Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 205

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I don't move, just let him grab my wrist, but the other hand clench my fist and hit him on the back. When he just pinches my wrist and shows a little happy in his eyes, screaming at once. He's stumbling forward two steps and spouting blood out of his mouth. But this guy really tough, stretching out his hand to the ground and don't fall down, and then the whole body is rushing to my knee!

He is very clever. He is too close to me and attacking my lower body. If I stretch my legs to kick him, so close, I can't send all my strength at all. Then it wouldn't have much effect with the kick. And if I stoop to attack him, it's more troublesome.

In an instant, he has grabbed one of my legs, and then twist himself. He wants to overturn me with wrestling! I put my other leg on the ground, he can't lift me. I try to punch his face again. This time he let go my leg, raises his arm to defend my fist. At the same time, he's shrinking back and jumping up from the ground.

Good fighting skill!

I see him pulls a dagger out of his waist and stabbing me in the chest. His stab is fast and hard! When I am dodging, I have knew it in my heart! He must have been a soldier! These movements are obviously the traces of military fighting!

In the narrow room, I'm entangled by him. I'm even scratched on the arm! After all, I haven't recovered, neither the speed nor the strength of my movements are at their best. But being stabbed by his dagger makes me angry!

He stabs to me again. This time, a trace of murderous light is flashing from my eyes. I do not hide but running to him. Just as his dagger is about to arrive my body, I twist myself fiercely. The dagger wipes my shoulder and brings a piece of blood! But I do not back in, raise the palm, the palm root of the right hand fiercely hit him on the chin.


With a muffled sound. He doesn't even have the time to a hum. He falls to the ground on his back and hit his back head on the floor.

His chin is dislocated and askews on one side. The outline of his face looks extremely strange. At this time, most of the opponents in the room were knocked down. But at this time we hear a scream.

Everyone's movements stop at the same time, and we see Yoyo sitting in the chair. There is a dagger in front of her neck. The dagger has pierced a little skin, and the blood is flowing out. The girl is so scared that she can't even cry. She turns her eyes and is fainting.

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And that scream just now was from mixed blood girl. She saw her sister was stabbed in the neck. She screamed and fainted too. Fortunately, Jojo held her.

"Stop!" I step on Win Yong Lee's body.

At this moment, the whole room, standing are our people. All there people have been knocked down. The only last one, shaking with fear, hiding behind Yoyo. The dagger in his hand dare not leave Yoyo's neck.

There were two people around her just now, when fighting in disorder, one of them rushed up and was knocked unconscious by our people. But in the end, this guy still took Yoyo as hostage.

The room quiets down, and the Vietnamese hiding behind Yoyo is yelling loudly. His face goes crazy and his hands is shaking. The dagger has pierced yoyo's skin again. The blood of her nect continues to flow.

I immediately shout: "Stop it! Don't hurt her!"

But I immediately find out that this Vietnamese don't know English.

I immediately pick up Win Yong Lee on the ground, and then twist his chin

With a click sound, he cries out in pain, and finally he can speak now.

"Let your men put down the knife!" I say to him, biting my teeth.

He stares at me. This murderous villain is still tough. His face is painful, but his eyes are all of angry: "Do you think I'm stupid? I let her go, and I'm dead." All of a sudden, he says a Vietnamese word. I immediately realize that it's not good. I punch him on the mouth. He only said a few words, then stops by my punch. He spits out several teeth and his mouth is full of blood.

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I suddenly see a man. That broke nose.

This guy is very timid. As soon as we started fighting, he was the first one to jump under the table. Now he is lying on the ground shaking. I threw Win Yong Lee to a brother and lift the broke nose up: "You tell him to stop and let the girl go."

He doesn't dare to refuse, speaks to that man in Vietnamese. The voice of the other side is full of tension. Broke nose frowns and says: "He won't. He said he wants you all to quit..."

I scold in my heart.

If there is a gun at the moment, that would be OK.

I take a deep breath: "You tell him, as long as he let go of that girl, I promise, let him leave here, never touch him!"

Broke nose talks with that Vietnamese in a trembling voice. He looks at me and whispers: "He… He asks you to release Brother Lee first..."


I'm angry, and there is a trace of murderous expression on my face. I go to Win Yong Lee, grab one of his hands, press it on the table, and then take a dagger from a brother.


A shrill scream is through the whole room!

The dagger in my hand pierces the back of Win Yong Lee's hand and nails his palm to the table top! He has lost his teeth and can't speak anymore, but the scream is still loud.

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I do not change my face, holding the handle of the dagger with right hand, and the blade is inserted on the back of Win Yong Lee's hand. I stare at broke nose: "You tell him, if he not to let the girl go. I will cut off his boss's this hand! I count three times. If he still doesn't let her go, I'll cut off his another hand!"

After all, broke nose is just a gangster. Where has he seen such a scene? At that time, his legs are all soft and his voice is shaking.

As he is speaking in the trembling voice. I deliberately turn the handle. The blade of the dagger is fixed on Win Yong Lee's palm. When I am turning the handle, the blade is revolving in the hole of his palm, which makes him is screaming more and more fiercely as if killing a pig.

My face is as hard and cold as a rock. At the same time, I can see clearly that the man holding yoyo has full of fear in his eyes!

In fact, I'm gambling. I bet this kind of punk doesn't have the guts of me! I just bet his heart is not as resolute and cold as I am! If he is a little bit ruthless, or a little hard. When I'm stabing Win Yong Lee, he also casually stab on Yoyo. I'm afraid I'll be defeated right away!

But I bet this guy doesn't have the guts!

His eyes begin to loosen. Without hesitation, I immediately grab another palm of Win Yong Lee's hand and quickly pull out the dagger, stab down hard.


Win Yong Lee suffered the pain of being pierced by his both hands. Even though he is tough, he still faints on the spot. His blood is running all over the table. In the room, Jojo's eyes flash a trace of shock, surprise, hidden intolerance and fear. And Wood gives me a strange look. But he don't have the slightest fear. After all, he is a doctor. In those days, he dared to dissect corpses, so he would not take this blood seriously.

And my brothers in the garage, one by one, all look calm. They were originally a group of airborne soldiers carefully trained by Papa 8. Naturally, they would not have any psychological obstacles to this scene.

The Vietnamese finally breaks down. He suddenly raises his dagger and quickly cut the rope that tied Yoyo to the chair. Then he continues to press Yoyo with the dagger. The other hand dragging her up and walking to the back door of the room.

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The back door!

There is only one back door in the room! He wants to escape from there! I raise my hand to stop my brother's intention of rushing up, but I keep up with the guy with a certain distance.

Finally, the Vietnamese retreats to the door. He is pale with fright, eyes stares at us and touches the doorknob for a long time to try to open it. When he opens the door, he drags Yoyo out.

When he is stepping back, a hand outside the door, holding a sharp blade, has quietly wrapped around his neck.

In a flash, the sharp blade cut his neck. Just as he is surprised, eyes begin to protrude, and the dagger on hand want to cut down to Yoyo's neck, a powerful hand grabs his wrist from behind!

With a plop, Yoyo's body falls to the ground. I've rushed over and hugged her.

The dead Vietnamese, his eyes is protruding like goldfish, seems couldn't believe it when dying. He doesn't understand how he has been killed suddenly.

The door opens slowly, and Silo's figure is coming out. His face is a little complicated. He gently let go of the dead Vietnamese. Then he looks at his bloody hand and dagger, and then he gently throws it on the ground.

He seems to want to laugh, but he couldn't laugh. He begins to whisper to me in a hoarse voice: "Little 5, I... "

He takes a deep breath, as if sighing, and whispers in a complex voice: "I.. I've finally killed someone."

I hug yoyo with one hand, clap Silo hard with the other hand, and say in a deep voice, "OK!" I raise my hand and pat him on the cheek to wake him up a little bit. Then I say slowly, "There is always the first time for anything. Just get used to it."

There's a deep sigh behind me. I look back and find Wood is looking at me. His eyes are a little complicated, and then he whispers: "Little 5, you really have changed."
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