Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 189

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"I know very well that someone wants to do against my will and let our contact die in advance. So your job is to make sure he's alive! You're going to kill a man for me on this trip... "

"I have always suspected that someone around me betrayed me, and this is a chance to lead the snake out of the hole. Remember to be careful of the people around you! If you find evidence that he's up to something, then you kill him!"

I can't give you any help, I can't even give you public instructions! Because Tiger has always been the person around me. He is one of a senior of the organization and has worked for the organization for half his life. If he is a traitor, such news will disappoint everyone and seriously hurt our morale! Moreover, I can't kill him openly, which will make our internal instability. So, once you find the evidence, kill him in Vietnam. Don't let him come back!"

I close my eyes and keep remembering about the day before I came here. In the room, Papa 8 said these words to me.

To kill Tiger…

I suddenly feel some pain in my eyes and rub them hard.

Kill tiger?

There's a bitter smile on the corner of my mouth.

Yes, Papa 8 suspected that Tiger betrayed him, which I was full of doubts!

Will tiger be a traitor?

The first time I saw him was in Papa 8's office. He has a calm and indifferent face, such a person is undoubtedly excellent!

When I was officially admitted to the organization by Papa 8, Tiger smiled and said to me: "Now you are your own person." His eyes were sincere at that time! I could see it!

And when he gave me that suit, he looked at me like a senior looking at a junior. That kind of light smile, with some warmth.

Tiger, is he really a traitor?

So, when we came out this time. In fact, my heart has been very contradictory!

From the bottom of my heart, I don't want to believe what Papa 8 said! So, I have been hesitant before!

But after a series of things on the way, I finally have no choice but to face the reality!

It's true that Tiger has problems. And only he has problems!

If we say that when we were on the ship, the series of assassinations could be explained as others did. But after coming to Vietnam, in the previous hotel room, the poisonous needle in the pillow can't be explained!

Only Tiger knew we were there! Only Tiger knew which room we were in! And the funny thing is, it was me to tell him these information!

It was a test, a test of the authenticity of what Papa 8 had said! As a result, it was self-evident.

At first, I put my hope on that bodyguard! I hope that he betrayed us, in that case, at least we can guarantee that Tiger is innocent!

But I was disappointed again!

Now, I'm sitting in a taxi, looking out of the window at night in Hanoi.

After I came out of the nightnightclub, I went straight to this taxi, and my destination is a famous business street in Hanoi.

I asked tiger to meet there!

There's a beauty sitting beside me. That is the French and Vietnamese mixed-blooded girl who can speak many languages. I pulled her out quietly for the simple reason that I'm not familiar with the city. I'm afraid I'll lose my way.

At first, the girl saw me pull her out seemed a little reluctant, and probably misunderstood me. I just pulled her out, she pointed to the small room opposite, with an unpleasant look on her face. I immediately realized that she was mistaking me for I want to make love with her. She hesitated, but at last she said to me. Her English is not very good, but I can probably understand it through gestures. She doesn't go to bed with guests. If I want to, she can introduce another girl to me.

I didn't care about that at all. Anyway, I didn't pull her out to have sex. Besides, top girls in nightnightclubs don't easily go to bed with their guests.

I told her I just wanted to go out for a walk, but no one led the way. If she would accompany me, I could pay her.

The girl's beautiful eyes stared at me for several seconds before agreeing. Maybe she's a little timid and worried that I'm a bad person, but my offer is very attractive: five million Dong, which she can earn within a few nights. Now, she don't need to drink with guests, or let them cuddle, or have sex with them. She can earn money just by taking me out for a walk.

I waited two minutes for her to change clothes, and two minutes later we walked out of the nightclub. She changed into a suspender T-shirt and a pair of cropped jeans. This suit immediately highlights her proud figure perfectly, especially her round and cocky hips and small waist like a snake. This auspicious figure is absolutely impossible for pure oriental girls.

After we got into the taxi, I kept looking out of the window and thinking. This girl is curiously peeking at me.

I know she must be wondering why "such a rich people" (compared with Vietnam's economic level) like me spend so much money to find so many girls in nightnightclubs, and then pull a girl out to be a tour guide.

I hear the taxi driver grumbling all the time, and I knew what he was mumbling. The tone must be unfriendly. Because when we got in just now, after I told the address, he offered 20 thousand Dong, which was obviously bullying me. He saw me is a foreign tourist, so just wanted to overcharge. But the girl around me talked with him in Vietnamese, and the price immediately dropped by half! So the driver is a little listlessly.

"What are you looking at?" At last, the mixed-blooded beauty can not bear the silence and asks me.

"Take a look at Hanoi." I give a short answer.

"Where are you from?" The girl points in one direction. I know she's pointing to the north.

I smile and do not speak.

This girl seems to have a very professional quality. After receiving a tip of 5 million Dong, she triey her best to introduce me to all kinds of buildings and night scenes that we are passing by, although I don't have much interest in them, but I still listen politely.

We finally arrive. This is a famous small commodity street in Hanoi, which is very close to Hoan Kiem Lake. And I asked Tiger to meet me near the lake.

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Before I get off, I look at my watch. It's just ten o'clock.

The girl is very enthusiastic with a hand around my arm. She's very energetic when she's walking. She's jumping like a rabbit from time to time, my arm touches her soft chest from time to time. But she doesn't care. It's probably because of the profession. My heart has no nearby heron, after getting off, I will carefully observe the terrain!

Here is not a single street. It's a lot of small streets mixed together.

The streets here are densely crisscrossed. It's strange that one kind of thing is sold in each street only! For example, all the peddlers on one street sell bamboo products, and all the peddlers on the other street sell jewelry. That is to say, you can only buy one kind of things when you are shopping in one street. If you want to buy other kinds of things, you have to go to another street.

I just walk slowly with the girl on the narrow street. There are many foreign tourists and backpackers on the road. I just walk from one street to another without saying a word, and I pay my attention to the path and direction. They are all remembered in my mind, and I'm also watching where the intersections lead.

An hour later, this complex area, for me, is no longer like a maze when I just got off the taxi. Even in my mind, I can sketch a complete topographic map of how many intersections in each direction, and how the streets intersect with each other!

I smile and look at the girl around me.

She's a little unhappy. After getting off the taxi, she was very enthusiastic to introduce the local customs to me. She really thought that I want to go shopping as a foreign tourist, so she took the trouble to introduce various commodities and local specialties to me. But soon she found that I was absent-minded, so she stopped talking and walking slowly with her arms around me.

I look at the time again, eleven o'clock!

I sigh slowly and come to a small T-junction. There are several snack stalls here, which are the kind of roadside stalls surrounded by a small stove with a few wooden tables and small benches.
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I point it to the girl beside me and say: "Let's sit down and eat some food. I'm hungry."

We sit down together. I order and drink a bowl of Vietnamese special snack chicken powder, while the girl is happily peeling an egg and eating it slowly.

There are two intersections on the left and one on the right. In front of us is the Hoan Kiem Lake. Behind us, walk straight out and turn around is the main road to downtown.

I calculate the time and thinking everything over. When everything is calculated, I smile quietly and pat the girl around me. She has just drawn out a tissue and wiping her fingers with delicate movements.

I notice that many of the diners sitting next to me are locals. When I'm paying the bill, I obviously feel that the eyes of the local people around us are gloating and hostile.

I walk a few steps forward with the girl, and then I give her a million Don, pointing to a small tea stand not far ahead: "You go there and wait for me for a while."


I take a look at her: "I need to leave for a while, you go there and wait for me. If you have any other thing need to do, you may also go first."

The girl is a little nervous at once. Because my performance is so strange. She hesitates for a moment, looks around, lowers her voice, and with fear in her eyes: "You? What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to do some business." I say lightly.

All of a sudden, she seems to think of something. She steps back and looking up and down at me. "You… Are you a drug dealer! You lied to me to go trading with you?! I don't do those things!"

I smiled. This girl is a bit too reckless. If I was really a drug dealer, she said so boldly, I'm afraid that she was also looking for trouble.

I don't have time to explain it to her, but say lightly: "I'm not doing that, I'm just going to do something. You can go there for tea and wait for me. If you don't, you can go back first. Anyway, the money is enough for you to take a taxi back."

Having said that, I turn and leaving.

In fact, I know she won't go back first. The reason is simple: I haven't paid her the tip I promised for the tour guide.

Sure enough, when I walk out a distance and look back. The girl has no choice but to sit in the tea stand.

I walk towards the lake. On the way, I bought a bottle of milk at a food stall at will, drank it in one breath, and hold it in my hand and break it off, then very leisurely throw them into the mouth.

In fact, this so-called bread just looks like a bread, but its taste is too light and unpalatable. But I seem to enjoy it. I put these bread pieces into my mouth one by one, walking leisurely all the way.

On the way, I also bought a set of local homespun clothes from a small vendor on the side of the road. It's dark and wearing look like a farmer, but many tourists buy them. It's like buying kimonos in Japan or floral shirts in Hawaii.

After thinking about it, I bought another banboo hat.

This is the standard dress of Vietnamese people, I smile and hold them in my hand. If I'm not so tall, then after I put on these, as long as I don't speak, I'm almost no different from the local people.

I walk slowly to the edge of the lake. There are many Western restaurants and small cafes here. I go into the most upscale one. This place is also one of the most upscale Western restaurants in Hanoi that I see from the tourist map. Most of the dishes here are French. Of course, there are Vietnamese dishes too.

I go into the restaurant. There are waiters at the door side. I say a few words to one of them in English. He immediately leads me to go inside.

Although it is a western restaurant, but it's deeply local style.

In the innermost part near the wall is a row of small boxes. The wall panel is made of simple bamboo and wood, and a bunch of bamboo curtains are hung outside.

I saw Ponytail standing there all the way. His face is a little gloomy and he's nervous to see me coming from afar.

I sigh. He's really with tiger too.

In addition, I see a familiar face, who's actually the stripper! Her plump figure is tightly wrapped in the clothes. Seeing me coming, she immediately liftz the curtain and goes to the box and saying something.

I'm carrying a paper bag in my left hand with the clothes and hat in it, and continue to hold the bread in my right hand, looking like a fool.

The curtain opens. I see Tiger sitting inside with a cup of coffee in his hand and looking up at me.

"Hello." I say hello to Ponytail, and then I squeeze my eyes at the stripper: "Beauty, I see you again!"

I see a flash of murder in this woman's eyes, but I don't care. Then I take a deep look at Ponytail and sigh.

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Ponytail's face is ugly, but he still stops me. He says dryly: "I need to check you first."

I turn around with my lips curl. The stripper immediately rushing up and search me from my waist. I'm chewing bread and say vaguely, "Hey, beauty, be gentle."

Her face is sinking at once, and she gives me a firm push without any trace. Her movements are very rough. I just slightly open my arms and ignore her.

"What is this?" She looks at the paper bag.

"Clothes and baboo hat, all the local specialty of Vietnam." I smile.

She grabs it, turns it over and checks it, then hands it to Ponytail. Ponytail also checks. Nothing wrong is found.

I take the paper bag back and say with a smile, "OK, this is my souvenir. I need to take it back."

She's probably very hostile to me: "If you've got a life to go back!"

I disdain to look at this woman. Hum, a brainless bitch.

I throw the rest half of the bread in my hand to Ponytail. Then he comes up and searchs me too. But he only finds half a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He's so careful that he even pinches the cigarette in his hand.

"I don't take the gun." I lightly smile, then ignore these two people, lift the curtain to walk in.

The space in the box is pretty big, almost ten square meters. I see Tiger is sitting with a cup in front of him.

"Sit down." Tiger takes a look at me. His expression is complicated.

My face is calm and put the paper bag aside at will.

Tiger sighs, raises his hand to Ponytail and the stripper who are standing at the door waving: "You two go out first and watch outside."

Then, Tiger looks at me again: "OK, little 5, you ask me to meet, what do you want to say to me?"

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he puts his hand on the table and taps his fingers on the table unconsciously. He says slowly: "Or, you decide to give up and prepare to give that guy to me?"

I smiled, continue to chew bread in my mouth, and lean lazily on the chair and say vaguely: "Tiger, to be honest, I'm really surprised."

"You already know." Tiger says in calm, "Before you came out, Papa 8 has told you, hasn't he?"

I sigh, this time I don't smile, but look at Tiger seriously: "Why?"

"Why betrayal?" Tiger shakes his head, a little tired in his face, and then he asks me, "Little 5, do you know how long I've been following Papa 8?"

Before I answer, he slowly opens his hands, and then reverses twice.

"Twenty years! A whole twenty years." Tiger's eyes are flickering the sharp lights: "How many twenty years can a person have in his life? These 20 years are my golden years. I sold my life to papa 8. I've done so many dangerous things for him. Everyone knows the name and power of Papa 8! But these are all our life to spell out for him! Twenty years. What do I get?"

There is mockery in his tone: "I'm just one of his attendants. Although I've been mixed up with the highest ranking. After all, the attendant is only the attendant! I thought that when Papa 8 is old and he wants to train his successor, I would have a great chance. But seems that he never really put me in his heart. Who am I? I'm his dog, a knife!"

He narrows his eyes and looking at me with a smile. Then he says lightly: "Little 5, do you think Papa 8 really values you? Do you think you can stand out on him? Do you know what kind of person he is?"

"When we first came to North America, besides him, there were three big brothers. One was Uncle 7, you have met him. In addition, there were two another big brothers who were fighting together! At that time, he was not the only one leader, but four leaders together! But now, 20 years later, how are we now? Besides him, who else do you know? Everyone only knows that our boss is papa 8. The others don't even leave their names! Hum, Uncle 7 is not bad. He is grumpy and tactless, but he is a rude man, so he leaves a life! But now he has become a cripple and quit. How much do you know about the story? How much have you seen of his means?"

I do not speak, just looking at him calmly.

Tiger sighs slowly: "I know him better than you. He won't let the power out of his hands, even a little, he won't let it out to others! There were many times when I almost died for him. He has shown some meanings of will help me to the top in the future. But now, twenty years later, I'm still working as an attendant under him. Hum! Drug trade, arms trade. No one can touch the core business! We are all just his hatchet men!"

"What are you for?" I shake my head, a little confused, "What can you get from betrayal?"

"Money!" Tiger replies very simply.

Then he smiles, a little bleak, a little feeling of have past his prime.

In this moment, I suddenly understand one thing: Tiger, actually, has already been old too.

Tiger sighs: "I'm old now. I've been working for Papa 8 for the best 20 years. I have also experienced, also impulsive, also loyal to him only! When I finally figured it out, I found it was too late. I'm old!" He laughs at himself and says, "If I had thought about it for ten years, I would fight with him to find a way to get rid of him, and then I'll be on my own! But it's too late now."

At the moment, Tiger's eyes suddenly show a trace of sincerity: "I am old, and the rest of my life will not be much longer. Even if I could kill him, how long would I still be beautiful? Three years? Five years? When I was young, I fought and killed and earned all injured on my body. In less than three or five years, my body will deteriorate. I would suffer all the pains when I am old! Now every time it rains, my whole body joints will faint pain. I have no desire to compete anymore. Now I just want to make some money, and then in the future, there will be a place where I can comfortably pass the second half of the generation. I'll find a place to be a rich man and enjoy my last years."

"But..." I sigh: "But Papa 8 is very good to his people. He will arrange a way back for you in the future."

"A way back?" His eyes are as sharp as needles: "What kind of the way will he arrange for me?"

There are full of the mockery in Tiger's tone: "You have seen Uncle 7 He also used to be the leader of our gang! He used to be revered and awed. But what about him now? The leader of a decent guild can only guard a car wash shop after retiring! What did Papa 8 give him when he was at the end of his life? A small sum of money, a car wash shop! What is this? Sending a beggar?"

I'm just speechless at that time!

"Uncle seven is an honest man! His idea is simple. Whatever Papa 8 gives him, he will take it. He won't fight for anything. This is also his luck. If he went to fight for, do you think he could live to the present?"

What tiger has said makes my heart moves a little.

Indeed, Papa 8's gloomy character and his shrewdness makes me hesitating!

Tiger sighs again: "Even Uncle 7 is arranged like that. I often think, in the future, when I'm old, what's the way back that Papa 8 will arrange for me? Give me a grocery store and let me be a small boss in Chinatown? And then humbly live the last few years of my life?"

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All of a sudden, Tiger's eyes are staring, and he raises his hand and slapping it on the table! "I have fought all my life, can I only get such a life in the end? I don't agree!" His eyes are round and there are gleams in his eyes: "I won't agree!"

I still don't talk, just looking at Tiger in silent.

Tiger's chest is heaving, and he takes a few breaths, the anger on his face just subsids: "Little 5. All these words I have just said, not a word is to deceive you!"

"You said you were only for money. But what does have to do with the fat man this time? Why do you have to kill him in such a hurry?"

"It's complicated," Tiger smiles and says lightly. He takes out a cigarette from the pack on the table and lights it.

He smokes one breathe and says: "I've been contacting with Vietnamese all the time. It's fair that Vietnamese give me money and I give them some news. Vietnamese are competing with us in the drug business. They need an insider like me." Tiger keep saying, "I don't do much, just tell the Vietnamese about our drug sales network and prices. I won't do too much. It will just make Papa 8 earn less money a little."

"This time, we cooperate with the Hell Angel. We give out our drug supply to them. Vietnamese wants to fight for it, but they don't do business with good rules and limitations! On the one hand, they asked me to continue to cooperate with them, but on the other hand, they also found fat man. Fat man is a big drug dealer. He has more resources than me. Once Vietnamese and fat man cooperate successfully, they must give up on me. Then, with the consistent style of Vietnamese, they will get rid of me easily, which can also cause some troubles to our gang. I can even figure out what they will do. All they need to do is to publicize what I secretly collude with them, and I will die for sure! After all, they get fat man's cooperation, and I have no use for them. So, I can't let them connect! If he dead. I can continue to protect myself! Those Vietnamese must continue to cooperate with me then!"

"But Papa 8 has found you." I'm still.

Tiger sighs: "So I have no choice now. That fat must die. So I can take his place and cooperate with Vietnamese! I have our drug distribution channel in my hand, and some supply sources. These are all collected in the past years. If he dies, the Vietnamese have no choice but to cooperate with me. Then I can get a sum of money from them and find a place to go back to provide for the aged."

"Retirement. Are you willing?" I sneer.

"Why not?" Tiger is a little disdainful: "I'll tell you, with Papa 8, I might get around a hundred thousand dollars at most, and then I'll find a place to be a small boss. This is the "care" of Papa 8's opponents! Now, hum, I can go to the Caribbean to buy an island and live on it for the rest of my life!"

I sigh. "It seems you've got a lot of money." I stare at his eyes, change my tone, and voice becoming sharp, "I just don't know these money are changed from how much of our brother's blood and sweat to get?"

The muscles of Tiger's cheek beat a few times, but he still keeping calm:"In spite of myself. I have no choice."

I'm silent, just slowly reach for the cigarette box on the table, take out a cigarette to light too, stuffy take a sip.

Tiger looks at me, his eyes slightly complicated, and slowly says: "Little 5, you are very much like when I was young."

His expression is a little sad: "You are young, dare to and good at fight, and you are loyal to brothers. At the same time, you have a brain, but you still have some pedantry. A lot of things are not understand yet. I used to be the same as you, dreaming on my own to work out a way out! But it took me twenty years to find out that I had always been just a knife in someone's hand!"

He sighs. Eyes staring at me: "You are willing to come to me today, I am very surprised. But I'd like to talk to you anyway... "

I smile: "How do you think of why I am looking for you?"

"To kill me." Tiger says lightly: "With your character, since you dare to come to me, you must have settled down fat man and ensured his safety. Then you are going to kill me alone! Am I right?"

I don't say anything still.

Tiger continues saying lightly: "I believe you have the courage But I also have a hope in my heart Maybe you are willing to cooperate with me! If you would give me that fat... "

"What can you give me?" I say coldly.

"Money!" Tiger says quickly, "How much do I get, I'll give you half of it! You have no future following Papa 8. He will not really support you! I know him so well! Even when he is old to death, he will never give up the power even a little! You had better get some money and go away! The world is so big, where can't you go with your skills and mind?"

With these words, Tiger looks at me: "You have the guts, so I can't confirm it yet. What is your intention to find me? Negotiate? Or to kill me?"

Then he seems to mock: "I hope it's the former. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I'm very happy. If you're here to kill me, then I will admire you, but you have no chance!"


"I know your capability very well." Tiger light says: "you are very strong, even I can say, one-on-one fight with, I may not be able to win you. But it's hard for you to kill me either. You're only one people here. We have three people and have guns. What do you have? A cigarette? Or a lighter?"

In a sudden, he takes out a pistol and slowly lays it on the table with the muzzle heading me: "Now, you are going to make a decision. I appreciate you, but that doesn't mean I can't bear to kill you."

"If you kill me, you won't find that fat." I smile.

"If I don't kill you, will you give him to me?" Tiger is sneering, "Don't challenge my patience, at least kill you here, I can still looking for him, but let you go back to protect him? I'm not that stupid." He seems confident: "So, today you come to me, courage is admirable, but it's also reckless."

"Tiger, just back." I look into his eyes: "I respect you very much. At least when I first joined, you did take care of me. During this period, you taught me a lot every day I don't want to be against you from the bottom of my heart."


Tiger flicks the ash and says, "Back? How do I get back? I can't go back already."

I pick up the cigarette and take another sip. In the smoke, I say seriously: "You give up now, leave here immediately and find a place. After the rest of your life. Papa 8 can't find you. You can at least live in peace."

"I can't get the Vietnamese money without that fat's life!" Tiger is sneering. His smile is bitter and mocking: "To buy an island in the Caribbean is very expensive, isn't it!"

I shake my head. "Then I'll have to kill you." With that, I take a deep breath.

"How to?" Tiger narrows his eyes at once. He's still confident. He raises his hand and holding the gun to aim at me. He sneers and says.

I smile, facing him, slowly open my hands, spread out. I don't have anything in my hand, and the smile on my face is calm.

"Little 5, I ask you one last time again, you..." Tiger wants to say anything, but all of a sudden, my mouth is opening a little, and a cigarette smoke is coming out from it! In the smoke, a small cold light like a lightenin is shooting to Tiger!

Tiger reacts quickly, almost reflexively raising his hand to block it. He's carring his right hand, the one holding the gun!

My hand catch Tiger's arm in a flash! With his skill, he had a chance to shoot me before I caught his hand! But his movement is fierce! His arm is suddenly softened. No, it should be said to be stiff!

I hold his wrist in one hand, his face has changed dramatically, and he's about to shout. But I reach out like lightning and take out one thing from my mouth. It's a lump of bread I have chewed!

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I hold it and the whole body has leaned over, force it on his throat! My movements are neatly, not sloppily! I pinch Tiger's hand, and this arm has been stiff already, his body can only try to twist a little!

"... Giggle "his Adam's apple moves up and down, but there's no clear voice coming out from his throat!

He opens his eyes wide and staring at me in horror. I take the pistol out of his hand, and then I press it against him. I hold his chin with another hand, shake my wrist, and dislocate his chin.

Tiger's body has softened, his whole body begins to stiffen, and then faintly trembling. I hold him and carefully let him sit down. Then I wipe the layer of bread that I chewed off from his throat!

On his throat, there is a needle shinning the blue light, and covering with a thin straw for drinking soda!

Tiger's eyes are full of despair! He doesn't seem to believe that I can kill him so easily in front of him!

"This is the poisonous needle you are going to kill fat." I hold Tiger and whispering in his ear, "I've divided it into two parts, and I have given it back to you now."

Tiger's eyes are full of discontent, but he can't make any more noise, no matter how his body shaking.

I pick up the tea on the table, drink it into my mouth and rinsing hard, then I vomit it. I rinse several mouthfuls before I'm relieved.

I come all the way, and this needle is just hiding in my mouth! The difference is that this needle is divided into two parts! I hid the needle in my mouth. At the same time, I bought that piece of bread to chew for a reason!

Snake venom works when it meets blood! But it doesn't matter as long as it don't meet blood or be drunk.

If a person is bitten by a poisonous snake, someone sucks the poisonous blood with his mouth, he will not be poisoned unless there is a wound or ulcer in the mouth.

With a straw, I carefully hide two needles under my tongue. I took thought for keeping the needle in my mouth for too long time, there will inevitably be saliva mixed with venom flowing to my stomach, so I chewed a lot of bread! The dry bread dried all the saliva in my mouth! Although I'm thirsty, it's still tolerable.

Besides, I had drunk a bottle of milk on the way before I came! In this way, even if I was poisoned, I would have enough time to find a hospital to wash my stomach!

I rinse clean and breathe a sigh of relief. Tiger on the chair is stiff and out of control, and he has slipped on the ground. The venom of that needle should be should be refined snake venom. Such venom is enough to make people lose all consciousness in a few seconds!

I listen carefully, because we didn't make any noise, so the people outside isn't alarmed. I sigh, pick up Tiger's pistol, and pick him up carefully.

I take out the bamboo hat I bought and hide the gun behind it. I hold Tiger's neck from the back with my hands to keep his body in front of me. I just peep half my head out of the back of his neck, and then I yell, "OK! Do you have the guts to kill me?"

I yell loudly, people outside don't stand too far, they should be able to hear.

Sure enough, I hear footsteps. The curtain is opened and Ponytail has rushed in. He has a gun in his hand. As soon as he comes in, he sees me "holding" tiger in the back. His face is changing dramatically!

He doesn't know that Tiger was finished. He just watches me strangle Tiger's neck and Tiger's eyes close. He immediately raises his gun and shouting, "Let him go!"


I've shot first before he continues!

My gun is hidden behind Tiger, invisible to Him. The bullet goes through the bamboo ham in my hand, through Tiger's body, and hit on Ponytail's body!

Ponytail's body shocks and staring at me strangely, with an odd look in his eyes

Bang! Bang!

I fire two more shots, and he falls soft. His chest splashed three blood flowers. He is dead when he is falling to the ground, but his body is still twisted on the ground.

I let go of Tiger and rushing out. The stripper outside didn't come in, but screaming at the third shot, turns around and running away!

I'm not in a hurry to chase her, just throw away the gun in my hand, and then quickly throw the bamboo hat away.

Originally, when the bullet shot through Tiger's body, the blood splashed out, but because there was a bamboo hat sign to stop it, it didn't spill on me, and my clothes are still very clean. I immediately take out the local dress I bought, hurriedly put it on myself, and then run out quickly!

As I'm walking through the hall, I bump into other person a waiter. Then I hear a scream coming from behind. It's obviously the gunfire that alerted the people inside. The body is found! I rush out of the restaurant quickly, the people behind me can only see my figure is wearing the local clothes!

I go through the darkness and rushing to the lakeside, quickly take off my clothes and throw them into the river. Then I run through the bushes by the lake and back into the busy street.

I've seen several patrolmen are rushing to the restaurant, and I hear a policeman blowing his whistle. But I don't care about it. When I walk into the crowd, I slow down and pretend to walk in the night market.

I trot through the streets. According to my memory, I quickly find the place where I just broke up with the girl from the complicated streets. I hear a siren in the direction of the restaurant in the distance.

Hanoi is a big city after all. It seems that the police here are very quick to respond. But it's also normal. This area is a famous business center, and the police force is obviously abundant.

I have already walked to the tea stand quickly, and that girl is sitting there with a bored expression on her face.

She is such a beautiful woman sitting here with obvious mixed race characteristics. Such a beautiful woman immediately attracts the eyes of many men around her, and some are trying to chat with her.

I go over and pull her up, smile and say, "OK, let's go."

She first surprises, then looks up at me and sighs, "I thought you have left..."

Speaking of this, she also heard the distant siren sound, slightly frowned at me: "You..."

I shrug, "There's a little bit of a security dispute..."

Hum, there is a lot of public security disputes in Vietnam, isn't it?

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