Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 206

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People have been killed. We just raid the room. We find two safes in the room. Forced by a knife, we ask and get the password. After opening it, there are thousands of dollars in it. There are some Vietnamese Dong either, but I don't want to bother to take. The Dong is not worth much, even if you carry billions back.

To my surprise, there is a pistol in the safe. It's a bit unexpected and lucky for me. It seems that Win Yong Lee was too contemptuous of the enemy. He thought that he has a group of subordinates and has investigated the background of the mixed blood girl. He thought that he could definitely get us, so he didn't take out the gun.

Otherwise, if he had the gun on his hand, even if we could succeed, we would inevitably pay for the loss.

I take a newspaper from the table, wrap the dollars in it, and throw it into Silo's arms: "let's go!"

As for the pistol, I put it in the back of my belt, and then I put the bullet clip in the safe into my pocket.

We don't kill any more. Wood gives everyone who have been knocked down an injection with the medicine he brought. It can make these guys unconscious within an hour. As for Win Yong Lee, I don't let him comfortable, just cut off all the two thumbs of his hands!

It's not that I'm ruthless. I can't be merciful to the enemy, and he's still such a garbage usury vampire. I've been lenient since I didn't kill him.

We all go downstairs quickly. I hold yoyo, and Jojo holds the mixed blood girl. Silo walks at the end of the team. He seems a little depressed.

We rush out of the building and get on the van across the street. When the door is pulled up, I immediately shout in a loud voice: "Drive! Let's go!"

"Where go?" As soon as Azle starts the engine, he asks me, "Go back to her house?"

"No!" I take a deep breath, think over it and say, "It was such a big fight today that it must be traced. We can't go back to her house. Let's go straight out of the city!"

I look at the mixed blood girl in Jojo's arms and say to wood: "Wood, try to wake her up. I have something to ask her."

Then I clap Silo hard: "Papa 8 sent you back to pick me up. Did he say how would we leave Vietnam?"

"Yes." Silo calms down and answer me, "Papa 8 guessed that you might be in trouble, so let's go north. To the wharf of Haiphong City. We will be contacted tomorrow, and then we may take a stowaway ship to leave."

I laugh and scold: "Damn it, we still have to go by boat."

But I feel a little relieved. At least Silo has made the arrangement.

By this time, Wood has awakened the mixed blood girl. As soon as she wakes up, she jumps out of Jojo's arms and screaming. Jojo immediately holds her. Then she sees yoyo is been holding in my arms. She is relaxed and begins to cry immediately.

Wood frowns, takes out a bottle of water from the back row, unscrews it, and hands it to the mixed blood girl: "Drink water first, take a deep breath!"

He glances at me and says: "She is suddenly in great sorrow, then suddenly in great joy, and suddenly frightened. Her spirit would not be able to bear it."

Wood then pulls the bandage and medicine out of the bag. First, he wipes the blood on Yoyo's neck, and then deals with the knife wound on her neck. In fact, Yoyo's neck is just scratched. There's no big problem.

I watch the mixed blood girl, holding her shoulder, force her to take a deep breath, then watching her drink a fewwater, say to her seriously: "Listen, I have something to say to you now! Do you understand?"

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I'm a little worried, pat her face with my hands. Then I put my hands on her cheek and looking into her eyes: "I'm talking to you now! Listen carefully!"

"Well! Oh, yes! I see." Her distracted eyes are just a little more focused.

I'm relieved, and then slowly say: "Just now, we have rescued your sister, now she is very good, nothing, and very safe. It's just a little skin cut on her neck. It's nothing. She'll jump up in several minutes at most."

"Thank, thank you! But why hasn't she awaken?" She has some incoherence and looking at yoyo, whose eyes are still closed.

"She fainted out of fear, would be fine after she wake up." I force her face to face me, "I tell you, while saving Yoyo just now, we have killed people. We have wounded a few of those loan sharks and killed one!"

She seems a little afraid again.

I hold her down and take a deep breath: "What I'm telling you now is that you, and your sister, can't go home! If you go back, those villains will surely find you for revenge, and then your lives will be gone! Besides, the police will look for you too! Do you hear me?"

She's a little flustered, but under my eyes, she still reluctantly nods.

"Very good!" I look at her with a slightly softer tone, "I said that when I leave, I would help you to cure your sister! Now I'm leaving, and you can't stay here either. I decide to take you two go together! Do you understand? You and Yoyo leave Vietnam with me! Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand!" In spite of she says like that, I still see a blank in her eyes.

"We won't go to your house. There's nothing to take anyway." I quickly say, "Passports, cash, clothes, all don't need. We'll sneak out of Vietnam! When we're abroad, I'll find a way to settle you down."

Anyway, in these two days, mixed blood girl saved my life. After all, I've been hiding in her home. If I haven't had such a hiding place, I would have been killed.

"I see!" Mixed blood girl replies loudly. She's sheding tears, I don't know if it's because of the sadness of escaping, or because of the surprise that I promised to take her sister abroad for treatment.

"Azle, drive to the northeast, let's get out of the city and go along the road to Haiphong city!"

Azle sets up the navigation on his mobile phone, and then he steps on the accelerator to drive forward.

Our van drives all the way to the northeast, across Hanoi, and we have passed a bridge. After getting off the bridge, the surroundings here are a little shabby. I can see clearly that it seems that this place is not far from the place where I jumped the river to escape that day. It's far away from the most prosperous urban area in Hanoi. We keep going and about leave the city.

The van drives fast. There are not many vehicles and pedestrians on the road at this time. Our speed is very fast. Just then, suddenly the sound of the siren is coming from behind! The whole people in the van are immediately showing the alert expressions. While driving, Azle takes a look at the back of the rearview mirror, and sees a police motorcycle is following us, flashing lights constantly, beckoning us to pull over.

"What to do?" Azle asks me in low voice.

I make a quick decision, stop the van!

It's still a long way from leaving Hanoi area. I if we don't stop, the policeman continues to chase after us, and he will call the headquarters. Once we are gotten the attention by the police headquarter, we will be in trouble. Now there is still quite a long time before we leave Vietnam. We can't take such a risk.

"Azle, stop." I say in low voice, and then look back at Silo and the other brothers, "Get ready. When I give you the hint, let's subdue this policeman together. There's no need not to hurt him, just knock him out."

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Azle decelerates immediately, and then the van pulls over slowly. I look at the mixed blood girl and say: "You and I get off. Don't be nervous. You have me here."

Her face is a little pale, but she still nods to show understand.

The policeman on the motorbike in the back gets off too. I see him in a beautiful new uniform and his motorcycle is also new.

Later I learn that in Hanoi, there are few mounted police originaly. However, with the development of Vietnam's tourism and the narrow streets in Vietnam, it is impossible for many police to patrol the streets on foot. And because Vietnam does not have its own automobile industry, all cars need to be imported, so the police can not be equipped with too many car patrols, and finally vigorously develop the mounted police. The narrow streets of Vietnamese cities are better patrolled by motorcycles than by cars.

This mounted police officer apparently just changed the equipments. These new Rangers have been specially selected. Their qualities are higher than that of the general patrolmen. They can even speak foreign languages. After all, Vietnam's tourism industry is becoming more and more prosperous, and they often have to deal with foreign tourists.

I get out of the van with the mixed blood girl don't attract the policeman's attention. On the contrary, I see that he can't help looking at the mixed blood girl. After all, such a beautiful woman will attract men's attention anywhere.

This policeman has a phone on his chest. As soon as he's walking up to us, he's saying something to the phone. I know that he's reporting to headquarter.

This is the case for mounted police all over the world. Because they patrol alone, in order to ensure that every single mounted police will not be helpless in special situationst, they will keep in touch through the phones or walkie talkies.

I notice that the eyes of that policeman can not help but floating over the tall chest of the mixed blood girl and her high slit skirt, with a smile on the corner of the mouth. But he doesn't notice her nervous expression.

Most men do. When they see beautiful women, nine out of ten will focus on their breasts or bodies first.

The policeman says something, goes to the head of the van and knocks the window. Azle obediently rolls down the glass, but he can't understand what the police says, so he speaks English to ask him.

After a moment's hesitation, the policeman says in some stiff but fluent English: "Sir, your van was speeding just now, and you didn't turn on the steering light when you just turned the corner."

He sees that Azle spoke English and understands that he's facing a foreign tourist. So he says politely: "Please show me your passport and driver's license."
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Azle hesitates. He didn't take the driver's license at all!

Seeing that Azle didn't move, the policeman is impatient and repeats again.

At this time, I slowly lean over, the policeman immediately turns over. His vigilance is still very high. His one hand is pressing the phone on the chest, another hand is pressing on his waist.

At that moment, a strange light is flashed in the eyes of the mixed blood girl, and the original tension on her face disappears. Suddenly, she is radiant, twisting her waist and walking to the policeman. She says a word to him slowly.

Although I can't understand Vietnamese, I know very well that mixed blood girl isn't speaking Vietnamese, not English either. So there's only one explanation: French is what she speaks! Because she has French ancestry.

That policeman may be a little stunned. After all, he is just an ordinary policeman, not a foreign language talent. He's puzzled for a while, watching such a beautiful woman close to him, he can not help but relax his vigilance and his hand on the chest slowly releases.

Mixed blood girl works in nightclub. Women like her are very similar in acting! As soon as she is speaking French, she is pretending not to understand what the police said. She deliberately scratches her head, raises her hand to show the white semicircle of her chest. I notice that the policeman has lost his mind.

At this time I quietly approaches two steps

"Huh?!" The policeman just gives a snort, and I quickly go up, holding the weapon on his waist with one hand. It's a police gun, and my another hand quickly pulling out my gun and hold it against his back. At the same time, I shout in English: "Don't move! Stop talking! I don't want to hurt you!"

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By this time, several brothers in the van have jumped out. They quickly stand around to surround me and that policeman. I quickly take his gun away and throw it to a brother. The policeman is a little flustered and instinctively wants to say something, but he hesitates.

Just when he is hesitating, there is a rustle sound coming frome the phone on his chest, and then there are words with interrogative and lazy tone in Vietnamese.

As soon as he is about to open his mouth, the gun I'm holding againest his back is pushed forward hard immediately.

The policeman hesitates for a moment. There's a little helplessness in his eyes, then he glances over my head, lowers his eyelids, and quickly says a Vietnamese word to the phone.

I see the mixed blood girl relieves, she whispers to me: "It's OK, he just said 'everything is normal'."

I'm relieved too, and whispers to him: "Don't resist, I won't hurt you."

Then I quickly pull the phone down from his chest and throw it into the grass on the side of the road. I take a look at the policeman. He's obviously a little stressed, but still wants to maintain his apparent composure.

"Take him in the van, cover his eyes with something. Forget it, just knock him out." I take a look at the mixed blood girl and say, "you get in the van first and wait for me for two minutes."

I run towards the motorcycle which parks on the side of the road. The motorcycle isn't locked naturally. I get on it and drive out in the opposite direction.

It's very close to the river bank. I notice that there is no pedestrians or vehicles around. I quickly drive the motorcycle to the river, then stop and push the brand-new motorcycle into the river. The heavy motorcycle sinks rapidly. I look around again. There are only two trucks passing by on the bridge in the distance. No one notices my action.

I'm just releaved.

The equipment of Vietnamese police is relatively backward. I think there should be no positioning system in their police motorcycles. I overturned the police motorcycles into the river, and it will not be found until tomorrow.

By the time I run back, everyone are already on the van. I get into the van, pull the door close. Azle starts the engine. He is a little excited and can't help but wry smiling, he says: "Damn it! Little 5, I say, what are we doing? I'm a legal citizen at home. When I come to Vietnam, I've done everything illegal with you. Now I've even kidnapped a policeman!"

I know that he is joking with me. I pat him at the back and smile: "If you don't drive us to Haiphong, we will all go to prison. You can imagine what it looks like in Vietnam prison yourself!"

Inside the van, the policeman has been tied up and shoved sideways under the last row. His mouth and eyes all have been blocked.

Silo says to me calmly: "I interrogated the policeman. He usually contacts headquarter once an hour with the phone, that is to say, within an hour, we should be all right."

"Well done." I pat him on the shoulder to encourage him. At last, this boy has grown up and learned to use his brain to do things. But then I wonder: "Was he willing to tell the truth?"

Silo can't help but take a look at Wood: "Well, it's him. He took a needle... "

Wood sighs, looks at me with a rare smile: "I took a needle to his eyes, and asked him questions, and I told him that if he lied, the pupil would change, and I would press the needle down."

Silo can't help but look at Wood with a strange expression, and then looks at me, says: "Little 5, what's the use of catching this policeman? Just knock him out and throw him on the side of the road."

I sigh: "He has seen that we were running outside from Hanoi and has known our direction. If we knock him out, at most half an hour, he will wake up. At that time, he will report to the headquarters about our van type and color, how many of us, how our looks and so on. At that time, let's just wait for a large number of police to surround us! "

After a pause, I continue: "So there are only two ways. First, kill him. The police have to investigate how he died. It will take a while before they can find out about us. The second way is to let him go missing. Now we kidnap him. He's missing from the police. The police should start their investigation from the place where he disappeared. It's still far early to find us. We kidnap the policeman, in fact is to save his life. If we don't kidnap him, we'll have to kill him."

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Then I take a look at the mixed blood girl who's curling up in the seat and say to her with smile: "You just did well. Thank you."

Her eyes are a little complicated, bites her lips gently, and says nothing.

Azle suddenly blows a whistle on purpose, and then laughing: "Woman! She's willing to do anything for her lover. No wonder, no wonder... "

I'm embarrassed and can't help laughing and scolding

"What are you talking about nonsense?"

"What are you talking about nonsense?"

It's me and Jojo speaking at the same time!

I'm embarrassed to stop Azle from saying that. After all, I have no idea about mixed blood girl and don't want to get into trouble.

As for Jojo, there's something in her eyes. Is that dissatisfaction?

In the evening, our van stops near a small fishing village in the northeast of Haiphong. There are many sheds made of asbestos tiles, some are fishermen's houses, some are workshops used to make fishery products, such as shrimp sauce, etc.

We take advantage of the dark, stop the van in a nearby bush and find a large pile of palm tree leaves to cover the van. As for the unfortunate policeman, when we were on the way, he was thrown by a very remote road. I also stripped him of his clothes.

The poor policeman, if he is lucky, will have to walk on that road for two or three hours before meeting the town. Moreover, I doubt how many people will believe that such a naked man is a policeman.

Don't blame me for doing things too hard. I've already spared his life. Who let him stopped our van?

We walk into the fishing village in the dark, and then come to an asbestos tile house near the wharf. There is a long wooden pole with a light on it. When sees the light in the distance, I find silo relieves.

"This is arranged by papa 8, and this address was given by him before I came. This light is a signal to indicate safety." Silo explains to me.

I nod in silence.

As we walk past, a man flashes out of the shed. He looks at us from a distance and asking loudly: "Who's it?"

Silo says in loud voice:"The gun is with us!"

The other side is silent for a few seconds, then seems to be relieved: "Pack and go."

I just know it's the code. When we pass by, I find that the man standing in front of us is barefoot, with his trouser legs high and rolled up. His upper body is a shabby vest. I can not see the color of his skin under the light, but he looks very old and wrinkled. But his eyes are still shining the sharp lights from time to time.

"You're early." He frowns, as if is dissatisfying.

Before silo speaking, I smile and slowly says: "Better than to be late, isn't it?"

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