Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 30

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Aware that I am looking at her, she narrows her eyes and says coldly, "What are you looking at?"

I smile and do not dare to speak out, but ask, "I can't imagine you have so many enemies. Didn't you come from the United States? Why are they following you to China?

Vivi Young thinks for a while and whispers, "I don't know. It shouldn't be my enemy in the United States. Our family has few enemies in the United States. Even if there are enemies, they won't hunt me down here. I doubt whether it is done by people there."

I am stunned, and an idea flashed across my mind: "who knows when we come out at night?"

"No one! If they want to attack us here, just need to follow our car, and stop in the distance, and sneak here through the woods... That is to say, when we came out of the hotel club, someone was watching us." Vivi Young thinks about it and says, "I don't feel like it's our enemies in the United States... It's more likely the people here did it! "

"The people here?"

She smiles. Although she looks a little awkward, but her eyes are still calm. "It's easy... Most of them are related to our business. Didn't I tell you that not everyone in our side is in favor of this business with you, at least I'm against it... In the same way, not everyone inside you supports this business! "

"You mean... Someone inside is incompatible. In order to destroy the business, they send someone to kill you?" My voice is serious.

"It's only a guess now." She shakes her head, but seems to know that I don't know much about these things. She doesn't want to talk more about it, and instead asks, "I think you're good at fight. Have you practiced?"


"You are amazing. I am afraid that the bodyguards around me, their fighting skills may not be as good as yours. But they are good at use guns."

"Hum!" I am unhappy, "That's in America! Middle school students can carry a gun across the street. Do you think anyone in China can play with guns? "

She smiles and says, "Anyway, I'd be lucky to have you tonight. If it hadn't been for you, I would have been killed now."

I laugh a couple of times and say, "Looks like you're not guaranteed security. I thought people like you are going out with a big team of bodyguards."

Think about it, I suddenly remember a thing in my mind: "By the way, just above, that guy pointed at me with a gun. How did you hit him down? Why did he fall down?"

I experienced that guy's strength. I'm afraid that I went up to try my best to give him a punch, hard to say whether be able to overthrow him.

Young smiles and says, "I have something in my hand just now, but unfortunately, I lost it when I fell."


"A mini electric stick." She says, "It can instantly produce a paralyzed or even fainting current."

"FXXX!" I am powerless to scold, "You are bold enough! Are you not afraid when hit him, he lost control of his hand and killed me with a shot?" As a matter of fact, it was really dangerous. The guy was caught in electricity, and his fingers were out of control and fired. But luckily he was skew when he was corona, and the bullet flew off my ears.

Facing to my unpleasant question, she sneers, "hum! And what about you? You pulled me when you fell down! If you hadn't pulled me, would I fall with you? "

"Nonsense! If I hadn't pulled you down, you're still up there! You were taken away by them! "

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"Hum!" She blocked her words but acquiesces what I said.

We were silent for a while before she whispers, "Chen Yang... Thank you."


We don't know how long we've been here. Maybe about an hour. We listened carefully when we were talking, but no one came down to chase us. We don't know if they haven't come down to catch us, or if they haven't found us.

Anyway, if we spend more time, we will be more secure.

Our guesses are the same, these people were tracking out with a sneak attack. They dare not stay here too long. If we fail to find us, they will leave sooner or later.

The night in the mountains is cold, and I was wounded and bleeding a lot. At this moment, in the middle of the night, the cold wind is blowing, and I am still lying on the cold ground, frozen stiff all over. I could not restrain my body from shivering with all my patience.

"Are you cold?" She notices the my movement.

"Nonsense ~ ~ Deh, Deh, Deh, Deh..." As I said, I had a fight on my teeth.

Actually, I ought to be angry with her. I had nothing to do with her. I was dragged down by her. But I couldn't complain about her.

She has torn off her underwear and bandaged it on my head. I'm such a man. When I see a beautiful woman in trouble, how can I just stand by?

Suddenly I feel her tiny body moves. She seems hesitant. Then she leans over and holds me in her arms. We are so close together. Suddenly, I feel my heart tremble when I feel like a soft body in my arms. Her body is so soft that I could not help feeling the fragrance of a girl's home.

But then I feel that her hands are cold and her body seems to tremble either.

Well, she is cold, too.

Just thinking about it, she says coldly, "You mustn't think wild. I just think it's warmer for two people hug together."

"I... I want to think wild. But... But... I, I, I have no strength.. Deh, Deh, Deh, Deh…".

I feel pain on my head, some itching too. I could not help twisting my neck, but suddenly I feel that my head seems to touch somewhere, as if... soft...?

Suddenly, I understand something. Her breath is somewhat unsteady, angrily saying: "Be good! I'll kill you if you do that again! "

"Heh heh..." I wry smile: "sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean it."

"Hum!" She hums and ignores me.

The two of them are somewhat embarrassed. I am silent for a while and say, "We can't wait here like this. We need to find a way to get help."

"Well, I have a locator in my car. My men will come out to find me if I do not go back." She sighs, "Now we can't go out, who knows whether those guys are still there looking for us."

I have no word.

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My cell phone is with me at all. Even it's her, in this case, it must be broken. In such a wild place, even if we cry for help, no one will hear us.

After being silent for a while, she suddenly asks me, "Chen Yang... Have you killed anyone? "

"What?" I am really surprised: "why do you want to ask this?"

She does not speak.

I sigh, "No."

"Then how did you learn kongfu?"

I speak to her with a bitter smile, "Please... My lady... Learning, learning kongfu, not for kill, kill... " Speaking of this, an idea flashes in my mind and I ask, "Have you?"

She does not speak.

After another silence, I suddenly hear two strange sounds of "cooing" and, curiously, two more "cooing" sounds, as if they are rolling gases...

"Huh?" What sound? " I could not help asking.

"..." She replies with upset: "My stomach... I'm hungry. "

I want to laugh, but embarrassed: " You are hungry?"

"Hum! Otherwise, what do you think I'm driving out in the midnight? I'm hungry because I heard that you have a very nice snack here and want to taste it."

"So luxury..." I sigh: "There are every kind of food you want in the hotel, you just want to drive downtown."

"How can a real snack exist in a hotel?" She says faintly: "I like to eat small wonton, and must be the kind of roadside stalls, burned with charcoal is delicious. I liked to eat when I was in Chinatown. It can't be tasted at all in the hotel! "

I have no word, again.

Such luxury!

In the middle of the night, drives a high grade sports car go out, just to eat a bowl of small wonton on the roadside booth.

It seems that the taste of rich people is really hard to say.

After a short silence, she asks, "Why did you go down to the hotel tonight? A man sitting on the edge of a fountain watching stars alone? "

I think for a while, "to be honest, you really should be glad that I could meet you downstairs tonight. Otherwise, no one will fell down from the hillside with you."

Young smiles and says, "I have said thank you once."

"Hey... You are so rich, I think you might give me a blank check to show your sincerity.

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"Do you want money?" She suddenly sits up straight and looks at me in surprise, as if looking at aliens: "You are the core man of Juan Yeh. Will you be short of money? Juan has always been very good to his men. How can you be short of money when you are doing such a big business for him?

"Eh..." I shake my head and repeat something I don't know I have spoken how many times tonight: "I'm not rich, really not."

"Then what do you do?"

"I am..." I think about it, and says, "anyway, you can find these information. Why do you ask me?"

She smiles and says, "There's no harm in talking about it."

An idea suddenly comes to my mind: "I feel you seem to be trying to amuse me, tease me speaking."

She looks a little strange, thinks a while, and laughs, "That's because you've been hurt and bleeding too much. I'm afraid you won't wake up after you fall asleep."

"Nonsense." I hum and say, "I am not suffering from any fatal injury."

She opens her mouth.

God! I actually saw her blush! This proud and indifferent woman seems to be blushing.

Then I heard her whisper.

"It's too dark here. If there's no one to talk to me, I will be afraid."

I'm stuck!

Her face flashes a trace of shyness, although this shyness soon disappeared, and her face immediately returns to coldness. But that eye waves are involuntarily softened a lot. She is originally a very beautiful girl, now the eye wave gentle down. She is incredibly so moving at the moment!

I almost involuntarily subconsciously say, "Unfortunately... It's a pity... "


"You are very beautiful... But if you can be more of a little weakness, your charm will increase a lot."

Her face flickers with a trace of shame, and then falls down. She grits her teeth and says. "Shut up! I don't need you to take care of!"

After a pause, when I am bored, I suddenly hear her saying in a lower voice, "You... What you were saying? I... Beautiful? "

"Ah..." I sigh, "Who says you're not beautiful... Unless he's blind."

A flush flashed across her face, and her eyes seems to soften a little. But then she turns cold again and angrily says, "I'm not beautiful, nor is it your business!"

Then, with a hard push, I was pushed to the ground with a painful cry. I was pulled the pain in my arm and I couldn't help humming.

But this time, she ignores me and doesn't look at me. I struggle to get up on my one-handed support, lean back on the hillside, gasp for a few breaths, and grin bitterly and say, "Nowadays, To praise girl's beauty will be scolded... Does anyone like to be called ugly?

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She's unmoved, and hums, "Enough!"

The two of them fall into silence again. I just think this woman is a little eccentric, and her temper is even more immaterial.

After a while, I suddenly hear her whisper to me, "Chen Yang."

I didn't utter a word, and she calls in a low voice again.


"You're not asleep?" She seems very relaxed in her tone, "just say something."

I have some unhappiness in mind: "What do I say?"

This woman changes her face faster than turning pages.

A moment ago just told me to shut up, and now invite me to speak again!

"How do you learn Kongfu? Or anything else?" She sighs, although her tone is calm, but has more than a few request flavor: "I do not like to be alone in the dark place, I always feel uncomfortable."

"There's nothing to say about Kongfu." I sigh: "in this era, even if a man is good at Kongfu, he is still not able to defend the gun shoot"

But speaking of this, I suddenly laugh. First in a low voice, then couldn't help laughing a little louder, and then touch the wound. I am laughing with humming of the pain..

"What are you laughing at?"

"I..." I take a deep breath: "When it comes to practicing kongfu, I suddenly remember a joke. The two of us fell off the hillside... If it's in the story... Heh heh... If we fall down and find a scripture of kongfu, then our story can be made kongfu movies. If we fall down and meet an immortal in the bottom, then we can make a fairy tale play... If we accidentally cross time and space when we fall back to ancient times or to the magical world of time and space, it can be filmed as a through script. If we fall down when there is an alien ruins, then it becomes a science fiction script... If we fall down, there will be rocks everywhere..."

She gets hooked. "So what happens?"

I sigh and deliberately smile, "... Then we'll die. "

She slightly stuns for a while, then she smiled.

After a pause, she glances at me, with a faint smile in her voice. "Chen Yang, I didn't expect you to tell jokes."

I laugh, "Jokes, of course I know a lot... It's just that you're too cold to be approached when we chatted up there.

She nods, as if thinking about it, but in a very serious tone, whispers: "One more, please! I'd like to hear one more."

One more?

To be honest, in fact, telling jokes is not my specialty, and I am not very good at jokes with girls. I am not the kind of sweet-spoken man.

After thinking about it, I finally come up with a joke about girl in nightclub. Not surprisingly, according to my working environment, I heard a lot of jokes about this industry.

Coughing, I whisper, "The story is... Once, the police caught a girl. Well, I said, 'girl' is the so-called prostitute, do you understand? That's what we call it. After the police seized the girl, she defended herself and said, "I am not a prostitute!" I just sold the condoms worth ten to two hundred. At the most, it is to drive up prices. The policeman asked her: so what did you do when you went to bed with him? The girl replied righteously, "this is how I teach him how to use it! It belongs to after sale service! "

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