Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 188

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Ocean Heart Nightclub.

Fat man says that this is one of the best nightclub in Hanoi.

Of cause, it's just one of. The real top-grade nightclub, even if you have money, may not be able to enter! This so-called one of the best nightclub is only in term of the ordinary people. The real top-level venues are generally membership based. For example, Juan's casino!

The nightclub is located on one of the most prosperous streets in Hanoi, with neon lights on the huge French signboard. Because Vietnam used to be a French colony, the whole Vietnam has a strong French colonial culture, many high-end buildings are all with French style.

When you enter the door, you can feel that the decoration here is very exquisite. That kind of blue light, some people have a dreamlike feeling. From this point, it is quite in line with the name of "Ocean Heart ".

It need tickets to get in. Twenty dollars for each! Such a ticket price is quite expensive in a country like Vietnam!

After entering the door, we are led in by two well-dressed waiters. Like most nightnightclubs, the entrance is a hall, which is built according to the model of the performance center. In the middle is a stage about one meter high with flashing lights. Below, however, are the comfortable seats. These high back sofas with soft velvet. On the cold marble table top is also suffused with fluorescence, some hazy. What's important is that the sofa is in a semicircle shape. The backrest is very high. It can be said that people beside and around can't see you doing any "action" in the sofa when you are sitting in it.

The lighting of the whole hall is very dim, which gives people a more exciting feeling under the night!

After we sit down, the waiter immediately asks us in a low voice, "Distinguished guests, do you need accompany?"

I smile.

It's still early, and the performance hasn't started yet. I see that most of the seats around are occupied by guests who are all dressed neatly. They seem to be very well-off, but most of them are men.

We haven't spoken yet. The waiter carefully tells us: "Tonight we have performances from famous bands in Southeast Asia, as well as singing and dancing performances and funny shows. I hope you will have a good time here tonight!" Then he carefully holds up a menu. At the same time, he smiles respectfully: "By the way, there is a luxury box in the back. If you have a good time in the hall, you can invite your companions to continue there."

Silo is a little nervous. This kid seems to be the first time to come to this occasion. Fat man has calmed down. After all, he's a drug dealer. Although he just lost a bodyguard today, but now he has been in a good mood.

As for me, after expienced so many things, I go back to this kind of nightnightclub place today, feeling a little bit overcome with emotion.

Looking at this respectful waiter, I seem to be back to the time when I was serving dishes in the nightnightclub. I smile and take out a note to give him at will, lightly say: "This is to reward you."

The waiter immediately smiles happily, bends down and says in a more respectful tone: "Sir, do you need some special services? Our quality here is first-class in Hanoi!"

I take a look at fat man. He doesn't say anything. I think that since we have come to this kind of place, if we just watch the performance and don't order some girls to accompany, it would be too conspicuous.

"OK." I reply to the waiter briefly.

Five minutes later, the waiter come backs, and brings back a large group of beauties.

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If you go to Vietnam for the first time, you will find that even in a big city like Hanoi, there are few beauties on the streets! But in this kind of high-end nightnightclub, you will be amazed: the beautiful women in Vietnam are all concentrated in this kind of place!

About twenty girls stand in front of us about two meters, almost all of them are very pretty!
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They all have a hot body, plus a unified red evening wear, and are very exposed style, half exposed chest, everyone has a very proud figure. Seeing this kind of scene, you will immediately subvert the skinny impression of Vietnamese girls! Because almost every beauty is tall and plump!

The various smells of perfume come. And we hear the more than 20 girls calling a word out to us with the soft voices. Their voices are gentle and with some exotic style. I know they might mostly say "Hello, boss" in Vietnamese.

The light is too dim, which affects our observation of their looks, but it doesn't matter. The waiter behind us immediately stands at the back of our sofa cleverly. He has a small flashlight in his hand and shedding flashlight to the girls in front one by one. First the face, then the chest, then the waist and thighs. Then the next one!

The flashlight on each girl stays for about ten seconds. It seems that the waiter is well-trained and experienced!

I am surprised to find that more than half of these girls have obvious mixed-blood characteristics!

But then fat man smile and says close my ear: "Surprised, brother? I tell you that there are many mixed-blood beauties in Vietnam. They are the descendants of the French, or the descendants of the American soldiers in the Vietnam War, ha ha... "

From the perspective of my years in nightnightclubs, the girls in front of us are obviously very beautiful! No matter what they look like or figure. If they are in my previous nightclub, must be belong to the "top-tiers". But it's clear that here they're just at the most common level.

Fat man and I don't say anything, and Silo is nervous.

The waiter at the back waves the girls down. Obviously he thinks we are not so much satisfied with the girls. These beauties are very professional and bow neatly. They say something to us with a soft and sweet voice, I guess it must be like "Thank you, boss!"

The waiter smiles quietly and says, "Sir, please wait a moment."

Half an hour later. I have been shocked here! This Ocean Heart Nightclub can beat almost all the nightclubs I have seen before!

The beauties here are divided into seven groups. Each group is distinguished by the color of the clothes they wear!

I roughly calculate that if there are 40 beauties in each group. So seven groups are two hundred and eighty! It's just the day we come here. Those who don't work on that day or take turns haven't been counted!

I never thought that I would see so many beauties in a nightnightclub. Very, very beautiful women!

We pick several groups to see, and the more I see, the more surprised I'm! So many beautiful girls are standing in front of you. And you know, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can enjoy their beautiful bodies. Most of them are mixed-blood, with their unique delicate features, tall body, warm service, and that exotic style.

If it's you, suddenly see so many mixed-blood beauties standing in front of you waiting for you to enjoy them, you will also feel a little dizzy!

As for the price, I inquire about it and finally get to know about the the consumption level of such "high-end" places in Vietnam. "One million Dong." The waiter replies politely, "These groups you have seen are the highest quality beauties here. Their service fee is one million Dong an hour for each. Of course, if you are willing to pay in US dollars or other currencies, we also accept that. It can be calculated according to the exchange rate of the day."

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I'm really speechless...

Seeing that I don't speak, the waiter misunderstands again. He leans up to my ear and whispers, "Sir, our service fee covers all the services. If you feel uncomfortable in the hall, you can transfer to the VIP box at the back."

Fuck, a million Dong an hour, drinking and singing with you and even having sex with you...

I suddenly remember the slogan fat man have told me.

"Sacrifice a generation of young girls to prosper Vietnam's economy..."


I sigh, point to the group of beauties standing in front of us. There are about 15 beauties in total.

"All of these stay here and open two VIP boxes for us. We need the biggest two! I want the environment to be absolutely quiet. Don't disturb us."

"Brother, you?" Fat man has some doubts.

Although there are so many exotic beauties in front of us that we pretty enjoy them. But after all, we are not here to play tonight!

A dozen beauties have different faces. I think they must be strange to see the guests like us. Only three guests order so many girls to accompany.

I just shake my head to fat man and silo, signal them to listen to me. Fat man has been absolutely convinced by me all the way. I saved him several times, and he have fully trusted me. And Silo will not oppose any decision I make too.

The waiter immediately leads us out of the hall, at this time, although the performances have not started, only one band is singing some Vietnamese songs. We stand up and leave the hall to go inside, which do not attract much attention. After all, it is common for guests to move to the VIP room from the hall.

Maybe there are not many straightforward guests like us. A waiter is not enough to entertain us. This time, a leader comes. This is a very capable looking man. He is about 30 years old, looks like a typical Southeast Asian. He is a little skinny and black, but he has a great bearing.

Through the hall, the back of the place is semi closed, there are waiters standing at the door waiting for provide service.

There's a soft carpet on the ground. It's very soft to step on. It should be camel hair. We cross a wide corridor, with big and small bunkers on both sides. We go to the innermost corner, and then there is a sliding door.

The leader opens the door, smiling at us: "Please come inside. This is our VIP room. You may enjoy it. I'm sure there is no interruption."

He opens the door and goes in first. There is also a corridor divides the room into two compartments.

On the left is larger, which is almost the same as the KTV private room under normal circumstances, but the decoration is extremely luxurious! Chandelier is crystal, sofa is top velvet. There is a huge screen in front! The whole room is about 100 square meters, and there are seven color lights in the middle, which can be used when the guests are crazy and turn this room into a dance hall at any time.

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As for the room on the right, the light is off. I open the door and take a look. It's decorated in dark red, with the warm feeling. It's a color that evokes human passion. There are also audio equipment inside, but the most obvious is a big screen behind the sofa. Behind the screen, I can see an "imperial concubine chair" which can be used for two purposes. You can sit and rest on it. Of course, if you lie on it, it's enough for you to do some kind of adult movements.

It is obvious that this room is specially used for the special purpose. When the guests have been excited, they can pull the girl in to do something they want to do. At a glance, I see a glass cabinet with some special "tools" in it. In a word: it's very professional here!

I shows satisfied with the leader, and soon order a lot of wine, drinks and snacks. Then I let the waiters all out.

"Please don't let anyone in to disturb us unless I tell you to." I tell the leader and give out some notes into his hand.

With a smile, he seems to be familiar with the scene: "You can rest assured that our reputation here is first-class. We make sure that no one will disturb your happy time."

By this time, the waiters have brought all the wine, drinks, snacks and some tropical fruits. Finally, when they leave, they close the sliding door in the outer corridor.

I go to have a look. This door can be locked. As long as the door is closed, the space inside can even be said to be a separate "suite"!

When I go back, a dozen of beauties all have a kind of giggling look. They are all very enthusiastic. Many of them are looking at our three men with flirtatious and curious eyes. Maybe here, there are not many examples of three men ordering so many beauty services.

Fat man is a little confused, obviously he doesn't understand my intention. As for Silo, he has been too nervous to sit there. I even have some malicious doubts that this boy might still be a virgin!

I wave to a tall girl nearest me. This girl is wearing a purple skirt. She has a melon seed face, at least 175 cm. She's obviously Oriental, but she has a pair of blue eyes, a high bridge of nose. Obviously, she's also a mixed-blooded girl. I grab her hand to walk to karaoke side.

I immediately order a full screen of songs, and then tell the girl beside me to open all the drinks out! Then I smile and ask her: "What's your name?" The girl doesn't seem to understand English very well. I repeat it very slowly, and she just barely understand.

The music is a little noisy, I didn't catch her name. I just hug her waist and twist on her soft and greasy skin.

Soon, I ask out the girl's details. But to my surprise, this girl is not easy! She has French blood and her grandfather is French, so she can speak French fluently. Because of "professional needs", she can also speak a little Chinese, Japanese and Korean!

And in each other's teasing, she tells me that there are a lot of girls who can speak many languages.

I can't help but smile... In mainland, even those arrogant white-collar women, I'm afraid not many can speak several different languages!

Looking at Silo is still a little nervous, I let go of the girl and go patting him on the shoulder.

"Little 5…"Silo is at a loss. Fat man next to him is a man of long experience outside after all. He has been holding a beauty in one hand and teasing. He speaks Vietnamese, and I can't understand him. Anyway, I see his lascivious smile. It will not be any serious word.

I pretend to joke with Silo and put my mouth to his ear: "Your task tonight is to watch fat man and don't let him leave this room."

"And you?" There's a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"I have more important things." I smile and don't explain much.

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Then I go to the front, stand there and pull over a few girls casually. Now the room is full of beauties, I can't tell who they are. I just yell at the group of beauties in front of me: "Be quiet!"

They are all looking at me.

"Can you understand what I say?" I wave.

The girls are all laughing and giggling, but most nod. There are also some whispers, with the curious look at me.

I take out a thick pile of banknotes, and then wave and point to fat man, who's sitting on the sofa. I say loudly with a smile: "Do you see this bro? Now I'll give you one thing to do with good pay! I'll calculate your tip separately. Besides, who can pour this fat brother tonight, I'll give an extra one million! If anyone can take off his clothes, I will reward five million!"

After a few seconds of silence, the girls are all shrieking at the same time, and the room is filled with laughter. Immediately there are many girls with a smile, have been rushing to fat man. Many people hold their glasses to toast him, and some enthusiastic girls simply grabbing his clothes.

I whistle and then throw the stack of notes in my hand to the sky. Suddenly, the money is spilling down, as if snowflakes in the sky! The girl who just have some hesitation are all rushing to fat man. Fat man is also a little excited. He shouts loudly. Finally, he is surrounded by so many beautiful women.

In less than ten seconds, fat man has drunk three glasses of wine in a row.

I even see two girls around Silo with eager faces too.

I smile and wink at Silo, then walk quietly out of the room and close the door.

As soon as the door closed, all the smiles on my face are fading and being replaced by a trace of coldness!

I take out my cell phone, take a deep breath, and dial a number...

The phone is connected.

"Hello!" The other side's voice is very deep: "Little 5?"

"It's me." My voice is very calm.

The other side is silent.

For ten seconds, we don't say a word!

Finally, the other side can't help it. He seems to sigh, and then says in a strange way: "You... you have known?"

"Yes." I feel some bitterness in my voice, but I immediately force a smile. I say seriously: "Do you really want to know where I am now? Tiger?"

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