Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 31

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I can't remember how many jokes I have spoken. I wasn't a joke-teller either, not to mention I came from a nightclub and most of the jokes I know have something to do with sex. Some are taboo, others are vulgar.

I speak one by one, she just listens attentively, occasionally smiles. Just laughing not too much, as if she heard every joke of mine, was also amused by me, but with such a few indifferent look... How to say, it is very restrained and sensible.

After speaking for a while, I am a little tired, and I am not able to sleep after serious injuries. The two of us are a little closer again. She sighs suddenly and whispers, "Thank you. I haven't laughed so easily for a long time."

"Eh?" I don't catch her.

She smiles indifferently: "You don't understand. No one around me has ever told me jokes like these to make me happy."

"Why?" I can't understand. She is such a beautiful girl, there must be a lot of men competing to pursue her, curry favor with her, to make her happy, isn't it?

She shakes her head: "You don't understand, when people around me talk to me, they are very… afraid of me, never dare to say such things." She bursts out laughing. "I've seen all these pornographic jokes, but noone ever dared to tell them in front of me.

Afraid of her?

I am shocked, and suddenly remember a fact.

Her identity! Her family is from Las Vegas, the gambling city of US. A family running a gambling business must have countless ties with the underworld. She looks like a cold, serious and proud woman on weekdays. I'm afraid no one ever dared to be so "wild" in front of her.

Thinking of this, I realize that her eyes have softened a little. She suddenly laughs and whispers, "Chen Yang, you're a lovely guy... Besides, these jokes are really interesting. "

After a pause, her eyes shows some hesitation, but then, as if determined, says to me: "Chen Yang, you..."


"You'd better not to work with Juan in future." She sighs," You do not suit our circle."

My face changes slightly, and my tone cools down. "I'm Juan's man. I'll do whatever he asks me to do!"

Her eyes linger on my face for a moment, then something complicated seems to be in her eyes. She turns her head and whispers, "You're a smart man. I can see that. Juan Yeh should also value you very much. But... I see more clearly that you are not a hard hearted person, and there are some good things in your eyes. There are many things you have not understood yet. Our circle is that of people eat you or you eat people game. You are clever, but people like you will suffer sooner or later."

"You say I am a soft hearted person?" I can't help laughing.

Young smiles and does not argue with me, but the way she looks at me makes me feel uncomfortable, as if with a slightly strange smell.

Eventually, my spirits slows down. At first, my eyelids fight, and I could barely support them. Later, I feel my eyelids heavy and slowly closed. After a while, I fall asleep.

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I feel as if I have had a dream. In my dream, Vivi Young and I leaned together. Both of us were shivering with cold. Suddenly, I felt that the sky was spinning. She disappeared. I wanted to shout but couldn't make a sound. The man in front of me became the guy who sneaked at us on the hillside that night. I broke an arm and was not able to defend him. Finally, I watched him took a gun and pointed at my temple and smiled grimly. The laughter was harsh at first, but then suddenly it turned into Vivi Young's voice. It seemed to be the same as I told her the jokes.

Finally, I wake up.

Opening my eyes, the first feeling is dizziness. The head is heavy as if it has been filled with lead, as if everything beneath the skull has coagulated into a mass. My eyes are painful and shaken by a strong light, and when I finally get used to it, I find someone with a medical flashlight is shining on my eyes.

There is a face with a mask in front of me. Seems like a doctor.

In a faint, I hear a voice in loud: "He wakes up! OK, OK, the eyeball can still turn, that's waking up. "

Then the flashlight moved away and the hand pulls away from my eyelids. I groan in my mouth.


My mind is still not awake, I see a man standing in front of me, looks a little like Juan, but can't see clearly.

"5, how are you? Can you speak? "

I try to open my lips and spit out two words in my mouth: "I... Thirsty... "

Then I close my eyes and fall into deep sleep again.

By the time I wake up again, the pain in my head has almost gone, at least my mind and sense are basically back under my control.

I lay in a bed, looking like a ward. My head is still dizzy, but it is much better. I try to twist my neck gently, okay, nothing serious, just feel a little tightness in the chest. I just feel slightly nauseous if I have a larger movement.

I raise my hand slightly, and the left arm is heavily plastered, with a drip of infusion on the back of my right hand.

I settle down, at least sure that we are rescued.

I swallow the saliva, and then I feel my throat dry, as if a fire burning there. My lips are dry too, and I couldn't help groaning.

The voice I made immediately alerted the people nearby.

"Are you awake?" I turn my eyes to the right of the bedside and see a slim woman sitting at my bedside, watching me wake up, her face is full of joy. Her dress is a professional nurse's costume, but the color is not white, but blue.

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I open my lips, and immediately she bent down and approaches me: "What did you say? How are you feeling? "

"I'm thirsty." I take a breath and squeeze a smile on my face: "I want to drink water."

She immediately turns around and brings me a bottle of water, but does not give me to drink. She just takes a cotton swab, carefully dips in the water, evenly smeares on my lips, at the same time with the soft and pleasant voice says: "You can't drink now, just take a break first."

I feel a wet taste on my lips, and I suck it hard, but it isn't enough to quench my thirst. The more I suck my lips, the more I feel thirsty. I could not help whispering, "I want to drink water."

"Not at the moment." The nurse's reply is gentle and determines: "I'll call the doctor."

For a short while, she comes in with a doctor, and Jim is with them too.

Doctor picks up the flashlight and walks up to me. He opens my eyelids and looks at my eyes. He asks me how I am feeling. I tell him that I am thirsty and want to drink water, and I feel dizzy and disgust.

"Nothing is happening." Doctor nods and looks back at Jim. "He's okay. Now he's dizzy, nausea and vomiting. It's all caused by minor brain oscillations after the impact. Just take a break. As for his injuries, it's nothing serious, but cultivate for a sometime."

I struggle for a while, hoarse voice and ask, "I want to drink water."

Doctor looks at me and says to nurse, "Let him drink a little glucose water, but don't drink too much." Then he walks out of the ward.

Nurse goes out to help me prepare glucose, the room left me and Jim. He comes to me, sits down, says: "5, how are you feeling?"

"It's OK." I smile reluctantly, "I'm fine."

"Well!" Jim nods, and his face is calm. "Our men and Young's guys found you together. Now, tell me what is going on carefully. Don't miss any detail."

I sigh, remembering and speak to him slowly. He does not interrupt, and listens quietly. His face grows somber. I could not help whispering, "Jim, I think this is a little strange."

"Um..." He nods. "What's your feeling?"

"I don't know. I can't remember it for a moment. I am having a terrible headache." I smile bitterly. "But these men obviously followed us there and then sneak attacked us. Besides, one of them is good at kongfu. he is at least as good as me. I don't think these people are likely from United States." Then I carefully describe the looks and costumes of the men who had attacked us as much as I could. When I talked about the guy who had fought me for several rounds, I particularly explained that the guy seemed to be good at capturing.

In the eyes of Jim, there is a glimpse of a shining light. Then he looks at me:"5, You just take care of yourself. Juan let me tell you that he will deal with this matter."

He has already stood up and about to leave, and suddenly turns around, looks at me, and in a strange tone he says, "Juan is strange. How could you be with Vivi Young at night?"

"Coincidence." I whisper, "I met her when I came out."

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Jim looks at me and says, "Well, anyway, it's lucky to have you to save her life. I will find out about this matter. You just rest at ease, and if you need anything, tell the nurse, I paid a high price to let her take good care of you."

After that, he seems ready to go. I couldn't help shouting at him: "Jim..."


"I..." I think a while and say with great care, "I heard Miss Young said that she suspects our inner people... She said that in the organization behind Juan, it seems that some people are against this business.

"You don't have to think about it." Jim stops me, "these are not the questions you should consider now."

Leaving a "good rest", Jim looks a little pale and hurried away.

In fact, I have a question in my mind that I want to ask him about Vivi Young. How is she? Is She badly hurt or something? But I still didn't ask finally.

Not long after, I hear the door of the ward rings and a woman pushes it in. I think it is the nurse, but when I look at her carefully, I find it is Vivi Young!

Her face is covered with adhesive tapes, and she wears a long windy dress.

"Jim left." She comes into the room and looks at me and smiles, "I watch his car leave before I come in."

I have some doubts.

"Chen Yang, I come to say goodbye to you." She looks at me with a faint smile on her face: "I will go back to the United States tomorrow."

I frown, "You... Why avoid Jim? Besides, you will leave tomorrow that soon?"

She seems to be smiling, her tone with a calm and indifferent smell: "Things here has over! Our business has been temporarily suspended by family. When they knew that I was almost assassinated, my family is very angry and put a lot of pressure on Juan Yeh. Considering the instability in the organization behind Juan, my family decided to freeze our cooperation plans for the time being... Your organization is unstable now. Under such circumstances, family suspects that the interests of us can hardly be guaranteed in this cooperation."

She seems to finish in a cool tone, and then looks at me with a slight smile in eyes.

Suddenly I feel uncomfortable. Looking at her smiling in front of me, an idea flashes through me and blurts out, "Isn't it exactly what you want?"

She does not speak, stares into my eyes for a moment, then slowly walks up to me, smiles and say, "You are tired. These are not the things you should worry about. Chen Yang, you shouldn't be in this circle. Remember what I said? You are actually very kind, and in this circle, your heart will become your mortal wound at any time. "

Then she suddenly smiles softly. "I'm going. I'm afraid we won't meet again."

After that, before I could react, she bent down suddenly, kisses me gently on the cheek, and then leaves lightly.

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I am completely stunned. My mind is at a loss. Her lips are still on her cheeks and the faint fragrance seems to be still echoing.

I can only hear my heartbeat.

Yes, this kiss is shocking to me, but what I feel more shocked is her words.

She's leaving? She's leaving! Back to her family!

The business has been suspended.

Is this result just matching hers will?

Even since we were attacked, she has been always calm, occasionally with a look of panic on her face. But her eyes were still faint and cold, always like a cold moon.... Is it because of her brilliant braveness or because she was controlling everything?

This... Women...

As the nurse walks into the ward, I suddenly struggle to sit up and grit my teeth and said, "Give the cell phone, quick!"

"You can't move yet!" She comes to stop me from getting up. I push her hand aside and cry out, "I said give me the phone! Be quick!"

Her face is a little helpless and unhappy, but her good professional quality still keeps her in control. She turns around and takes out a cell phone from her coat and hands it to me. "This is my phone. You can use it first. But you can't get up! This is doctor's order. Your ankle hurts and you can't walk around! "

I nod and say, "thank you!" But when I dial a few numbers, my movements suddenly stop.

Do I really have to call Juan?

What do I say? I suspect that this assassination was deliberately planed by Vivi Young and others in order to break the cooperation of both parties?

Do I have any proof?

Involuntarily, my mind remembers her smiling face, as well as in my ear whispers gently, and the face showed a sincere smile of joy while listening my jokes...

Is it her?

Or not her?

I am thinking for a minute with the phone, but I am still not deciding whether to make this call

Suddenly a towel is handed over by the nurse. She wipes my cheek with a strange tone.

"There's a lip print on your face..."

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