Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 199

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That's what I want! From the angle of holding her now, the driver in front can only see the girl's hair, can't see my appearance clearly, and the mouth is blocked when kissing, so the girl won't talk with me.

I dare not talk to her. I am afraid that I will be noticed by the driver that I am a foreigner.

When we get off the taxi, the body of the beauty is almost as soft as a puddle of mud. Her face is red, and her eyebrows and eyes are full of lust. From time to time, she uses the corner of her eyes to glance at me. I have some asthma, after all, we've kissed on the taxi for more than ten minutes!
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Holding a gorgeous beauty in my arms is a kind of enjoyment, but at the same time, I have a sharp pain in my arm, which is not so pleasant!

The place where she lives seems to be in a good environment. This is an apartment building. The environment is very clean. Obviously, the price here is not cheap. I'm a little surprised that she lives in such a good place. I am a little worried when the girl is taking me upstairs. I remember when there was a strange girl answering the phone!

"Is there anyone else in your home?" I ask when she's opening the door.

"... No." She hesitates when she's replying, but soon calms down.

"But the person who answered the phone just now..."

"She's not here now." Half of the smile on her face is really erotic, but it also obviously has some professional camouflage. She walks into the door first, then she grabs my clothes by the back hand and pulling me in.

The room is not big. The outside is a small living room. An old sofa has almost filled the living room, but it looks clean.

I just want to say something to her. She has suddenly got into my arms. First, she takes off my sunglasses, then her white arms are around my neck, and her attractive chest is close to me. As soon as I look down, I can see two attractive hemispheres of snow-white and the deep cleavage from the neckline of her dress. She's deliberately rubbing her chest around in my arms.

I take a deep breath and am about to say something. All of a sudden, she's standing on tiptoe and closing my mouth. Then her soft and flexible tongue is reaching out nimbly, prying open my teeth and getting into my mouth.

Her body is wriggling in my arms, it seems to be teasingm but it's also more of an invitation. After a long kiss, she whispers in my ear in a soft and moving voice: "Hey honey," She purposely blows in my ear and says with a smile, "What language do you want me to speak when we are doing?"

"What?" I don't get it.

She's smiling, her eyes are a little shy, but more tempting: "When we have sex, do you want me to shout in English or French?"

At the same time, she put out her tongue and licks it on my earlobe.

I… Damn!

Actually, I was just dealing with her. I didn't really want to have sex with her, but after the long kiss just now, plus her actions. When having sex, the woman yells in French. I just saw it in porn, but I didn't expect to have the chance to experience it here There's a fire immediately under my belly!

What a terrible thing! This woman is absolutely a most seductive goblin!

Although it's so tempting, but sense tells me that this is not the time for fun. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I gently push away this lovely goblin in my arms, and then turn to enter the kitchen.

The kitchen is pitifully small. I rush to the edge of the pool, first unscrew the halter and hold the water to wash my face. Then I feel that the heat on my face is slightly reduced.

I opened the drawer of the cupboard, find a long and narrow kitchen knife from it, and come out with it in my hand.

Mixed blood beauty is still standing at the kitchen door with a smile and looking at me. She seems to be proud of the fire that provoked my passion. But when she sees me come out with the knife, her face immediately changs. She steps back and screaming: "You! What are you doing?"

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I smile at her and say: "Don't worry, I'm not a psychopathic sadist."

I go to the sofa, put the knife on the table in front of me, and then take off my coat. When I'm raising my arm, I'm gasping heavily with pain.

When she sees a large piece of blood on my arm, she's stunned, nervous and screaming: "You… You... "

I still have a piece of cloth wrapping around my arm, but it has been soaked in blood. When I'm taking off the cloth, the clotted blood scar is torn, and it's a pain of heart piercing!

"Who are you on earth?!" Her face has cooled completely, and I guess she has recognized that the wound on my arm is a gunshot wound!

I don't answer her. I just pull out some medicine bottles from the bag. Because they are sealed, so that they were not polluted by the river. I unscrew the medicine bottle, then look at her and say: "Don't stand, I need you to help me."

"Is this a gunshot wound?!" She's rounding her beautiful eyes.

I nod, and she's exclaiming at once. There's anger on her face, and she's shouting to me: "Leave now! Leave my house now!" She's a little alarmed, retreats to the wall. Suddenly, she picks up her bag, takes out the money I gave her from it, and throws it over me: "Leave now! No matter who you are, I don't want to make trouble! Please leave at once!"

I sigh in my heart. It seems that I still need to use some tough means.

I get up and walk to her step by step. She's immediately screaming, trying to run to the door. I grab her immediately. She opens her mouth and is wanting to shout, but I have covered her mouth. Although I'm injured, she's still a weak woman who can not resist me.

"Listen." I take a breath and try to say to her in a friendly voice: "I don't want and will not hurt you. I just want to ask for a little help, and I will give you money!"

I look at her eyes. There's panic and fear in those blue eyes. Her body has softened and she's slightly shivering.

I sigh and whisper to her: "I'll let go of you now. Don't shout, I promise I won't hurt you? Is that ok?"

She nods.

But as soon as I release my hand a little, she immediately let out a short scream, and then I cover her mouth again. She hit her knee under my belly. I smile, lean against her, and press her against the wall.

My tone is a little stronger: "Listen! I don't want to hurt you, but you'd better cooperate, OK? You are a beautiful girl, and I don't want to bring any trouble to you. I just need a little help. If you don't cooperate, I'll have to knock you out, understand?"

This time, she doesn't respond at all. I see the fear in her beautiful eyes growing deeper and deeper, and then when her eyelids turns, she really faints.

I'm stunned, looking at the girl in my arms, I don't I should cry or laugh. She falls soft in my arms. I pick her up and concern that she's pretending to faint. But after I check her and find that she didn't pretend.

I think for a while and release her first, put her on the sofa, and I quickly check the house.

The house is very small. There is only one bedroom, but there are two beds in it. Obviously, she is not alone here. This situation makes me frown a little. But I guess most of the people she lives with is another girl also working in that nightclub. It's not a problem. I'll find a way to subdue the other woman when she comes back.

This home is very simple, not much furnishings, but very clean. Obviously this woman's life is very simple, which makes me a little surprised. After all, she has a high income in Vietnam, but she doesn't even have air conditioning at home. If they don't open the windows, it will be very sultry.

I searched everywhere, but I can't find gauze and cotton. I think about it, and suddenly find a helpless idea.

I go into the bathroom and find a package of things in the cabinet: sanitary napkins for women! In the absence of gauze and cotton, this is the cleanest thing I can find and the most suitable thing to wrap on the wound! And in this case, can I have another choice?

I find a towel, stuff it into my mouth, grab it, and lay my injured arm bare across the table. I use a match which I have found in the kitchen and make the fire to sterilize the edge of the knife!

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I bear the great pain of heart drilling, carefully cut the flesh and skin of the gunshot wound area on my arm, open a hole, and then gently open the wound with the tip of the knife.

The big sweat on my forehead are rolling down, and I nearly faint from the pain. I'm gasping violently and shivering faintly, but I tell myself with strong willpower: Don't faint! Don't faint! I must not faint now!

Finally, I see a bullet in my muscle! I pick out the bullet with the tip of my knife. At this time, I'm exhausted. The sweat on my body are like oars, and my whole body seems to be pulled out of the water! The blood flows all over the table. I'm breathing fast and hard, my hands are soft.

Gasping for a while, I finally sigh, tear open a sanitary napkin, take a piece of it, dip it gently in the disinfectant alcohol in the medicine bottle, and wipe the wound carefully.

In this process, I can't help humming out with pain. The muscles on my face are almost twisted! I know that my expression at the moment must be extremely ferocious! Because I see my shadow on the glass in the living room!

I have no strength to sew up the wound, so I sit down and gasp for a while. The whole process, I have spent around half an hour! The severe pain and the loss of blood makes me dizzy. I bite my tongue hard to keep myself awake.

At this time, I suddenly feel that the lying mixed blood beauty seems to be shivering gently. I take a look at her and find that she has woken up, but she don't dare to look at me, so she closes her eyes tightly and holding her clothes in her hands. She is obviously very afraid.

I pat her, clench my teeth and say: "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

"I..." She says in a trembling voice, "I'm sick of blood! I'm afraid to see blood."

I grin bitterly: "Do you have needles and threads in your home?"

"Don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!" She's panicking, "I promise I won't tell anyone. I promise I won't call the police. I won't say it! Please go! Please!"

I take a breath, reluctantly smiling to her, and decide to stabilize her first.

"OK, I can go. I'll go after stitching the wound. All right?"



She is jumping up from the sofa and saying quickly: "I'll get you the needle and thread!" She still covers her eyes with one hand and dare not look at me. Maybe she is still afraid of seeing blood.

When walking. She even hit the wall. When she flashes into the room, my heart is suddenly beating heavily and then I'm jumping up!

Sure enough, the woman slams the door as soon as she enters the room! I push hard, but the door is locked by her!

I sneer, step back two steps, then yell and kick up!


I kick the door open! The door lock head has been burst. I see the woman sitting at the head of the bed with the phone in her hand!

When she sees me rush in, her face is full of despair and horror. She's cring out: "I didn't call the police! I didn't call the police!"

I rush over and grab her phone. Then ruthlessly throw it on the ground, and step it crack!

I grab the woman's clothes with my uninjured hand and lift her up from the bed. My face is gloomy and I say angrily: "Listen, I don't want to hurt you! But if you don't cooperate, I'm afraid I don't have much patience! If you can help me, I will leave soon and give you a lot of money! Do you understand?"

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"I didn't call the police, I really didn't call the police..." She's cring hard, "I just called my sister and told her not to come back."

I'm stunned: "Your sister?"

She shrinks to the bed in fright and says in a trembling voice: "I live with my sister. She went to school."

I don't speak, she seem to be afraid that I don't believe her words, and immediately turns over a picture from the head of the bed and hands it to me.

This is a color picture. It's a big and a small two girls cuddling together. The big one is this mixed blood girl. The little girl, who looks only in her early ten years old, is also clear eyes and white teeth, with a bright smile on her face. From the aspect of appearance, the two are pretty similar.

I'm relieved and looking at this crying woman, I hesitate for a moment and whisper to her: "I'm sorry."

I reach out and pull her up. She wants to dodge, but she does not dare to disobey me too much. Finally, she stands up.

"I'm sorry." I seriously say to her, "I really don't want to hurt you, but please help me. I'll be leaving soon."

Then I pause and keep saying: "You are a smart girl. You should see that I am in some trouble. I provoked some people who were looking for me outside. They're not cops. They're murderers. Even if you call the police now, once they know that I am from your home, you will be in trouble too. Do you understand?"

She nods hard, but it's clear that she doesn't fully listen to what I said. I drag her to the outside living room, then take my bag, take out all the dollars, and put them on the table.

"Here is ten thousand dollars, all for you! How about it as a reward for helping me?" I look at her, "As long as you are willing to help me, I promise you will be fine! And make sure you're safe. When I leave, everything will be the same. Do you understand?"

I coax and deceive her at the same time, plus the ten thousand dollars on the table, she finally gradually calms down.

"You Promise to leave soon?" She takes a look at me and says in fear.

"Well, promise." This is what I say in my mouth, but I say in my heart: as long as I find a way to escape.

"Good." All of a sudden, she wipes her tears, and a firm look flashing in her eyes, "I don't want your money, just don't hurt me! I..." Her eyes are full of pleadings, "I have to take care of my sister. Please don't kill me. Just don't hurt me. All right?" She continues to plead: "I will do whatever you want me to do. If you want me to accompany you, I can do it, just please..."

"OK! First help me to find the needle and thread." I frown, just moved a few times my wound hurts to make me want to death.

This time, she's more obedient. She quickly find out the needle and thread, and then sees the blood on the table. She seems to about faint again, turns around quickly and doesn't dare to look at me.

I laugh bitterly, pick up my cloth and wipe the blood on the table, then throw it under the table.

I can't care how frightened she is at the moment. I need to focus on my arm.

I hold the needle, burn it with fire, put on the thread, and then gently suture the wound. It's a pity that my wound is close to the outside. I hold the needle to sew myself, and the angle is a little reluctant.

I have tried a few times and grin with pain. Just then, the girl suddenly turns around. She looks at me. Though her eyes are scared, she still braves her courage and says softly: "I… Let me try it for you."

I'm relieved and hand the needle to her at once.

She's scared. There's a tremor in my hands, especially when she sees the sharp needle through my flesh. I have a distinct feeling that she seems to faint at any time. I speak to her gently, trying to distract her attention.

"You..." I take a deep breath in pain, then reluctantly smile to her, "You live with your sister?"

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"Where is she now? Went to school?"


"How old is she?"


"Where are your parents?"

"…" She takes a look at me, then says in low voice, "All gone…"

I sigh. The needle is piercing my flesh and skin again and again. I'm sweating with pain. Then I reluctantly smile at her and say: "I'm sorry."

"Does it hurt?" Suddenly, she asks me in an odd voice.

"Eh?" I take a look at her. "It's OK. I can bear it."

"You... You don't look like a bad person, so please let me go, OK?" She seems about to cry again, "My sister has only one relative, if I die, she will not live."

"Don't worry, I won't touch you." I sigh, "I'm not a bad person. You can rest assured."

She silently bows her head and bites off the thread. I take a look at the wound. The stitching is very close, obviously her needlework is good.

"It's good. It's stitched well. You've got beautiful stitching." I smile.

"Well, I can sew." She take a look at me and immediately panicking, "No, I'm not joking about your wound. I... "

I smile softly: "Don't be nervous, I'm not that fierce."

I pick up a sanitary towel to cover the wound. She is stunned for a moment. It's probably the first time she sees someone bandaging the wound with this kind of thing. Obviously, she seems to want to laugh. But in this case, it's hard to laugh. I hand it to her, "Wrap it for me."

She take it over, do not immediately start, but ran to the kitchen to wash her hands with water, and then come to help me pack.

After the wound is treated, I feel a lot more relaxed. I see her sitting beside me not to know what to do with her hands and feet. I feel a lot of apologies.

At least, this girl is innocent. I brought her so much fright.

"Do you have any cigarettes at home?"

"... Yes, there are." She hesitates for a moment, then suddenly stoops down and reaches for a pack of cigarettes from under the sofa.

I'm a little surprised: "Why hide cigarettes here?"

There's a trace of sadness in her eyes, and she whispers: "I'm afraid my sister will see it. Where I work, many people smoke, so I also learned to smoke. But I don't want my sister to see it. She doesn't like it. She is still young. She thinks all those who smoke are bad women."

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