

Secondly, in any place, this kind of high-end place operators, there is absolutely a strong background! Usually, the police do not go to such a place to search carefully. Because someone else's backstage is hard enough, some have relations with the police, some are the police dare not provoke easily! Believe me, this is definitely experience! Just imagine. If such an upscale place comes and goes with the most wealthy or respectable guests with great status. When they naturally come for fun, they don't want to be checked by the police at any time.

Generally speaking, the police deal with cases or chase suspects, usually check airports, docks, railway stations. Or the places like hotels where people are mixed together.

It's rarely heard that people go to the most expensive and high-end places in the region. In that kind of place, people can't get in even if they want to, even the police can't either!

When I was in Canada, I once heard a story about a policeman who wanted to search for suspects in a very famous high-end place in Vancouver, and was directly stopped outside and not allowed to enter. Police? No way! Unless you have the ability to get a search warrant! Otherwise, you might disturb our guests. The business background is too tough that they are not afraid of the police at all!

In addition, it can also reduce the risk of being tracked in that place! After all, the crowd on that occasion is simpler. It's hard for ordinary stalkers to mix in!

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Finally, usually, there are luxury VIP boxes in those places for you to rest. The price is really expensive, but at least we are not afraid to spend money.

As soon as I explain this, fat man understands immediatly. There is a flash of surprise in his eyes. He sighs a long time and says sincerely: "Brother, you really can think of a way. This is a really good way!"

I smile: "You are familiar with here. Now you can lead the way. We only go to the top places here. The more high-end, the safer!"

Then I pretend to pat Silo on the shoulder and say with a smile: "Let's go to see the Vietnamese girls' passion!"

Silo's expression is a little complicated, but he just hesitates and nods.

I know that Silo is still a little hesitant. I'm afraid he's still thinking about whether to believe me or not. Although I am his good brother, but Tiger has always been the manager of the garage.
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"Brother, no explanation! Just believe me!" I whisper in Silo's ear.

Silo is stunned and finally nods.

We walk another half of the street and then stops a taxi.

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