Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 35

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I lost my job!

I lost my job?!

Although Ken's arrogance is annoying, but I haven't done anything extraordinary.

There is only one reason: Juan arranged it.

I wonder if Juan made these arrangements were trying to keep me away from this circle?

As for the arrogance of Ken, I simply don't bother to pay attention to it. I have long understood of the reason, no sooner has the person gone away than the tea cools down.

As I walk out of Ken's office, several waiters are watching from afar in the corridor, and William is standing in front of the corridor with two security guards.

I walk over and smile, "Why, do you worry about that I would be too angry to beat Ken?"

William's face instantly rises to purple, and quickly shakes his head, "How can I be such a man? I'm just a little worrying... "

"No need to say." My face is calm: "you can rest assured that I will go after take all my belongings."

But there is some disdain in my heart.

This William, I was really good to him on weekdays, originally thought he is a rough and forthright man, now it seems that... Well!

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Maybe my eyes are a little sharp, so that he doesn't dare look at me, just whispers, "Brother 5... We are also feel unfair for you, but boss made this arrangement... Now Ken is in charge. "

I pat him on the shoulder, take a deep look at him at last and say, "Come on, I will not be here anymore, but the company's rules are still there. You are a company's person, so long as you behave well, company will cover you. "

After that, I stop talking to him and walk into my room.

When I open the door with the key, Mary comes out of the next room and come in, stares at me and sighs, "Brother 5..."

I turn around and smile. "Mary, I'm leaving! Take care of yourself in the future."

Mary's eyes are red, and she turns back. Behind her, several waiters in the corridor, who are looking here, turning their heads.

"Brother 5, enter the room, I have something to speak with you."

When she enters the room, she stands behind me and watching me open the cupboard to pick up my things without saying a word.

I don't have a lot of stuff. Actually, I almost have nothing to clean up. It is just the ring that I have to take away, and I pick up some other odds, then put them in a small box.

"Brother 5, I feel sorry for you!" Mary sighs, with a helpless expression on her face: "Everybody's watching how you behave. You take care of your men, and you are good for our young girls. Why is Juan..? "

I shake my head: "These things need not to be said."

Mary takes a look at me: "5... Where are you going? Are you going to another club?" She is suddenly smiling: "as long as you Brother 5 in a word, I Mary will take my girls with you tomorrow!"

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I smile, look up and down at her, and say in a sincere voice, "Sister Mary, thank you!"

To be honest, a mummy can be such loyal. No matter what she said is true or false, at least it is very rare.

"I'm not going to do this industry anymore." I smile.

Mary's face shows a little disappoint I can see that it is not disguised. Then I hear her say, "Brother 5, I'm also rolling around such places for years, who's human, who's devil, I rub my eyes with no sand! You are a good man. You are good at your work. I have been in this industry for so many years that I have never met other executives like you. Brother 5, I didn't say anything nice just now. I can see through it. I'm happy to do things with a supervisor like you. At least I'm less bullied!

I wave and say, "Sister Mary, what I said is true, I really don't want to do it anymore."

"Actually... With your qualifications in this field, it's easy to find out anywhere else here." She seems to be trying to persuade me.

"I am tired." I shake my head: "I've seen so much confusion in recent years. I'm upset!" Looking at Mary, I smile and say, "Sister Mary, maybe I'm too rude, please forgive my offence! You're no younger than the girls of seventeen or eighteen. In these years, you have earned the enough money you should earn, and it's time to find a home to settle down for yourself."

After that, I pat her on the shoulder, and then I am going to go out.

"Wait." Mary is touched. There is something in her eyes. She hurry up to me and stop at the door. Then she pulls out a small envelope from her handbag and says with a forced smile, "Brother 5, I know you're leaving, and girls and I want to see you off. But you know, in our business, we have to go to work at night and we can't leave. We had a whip-round and as we ask you the favor to have a drink. Thank you for your taking care over the past few years!"

I am really surprised.

To tell the truth, in my mind, I have always looked down upon these women who come out as club girls. But I have my own principles: I have always believed that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life and their own path. As long as she(he) has no influence on others, no one else has the right to interfere. Even depravity, it is also their own freedom.

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In my opinion, a club girl is at least better than a thief or a robber. At least they do not steal or rob, but sell themselves for reward. Although I am not appreciate, but I never put on a social moralist's face to say anything.

And when they come out as a club girl, who does not sell for money?

The envelope in Mary's hand is not big. It might be only a few thousand at most. But I know, these thousands are these girls exchange from accompany the guest to drink at night, let the guest touch, let the guest hold, let the guest play with!

Everyone says, bitch is heartless, but today, this thing is somehow somewhat incomprehensible to me.

"Brother 5." Mary says, "Do you think this money is dirty?" After a long pause, she gnashes her teeth and says, "If anyone else goes, I will spit at his back. But it's you brother 5 leaving now. I am suffering from my heart. To be honest, I am not only pretense, but also worried about the future of my girls. I've seen so many men! You see Ken, he looks serious on weekdays. He just in charge that day and asked me to let a little girl accompany him in the evening. Hum, what a thing! And last night, one of my new coming girl made the guest unhappy. The guest complained, that the son of a bitch was whipping the girl's face in front of me in the compartment and her face was swollen!"

My face is expressionless.

Mary continues, "I won't say anything else! Brother 5! Do you remember the last time one of my girl offended a guest I couldn't afford, when you went into the compartment and finished two bottles of XO in one breath to calm the guest down, and then you vomited out of bed all day! I Mary do remember this!"

Then she hands the money to me, grits her teeth and raises her eyebrows, and says, "If you dislike, pat your ass and leave! I'm without saying a word, and burn it immediately!" After that, she pulls out a lighter and her eyes are glaring at me.

I don't know what else to say at the moment.

To be honest, though I didn't bully them and took good care of them, I was simply influenced by Juan's habit.

I think no matter the waiter/waitress or the princess or the club girl, since they are working for the company and making money for the company, I will certainly take care of them.

But I didn't expect these girls to leave me such a big favor.

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I sigh, take the envelope, look at Mary, and suddenly whisper, "Mary, my number won't change... I will not tell you anything else. Let me know your needs when you in difficulties in future."

As I leaving, Mary walks me all the way to the door, and the waiters seem to dodge me. No one come up to say a word, as if I am a plague.

I sneer at it. It's not the first time I see such a scene, I just feel funny.

I used to treat men under me well. You can see it from the time I would like to help a small waitress such like Didi out from bully. I even hadn't known her yet. This is the way I usually do to them!

William stands at the door and sees me come out. He looks a little awkward. Mary gives him a glance, purposely grunting, and then walks me to the door. William suddenly catches up two steps from behind, then he hesitates for a while before he finally squeezes out a few words: "Brother 5... Thank you! Good luck!"

I smile deliberately, then I kick him, laughing and scolding, "What's going on! It sounds like my funeral. Unlucky! "

Then I wave to them and stride away.

Amy stands in the lobby of the hotel and has been waiting with a little anxious. She sees me out, immediately jumps to greet me. She is about to say something, and find I am not looking good, quickly shut her mouth, carefully follows me, and then whispers: "Chen Yang... You... What's wrong with you? "

I shake my hand, motion her to stop talking. Then we walked out of the hotel. Walking around hundred meters, then I stand in front of the first beggar we meet, take the envelope which Mary gave me from my pocket and throw it to him. Then I turn and keep going.

I heard the beggar behind him just open his envelope and take a look. Then he yelled, "My God!"

Walking out of another block, I begin to think about my current situation: I have no job now, even having no place to live... Where to go next?

Looking at Amy beside me, the clever girl sees that I am in a bad mood, and has not said a word since just now, but carefully accompanies me.

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