Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 203

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The leader looks as if someone had punched him on the nose. His nose is broken, and his eyes are like a viper.

These three people rush into the door and see me standing beside the mixed blood girl. They are all stunned. They probably don't expect that there is another man at home.

Immediately, the first broken nose is yelling a few words, and the two men behind immediately cooperate him to send out the lewd laughter.

I can't understand it, but I know they're not saying good things without thinking.

The woman around me is shivering faintly, don't know whether anger or fear. I reach for her back, pat her gently, and give her a sign not to be afraid.

The mixed blood beauty calms down a little and scolding the three men.

The three men are surprised and can't help looking at each other.

"What's the matter?" I whisper in her ear

"I..." She feels guilty: "I owe them money. I don't know how they found here. I didn't give them the address Maybe they have found the place where I work... "

I nod, it seems that these three guys are the role of usury debt collection.

At a glance at the paint buckets and brushes in their hands, as well as those flyers, I sigh in my heart. It seems that the usury debt collection methods around the world are almost the same.

"How much do you owe them?"

"20 million..."

I'm scared! Fortunately, the girl continues to say:"20 million Dong."

I'm relieved. It's Vietnamese Dong, so it's less than two thousand dollars.

She doesn't dare to look me in the eye: "Yoyo, she has a high cost of school. Her school is the best in Hanoi."

I sigh and pat her gently: "Give them the money. Pay with the money I gave you, and send them away first."

She hesitates for a moment, but immediately obeys me, turns back and take out the pile of dollars from her bag from the living room. I notice that the three men at the door are staring at the money in her hand. All of them are surprised at once, but then more of greedy.

I know in my heart that she is too reckless. She is so aboveboard to take money under other people's eyes, and these people also see that there are more dollars in the bag.

Such a move is almost the same as a beautiful woman running into the lair without clothes.

Sure enough, the thing I'm worring about has happened. When she passes by, the broken nose immediately grabs the money from her hand, counts the numbers at will, and then quickly hands it to the people behind her. His movements are very fast, and mixed blood girl stands in front of me, I couldn't stop on time.

Then I hear him says something, mixed blood girl angrily replies two sentences, I see her hands shaking in anger.

"What's the matter again?" I sigh.

"They… They have repented. He said that because I owe too long, I need to pay more interest... "

I shrug and smile. That's true. They are a group of blood sucking vampires.

Are the usury practitioners in Vietnam so incompetent? You should know that in other places, although such underground banks are ruthless in their means of doing things, most of them are more trustworthy, and there are few such blatant robberies. After all, even underground banks understand the role of reputation. If you always rob people's money, who dares to borrow money from you in the future?

"They want 10 million Dong more!"

I curl my lip. They just don't behave themselves. In underworld, we should also have rules. Not so hard for money.

"You shouldn't have shown them the money just now." I smile, then slowly pull her back, say in her ear, "You tell them, now hand over the debt note and leave immediately, you will not give them a cent more." Then I pat her on the back, "I'm here. Don't worry."

She has the courage to say a few words to them, and then flashes behind me.

The broken nose turns his face, he shouts a few words, and then looking at me angrily and fiercely. He's yelling something and steps back half a step. His two confederates cooperate very much and stand forward, then show their fists.

The half blood beauty is screaming and covers her face.

I don't move. Seeing a guy punching, I easily grasp his wrist, pull it, pile it up, and with an effort, I take off his knuckle. At the same time, I stretch out my legs and hook the other guy down. The knife in my hand is also shown out. I rush forward and face to face with the broken nose. He's so scared that he opens his mouth to shout. I punch him on the stomach. He immediately arches his back like a prawn. Then I put my knife across his neck, push him to the wall of the corridor, press him tightly, looking at him coldly, do not turn back, and say in a high voice: "Tell him to let his men out, otherwise..." I tighten my knife.

This time, without waiting for the mixed blood beauty behind me to translate, he starts to speak English with trembling!

"Boss, we just say in good way. No need to use a knife..."

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It's quite a surprise to me. He knows a little English. Without my command, he shouts a few words and let his men get up from the ground.

"Debit note!" I say coldly.

"No... I didn't take it with me..." He looks at me with a sad face.

I say angrily: "Nonsense! Since you come to collect the debt, you don't bring the debt note? Did you make up your mind to blackmail?"

"Absolutely not!" Because the knife is lying on his neck, he's sweating and his eyes are rolling, "I didn't expect that she is at home. Today I just came to spray paint. I didn't expect someone at home. I didn't think she would have the money to give..."

I immediately search his body and take the money back, and then throw it back to the mixed blood beauty: "Collect the money!"

I raise my hand and slap him on the face, saying: "Boy, you need to follow the rules when come out to make usury, don't you know? Don't you know what result with people who break the rules?"

He is sweating at once.

Even in the underworld, gangsters should at least pay attention to a set of fixed rules!

Although usury is called vampire, it's not good, but it has a set of rules that can't be easily broken! Although the interest of usury is terrible, generally speaking, if you dare to borrow this kind of money, you will naturally have to pay very high interest when you repay it. But in general, creditors will not touch you, unless you have no money to pay back, they will take violent measures.

They really want money to be ruthless, and the interest rate is too high to be frightening. Basically, as long as you borrow this kind of money, if you pay it back slowly, you will be skinned even if you don't die! But if you dare to blackmail people who owe money, it will be regarded as a bad practice.

They won't let you lose a cent when you pay off a debt. You have to pay as much interest as you should, but you can't get less. But if someone wants to take more money, it's not allowed.

That's the rule.

I've heard that if a usurer does something to rob his client, it's breaking the rules! In fact, there is an underground bank behind the usury gang, which is an organized activity. A large group of people eat on this. If you break the rules, damage the reputation of the organization in the circle. It's profitable for you to rob a client, but does any other client dare to borrow money from the bank behind you? So how can other people make money?

Therefore, those who break the rules will be cut their fingers at least, and even might be cut their hands.

When I said that, the broken nose immediately gives me a look of panic and begging for mercy. I ask him coldly: "Do you want to chop your left or right hand?"

His face is painful, his eyes keep looking at his two claws, obviously weighing back and forth in his heart. I see his face distressed, tone a little bit relax. The knife in my hand pats on his neck and sneering: "Your attitude is very arrogant, but timid. Don't you see it's the back of the knife?"

I let go of him, then kick him away and say in laud voice:"Let you go today, get out of here. The money will be paid back, not less! Next time remember to bring the debt note to collect the debt! If you dare to break the rule again, don't even need me to do it. Just tell your bank what's going on, and you know the result yourself!"

The three guys run away, but when they run to the stairs, they suddenly turn around, shout and scold to us. Maybe they want to leave some firce words. I just raise my knife, and they are rolling down the stairs in fear.

"Let's go in." I turn around and watch the mixed blood beauty, pulling her into the room. As soon as I close the door, I immediately lean against the wall, with a long breath and a tired expression appears on my face.

"You… Are you all right?" She looks at me with worry.

I smile: "Fortunately, it's just a few small fish. If we meet some hard characters, we will be miserable."

I know my own situation. To be honest, I'm really in a bad condition. The wound infection and high fever make my body soft and weak. Just now, I rush out to frighten those three guys, but in fact, I can't keep up with my own physical strength.

Now I feel as if I'm drunk. My hands and feet are limp, and I walk a little shaky. If those three guys fought hard, I'm afraid I would lose the fight.

"They… Will they be back again?"

I shake my head and smile, then saying: "It shouldn't be. They were too greedy to have broken the rules. They dare not talk to others after being chased away. It will also be bad for them too."

I see that point. That's what I dare to do. Otherwise, in my current state, it's better not to provoke them.

Besides, even if I didn't want to make trouble. In that situation, I had to make an appearance. Those guy were too greedy to provoke us, and I couldn't avoid it.

Be careful these two days." I say, "Don't open the door easily when someone knocks. Also, be careful when you go out by yourself. After two days, when I leave, I will help you to solve all these problems."

During the day, I have a good sleep, mixed blood beauty is very gentle to me. Probably to appreciate the scene in the morning, she makes me a bowl of spicy noodle soup. I drink it all at once, sweat a lot, take a hot bath, and feeling much better. After all, I'm in good health and recover quickly.

Although I used a confident tone when comforting mixed blood girl, but I still have some worries in my heart. Now I'm in danger. I have to think more.

In the afternoon, the international long-distance service has been activated. I immediately dial Silo's number, but after many calls, it's still turned off and can not be connected.

Until late in the evening, there is finally a connecting voice at the other end of the phone

All of a sudden, I'm in a good mood!

After a few long beeps, the phone is finally connected! Without waiting for the other side to speak, I immediately excitedly say in a loud voice: "Hello! Silo! Why did you shut up the phone so long? I'm still in Vietnam. Before I got on the plane, I met a person, the stripper we saw on the cruise... "

Before I finish speaking, I suddenly hear a growl coming from the other end of the phone! As God testifies, it's like the roar of a female Tyrannosaurus Rex. Even from the phone, I can feel the rage and powerful shock wave of the other side.

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"Chen Yang! Are you dead in Vietnam and not coming back? A stripper? What stripper? You stay in Vietnam for a stripper? You want to die, don't you? Have you learned to hook women outside now? You even like a stripper?"

My hand holding the phone is immediately stiff, and I immediately keep the microphone away from my ears, so as to avoid my eardrum being broken by the sound wave.

It's Jojo!

Jojo is answering the phone!

But before I can speak, there is a murmur on the other end of the phone. It seems that there are some indistinct quarrels. Then the voice is changed to a man with hidden bitterness.

"Little 5, I say you disappeared so long. I thought you were in danger. I didn't expect you to be happy in Vietnam. You make Jojo angry for a stripper. You are too damn bad. How does that stripper look? Pretty or not? How's her figure? Is the chest shaped like a bamboo shoot or an inverted bowl? What's her circumference? And... "

If I'm just shocked to hear Jojo's voice, then I really feel like hearing from a ghost!

Azle! It is Azle speaking!

It doesn't take me long this time. The voice on that phone changes again. Finally, Silo's voice comes. This buddy's voice is much more normal.

"Little 5! How are you doing? Are you in any trouble? Why didn't you get on the plane? Do you know I almost went crazy on the plane! I wish I had hijacked the plane and landed to go back to find you! Oh, we have arrived in Vietnam now. It's in Hanoi airport. And, uh, Miss Jojo, she must be following me. I can't stop her..."


I can't remember how I report my present position in a dull tone, and then in shock, the other side hangs up. Before hanging up, Jojo's voice comes from the opposite side: "We'll be there soon. You stay there, and don't go anywhere!"

I spent the half hour before they arrive, almost in a trance.

Wait, half an hour?

I suddenly think that I have been to Hanoi airport, but I know that it will take at least an hour to drive here.

Just when I am wondering, I hear a roar from outside!

"Chen Yang! You son of a bitch! Get out of here!"

As soon as I open the door and look out, I see Miss Jojo is rushing up the stairs like a whirlwind. She sees me at a glance, and the pretty face has changed several expressions in an instant. There are gratification, joy, anger and worry all together. Then she is suddenly rushing to me and raises her leg to kick me. After that, she raises her hands on her hips and shouting: "You're good now, aren't you? You dare not go home after playing outside, don't you? You think your life is tough, don't you?"

Her eyes suddenly turns and she says, "Damn it! The stripper you said! Where is she? Pull her out for me to see what kind of female goblin you are so obsessed with that you couldn't even get on the plane and just run away with her! Where is she! Where is she?! "

My calf bone was kicked by her. It hurt so much that I bent down to rub it. At this time, the mixed blood girl stands out timidly, supporting the door, with a little fear and loss on her beautiful face looking at Jojo, as if she is at a loss.

JOJO's eyes falls on the mixed blood girl. I clearly see a strange light is flashing in the eyes of the female rogue, and then she is suddenly jumping to the mixed blood girl's side and asks: "Is it you? You must be the stripper who keeps Chen Yang from going home? "

I think it's bad. With Jojo's temper, I don't know what I can do. But just when I am worring, JOJO suddenly back away two steps, looking at the mixed blood beauty all over with her squint eyes, and then changes her expression instantly. The anger on her face disappears instantly. Her face is full of charming smile, which is so kind, just like the big gray wolf is looking at the little red riding hood. Her eyes are so shining, just like the pervert sees the beautiful woman.

"Hi! Beauty, do you know, I think we are meant to meet when I see you. What's your name? Wait a minute. Don't say it. Don't say it. Let me guess. Hey, I guess your name must be Angel, right? Only this name can match your beautiful. Are you free tonight? Shall we have a coffee? Or eat together? Do you like French food or Chinese food? Oh, this is Vietnam. Can you show me the local scenery of Vietnam?"

The mixed blood beauty is a little panicked. In fact, based on her experience, it is estimated that she has experienced many times of being squinted by men, but when she is looked by a woman with such kind of eyes, nine out of ten women may faint.

She looks at me in a daze, opens her mouth and is about to speak, but Jojo has the courage to reach out to touch her face, and at the same time, she also has a lascivious smile on the face: "Your skin is so smooth, beauty, what cosmetics do you usually use? Don't be afraid. Come on, give Mr. Jojo a smile... "

Mixed blood beauty has collapsed, she is screaming, turning around and running into the room.


I am just still in a daze, and I hear a sigh on the stairs. Then I see Azle is staggering up with a face of helpless and sorry. His dress is very strange. He is wearing a local Vietnamese custom shirt which is obviously just bought at the airport, and a pair of craft wooden slippers which are obviously just bought. In his left hand, he carries a leather coat and a pair of antifreeze boots!

He is a little thinner, but he has more melancholy temperament. Such temperament undoubtedly makes him more lethal to many little girls! He looks at Jojo and the door, with a helpless expression on his face, and sighs: "What a gorgeous beauty! Why am I so unlucky that Jojo starts first again?"

Then his eyes finally fall on me. He smiles and shows his white teeth: "Little 5, I see you again. I'm so glad to see you still alive." Then his tone changes and looks furtive, "Do you know any Vietnamese beauties like this?"

Before I speak, there is a cold voice downstairs that doesn't contain any mood swings.

I see Wood's emaciated figure slowly coming up the stairs. He takes a cold look at Azle and says briefly, "Jojo is here, no share for you."

Crazy! It's really crazy!

I didn't expect that I called Silo and he brought Jojo. And not only Jojo comes, but also my other two good friends also follow here!

Wood's eyes fall on me, silently walks up, looking up and down at me, and his tone is still very flat: "Are you hurt?"

"Well, yes… En, Wood, Azle, why are you all here?"

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Wood doesn't speak. He reaches out and touches my forehead. Then he checks my wound and pinches my pulse, then sighs: "See you alive, rest assured."

At last there are some fluctuations in Wood's voice. This woodblock guy looks at me with a little excitement in his eyes.

Mixed blood girl is frightened to hide in the room, I try my best to pull Jojo to stop her get into the room. She also sighs: "Big losses! Big losses! If I knew that Vietnam have such wonderful beauties, I should have been here years earlier."

Facing of this female rogue, I have no any way.

I manage to settle them all in the living room, I finally have the chance to ask: "How come you all come here?"

If I don't ask, it's OK. When I ask, Jojo immediately gets angry and points at me and scolds: "Little 5! I'm waiting for you to go back home in fear. As a result, I only saw Silo only. That little fool ran back alone. I asked him where you were. He said he lost you! I was still surprised. How can you get lost? That kid stealthily refused to tell me the truth, I saw him to see yours Papa 8, I guessed you must have something wrong! Sure enough, the boy brought a group of people to rush back to Vietnam."

"So you came too?" I frown.

"Rubbish!" She is a little excited, "If you die outside, someone must collect your body! Didn't we say that when we were happy, we would share our happiness and take the risk altogether?! You ran away when you were in trouble. You can't leave us behind this time!"

I sigh in silence, nothing to say, nothing could say.

"Jojo called me and Wood, and we flew all night to come here..." Azle says with a smile.

I just know that Jojo because of Canada is not her familiar place to find help. She is also not willing to ask Winson for help after breaking with his family. She just called Azle. Aale is very righteous, and immediately flew over.

I take a look at Azle: "Why are you carrying your leather coat and antifreeze boots?"

"I flew over from St. Petersburg..." There is a little tired between his eyebrows, "Russia is very freezing."

"Why did you fly to Rossia?"

"Oh, my father returned home. I didn't want to see him, so I went to the northeast to relax. I didn't find any beautiful Russian beauties there. I was so angry that I decided to date a real Russian beauty. So I just flew to Russia."

I: "You are so interested!"

I turned to look at Wood and ask: "What about you? Why are you here too?"

Wood turns his mouth and looks at Jojo: "It's her."

It turns out that Wood was not interesting to stay in Nanjing alone, but he was not interested in following Azle to Russia to date beautiful women too. After contacting Jojo, he knew that I am also in Canada, and he just came to Canada to find Jojo and me.

As a result, when he heard there was something happened to me, he just flew here together with Jojo.

I look at the three friends in front of me. They come here for my safety. To be honest, I'm moved. But then I find a question: "Where is Silo now?"

"He's still at the airport." Jojo says quickly, "There are many people in the garage, but they couldn't buy enough tickets. So I came here with Silo first, and the group of people will take next flight. Now Silo is waiting for them at the airport. When they have arrived, they will come to meet you together."

I am shocked: "How many people have come?"

"Quite some," Jojo thinks a while and says, "Most of the men in the garage have come."

I take a deep breath: "So many people?"

I am very clear that those people are the "airborne soldiers" carefully trained by Papa 8!

I sigh. I can't understand Papa 8's real meaning.

Obviously, Silo can bring so many people back to Vietnam to find me, which is exactly what Papa 8 means. How could these brothers from the garage come out without his nod?
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But Papa 8… Does he really value me so much?

In tiger's words, Papa 8 is a powerful and ruthless hero with strong desire for power. But now, because of I lost in Vietnam, so many people have been sent to save me. What's his intention?

Wood, the professional doctor quickly examines the injury for me, and then says: "Don't worry. You won't die."

If we four old friends gather together, it will be very lively. After the treatment of the injury, I begin to talk about my experience after I left alone that time.

I can't go out now. There isn't much food in the house. We just ask the mixed blood girl to help us go out and buy some food back. Obviously, she's also eager to leave soon, because Jojo is always looking at her eyes and is about to jump on the next second to eat her alive.

After the mixed blood girl goes out, Jojo looks at me with some sour taste: "OK, Little 5, your women in China have not even dealt clean, and then you have a princess when you ran to Canada. Now in Vietnam, you make such a top-notch beauty too. You are sowing the seeds of love everywhere... "

I immediately explain: "I have nothing to do with her, but I'm being chased and hide in her house for the time being."

"Nothing?" Jojo doesn't believe it: "this girl looks at you with adoration. Look at your wound, how carefully it is sewn. You can't sew it yourself, can you?"

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I smile bitterly and don't speak, but Azle beside me is a person who would stir up right and wrong. He purposely shrugs his nose and sighs: "Well, how come there is a big sour smell?" He glances back and forth at me and Jojo, smiling deliberately, "What happened on you two?"

"Love, like a cough, cannot be concealed." Wood makes a summary.

"What are you talking about?!" Jojo is staring with a murderous expression, Azle and Wood immediately turns away from her.

"Have you the courage to say it again?" There are sparks in Jojo's eyes.

Then Jojo takes a look at the two men who dare not speak a word, and then says to me: "Little 5, come in. I have something to say to you."

Jojo takes me into the room and closes the door gently.

In the quiet room, there is only one expression on her face: maybe I have an illusion, but I see it clearly. The expression on her face can only be described by one word, that is: gentle!

"You... Why always so reckless?" She sighs quietly, "Why do you always meet such a thing that you need to bet your own life every time? Don't you know that a man has only one life! How many times can you spell it?"

I try to smile easily, but find that I can't smile under Jojo's deep eyes.

"Do you know? When you went out, there were three people. Only one came back, and his expression was so suspicious, I was really afraid. I was afraid he would tell me some bad news!" Jojo clenches her teeth, she stares at me tightly, then slowly says, "Do you know? If you really dead, I would certainly avenge for you even if even if I put all my efforts into!"


"Yes!" Jojo nods hard, her eyes are flashing firmly, "I don't care what others think, but if I find out who killed you. I will do everything to avenge! I can ask my father. I can even marry to Winson! I will use all my strength to revenge! Once I find the man who killed you, I will kill him by myself! Then, his relatives, friends, I will not let go of anyone! I will kill all the people in the world who have relations with him, who he cares about, and who care about him!" Her voice is shaking. Even though she is saying such horrible words, I feel the fear inside Jojo's heart!

"I can turn myself into a devil to avenge for you!" she says in a trembling voice.


To be honest, I really don't know what to say at the moment! I even have the feeling of dreaming!



"Jojo, you…" I look at her and feel hard to say any word.

"Don't say. Don't ask me anything." Her eyes are complicated and strange. She says slowly, "I don't know, I don't know why, I don't know what happened to myself! I don't know anything now. I only know that when I came, I was very worried on the plane. I was afraid that once I landed, I would get the news that you had died! I don't know what happened to me. So don't ask me now!"

Jojo's eyes are so deep that I can't see the bottom.

At last, she sighs, gives me a hug, then reluctantly smiles and says slowly: "Don't ask, don't say anything, OK?"

I nod. Then I feel Jojo is holding me, putting all her weight on me, and finally she is all in my arms.

I can even feel that this seems to have always been very strong, very tough woman, her body is trembling.

This should be a delicate moment, or even a very atmosphere moment.

But in this world, many things are unpredictable.

Just as we are both immersed in the sudden delicate atmosphere, I hear a slight movement from the door panel behind me.

Door... Oops, I kicked the doorplate yesterday! Before I recall it, the door panel behind me has fallen. I can't help it to fall down because I rely all my weight on the doorplate behind me, and Jojo's body is completely on me.


The two of us fall down with the door, and I lay on the doorplate, while Jojo lays in my arms in a very ambiguous, bird by human position.

The eyes of two men in the living room are already with a sense of surprise, staring at us who are lying on the ground.

I see Jojo's face turns red in a flash. She looks up, panicked, but then covers up the real emotion with anger, staring at Azle and Wood with murderous eyes.

"You… Are you?" Azle opens his mouth wide and do not know how to speak. Wood seems stunned too.

"If you dare, I will kill you!" Jojo is jumping up and screaming, "Do not look! Do not think! Do not say anything!"

"I didn't see anything!" Azle coughs and shrinks his head, "It's none of my business. I'm just passing by."

Wood is still that Wood, he just use the as the shortest words as he can

"Me too!"

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