Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 207

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The sound of the waves is loud. At night, the moonlight is shining on the sea, and the boundless lights are flashing.

I sit in the stern, listening to the roar of the engine, looking at the distance, dazing.

There is a bottle of wine beside me. The label is not in English. So I can't figure out what kind of wine it is. This bottle of wine was found in the cabin.

It's the second half of the night, because we arrived a day earlier. For security reasons, we also set sail one day ahead of schedule. The destination of this trip is HN island.

In order to cover, the ship didn't turn on the lights. Old John is sailing. He's the one who contacted us. This man looks cold and indifferent to everyone, but he is able to do things. In an hour, he has all the work, water, food and all the things ready.

He is taking us out of Vietnam wiht this ship. According to him, this channel is often used and should be very safe.

After a day's running, everyone were tired. At night, these men turned out a box of wine from the cabin and had a good drink. Old John frowned a little and said nothing. He doesn't drink at all himself.

I finally can leave Vietnam. Looking back on a series of things I experienced in Vietnam, I can't help feeling complicated. I have a kind of complex taste in my heart that I can't say. So I'm just sitting at the stern with a bottle of wine, blowing the sea breeze and drinking slowly.

Strong wine entrance is very strong, spicy taste quickly burning my blood, but I have some inexplicable loss.

The ship is not big, and it shakes slightly on the sea. It seems that as long as we don't encounter big waves, we can arrive in tomorrow morning. Then we will go through some special channels to apply for documents there, and then we will return to Canada immediately.

The spirits of the mixed blood sisters are a bit depressed. Yoyo was very frightened. After waking up, she has been holding her sister tightly. There is an instinctive alert in the eyes of the men around her, but she still keeps a close attitude towards me. Both of the sisters were exhausted and rested in the cabin at night.

As for Jojo, she drank Silo and several other brothers under the table. Now she is probably sleeping too.

I sigh, my heart is really heavy. Do I have to go back to Canada?

I smile, pick up the bottle and pour the last bit of wine into my mouth. I shake the bottle and throw it into the sea.

A whole bottle of liquor was drunk, and I'm a little dizzy. Just about to stand up, I hear a very calm voice behind me: "Sitting on the side of the ship and drink, are you not afraid to fall into the sea?"

I look back and se Wood standing behind me. I don't even know when he came.

I realize that I might be really drunk. At least if I am awake, no one can come behind me, I haven't noticed.

Wood slowly sits down next to me. He's also holding a bottle of wine in his hand. He takes a sip first and then hands it to me.

"Have a talk?" He takes a look at me. There seems to be something in his eyes that I can not guess.

"Oh?" I smile and look at this close friend of mine, "You want to talk to me? God, don't you hate talking? Wood?"

Wood laughs. In fact, he is a very attractive man, especially the way he laughs. It feels like the ice and snow are melted by the spring wind. It's just a pity that he laughs too little at ordinary times. He looks cold and wooden, covering up most of his charm.

"Little 5," Wood opens his mouth, "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Of course!" I nod, "You, Azle, and Jojo are my best friends of my life!"

He's silent for a while, then asks:"What about now?"

I take a look at him and can't get his point.

"Jojo!" He says.

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Yes, Jojo!

Now her attitude towards me has changed. After so many other factors have been mixed in, is there still simple friendships between her and me?

Wood smiles, but he doesn't seem to want to continue to discuss on this issue.

He take a drink with his head up, then hands me the bottle again. We two men just have a bottle of wine, you take a sip and I take a sip next, no one talks, just drink in silence.

"Little 5, do you still remember how we got know with each other?"

"How we got to know?" I'm in a trance. The alcohol is burning my last clear consciousness. Then I'm falling into the memories.


It's about three years ago? Or four years ago? Damn, I don't remember it already.

It was in a bar. I remember that day, it seemed that it was 12 o'clock at night. There were not many people there. I was sitting alone and saw a young, handsome man in the distance. He was whispering something to a girl. The girl was saying something with cry. At last, she put her arms around the man's neck and shouting at him, very angry look.

I seem to know that girl is also one of my friend. She is very beautiful. She often appears in this bar. To tell the truth, she and I are not very familiar, but after all, we know each other. I saw her crying as if she had been bullied by that man.

Originally, I didn't want to be invlove of it. This kind of mess between men and women has nothing to do with me.

At this time, a man came into the bar. He was wood. He was wearing an old but clean cotton coat that night. His face was very calm. I saw him went to the bar, took out his wallet, and bought a dozen bottles of liquor, all of which were of the highest degree.

Such a move, let me look at him askance. I didn't understand why a man came to a bar in the middle of the night and bought so many liquor at a time.

Just when I was looking at him, he saw me too, but his eyes just swept through my face.

I've always been interested in this kind of strange person, and I was just going to talk to him. Suddenly someone patted me behind. I looked back. It was that girl. She was crying, with a look of resentment, and a bit of alcohol. She cried to me and said that she was bullied by a man. As her "brother", I should help her to teach that man a lesson.

At that time, I had some inexplicable feelings. I'm not familiar with this girl. As for she called me "brother", I don't deny that she was always calling me brother Little 5. But at that time, there were so many people calling me with that. And I knew that this girl is not a good woman. A really good girl, who wold stay in the bar until midnight every day? This girl had been intimate with at least seven or eight men in the bar, and she was also an old player of night life.

But on that occasion, a girl I know was crying and saying that she was bullied by a man, and that man was not far away.

At that time, I was rational. I just called the man not far away. When he came to me, I asked him calmly: "Did you bully her?"

"No, I didn't." At that time, he answered me in a very calm voice, "If a man and a woman break up after going to bed is bullying, then there are thousands of couples breaking up every day in the world..."

I didn't say anything. I took a look at the girl. At that time, the girl was very angry. She retorted loudly, saying that she had been cheated by him. It was the man who cheated her into bed.

To be honest, I didn't want to fight that night, but what the man said later angered me.

"Why do women always stand to lose after have sex with men?" He had a quiet smile on his face, "I did get to bed with her, but this kind of thing is for two people. Why do men and women get into bed, just take it as men take advantage of women? I may also say that she took advantage of me! Who made such a statement? Is it regulated by law? "

He took a look at the girl: "I and she both paid, not only the bodies, but also the spirits. We are equal. After most couples break up in the world, it is women who cry and think that they have suffered losses. Who defines this standard?"

I couldn't answer. To be honest, I even thought it hard to refute what this guy said.

But at this time, the girl was suddenly screeming: "No! I'm pregnant, so he abandoned me... "

The next thing was much simpler. Anyway, this girl was a friend I know, and this man was a stranger to me. With my character, I have been a little drunk when I meet this kind of things at night. So, my first reaction was to punch this guy!

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With no surprise, I knocked down the man with one blow. He didn't say a word, got a punch from me, and staggered back a few steps. But he didn't resist. When I went up and grabbed his collar and clenched my fist, ready to keep punching him. Wood next to me said: "Wait!"

Wood has been sitting next to me near the bar, he was holding a glass in his hand with indifferent eyes. There are more than a dozen bottles in front of him, and his eyes were still very bright.

"What's up?"

Wood looked at my fist and say:"Don't hit his nose."

To be honest, I was really thinking of punching this man's nose. Wood's eyes glanced at the bridge of the man's nose and said lightly: "His bridge cartilage has been hurt and can't be hit again. Otherwise, if it is broken again, it would be hard to be cured."

I hummed and raised my fist again


"Now what?" I frowned and looked at Wood.

"Don't hit him on the lips." Wood looked at the man my fist was pointing at, and said quickly, "The nerve of the lip is close to the cortex. You will dislocate his nasal bone and hard bone..." Then he took a sip of liquor and said quickly, "And don't hit the temple. There is a temporal lobe nerve in the brain, if you don't want him to die. And don't pun his ears if you don't want to let him be a deaf person..."
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I smiled and looked at the strange guy: "So where should I hit?"

"Don't hit anywhere." Wood looked at me. "Especially his stomach. He should drink a lot tonight. A blow to his stomach will make him convulse and vomit, if you don't want to stain your clothes."

I looked at this strange guy deeply. Under my eyes, Wood was quietly drinking strong liquor sip by sip.

"What do you do?" I frowned.

"Doctor." Wood replied briefly, but hesitated for a moment and adding, "a bad doctor."

At this time, the man I grabbed the collar suddenly smiled bitterly. He just rubbed his face: "if you are not ready to hit, could you set me free first?"

I found that he was still standing steadily, his eyes were calm, and there was no anger that I had just punched him. He patted his clothes very gently, then said to the bartende: "A cup of rum, thanks."

The girl next to me sees I stopped, she was very angry and wanted to say something else. At this time, the man suddenly smiled and looked at me. "Do you want to watch a show?"

He quickly took a checkbook out of his arms. To be honest, I've met a lot of rich people, but most of them don't carry checkbooks.

He wrote a line of numbers on a check quickly, then tore it down on the table and looked at the girl: "I'll give you ten seconds, you can take this money and disappear, but don't appear in front of me in the future, please!"

I frowned again. This man had a kind of arrogant attitude, especially to treat the girl in this way. I'm a little upset.

The girl bit her lips and stared at the check on the table for a long time. Then she grabbed the check quickly and walked out of the bar without even saying goodbye to anyone.

"Look." The man smiled a little complicated, "Money is such a useful thing." He looked at the anger on my face and said: "it's easy to say. I'm a man, lustful and playful. She is a woman, beautiful and coquettish. So the two of us got together. But unfortunately. She saw that I seemed to have a lot of money, so she wanted to simply entangle with me. Once and for all, she may make a great effort to save future trouble. Then she directed a pregnant game herself. Do you understand?"

"So is she really pregnant?" I coun't help asking. I've been drinking too much and I was a liitle dizzy.

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not." He smiled, "A woman who is willing to sleep with a man casually, pregnancy is just a means. As for money, that's the purpose."

He raised his cup and introduced himself to me: "my name is azle. Thank you for giving me a punch just now. I was a little guilty about getting a woman pregnant, but at least you balanced me a lot. "

Then he looked at Wood with a smile: "Oh, thank you too. Your words made me take one less punch."

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I hesitated for a moment, with a sincere smile on my face: "I'm sorry, I was reckless just now, and I have drunk too much tonight. My name is Chen Yang. You can call me Little 5."

Azle smiled at me and then looked at wood: "Doctor, what's your name?"

"Wood."Wood answered simply, "A doctor who is going to lose his job."

It was a wonderful first meeting, and then we started drinking and talking. I was curious why Wood bought so many of the strongest liquors.

And the reason that Wood said made us laugh. Because he was just lovelorn.

Wood just broke up with his girl friend. He told us the story about steamed bread in a very serious tone, and then told us that he was going to buy a bunch of liquor to experience the feeling of lovelorn.

"No matter movies, TV serious, novels or comics that describe a man's lovelorn appearance, shouldn't they all be drunk?"

"But..." Azle took a look at a dozen bottles in front of him. "Aren't they too much?"

"Yes." Wood sighed. "I've also found that I have bought too many."

He raised his glass and said with a wry smile, "this is my first time to drink. The taste is really bad."

Yes, according to Wood's saying later, he didn't drink alcohol. He was lovelorn for the first time. He planned to experience this rare life experience by drinking alcohol. But when he bought the liquors and drank his very first cup, he had found a very serious problem: the wine was too hard to drink, and he could not drink so many bottles. So, he came up with a way: find someone to drink with him.

"That's why I speak to you." Wood said lightly.

I couldn't remember how much wine we had drunk that night. It was a very unforgettable experience, and Azle and I felt like old friends at the first meeting. He is a person with many strange ways of thinking, especially the relationship between men and women, many of his statements are very interesting. Wood, however, seldom talking, but often said a word in a flash, but always could get it right.

We talked a lot. I knew that Azle is a painter, a painter with a lot of money in his family. Wood, is a doctor about to lose his job. Finally, Azle told us that he had just been lovelorn too.

"That's why I feel a little uneasy. This experience makes me doubt my own charm. I can't tolerate my loss of self-confidence. That's why I came out to pick up girls. Add in the one left just now, I've got three girls in this bar. Now I think I've regained my confidence again." Azle told us that at the time.

I was a little surprised. It was hard for me to imagine that a guy like Azle, who was proficient in the way of men and women's communication, would be lovelorn?!

"In fact, it's not lovelorn." Aze explained with a smile: "it's just that I met a very special girl. I was very interested in her, so I wanted to go out with her. The result is not only no success, she was not only ignored me, but also severely hit my self-confidence. In her eyes, I'm afraid a man like me is worse than a piece of shit."

Wood and I were a little surprised. With Azle's appearance, family background, conditions, conversation

"Are you curious? Well, next time I'll take you to meet that special girl. Well, her name is Jojo."


This was my first meeting with Azle and Wood.

Sitting by the side of the ship, Wood and I are both recalling and joking off and on. Of course, it's basically me laughing alone, and Wood still doesn't talk much.

After a long time, I sigh: "At that time, how nice it was... "

"Um." Wood nods, and then he looks at me again. "Now?"

I can't speak.

"Little 5, you have changed." Wood says this, standing up, holding the stern rail, looking at the sea. He suddenly takes a deep breath, "We are still friends, but I like the original little 5."

"The original Little 5..." My mouth is a little bitter, "How did he look like?"

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"Impulsive, stubborn..." He looks at me with serious eyes and utters the last words:


With these words, Wood leaves me and slowly walking back to the cabin.

I can't help but feel a little guilty.

Yes, on this day, my old friends came to Vietnam to help me.

And me? I took them to kill, to set fire, to fight and even to kidnap a policeman!

Wood and Azle are different from Silo and the brothers in garages. Wood and Azle are ordinary people. But yesterday, they did not hesitate to stand on my side and follow me to do those illegal and criminal things, whether these thing were wrong or right, or whether I was forced at that time.

But at least, I know, in the ordinary way, these things are absolutely against Wood and Azle's principle of life.

What is a true friend? A true friend is one who, when you need him, he would rather disobey his own principles of life, and spare no effort to help you and stand firmly by your side!

In the afternoon of the next day, our ship docks at a small fishing village ten kilometers away from the city center of HN Island. As expected, Old John is a veteran. He has wisely chosen this safe route. Obviously, people like him, staying in Vietnam, do most of the work of trafficking "special goods" through sea routes.

After we land, we break up with Old John. He arranges a car, takes us all the way to the center of the city, and has arranged a hotel for us.

We stay in the hotel for a whole day, and someone sent us the ID and Passports. After all, documents are very important.

Because we are entering Vietnam through "legal channels". From the exit records, we should not appear at mainland now. Once this loophole is found out, it will cause trouble. So we must find some ways to make up for this loophole.

Then I have to take Silo and the other brothers back to Canada. This time, I convince Jojo not to go back with me.

"Here are two answers. Guess which one is true." I'm half serious, half joking, looking at Jojo, "First, I'm tired of you. You're too difficult to deal with. You always bully me, so I don't want to take you back to Canada." I smile, and then go on speaking, "Second: what I'll do after I go back may not be safe, with you, I am afraid you will be injured, I will be distracted."

Jojo wants to say something more to me. I shake my head, then I look into her eyes and whisper: "Don't ask, don't say, I don't know anything now."

That's exactly what Jojo said to me in Vietnam.

We are on the beach of the hotel. The sun is shining on us. It's a little hot. This heat not only covers our bodies, but also flows through our hearts.

Then Jojo looks up and gives me a big smile. This smile, is very bright!

When I leave, I leave the mixed blood sisters to Azle and Wood to take care: "I owe you a lot, but this girl helped me, and I promised to cure her sister Yoyo, so I still have to trouble you." Then I smile, "Anyway, you are my good friends. You are destined to be bother to death by me all your life."

Azle still looks like a smiley face, laughing: "Don't worry, I'm always happy to take care of beauties."

Wood just nods. I look into his eyes and say to him in a solemn voice: "Wood..."

"The original Little 5," I take a deep breath, "He will be back! Very soon!"

That night, I leave with Silo and the brothers from the garage. I leave my best friends, left Jojo, leave mixed blood girl and her sister Yoyo, and fly back to Canada.

I thought I would not go back

However, I have chosen this road, so I must finish it!

Isn't it?

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