Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 196

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Seeing the gun, I'm almost instinctively falling on the ground! Then I quickly roll to side. The rider doesn't hesitate to shoot twice in a row in a row!

The muzzle of his gun is equipped with a silencer, and the bullets make a whistling sound, which is not very dynamic, even the stall owner at the roadside has not noticed at first. When I fall to the ground and rolling away, and the bullets broke a bowl on the table, the owner is just screaming loudly!

I quickly rolled to one side, in anxiety, suddenly hearing the sound of "hiu". A stool is flying over my head, and hit the rider accurately!

It's that woman did it! There's no weapon around her, so she could only pick up a stool and throw it out. Taking advantage of the stool hit the driver, I have bounced up from the ground, and then bend and run away! There is a big tree nearby. Beside this, there is no shelter to avoid bullets!

I have seen clearly that what the gunman is holding is the "black star pistol". The bullet penetration of this kind of gun is quite good. I dare not hide behind the broken tables of the roadside. The bullet can easily hit through the table and kill me!

The woman doesn't react much slower than me either. We almost rush to the back of the tree at the same time. But the problem is, although the tree is also very thick, it must be impossible for two people to hide behind at the same time. I'm just in a hurry, the riders who has been knocked down has got up from the ground, and the other two riders also coming with guns! To my surprise, they don't rush to shoot, but are shouting something when they are walking towards.

I can't understand the Vietnamese they are saying, but I realize that the women around me can definitely understand! Because her face has changed! I get her and press her in front of me and whisper, "What do they say?"

"They told us not to fight, go with them..." The woman's hurried voice says in my ear. I take a deep breath, when the three guys standing there with a tripod of position, with guns in their hands. At this moment, the stall owner has already been scared to lying on the ground and shivering.

"You tell them not to shoot. We'll dd what they said." I take a deep breath, and the woman behind me immediately shouts as I asked. Her Vietnamese is quite good. I peep out half my head from behind the tree and watch them. As expected, they put down their guns and step back slowly.

These three guys are all wearing helmets, so they can't be seen their faces clearly. But it's clear that they are very anxious and urging us a few more times. After all, although it's early in the morning, they are obviously worring there would be other changes when they shot on the street.

"Do you still have the blade?" I take a breath and ask her in a low voice.

The woman hesitates for a moment, and I feel that she has stuffed a piece of cold and hard things into my palm.

"I'm in front, you're behind me. When I say to start, let's do it together. You left me right." After I say it, I come out from behind the tree with open arms.

I'm betting! I bet the other side's purpose is not to kill us! Because they have guns, they have gained the upper hand. If they want our lives, they don't need to stop and shouting at all. As long as they divide two people and come from both sides, they can shoot us at will!

So, I bet they won't shoot!

Obviously, my judgment is accurate. We walk out slowly. The other side don't shoot, just waving the gun, motion for us to move faster.

I walk in front of her. As I said, most of her body hide behind mine. She's a little nervous. It seems that if there is any sudden change, she will probably immediately shrink behind me and take me as a shield.

I open my arms, in the palm of my right hand, with my thumb clasp the blade, the back of my hand forward and the palm of my hand backward. It's a strange gesture, but fortunately the other side do not notice. When we slowly approach them. I estimate that the distance is almost, and lower the speed. In a low voice, I say softly: "I left you right. Let's fight together. Life or death are in this fight."

"And the middle one?" Women are a little anxious.

I don't reply her. "Just leave him to the god!" I say it in my heart.

If it goes well, the two blades in our hands can solve two riders. As for the one in the middle. Hum, he only has one gun and only one chance to shoot. I and that woman will dodge to both sides at the same time. It depends on whose luck is better!

God knows where the guy in the middle is going to shoot.

I don't say these, but the woman immediately understands.

I slowly move forward, one step, two step…

When I see that we are less than ten steps away from each other, I suddenly shout: "Do it!"

As soon as I'm shouting, I'm falling to the left. In the middle of the sky, my whole body is fully extended, my right hand is raising rapidly, and the blade in my finger is shot out with all my strength.


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Although I know that such a thin blade is impossible to cut through the empty sound, but in this moment, I seem to have really produced a hallucination. In this moment of life and death, I even seem to see the trace of blade in the air.

A ray of sunlight reflects on the blade in the morning, with a faint cold light.


My body hit the ground heavily, the concrete ground hit my whole body and I feel my left elbow are smashed on the ground. But the pain is stimulating my potential, I just land on the ground, immediately a fierce roll towards the side.

At the same time, I hear a groan. The blade I shot accurately crossed the throat of the rider on the left. The blade is deeply embedded under the Adam's knot and above the clavicle, just cut the man's throat!

The man snorts, first hand softens, the gun falls on the ground, and then opens his hands as if trying to cover his throat, but then he goes soft.

Just then, I hear a sound of gun shot.


To be honest, I'm cold inside my heart at that time! Then the first reaction is to close my eyes. But for a moment, I force myself to calm down, and then confirm that I'm not shot!

When I'm rolling out on the ground, I have seen that guy on the right was also stabbed!

However, unlike me, the blade that the woman shot didn't run to the throat, but crossed the wrist of the man holding the gun on the right! After a cold light, with the blood splashing! I'm sure it has cut the vein of the man's wrist and the blood is rushing out. The man seems to be stupefied for a moment, and only when the gun lands on the ground does he react. Then he claps his wrist and cring out with pain, and kneeling down.

At the same time, I see that the guy in the middle raise his hand and shoots to the woman. When she lands, there's a blood arrow splashing from her shoulder!

When people are in crisis, they can always inspire some potential! I roll on the ground, like a civet, and then I pick up the gun left by the man I killed!

When the last guy just turning his gun and trying to point it at me, I have tolled in front of him and raise the gun right in his crotch.

This posture is very strange, but I am not joking at all. I put the muzzle of my gun against his crotch, and then slowly stand up.

He's wearing the helmet, I can not see his expression, but I know that he's stunned, and the hand holding the gun slowly lowers down. I grab the gun from his hand, and he doesn't resist.

This kind of reaction is also normal: for a man, compare with you point a gun at his head, and you point a gun at his crotch, the effect is very different! Obviously, the latter is more deterrent than the former!

The woman on the ground snorts. She's very tough for now. Although I always thought she was a little timid, at this critical moment, she's still holding on with her teeth.

This guy is speaking to me loudly. I can't understand any word of his Vietnamese. And I don't want to talk to him at all.

I raise my hand and shoot him on the leg. The man is screaming and falls down at once. I stand in front of him with a cold face and look at him. The man next is still covering his wrist and screaming. The blade was cut very deep and the wound is splashing the blood. I look at him coldly and shoot him on the leg too.

On the other side of the ground, the two living people are howling like wolves. I put the gun in my waist, and then I turn around and pull the woman: "Be frozen? Let's go!"

The woman is pulled by me and can't help but stumble. Then I'm almost half draging her and rushing to the side of the motorcycle parking on the road.

Fortunately, these guys didn't lock the motorcycles. I quickly start the motorcycles and run back to pick up the bag I have just fallen on the ground. After all, my money and certificates are all in it.

I throw my bag into the trunk of the back seat, and then step on the motorcycle. The woman hugs my waist behind me. Her body is close to me, very weak.
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With a few roars, I ride the motorcycle gallop away.

I haven't ridden a motorcycle for a long time. I feel this one is very broken. There's noise in the cylinder. There's also a problem with the rotation speed. This kind of moto is the rubbish in my eyes. After all, when I was young, I was one of the motorcyclists for a while.

I feel that the strength of the woman holding me behind seems to be a little small, and her body is a little askew. It's obvious that one arm can't use force after being shot.

I have no choice but to free up one hand to support her at the back, but I feel the blood on her shoulder flowing down my sleeve, and soon has permeated my clothes. It's sticky.

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I frown secretly, driving the motorcycle and paying attention to the left and right roads. At this time, I suddenly hear the roar of the car behind me. I look in the rearview mirror, and a Toyota Corolla is rushing up behind me. I vaguely see that the window on one side is opened, and half of a head is sticking out to look at me. Then I see a black hole protruding from the window comes out!

It's a gun!

I scold. Then I see a right turn in front of me. I rush to it immediately. I turn slightly, slow down sharply, and then change gears. I haven't played this kind of action for a long time. The car condition is terrible, in addition, I still have a woman wounded with a soft body behind me. When I turn around, the moto's body is shaking badly and almost gets turned over. Fortunately, I have managed to control the motorcycle's head and then refuel it fiercely.

The Toyota Corolla in the back is following closely. Then I hear two thumps and sparks. The other side has already shot! But instead of hitting me, one bullet hit the ground on my side. As for another shot, the bullet broke my left mirror.


I curse! Suddenly see a narrow alley in front, my eyes are immediately flashing the lights!

I know, on the road, I can't compete the Toyota Corolla in the back. After all, this motorcycle I'm riding is too rubbish, and I don't wear a helmet. No helmet is a small problem, but also no windshield, the trouble is big! Because when the speed is increased, it is hard for me to open my eyes due to the strong wind, which hinders my vision and prevents me from raising the speed to the highest level.

The Toyota Corolla in the back is catching up. At the same time, the other side fired two more shots. I tried my best to avoid. Under my control, the motorcycle swung around twice, and then finally reached the entrance of the alley. I have lowered the speed, squeezing the brake hard, and the motorcycle stop, which makes the whole body immediately come across. The huge centrifugal force almost makes it fly out sideways. Fortunately, I have grasped the head of the motorcycle in real time, and the supporting feet are supporting on the ground.

The Toyota Corolla is soon roared past me. Before it stops and come back, I adjust and immediately ride my motorcycle into the alley.

This alley is very narrow. There are garbage cans in it, and there are also wastes thrown by people. I try my best to avoid, but keep going at a high speed. At least I can rest assured that this alley is very narrow, only about two meters wide, and that Toyota Corolla can never drive in.

I felt my leg knock twice on the garbage can. I'm biting my teeth. All of a sudden, the terrain in front of us changes dramatically, and a lower step with about ten steps appeares in front of us. I take a grip on myself, pinching the brake to decelerate. Then we bend and rushing down.

The motorcycle wheels are bumping on the steps, and I feel like I'm riding a roller coaster. With the sense of vibration, I'm sure the tires of this motorcycle are going to die soon! Sure enough, the last time we lands, the woman behind me is almost thrown out. I have to stop for a while, then I quickly take off my shirt, wrap her behind me with it as a rope. The woman's face is pale with pain, and the blood is still flowing.

I take a look at her, don't say anything, and continue to start the accelerator to rush out.

I don't know where the front direction is. In short, I dare not walk on the main road. When I see a small lane, I will go ahead. I don't know where I drive the motorcycle all the way. After driving blindly for about half an hour, I stop in a quiet lane.

It seems quiet around here. Next to it is a dilapidated house. I can see from the dust on the ground at the door. It seems that few people come here.

On both sides are the typical narrow buildings of Vietnam. There is a small open space in the alley. The ground is full of garbage, empty wine bottles, plastic bags and other garbage. I guess it's a slum.

I stop, prop up the motorcycle at the door of the house, and then help the woman get off. I stand at the door of the house and listen for a while. Then I make sure there is no voice inside. Then I find a small staircase. I walk up slowly with the woman on my arm, and soon reach the top of the building. This is an iron door. I look at the rusty lock on it and judge that there is no one in the house. I want to go in and escape. So I pick a wire from the ground and poke at the big lock for a long time, but I can't open the lock.

After all, I'm not a professional thief, and this lock is rusty. If it is only a wooden door, I would have kicked it open. Unfortunately, facing of the thick iron door, I have no choice. I don't have the ability to get through the wall and into the house.

I hold the woman against the wall and her lips are white. I know she has lost a lot of blood, and carefully untie the shirt that I have wrapped around her arm. I find that the shirt has been dyed half red by blood. The woman is shivering with pain, but her eyes are still clear.

I don't talk to her, tear-off the clothes from her shoulder and see two bullet holes. The blood is flowing out. I check to make sure that the bullet passed through her shoulder. There are two symmetrical bullet holes in front of and behind her shoulder.

She's lucky the bullet didn't stay in her body.

I tear my shirt and help her wrap her shoulders firmly. Now there is no other way, I can only help her to "compression hemostasis". But the effect doesn't look good.

The woman leans against the wall to gasp and inhaling in pain. I look at the sky, think about it, bend down and say to her: "Your injury must be dealt with, but I have nothing on hand now. It's safe here. You lie here for a while. I don't think anyone will find here. I'm going out to look for something, and then I'll come back to you."

The woman looks up at me and forces out a wry smile on her face: "It doesn't matter. You can even if you don't come back. After all, we don't have that good relationships. You don't have to take risks for me."

I have only one vest now, and it's also stained with blood. I simply take off my vest, stand in front of her, and say slowly: "You don't need to play psychological games with me, nor do you need to say such words to test me. I'm not a compassionate person who has to save you. It's just that we went through it together. I'm only responsible for helping you with the wound. After that, we'll go our separate ways."

Then I slowly walk down the stairs to the side of the motorcycle parking in the corner, turn over my bag and hold it in my hand.

I think to myself: this motorcycle can still drive, but I'm afraid it doesn't have much fuel. I have to find a way to find some gasoline.

It's completely light now.

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I carefully walk out of the alley, turn two corners, and come to the road outside. The alley is very long, no wonder there is no one in it.

Now it's the peak time of a city every morning. The streets are full of pedestrians and the roads are crowded with vehicles, but most of them are motorcycles. Vietnam does not have its own national automobile industry. All cars need to be imported.

I'm still naked. Although it's not strange to be naked in this season, it's still too obvious that I'm walking on the road in the early morning. I quickly fnd a 24-hour convenience store and buy a short sleeved cultural shirt, which relieves me and quickly searching on the street.

My goal is very clear, looking for drugstores. But I still can't find it after walking a street. I'm a little impatient. At the same time, I'm a little nervous and alert. After all, I've just experienced a life and death scene, and now it's hard to avoid some thrilling. I always feel that those eyes on me around the street are hostile.

I buy a bottle of water, drink it half at a time, put the rest into the bag, and then go on searching. If I see any patrolmen far away along the way, I just try to avoid them. But after a long walk, I still couldn't find the drugstore. What's more, it's only around seven o'clock. Which drugstore would open so early?

I go back to the convenience store and buy a bottle of a bottle of high-quality whisky, then two bottles of mineral water and some food. Then I turn around and go back.

On the way, I see a motorcycle shop. I wanted to see if I could get some gas. But when I see a police car is parking not far from the door. So I don't go there.

I quickly ran back to the alley, back to the deserted building, and up the stairs. I see the woman sliding on the ground. I pick her up and feel her body is a little cold. I shake her. She opens her eyes. When she sees me, there's a surprise in her eyes.

"I can't find any medicine, so I have to make do with it." I unwrap the bandage from her wound, wash it with water, and unscrew the bottle of whisky, the most alcohol I could find in the shop. I pour a little whiskey on the cloth, and then dip in the liquor to slowly clean the wound for her.

The woman's body is twitching with pain. I can see that she has tried her best to endure it.

I think for a moment, put the bottle to her mouth: "Drink, the wine can reduce the pain."

The woman hesitates. I don't have much patience in my heart at the moment, and I don't have the time to talk with her well. I just open her mouth and fill her with whisky.

Half a bottle of whisky goes down in one gulp, she's choked, coughing a few times strongly, and a layer of blush appears on her face. It's a sickly, debilitating flush of alcohol. Her eyes are a little dizzy, but that's exactly what I need.

I quickened my pace, clean the wound for her, bind it up again, and help her sit up and eat some food.

"You need more calories, you need more energy." I know the injured person is difficult to eat, staring at her and saying: "You try to eat, or I will force you into it!"

She's swallowing hard.

Her wound is tightly bandaged and the bleeding stops. But this is not the way.

I rest against the wall for a while, and I'm a little tired too. After all, I don't have much rest all night and after so many ups and downs.

I smoke a cigarette, ponder for a while, and look at the woman. "Those three men who chased us just now, and those who later drove cars to chase us, are all Vietnamese gangster,are't they?"

She frowns and says:"Well, are you sure?"

"Nonsense." I shake my head, "The Vietnamese Gang must know that Tiger is dead. I killed tiger the night before yesterday. As soon as the news came out, the Vietnamese Gang must have known. After all, this is Vietnam! And the police are looking for you everywhere, so the Vietnamese Gang must be looking for you too. As for how to find us just now? I guess most of the news about the airport affairs came out. Hum, I can't imagine that the gang is faster and more efficient than the police."

In fact, this is also normal. We took a taxi from the airport back to the city. It must have been more than an hour on the road. The Vietnamese Gang is a local tyrant. Their news is the fastest, and I'm sure there must be a background of underworld in the taxi company! They must have tracked down our taxi we took at the airport to find us so soon!

"I was negligent." I sigh, "When we got off that taxi, we should leave that area right away. I didn't take so many details into consideration."

The woman reluctantly smiles. She thinks my words over carefully and nods: "It's true. Besides, I think they must have determined our general location. Those gunmen we met are all not that good. They must be transferred from nearby in a hurry. If they have enough time and send some experts, we can't escape."

I take a look at her and say: "You've analyzed it quite clearly."

After a pause, something suddenly occurs to me. I squint at the woman: "You said, Tiger left a sum of money in the bank's coffer, and the key was always on his chest. But how do you know such a private thing? You... "

I do have some doubts. After all, if she is only one of Tiger's subordinates, then there is no reason to know so much!

The woman raises her eyelids and takes a look at me. She answers me lightly: "Oh, he told me when we were on the bed."

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I am stunned! On the bed?

The woman smiles wearily and looks at me with mocking eyes: "What's the matter? Surprised?"

"Well, no." I respond vaguely.

"Don't worry, I'm not his woman. I just slept with him a few times. In fact, Tiger didn't have a fixed woman," she says faintly, "I just had sex with him for a few times."

Speaking of this, she glances at me: "You don't have to think about it. I'm not his woman, and I don't have much feelings with him, and I won't be foolish to think about revenge for him."

"But Tiger was crazy about me..." The woman is very frivolous and smiles, "He even said that if it goes well this time, after the business is finished and we go back from Vietnam, He will be ready to take me away. It's a pity that he died in Vietnam, and now I'm a bereaved dog! Vietnam? Alas, I still have the life to leave here alive?"

I can't help scolding: "What the hell are the Vietnamese gangs following after us? Tiger has died. Why they are still chasing after us?" But I also know that this is an angry remark.

Vietnamese gangs are going to catch us for sure. After all, Tiger is dead, and they are waiting to contact fat man for a deal, but fat man is also missing. The Vietnamese gangs must suspect that the disappearance of him is related to Tiger! When it comes to trading, they must try their best to search. They're also going to find out the people who have something to do with Tiger! And this woman… Unfortunately, I met the police at the scene where I killed Tiger. It must be the target of Vietnamese gangs."

After talking for a while, the woman's spirit is obviously a little weak. Then she leans against the wall and keeps her eyes closed, don't know if she's sleeping. I don't disturb her, walk slowly to the side of the stairs and sit there smoking.

The situation a bit complication now. If it's just to avoid the police, there are still many ways. At least the response of Vietnamese police is slow. I can leave Hanoi as soon as they don't find anything. But now, Vietnamese gangs find us, which is lot much more trouble.

If a local gang is ready to track you down, they can mobilize even more power than the police! Many local gangs are closely related to transportation companies, logistics companies, taxi companies, etc! That is to say, I'd better not take the taxi on the street now! Because since they could find me through the taxi at the airport, it's certainly not safe to take other taxis!

I'm afraid I have some trouble with even leaving Hanoi now. I can't take taxi, and other public transportation may not be safe too! The railway station, bus station and airport are all out of option. They must have sent someone to watch these places!

I suddenly find that the situation I'm facing is similar to the situation last time. I was also tracked down by local gangs. But here, even the police are pursuing me at the same time!

The previous escape, I was taking with dorra, but now, I am with a wounded female killer.

In fact, I can leave her alone and let her die. But after all, I have no enmity with her, and when things get to this situation, there are more or less my factors in it. What's more, she's Tiger's people.

Alas... Tiger...

Moreover, when we were pointed at by three riders with guns, we escaped through the joint efforts of the two people. I can't kill three shooters alone without her.

Now that we're out of danger, I just throw her away as a wounded person. No matter what, it's not justice.

Towards noon, I leave her alone and go out again for a while. But this time, I leave my gun to her. It's not safe for her to lie here alone. If anything happens, she has no resistance at all.

This time I go further and finally find a drugstore. I bought syringes, some medical cotton, gauze, and a little antibiotics and glucose, and then I turn back.

My bag is stuffed with what I just bought, as well as cash and certificates. As for the mobile phone, I don't know where to throw it.

It's almost noon now. I turn around the street and walk towards the entrance of the alley. Suddenly, I feel a faint uneasiness in my heart.

I look to the left and right, but I don't find any uneasiness. I'm just about to carry my steps to cross the road. The entrance of that alley is opposite.

Suddenly, I hear a gunshot coming from the opposite alley!


Then another two.

Bang! Bang!

I suddenly stop!

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