Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 204

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It's nice to have a gorgeous beauty with a hot figure in arms, but if she's Jojo, that feeling won't be that happy.

In particular, her face is like a child who has been found guilty of wrongdoing. There is no reason for her to vent her temper at such a time. I, Azle, and Wood all know that, so when Jojo jumps out from my arms, even though her arm hits my nose and it really hurts. But I can only bite my teeth. I see although Azle and wood want to laugh, but they can only bear it.

"Wood, you know? There is a kind of plant in the world, which usually rarely blooms!" Azle's face is with very serious appearance.

"What is it?" Wood replies in cooperation.

"Well, in the botanical garden in Washington, USA, there is a largest flower of the world, which is called giant taro. It's said that this plant only blooms once in more than ten years!" Azle intentionally sighs, "Very rare!" After a pause, he smiles deliberately and says, "Actually, I know there is another kind of plant, which blooms more rarely than this giant taro!"

Wood glances at him, takes a long breathe and asks: "What's it?"

"Iron tree!" Azle glances at Jojo quickly and says in a loud voice, "And it's the kind of iron tree that has been growing for more than 20 years..."

Jojo has clenched her teeth in anger and makes a "cluck" sound. She's suddenly standing up, her eyes turns around, a very calm and relaxed voice says: "Where is the kitchen knife?"

Azle has quickly stepped half a step and grabbed the kitchen knife on the table, and then quickly hands it to Wood, who then throws the kitchen knife under the sofa at will, and then says with serious expression: "I don't see it."

"We're just talking about serious plant topics!" Azle says innocently.

"Hum!" Jojo has a sneer on her face.

At this time, the sound of key opening comes from outside. Mixed blood girl comes back with a few big and small bags in her hand, and there is even a chicken.

"I saw your friend come. I can cook Vietnamese chicken dinner for you tonight." Mixed blood girl blushes a little and whispers, "I'm sorry, you didn't eat anything good here these two days..."

Azle sighs and praises: "So gentle and virtuous." Then he quickly stands up and walks over with a gentlemanly expression on his face, "Beautiful lady, what can I do for you? Come on. I'll help you with your things. Ladies shouldn't do such rough work."

The mixed blood girl blushes, and is taken bags of fresh food from her hand by Azer. She's embarrassed: "No, I can do most of it. Just, I don't know how to kill the chicken."

"Don't worry, how can such a bloody thing be done by a beautiful woman?" Azle's face is solemn and upright. He picks up the poor chicken by the neck, and then bends down to get the kitchen knife out of the sofa. To be honest, I can see that his face is a little nervous.

He once said an extremely obscene saying: "I can't see any blood except for the red fall of virgins."

We look at azle's murderous expression, as if staring at the poor chicken in his hand like an enemy. Then he raises the bright kitchen knife in his hand and deep breathes.


Blood is spattering out.

Then Azle is screaming, covering his bleeding finger, throws the kitchen knife and rushing into the toilet.

I cover my face and don't dare to look at the mixed blood girl's expression. Then I look at Wood. He sit steadily like sitting on the fishing platform, motionless, says lightly: "I'm a doctor, my knife is only for people, not for a chicken."

"Let me do it!" Jojo is shouting. She takes the knife quickly, the pink tongue licks her lips, "To kill the chicken, I know best!"

After listening to her words, Azle, who just walk out of the bathroom with his wrapped fingers, and Wood, who is sitting there, are all shivering.

I have to say, I find mixed blood girl's another advantage. She is really good at cooking! She has two dishes tonight that are definitely chef level.

At this point, it's enough to make Jojo depressed to death. Because she is the kind of super idiot for the things in the kitchen. Even if she keeps a turtle, she can poison that turtle to death

During the dinner, I call Silo again, and get know that he is still at the airport, and the flight is delayed, but it is expected that our troops would land in half an hour. He tells me to come as soon as they have joined.

I'm relieved, but as soon as I put down the phone, it rings again. The mixed blood girl looks a little unnatural. I know that most of the people who call her are from the nightclub or her guests.

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I know that she has some inferiority in mind, so she takes the mobile phone, stands up immediately and go into the room to answer it. Then, less than half a minute later, a scream comes out of the room! Then I hear a slap and something falls on the ground.

The four of us look at each other, stand up at the same time, run into the room one after another, and see the tears on mixed blood girl's face, just like pear blossom with rain. There are anger, anxiety, sadness, panic and many other expressions flashing on her face. She sits on the ground paralyzed, looks up and sees me. There is a flash of light in her eyes, as if she has found a glimmer of hope. She jumps up like a madwoman and comes to seize me: "They… They took Yoyo! Those people... "

My heart is sinking, but I still calmly grab her and ask slowly: "Who has taken Yoyo?"

"It's the people who came today!" She's crying, "They said, said..."

She doesn't catch up in a breath and nearly fainted. Fortunately, I take hold of her, and then I pinch her lips, then I pat her on the back, helping her breathe smoothly. She just tell the content of the call off and on.

Obviously, these usury practitioners in Vietnam are quite lack of professionalism. The person who called just now is to inform the mixed blood girl that she must take the money to redeem the person immediately, because they have directly "picked up" Yoyo on the way. At the same time, they asked for immediate repayment of the money owed, with a total of 20 million Dong.

Besides, because I hurt the people they sent to collect debts today, it's like breaking their rules. They want us to pay an extra 80 million Dong. The total is 100 million Dong!

Obviously, those three guys I drove away must have said the fact that they saw a lot of dollars in mixed blood girl's hand.

What's more, I don't know what the three villains said after they went back. The boss of the usury group heard that it was a beautiful woman in debt. He also put forward some kind of filthy request that the mixed blood girl need to accompany him for one night! Otherwise, they will make Yoyo suffer.

This is unprofessional. They are obviously usurious, but they have started kidnapping now.

Looking at the mixed blood girl sitting there crying, I sigh, pat her gently, smile and say: "Well, don't worry, I'll take care of it! I'll help you get Yoyo back safely."

I smile calmly. There's something reassuring in my eyes, and she also seems to think of my unusual. She immediately has more hope, grabs my arm, shaking it vigorously and begging me: "I beg you to save my sister. I can give you anything! I can promise anything! As long as you can help me..."

I sigh:"Just leave it to me."

I look at the time, and there is still a lot more.

Hum, a group of usurer?

Originally, I hid here to recuperate myself. Now a group of my airborne brothers have come. I just take this opportunity to have a good grumble! I've been nursing a grievance in Vietnam for so many days.

After all, Jojo is a woman, with a little more delicate heart and eyes. She picks up the picture at the head of the bed and looks at the lovely appearance of Yoyo's bright smile on the picture. She can't help but surprised: "This is your sister?!" And then instinctively, Jojo immediately can't help but praises: "What a beautiful little Lolita!"

Now Jojo is also angry. She shouts: "They even dare to hurt such a beautiful little girl?! FXXX! Cut him with the knife! Let him get rid of the son and grandson, have a son without asshole!"

Azle and I can't help but lsidelong glance at her fiercely look. At the moment, Wood slowly says, "You're wrong."

Jojo stares at him:"Huh? What's wrong?"

"If you cut him, he will die. He would have no son and grandson. If he doesn't even have a son, so the saying of have a son without asshole is nonsense." Wood looks calm and gives a serious answer.

I look at them and say: "You three stay here to accompany with her." I point to the mixed blood girl.

Then I pick up the mobile phone, call Silo.

"Silo, something happened. After you join them, go to this address to find me. Well, we have something to do tonight."

I put down the phone, but I hear Jojo is shouting excitedly: "No, we will go with you! How can I miss such a funny thing?!"

"I say it's useless for you to follow. We are going to save people. You can't fight, you can't run, you can't help anything." I have no choice but to sit in the car and watch my three old friends.

Jojo is driving with an excited look on her face: "Of course I know. But we have a bunch of fighters now. Your brothers are all arrived. We are not sure how to deal with a few usurious hooligans? If there is danger, I will not go with you for sure! How can I not go to see the bustle of such interesting things?"

When she finishes, she suddenly asks aloud: "Where do we turn?"

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"Ahead, turn right ahead." The mixed blood beauty's face is dazed, and she looks like she's lost in her wits. She has been shocked by me and my friends.

Jojo is driving a rental business van.

Just after we went out, we found a car rental company nearby. In this kind of tourist city, there are many car rental companies that rent cars to foreign tourists. After Jojo entered the door, she didn't say anything and throw a pile of dollars first: "I need a car, preferably a business car, with a large interior space, strong power! The sooner the better!" Then she took a look at the mixed blood girl and let her translate it in Vietnamese.

They asked Jojo to show her travel documents, especially the driver's license. Jojo walks slowly to the front of the mixed blood girl without saying a word, and said lightly, "I didn't take it."

A lot of dollars made the employees of the car rental company show greedy face, and also very happily agreed to rent us a van.

Then, several of us got into this business van and just let Jojo to step on the gas all the way to rush forward.

I can't remember how many red lights our van ran all the way. I'm sure that company will receive a lot of traffic tickets after we return the van back.

We stops halfway. I go to a shop and buy a set of knives. Wood takes a look at me and say briefly: "Wait for me."

Then he asks the mixed blood girl to go together to a drugstore across the street. A moment later they come back and there's a bag in Wood's hand.

After getting on the van, Wood sits in the back row. For a while, he hands me something. These are several thin disposable syringes. There's a medicine bottle next to it.

"Use this." Wood says lightly, "the medicine in it is just made by me. It can make people paralyzed and is more effective than a knife."


The underground bank is located in a dilapidated building in an old area of Hanoi. The building here is full of colonial style, dark and humid, and there are many faded signs on the walls of the small corridor. Obviously, there are many small businesses in this building. The underground bank is on the top floor.

Our business van stops by the side of the road. After a while, I see two taxis coming, and then several men jump out of the car. It is Silo and other brothers. According to the address, he picked up all the people directly came from the airport and rushed over here.

I immediately get out of the van and walk over. Silo sees me and smiling happily. I give him a hug. Then look at the other airborne brothers.

These are the brothers in the Papa 8's garage who were training in the gym every day. They have a good relationship with me in the past. I go to hug them one by one, and someone is laughing and shouting to me: "Little 5, we thought you have died in Vietnam!"

I stare at him, laughing and scolding: "Bullshit, my life will be longer than yours!"

After a pause, I say quickly to them all: "Let's not go back to the past for now. We have things to do. From now on, you need to listen to me first. Do you understand?"

All of them are serious at once and restrain themselves. Although I am young, but for such a period of time, every day in the gym with them, everyone knows that I am good. They are all convinced of me. And I have killed Sand Tiger recently, which has raised my prestige to an unprecedented level. I have almost become the recognized leader of the brothers in the gym.

This group of people are usually holding back, so they can only use their energy in the gym every day. Now they seldom have the chance to come out once. They are excited to hear there's something to do.

I lead them get on our business van first. This van is big enough for everyone to squeeze in.

I tell them about the purpose of this action is to save people, and then I describe the appearance and characteristics of Yoyo.
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I simply arrange the task: "Our target is in the top floor of this building. If there is no surprise, there are about seven or eight people. There should be no experts, just a group of usurer. But be careful, this is Vietnam, a country with a large number of private guns, so the other side is likely to have guns. And you just got off the plane. Just be careful... "

I quickly take out my pen and paper, and draw a general plan on the paper. This is the general terrain of this underground bank, mainly the interior structure, according to the information I got from asking the mixed blood girl along the way. Mixed blood girl has only been there once when she borrowed money, but she remember it very well.

I draw a figure of indoor distribution, and then mark it on the paper: "They have front and back two doors. The back door is said to be a dead end, and the door is an iron door. It's said that it can only be opened from the inside, but it can't be opened from the outside, so Silo, you take a person to block the back door outside." Then I take a look at the rest of the others, "You guys, break through from both sides..." I draw two forks on the paper, "These are two windows. They are on the top floor. I have nylon rope behind my van. Is it too hard to you? Well, they don't have iron fences in their windows. Just don't break your noses when you rush into the the window."

A group of people burst into laughter.

I return to being serious and say to them: "Don't laugh, everyone. To be honest, this time is not the task of the organization, but this girl is my friend's sister. If you are willing to help me, I will owe you a favor."

A brother is immediately laughing and saying: "Brother Little 5, we are all choked up. If we can have a chance to move. Don't say it's a rescue. Even if you're just going to take us to rob the National Bank of Vietnam. The brothers here won't frown."

I take a look at him, laughing and saying: "OK, I thank you first. But pay attention to safety. After all, this is not our own place." Then I take a breath, "Check the watch time. We'll be rushing into the room in five minutes!"

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Our troops are divided into three parts, leaving Azle waiting on the van, engine on, ready to retreat any time.

I lead the mixed blood girl and Wood up the stairs, and Jojo insists to go with us. I know if I don't agree, God knows what she will do. I can only agree with her.

As for Wood, I didn't want him to follow me too. But he said to me coldly: "First of all, I'm a doctor. If there is any accident, it's good to have a doctor next to you."

After a pause, there's a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Second, when it comes to using a knife, you may not be better than me."

I have nothing to say, because I've heard that when Wood was studying in medical school, he was the first in anatomy class. He had been with a scalpel for three days and three nights! When it comes to using knives, I'm afraid I'm really not as good as him.

There are only four floors in this building. The old wooden stairs and handrails are a little shabby. We come to the fourth floor all the way. In the corridor, we see a door in front of us. I'm just about to knock. Jojo suddenly pulls me: "Wait a minute."

She slowly walks to the front of the mixed blood girl, looking at her up and down, and then suddenly reaches out to untie the two buttons on the collar of her chest clothes, and suddenly exposes a section of snow-white skin. In the two snow-white round hemispheres, an attractive cleavage is extruded.

The mixed blood girl gives a low cry, but immediately covers her mouth. She instinctively dodges, but Jojo makes a faster move, bends down and grabs her skirt and pulls down.

With a hiss sound, the slit under the skirt is torn for more than half, which is enough to reach the thigh root of the mixed blood beauty. If go a little higher, It would be seen the edge of the underwear.

Mixed blood girl is panicked:"What are you doing?"

Jojo laughs with proud, says in low voice:"Don't be afraid! It will be useful!" She glances at me, and her eyes are full of cunning. She whispers to use, "to distract them."

I know her meaning immediately, sigh and nod in silence.

Originaly, mixed blood girl is very beautiful. Now Jojo makes her cleavage shows above and thigh shows below. Any man will be attracted by seeing her in a sudden. At that time, when the other party's attention is distracted, we will have more chances to attack.

As for Jojo herself, well, the clothes on her body are always hot.

I pat mixed blood girl's shoulder to comfort her. She is at a loss, but in the blind trust of me, she acquiesces to Jojo's action. Jojo reaches out her hand and makes her hair a little fluffy, which makes her whole person look a little more lazy and sexy. Then jojo stops, smiles with satisfaction.

I check the time, then grab mixed beauty to walk to the front of the door, knock.

On the iron door, a small window opens, showing a man's small half face inside. He glances at the outside with alert eyes. When he sees the mixed blood girl with untidy clothes, he is obviously stunned for a second, and his eyes are showing the fascinated expression.

Mixed blood beauty is a little nervous, but she still has the courage to say to that man loudly in Vietnam. The other side's eyes light up and look at me. At that time, Wood and Jojo step forward and standing behind me.

The iron door opens slowly. I see several men standing inside the room. They all look cantankerously, but their eyes mostly focus on the mixed blood beauty and Jojo.

I and mixed blood girl are in the front, Jojo and wood are behind us. We get in the room together, the iron door behind us closes immediately.

I look at the room. It's obviously a suite. We are in the living room, about around more than ten square meters, and there are two rooms inside the room, one is locked, the other is open. I see that there are several tables in it, and some men with bad looks have already stood up.

I see the three men I have beaten are among them, but each of them is wrapped in gauze. Especially that broken nose, sees me, all face of fear. But then his expression turns to resentment. Next to him standing a man, about forty years old, in a flowered shirt, with a thick gold chain hanging around his neck. He is a little chubby, looking ugly and ferocious. His eyes are full of glum light.

I count them. There are total nine people. There are two windows in the room, exactly the same as I marked. There are two men by the window looking at me with their arms holding.

The one with the gold chain is obviously the leader. He swaggers over and gives me a look. Then the broke nose immediately moves a chair for him.

"My name is Win Yong Lee!" He speaks very fluent English. He sits on the chair carelessly, and the people around him immediately hands over a cigar. He lights the cigar, looks proud, takes a sip, and stares at me: "My three brothers went to collect debts and were beaten. Did you do it?"

Several other men are standing beside us, surrounding us faintly in the middle, and others are holding weapons like bicycle chains, clapping gently in their hands, with a threatening expression. I know that this kind of weapon is used as a weapon by many hooligans. It is better than a knife, especially in hot weather and thin clothes. If this chain lock is hit on your body, you could be taken a piece of flesh!

I slowly step forward and carefully use my body block the three people behind me.

There's still half a minute before action together, and I need to try to get their attention now.

"I did it." I look at this guy with a kind of provocative look, "Are you their boss? It's your people who broke the rules first! What did those three men do? Didn't they tell you?"

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"Hum!" He is a face of glum.

In order to delay the time, I still make an angry look and ask him: "You come to collect the debt, we repay the money, everyone is right to do according to the rules. But your three men, without debt note, just came to blackmail and rob money. Is this the right way to do it?"

This guy is obviously a tough character. He waves his hand and stops my intention to continue questioning. He says coldly with a gloomy face: "I know what you said very well!" He hooks his fingers to the broken nose, and that guy bends down at once.

He shouts at the broken nose: "Say! How did I punish you?"

The broke nose opens his mouth and says in a loud voice: "I did this thing wrong. Brother Lee rewarded each of us a cut! Let us bleed to remember!"

"Do you hear?" Win Yong Lee stares at me and sneering. He holds out his tongue and licks his lips. "My men have done something wrong. I have already punished them. Rules are rules. I will not break my rules! I have given them a lesson! Now you take out the money, I'll give you the debt note. Then, anyway, you hurt my men! I have my name in haoni! My men, even if they do something wrong and break the rules, should be punished, I will do it myself! No one else can touch them! Now you have hurt my men. This debt need to be calculated!"

I sneer and don't speak.

"Boy, seems you're also a character. You must pay for it. You need to pay me 100 million Dong with stock and block. Then, Hum..." His eyes are falling at the two women behind me, grins, "The woman behind you, pick out any one and accompany me for one night! I'll stop here!" After a pause, he smiles, "Well, if the two women behind you are willing to accompany me together, I'll give you a 50% discount. I'll let you go as long as you pay 50 million, OK?"

He takes a look at many of his subordinates: "I've reduced 50 million Dong for you! 50 million, damn it, I spent 50 million to sleep a woman! Am I kind? Ha ha ha ha..."

When He finishes saying, bursts laughters. His men also burst arrogant laughters.

He laughs a few times, then claps his hands, and immediately the two men go to the next door, unlock and open the door, and reveal the inside of the room.

Yoyo is sitting inside, her hands and feet are tied on the chair by nylon rope, her mouth is pasted with adhesive tape, a pair of big eyes are full of panic, and there are tears on her cheek.

"Boy, I heard you are good at fight, but it is useless today! If you dare to move, the little girl will die!" Win Yong Lee shows a ferocious smile. Two of his men are standing by Yoyo's side. I see that they have daggers in their hands and gently put on Yoyo's neck.

After all, Yoyo is a child. At this moment, she is totally scared and silly, has almost no other reaction except crying.

"No!" Mixed blood girl is crying, "Don't touch her..." She is screaming and wanting to rush forward. I stop her, put her behind me with my backhand. Looking at Yoyo, I say slowly: "Yoyo, don't be afraid, I'll help you go home right away."

Win Yong Lee's eyes are flashing a little surprise, but he soon calms down and sneers. "Help? I hate to see people arrogant in front of me! Go break his mouth for me!"

The two guys around me soon come up. I slowly step back, body slightly bow up, and then a strong exhale and shouting: "Action!"



At the same time, the windows on both sides burst into a sound of broken glass. Then two figures have smashed the windows from the outside and rushing in! The guys who are standing by the window holding arms are immediately knocked down. Before they could react from the panic, their necks have been caught by the brother who broke in and turned hard.

With the sounds of crack, their bodies are softened to the ground.

At the same time, people on my both sides are rushing over. I grab the guy on the left with one hand, pinch his arm, and kick the other leg towards the right. I kick the guy on the belly to make him away. Then I flash into the arms of the man on the left, with my back against him, my backhand around his neck, and then I lift it hard! He is caught the neck by me, a back fall, the whole body is lifted! He have passed out before landing!

At the same time, I see a flash of cold light. With a "whew" sound, a guy with a chain is about to attack me, and a needle tube has inserted in his chest. He shakes twice, and I immediately go up and kick him in the crotch. He falls down, but has already stiff.

I see a few needle tubes in Wood fingers and a cold expression on his face. Don't think Wood is a civilized man. We often fought with people when we were dawdling in bars. When wood fights, he's also very tough.

At the same time, the windows on both sides burst in our brothers. These fierce men are all good at fight. These usurious little gangsters can't resist at all! Soon four people are knocked down.

These brothers are really ruthless. Those who are knocked down either break their hands or break their legs! It seems that these people have been in the garage for too long and are anxious to vent.

Win Yong Lee's reaction is quick, and he is rushing to Yoyo's direction without any hestation. I knock down the people around me, the next goal is him! My speed is faster than him. So I catch up and grab his wrist. But then I feel that he has a wrist movement, and even try grab my wrist joint with his backhand!

This guy, actually has practiced fighting!

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