Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 197

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As soon as I'm nervous, I suddenly see a figure rushing out of the alley! It's the woman with the disheveled hair, clothes are with blood!

With a desperate expression on her face, she's coming out with a staggering rush. Then I see two drivers on the tricycle waiting for passengers on the road are suddenly jumping down to encircle. Then, several men are rushing out of the back alley, obviously all of them are local people. Some of them have weapons in their hands, which seems to be guns and daggers.

I stop at once. The woman is soon overtaken by the people behind her. She's thrown to the ground by someone behind her, and the gun in her hand falls to the ground. She's screaming, but the passers-by are dodging one after another, far away, dare not approach, no one dare to close her. Those men with weapons are all ferocious. Where can anyone dare to approach them?

The woman is dragged up from the ground. A man grabs her hair and shouting something. The woman just bites her teeth and speak nothing. At this time, several people comes out of the alley. One of them is injured and there's blood on his arm.

At this time, the woman suddenly see me standing across the street.

"Run! Run! Run!" She tries her best to shout.

With this shout, the people next are all looking at my direction, and the people in the opposite group immediately find me. I also find a lot of pedestrians on the side of the road. They are standing far away from each other in several directions. Suddenly they are rushing over!

It's a trap!

Such a thought is coming out of my mind at once!

They have found us. They have taken control of the area and set up people around. When I come back, they'll catch me together!

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Looking at the people rushing in different directions, these people are obviously their accomplices, but they were all hidden in the crowd just now.

I step back and looking around for a way out. Among the people who are rushing to me, some have taken out weapons from their waists. They have guns, knives and all kinds of weapons.

I back off. The woman on the other side of the street has been dragged back, and then the others quickly run across the street. I seem to see the last desperate look in that woman's eyes.

Time does not allow me to hesitate! I see the direction of the end of the street and rushing to there! There are two guys in front of me. They have weapons in their hands. I rush to them in one breath, and they look fierce at once.

Facing the knife in their hand, I have rushed towards. Just as I'm about to meet the first man's knife, I suddenly turn my body hard and fly past a street lamp post beside him. He cut back in a hurry.

A loud "Dang" noise!

The knife fell on the street lamp and sparkling the fire! I kick down this man, and then recklessly rush towards the crowd! I have no choice but to run towards the crowd because my enemies have guns! If I run to a place with few people. It's like seeking for the death! I can only use the crowd to cover myself.

Sure enough, my strategy is right. The people behind don't dare to shoot. After all, even if they are arrogant, they dare not shoot at the crowd in the daytime! I head into the crowd, first hit the two men in front of me, and then fall to the ground. Then in a yelling, I step on other people to stand up and continue to rush forward, Pedestrians are fleeing the road on both sides.

I don't know how many people are running after me. I'm running through the crowd and don't know how many people I had knocked down. This street is not long. It's only a few hundred meters long. I run out in one breath. There are railings at the intersection in front. I jump over the railing. A car on the left is just coming and I brush past it. Men after me bump into the front of the car, and immediately a guy is rolling out on the road.

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I keep jumping over the railings and garbage cans, and then rush to another small street. This street is full of stalls. I keep shouting while running, and the passers-by look at me like a madman, and flashing away with surprised eyes. I don't care, just keep running. There is a scooter with the trash cans passing by. I rush to the scooter and kick the cans down. The garbage cans fall to the ground, and the garbage inside are turned over. One of the people who's chasing me in the back crash the iron can and fall down with a scream. I keep pulling roadside stalls, bamboo baskets, small wooden furniture, fruits etc. The whole street is full of people shoutings and all kind of messes!

I feel as if my lungs are burning, and a sharp tearing pain is filling my whole body. But I dare not stop even for a moment, just desperately running.

I finally run out of the street, but the guys behind me are still chasing.


They can't bear to shoot at last! Instead of hitting me, the bullet hit a car parking on the side of the road. I'm in a cold sweat!

Now there's a lot less pedestrians around and I've lost a lot of cover. As I'm running, I'm watching the terrain around me. Suddenly I see two policemen in uniform on the right. They're patrolmen! The two guys are coming far away and haven't found out what's going on here.

Although I dodge the police too. But it's an emergency at the moment. As if I see the straw, I can't care about anything else at the moment. I rush to them in one breath and shouting in English at the same time:


The two patrolmen see me rushing over and want to stop me. Then the group behind me are running out of the street and rushing over. I can see clearly that the faces of the two young patrolmen are showing the panic expressions.

It's true that the mob behind us has guns and knives, and there are more than a dozen people. No wonder the two young policemen look frightened.

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I rush to them in one breath, and they even dodge to both sides like conditioned reflex! The pursuers are running and shouting something in Vietnamese. When I run past the two patrolmen, they don't respond at all!

I run over about a dozen steps past and then can't help looking back. I have the last hope in my heart. I wish that these two patrolmen could at least help me to resist the pursuers for me, even if they only block their steps a little. As long as ten seconds, it's also good for me!

Unfortunately, I'm disappointed. Two patrolmen see a dozen local thugs are rushing with shouting. These two patrolmen unexpectedly flash to one side!


As I turn my head to run on, I scold loudly.

I cross the streets and the lanes, fearing that they will use the means of transportation to chase me, so I dare not walk on the main road. I try my best to rush to the small lanes all the way, and all the things in the lanes are used by me. Garbage cans, abandoned boxes, parked bicycles I have overturned everything I passed and try to stop the people behind me. At last, I rush into a small alley, which is a dead end! The other end of the alley is a wall!

Damn! I scold, and the footsteps behind has become more and more clear. I step back a few steps, then take a deep breath, run to the wall again, step on the wall quickly, kick hard, rush to the wall with inertia, and climb up the wall with my hands at the same time.

I jump up the wall and then jump down. Although my body fall on the ground after turning over hurts a lot, but I don't have time to take care of it at this time. I turn over and get up, don't care to pat the dust on my body, and continue to run desperately!

Fortunately, I have been exercising all the time, and I am flexible and strong. I jump over the wall, but the people behind me obviously don't have my ability. There's a noisy shouting and swearing behind the wall. But after all, there are many of them. When people carry people, someone immediately shows his head behind the wall!

I run a dozen steps away, then hear a shout. The man on the wall is shooting at me in a hurry!

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Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I tried to avoid the bullets by running in the shape of S, but I still feel the sharp pain in my left arm, then the blood is rushing out. I clench my teeth and cover my injury arm.

Behind the wall is an empty yard, which seems to be a small factory. In front of me is an iron gate. I'm lucky to have a small door open next it. I rush over, and there seems to be a man in this small factory nearby. He's surprised to see me. He's just about to shout, and I just push him away.

Running out of the factory, it's a big river outside! Many factories in Vietnam are built by the river because it is convenient to discharge industrial sewage from the factories.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps behind me are coming back as if urging me. I quickly look at the left and right, which are very open terrain, so it's difficult for me to continue to escape.

I take a look at the turbid river in front of me and jump in after biting my teeth!
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I fall into the river like a bomb, and the river with a faint pungent smell submerged my head. I'm a little heavy. Although my left arm hurt a lot, I still try my best to row at the moment, swimming desperately towards the opposite bank.

The pursuers have rushed to the shore behind them. They are shouting on the shore. Some of them take up their daggers and weapons and smash at me. Others pick up the stones on the ground to smash. And there are some people take out their guns to shoot to the water!

I immediately take a deep breath, then dive into the water.

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