Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 190

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This time, I just made a little mistake and let the stripper run away. Of course, I am sure now that she is not a real stripper. She is mostly Tiger's accomplice, a female killer.

In other words, this female killer can be called dedicated. She did a guest role as a stripper in the nightnightclub on the cruise ship. In order to get close to her goal, she really took off her clothes and danced naked on the stage under the eyes of many men.

I do admire such a dedicated spirit.

Although she escaped, fortunately she is not my main target. Before the police find out, I drag the girl around me all the way to the road.

Although it's late, there are still many tourists in the street. Among the peddlers and pedestrians on the side of the road, I take the girls walking fast.

See through the small intersection in front, another 20 meters or so is the main road, where we can stop a taxi.

Seeing that we are close to the intersection, there is a sudden rush of footsteps behind us, as well as some mixed noises. I look back and see some uniformed police running in this direction. They separate the crowd with great force, chasing and searching at the same time.

I can't help frowning. Aren't Vietnam's police capabilities very poor? How come they react so fast tonight?

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam after all! The police quality here is obviously strong. In such a few minutes, the police have been catching up. I find that most of the police's attentions are focusing on some yellow people in local clothes on the side of the road!

I immediately slow down and take the girl beside me to pretend to look at a small peddler's horn products beside the street. At this time, several policemen have already run past us, and another one hit me while running. I dodge a little at once, but I'm still reeling. I pretend to return to protect the girl, but in fact, I turn around with my back to the police.

After a while, when we get out of the road, there are a lot of police searching and watching. I just hold the girl's hand in one hand, then stretch out another hand to stop the taxi.

It seems that my good luck has been running out. After standing for two minutes, no taxi stops! And there's no empty taxi on the side of the road! This is also normal, because even if there were many taxis parked on the side of the road and waiting for guests, but watching the police come, they just drive away! After all, if the taxi is caught parking illegally by the police, they will be fined.

I figure it out and sigh.

Maybe we've been standing on the side of the road for too long, and the girl beside me is really beautiful, too eye-catching, attracting the attention of some policemen. I find that two policemen have already looked at us and striding over.

I'm nervous for a moment, but then I pretend not to see the police and pull the girl go across the road. The policeman behind us is shouting something. I pretend not to hear it and keep going.

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Our paces are not fast, after crossing the road, I pull the girl to stand at the door of a small hotel, and then smile at her.

"What's the matter?" She's a little nervous.

I used the remaining light from the corner of my eyes to observe. The two policemen who were just calling me looking at us doubtfully, as if they are going to cross the street to find me. I sigh, holding the girl's one hand, and the other hand around her waist, then hugging her. The girl looks at me with a little suspicion in her eyes, but soon she closes her eyes meekly and raises her chin slightly. I take a deep breath and then kiss her lips.

Maybe our kiss reassure the police, because to all appearances, we are really like a couple.

I smell a fragrance in my nose. I know this is the perfume from her I put my arms around her waist and pretend to be very emotional. Then I press her against the wall. She is really a flirting expert. Her hands immediately hook up my neck. There are a few soft grunts in her nose. At the same time, she tightly clings to me and gently twists.

I seem intoxicated, but keep watching around. After a long kiss, I make sure there's no police behind us anymore, so I let go of the beauty in my arms.

She takes a little breath and looks up at me with her eyes like silk: "You sneak attack me!"

I chuckle without saying anything.

The girl's hand is still around my neck. Her fingertips are gently scratching on the muscles behind my neck. Then she looks up and sees a big sign behind us. This is the billboard of a hotel. There are many small hotels around here, and we are standing at the door of one of them.

"Do you want to go in?" The girl's mouth gently pastes on the edge of my ear, but also deliberately blowing air into my ear. Her soft voice whespers: "I'll make you very comfortable." After a pause, she says slowly, "You are very handsome and make me very happy. I don't charge you extra, only one hundred dollars an hour, OK?"

I smile, let go of the hand that have just wrapped around her waist, look around, the voice has calmed down: "OK, let's go back."

Maybe it is unexpected, she gives me a deep look: "What's the matter? Don't you want to?"

"No, I'm not in the mood now." I reply lightly, and have already walked to the side of the road to catch the taxi again.

"Why?" She has a frustrated expression on her face, and seems to have an incredible look. She stares at me: "You… What's the matter with you? Don't you like me? But you came to kiss me first."

"You are very good." I still look at the road and stopping the taxi. "But I don't like the smell of your perfume."

We go back to the Ocean Heart nightclub. In the taxi, the girl didn't say any word to me. Her face was a little upset. I know what I've done just now makes her feel sick of being teased.

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But my heart is getting cold now. In the car, I tried to close my eyes and calm down for a while, but as soon as I closed my eyes, it was as if I saw Tiger standing in front of me, looking at me with a complicated smile on his face.

I seem to hear him say to me: "Little 5, we are own men now." It's like when he first smiled at me.

I've killed people several times. But the man I have killed this time was my good brother! He used to look after me like a brother. Before we went out this time, every day in that room in the garage, like a teacher, he taught me a lot of things of the organization.

"Five million!"

A cold voice interruptes the confusion in my mind. I turn to look, the girl's face is not willing to look at me and stretch out a hand. These two words just came out of her mouth.

"What?" I ask.

"Sir, you promised, I go out with you and guide. You will give me five million." She speaks fast.

I smile and take out my wallet, count the money for her.

I go into the nightclub with her, through the hall, and come to the back compartment corridor. The waiter at the door sees me back and immediately opens the door for us.

After thinking about it, I turn to the girl and say, "OK. I don't need your company any more. You can get off work early."

But the girl is stunned for a moment. She bites her lips: "Won't you complain to the manager?"

I smile: "No, I won't."

Then I push the door in, but the girl still follows in.

Back here, as soon as I come in, I smell a strong smell. It's the strange smell of alcohol mixed with tobacco. I push open the big room, the music inside is deafening. Only a group of white bodies can be seen writhing with the music.

Fat man is holding beauties lasciviously, and his hands keeps touching the girls around. He seems do having a good time. I take a look and find Silo is sitting in the corner of the sofa. He's accompanied by two girls, but the expression on his face is very embarrassing. There's only one shirt left on his upper body and the underpants left on his lower body. I don't know where the coat have been thrown.

I smile and stride in to him.

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Seeing me coming in, Silo is obviously relieved, but then he looks embarrassed. He is going to stand up, but immediately realizes that he is not dressing properly, and sits down in embarrassment.

"Little 5, I..." Although the light is very dark, I can see clearly that his face is almost purple.

"All right." I wave my hand and say with a smile, "Don't be so shy when come out playing."
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I walk up to him and motion to a girl beside him to get out of the way. Then I sit beside him and pick up a glass of wine on the table. No matter who it was, I lift my neck and drink it all up.

The strong whiskey flows down my esophagus like a fire! But my heart is a little bit happy, feeling the depression before also slightly relieves a little.

"How?" I take a look at fat man. "It's OK, there's no accident..." He hesitates for a moment and says with a low smile, "just now he took two girls to the small room. It seems that he has been very happy."

I smile and say nothing. That guy is really scared these days, now let him vent would be fine too.

"Just now, where on earth did you go?" Silo looks at me with some confusion in his eyes.

I pick up the bottle and pour myself one glass. Then I take the glass and touch the glass in front of Silo: "Have a drink with me."

Silo doesn't speak anything, he just drinks it up quickly, but still looking at me with puzzled eyes.

"I think...Our troubles have been cleared." I say slowly

"?..." Silo looks at me speechless.

I take small sips of whiskey from the glass, fully feeling my esophagus and stomach burned by alcohol.

"Tiger… I have solved him." I look into Silo's eyes and say slowly.


The glass in Silo's hand falls to the ground, and he stands up as soon as he can, staring at me with wide eyes. After a while, he still can not believe: "Brother Tiger? You have solved him?!"

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"Yes!" I nod slowly.

Silo takes a deep breathn then he manages to control his mood in time. He looks at the two girls around him and says, "You two go away."

When there are only two of us left on the sofa, he bites his teeth and asks: "Brother Tiger? Isn't he our own people?"

I smile in ugly: "Silo, what I told to you before is true. I said, the task that Papa 8 assigned to me is different from yours."

Silo sits down slowly. He still seems unable to accept what I just said.

After all, I went out for a walk, and when I came back, I told him that I had killed Tiger. He must be at a loss now.

"Tiger is no longer our own man anymore." I say lightly, "He has betrayed us before we came out this time. My task this time is to confirm this, and then…"

I sigh.

Looking at the silent Silo, my heart is a little complicated. I like Silo very much. Although he is two years older than me, but he is much simpler than me. He has not experienced too many things.

It can even be said that I feel that he is just like the old me: young, impulsive, righteous, loyal to brothers.

But he is as simple as I was.

"Silo, remember!" I take a big sip of wine, "The world is complex!"

The music is deafening. A lot of white bodies are writhing in front of us. Those people are crazy now. Fat man is so exciting that howling from time to time.

But my heart is filled with disgust.

Just now, I killed a man who I used to respect him very much.

"Sir, stop drinking! Let's dance together!" A young girl comes up to me. She is very coquettish, only wearing a pair of high heels. I see her skin is very white, chest is very big, and she twisting her waist with the music deliberately from time to time, as if she is seducing me.

I look at her coldly and say lightly: "No! What I hate most in my life is dancing."

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