Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 198: 198

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Bullets are whizzing past me and I have dived to the bottom of the river. The river is not too deep, only about five or six meters. Although I've been running all night like crazy and I'm really exhausted, but now my life is in danger, I can only dive as hard as I can!

My lungs have begun to suffer from suffocation for a long time, but I know I haven't swam far enough to get out of the water! In the open water, I have no shelter. As soon as I'm out of the water, I'll die if one or two of their men are good at shoot!

The river is very muddy, almost black, with a strong odor, faint smell of oil. I know this is the result of industrial sewage discharge, but at least the black river is good for me at the moment. When I dive to the bottom of the water, the people above can't see where I am under the clear water.

I hold my breath for a long time, and finally when I couldn't bear it, and put my head out of the river again, it's far away from the river bank. The people on the bank are shouting and scolding, but no one really jump down the stinking river to catch up with me. After venting for a while, someone immediately run to both directions of the river!

I swim far enough to breathe a little. Fortunately, Vietnam is located in the tropics, the climate is hot, although I am tired in the water, but it is not cold. If change to a colder place, the river will freeze me even if it can't drown me.

After all, I have studied Hanoi before I came here, and I also know the geographical environment here. Hanoi is generally located in the Red River Delta in Vietnam, and this river is a tributary of the red river. It runs right through the city of Hanoi. I know the nearest iron bridge is far away from here, so I don't worry that they will rush to the other side to intercept me soon.

The wide river is at least 100 meters by visual inspection. This is the narrowest part of the river. It's not a big problem for me to swim to the other side if it's normal, but I'm exhausted now, so it will be a major test of my physical strength and will!

I have been struggling with life and death for many times, and my nerves have been toughened. Although I'm so tired that I feel like I'm going to faint, but I still stuck to it. I don't want to end up drowning in a river without being shot!

When I finally get to the other side, my legs are as soft as noodles. I stumble a few steps and fall to the ground. I feel like I've exhausted my last breath of energy!

The left arm is numb. I can hardly feel the pain. My body stinks, and I'm soaked in the dirty river water, and I've got some oil on my body. I turn over and lie on my back on the bank of the river, gasping like a wild dog.

I dare not rest too long. I only allow myself to breathe for two minutes, immediately force myself to sit up. Two minutes of rest make me feel less stiff. Thanks for my hard work in Canada.

If I had changed my physical condition when I was at the nightclub, I would not have been as good as I am now. In Canada, the hard work in the gym at the garage helped me recover to the peak of my physical fitness.

"That woman doesn't know if she's dead." I suddenly have such an idea in my mind.

In fact, I should thank her. If she didn't rush out of the alley and let me find out that it was a trap in time, I'm afraid that if I walked into the alley at that time, I would never run away again!

In my judgment, most of the time after I left to buy medicine, the Vietnamese gangs came all the way and found the motorcycle and the woman in our hiding place. Then in order to catch me, they deliberately arranged some people around there and ready to wait for my back. They didn't expect that woman to rush out at the critical moment

The dirty river water make my eyes ache. I wipe my face hard and raise my arm to have a look. The bullet hole is bleeding slowly again. I pull off my coat, tear off a piece of cloth and bind up the wound on my left arm, temporarily suppressing the bleeding from the wound.

I stand up again. According to the sun in the sky, I identify the direction.

What should I do now?

I stand by the river, looking around the strange city, helpless smiling.

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Again This kind of stray dog running away!

It's all similar to the escape last time! But that time I at least met Ocean to help me, and here, I am really alone!

I touch the bag around me. Thank goodness, I didn't throw away my bag even when I was running all the way. Because I have already had experience in my previous escape, I know that money is essential when I am on the run!

Suddenly I clap my forehead, I just remember that there are gauze, cotton wool and medicine I had just bought in my bag. I open the bag to see, gauze and cotton are all soaked by dirty water and only that sealed medicine bottle is good.

I force myself to calm down, thinking quickly. First of all, I have to find a place to change clothes! I'm so striking now. Stinking and black, a wet man walking on the street is the focus!

I need to find a place to change clothes first, then I have to make a phone call.

It's estimated that Silo is off the plane now! He can't make a phone call when he's on the plane. He should contact me as soon as he gets off the plane. I didn't board the plane at the last moment, so he left Vietnam alone. It's estimated that this boy must be anxiety on the plane.

Well, that's it!

I take a breath and straighten out my thinking!

First, I go to find a place to change clothes, and then contacted Silo. Then I ask him to go back to find Papa 8, and then try to take me out of Vietnam.

Before they come to rescue me, I have to find a place to hide!

"Hide..." I laugh bitterly.

Easier said than done!

After all, this is Vietnam. I am a foreigner here. Now I have to avoid not only the police, but also the Vietnamese gangs. I can't stay in a hotel, because in that case, it will be discovered soon. I can't even leave Hanoi! I'm sure if I dare to take a taxi or go to a bus or train station, I'll be found out!

Compared with the police, the local gangs with strong local forces are more powerful than the police!

Besides, I'm injured. If I meet someone to kill me again, I can't guarantee that I still have the ability to escape.

After thinking about it for a while, I'm ready to walk down the river to see if I could find a place to change my clothes.

As soon as I got to a small path by the river, I see a thin figure looking at me curiously.

This is a boy, at most ten years old, black and thin, with a dirty face and a bamboo basket in one hand.

He is supposed to be a kid who lives nearby and comes to the riverside to dump the garbage. He looks at me curiously. I don't know how long he has been standing in the distance looking at me, I must look strange now.

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Looking at the boy, an idea is flasing in my brain. I quickly open my bag, then twist out a wet dollar bill, smile at him and waving. Sure enough, ten year olds already know the importance of money. He looks at the money in my hand, and the light is coming out of his eyes.

Half an hour later, I'm walking on the path in clean clothes.

The boy really lives nearby, less than a hundred steps from where I landed. I gave him a hundred dollars and asked him to go home and get me a suit of their adults' clothes. The boy should have stolen it from his father when he went home. It's a little short, but I can only make do with it. It took him only five minutes to go back to get clothes, but I talked with him for 20 minutes. I can't speak Vietnamese, he can't speak English, just barely understand each other's meaning. We can only communicate with gestures.

Then I find a tap on the road and simply wash myself. Although it's hard to clean the oil, at least I'm not covered with black oil now. Although the smell on my body is still a little smelly, but if not close to smell, it should not attract others attention.

I walk for ten minutes to another street. Vietnam's streets are very narrow, it's hard to find that kind of broad road. I've been looking for quite some kiosks, but obviously Vietnam's national infrastructure is terrible, and a lot of kiosks are destroyed. It takes me a long time to find a normal working phone kiosk and try to call Silo with the change I got from the roadside vendor. But after I dial, I find that this roadside phone booth can't dial international long distance.

I'm a little discouraged.

If I want to make an international call, I can only find some better places, such as hotels or post offices? I smile bitterly. It's too risky. I'd better find a way to deal with the wound first.

I walk down the street under the eaves, looking for the drugstore with my head down. On the streets of Vietnam, there are many small KTV's, and you can see the colorful signs everywhere. Most of them are pictures of some gorgeous and vulgar girls. I look at these KTV signs while walking, suddenly an idea comes to my mind.

In Vietnam, I know at least one person, the mixed blood beauty in that high-end nightclub! Although I know that most women in that place can't be relied on, but I have no way right now, just try it. I turn through my bag and finally find the business card she left me.
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I was helpless to think: first to find her, whether she is reliable or not, just try first. It's better to find her, give her some money and hide in her place. It should be a good hiding place. If she can't be relied on, I'll have to be a villain once. I'll kidnap her and give her a sum of money when I leave.

Look, I'm not a good person. At least I don't have a good heart for her. But that's the only way for me right now, isn't it?

It's just the afternoon. Generally speaking, girls of her profession work at night and sleep during the day. At this hour, I don't think she has got up yet. I stand in that roadside phone booth to call her according to the phone on the wet business card. The phone is ringing a dozen times before it's answered.

It is a very delicate young girl's voice. She's speaking Vietnamese, which might means "hello" or "how are you". Obviously, it's not the voice of the mixed blood beauty.

I frown slightly, and then tentatively say in English, "Hello, I am looking for..." The name on the business card is in English, with some awkward pronunciation. I estimate that it was converted into English according to the pronunciation of her Vietnamese name.

The other side is silent for a while, then seem to say something in a low voice. After a murmur, the clear voice of the mixed blood beauty comes: "Hello." But her voice is a little lazy, as if she has just woken up.

"Hello, I'm Little 5." I try to use a calm voice and say with smile at the microphone, "Do you remember me?"

After a few seconds of silence, she immediately smile and say: "Of course I do." Then she asks me, "Why are you looking for me? Oh, are you still in Hanoi?"

"Do you have time now?" I stand in the telephone booth, talking and looking at the passers-by. At the same time, keep my head as low as possible.

"Now?" She hesitates, then asks slowly, "What's the matter?"

"Yes." I smile and say, "I'm going to stay in Hanoi for a while. Now I want to find someone to guide me. Do you have time?"

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"But..." The girl hesitates, "I have to work at night..."

"I'll pay you." I simply say, "I'll compensate you for the loss of your work at night, double it."

Her voice brightens a lot: "Oh, why do you come to me?"

"You are beautiful." I smile and say, "And you said you liked me, didn't you?"

The other side was silent for a while, and then gently replied, "OK."

I immediately take the opportunity to put on an embarrassed tone: "Oh, there's another thing to trouble you. I'm shopping alone now, but I seem to be lost. I don't know how to get there. You'd better come to meet me, would you? Come by taxi, I'll pay."

"Well, where are you?" From the gentle voice of the mixed blood beauty, I'm relieved and find a road sign on the side of the road. After all, it is the capital city, and the tourism industry is developed. Most of the streets are all with English signs on it.

She hear the signpost and say that I'm not far from where she lives. It would take about half an hour to get there. I hang up the phone, take the opportunity to look at the roadside, and find a shopping mall not far away. I walk in to have a look. The first floor is full of some tourist crafts. Fortunately, there are clothes sellers upstairs.

I looked around and find a counter on the second floor. I buy a set of Nike sportsware. Touching the rough material of clothes, I'm sure it's fake. But the wide sportswear just cover the gunshot wound on my arm. I buy a baseball cap to wear, and a pair of very wide sunglasses in the first floor. This sunglasses is very old-fashioned, but the wide sunglasses can cover one third of my face, so I can't care whether it looks good or not.

I find a small alley and wait in it for a while. Meanwhile, I carefully observing nearby. The meeting place for me and she is at the gate of a shopping mall nearby, which is a relatively obvious building in this place.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, I finally see a white taxi parking there. The mixed blood girl comes out of the taxi and standing on the side of the road to look around.

I did not rush to there, but standing in place, quietly observe her surroundings. Untill I determind that there's no danger, I just walk past with a smile.

"Hey, how are you?" I pat her from the back, and she looks back at me. Her eyes is round suddenly, "You… Ah! Why are you wearing such ugly sunglasses?"

Instead of taking off my sunglasses, I just look at her with a smile.

The girl apparently was rushing out in a hurry. She's wearing a simple set of cropped jeans with a red short sleeve T-shirt. This kind of dress makes her look very youthful. Compared with the sexy heavy makeup in the nightclub, she is more attractive now. Especially the close fitting T-shirt perfectly shows the curve of her upper body. Her slender waist, full chest, with a youthful vitality.

Seeing me looking at her, she turns her head slightly and smiling: "What are you looking at?"

I smile, but barely. The gunshot wound on my arm hurt so much that I can bear it up to now, I have already feel myself great.

"Give me your bag." I take a look at the small satchel in her hand. It's delicate and small, but obviously not very valuable.

"Eh?" She's stunned, but still hands it to me. I take a few dollars out of my pocket, put them in her bag, and return it to her.

"This is your reward today." I smile.

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She's a little surprised: "Too much..."

I just put in five to six hundred dollars. According to her work remuneration in the nightclub, it takes more than ten days to earn!

"Take what I gave you." I stop her refusal.

She smile brightly: "Well, you're rich..." She thinks about it, then smiling at me in a very serious voice and says, "Now, I like you better."

This kind of words makes me feel a little funny, but it doesn't disgust me. At least, this girl is not hypocritical. She is not like most women, talking about feelings and love and other lofty words, while peeping into the man's wallet.

Then she said with a smile, "thank you very much for your great reward. May I treat you to dinner? "

I shake my head. I feel that my wound needs to be cleaned immediately. I endure the pain and grin: "No, I'm tired. I want to find a place to rest. You live nearby, we can go to your home... "

"My home?" She hesitates a little this time. She thinks for a while, then raises her hand to look at her watch.

There's some hesitation in her face, and I immediately realize that she might have misunderstood my intention.

Thinking of her career, that I just gave her so much "reward", and that I immediately ask to go to her home. I'm afraid she would think that I'm asking to go to her home and have sex with her now.

The smile on her face dims a lot, there's some hesitation and disappointment in her eyes, but then she's seriously considering for a few seconds.

I know she's in a bit of a quandary. But after all, it's hard too meet a kind and rich guest like me. She's hard to give up the generous reward.

"My home is not convenient. Can we go to the hotel?" She says in a somewhat pleading tone.

"No, I don't want to go to the hotel." I wry smile, know she is to misunderstand my meaning, but I stiff scalp way: "I want to go to your place to see."

"... All right." She looks at her watch again, "But to my place, we can only stay for a while. We have to leave before five."

At the moment, my back is sweating with pain and didn't hear what she said, just nod.

We stop a taxi. After getting on, I'm afraid that the driver would recognize me and send messages to the Vietnamese gangs. I keep the brim down and still wear sunglasses. Besides, the girl is a very good cover. I think: after all, the Vietnamese are searching me, but they will only pay attention to those single men. If they see a couple like us, they will reduce the possibility of suspect.

Sure enough, after getting on the taxi, I find that the driver is just looking through the rearview mirror, staring at the mixed blood beauty, and doesn't pay much attention to my appearance. I take a breath of relief, put my arms around the girl, then hold her, and at the same time turn my head to kiss her lips gently.

Maybe my action is too sudden. The girl is a little surprised. But she soon calms down, obediently cooperating with me, and holding me back. Her long hair comes down and just covering my face.

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