Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 36

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"What? You want to fire me? No way! " Amy pouts, a pair of big eyes staring round, hands folds waist: "Please, you are a big man, how can you say it does not count!"

I spread out my hand: "I have no job now, and no income either."

Amy turns around and laughing. "But I don't need you to pay my salary! Somebody has already paid for it! "

"But I have no place to live now." I still shake my head.

"Qie! Don't fool me!" Amy is very shrewd to pierce my excuse: "You are such a grow up man no place to live? You can go to rent, or sleep in a hotel. Anyway, you won't sleep on the road! Even if you live in a kennel, I will follow you as a conscientious nurse!"

"Stop playing, Amy." I frown. "Don't follow me anymore. If someone in your company asks, you say you're still with me, and nobody knows."

"You think it's that simple?" She deliberately stares at me with an idiot's eye: "If the company is so foolish, do I have to run around with you? Come on! The company is not a fool! Not so easy to be cheated! I need to record your daily living, your diet, your physical condition, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, nutrition! And I need to report to the company every day! Company will also check my work from time to time. Do you think this job is that easy?"

I sigh and can't contradict her.

In those days in the hospital, she would give me a lot of tests every day. At first I thought it was ordered by hospital, and later I realized that many of are her daily works.

"The report can be false." I say lightly: "I don't say and you don't say, who knows!"

Amy seriously thinks about it and looks at me secretly. "Are you sure? Don't need my care service, and pay me still. I've never seen such a fool like you." But then she seems to hesitate for a moment: "No. The risk is too high. Company will check, just in case of fear! If I accidentally spill the beans, I will be fired. On the safe side, I had better to follow you honestly. "

I am really not able to handle this smart and stubborn girl.

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And most importantly, after a few days live together, she took good care of me, and the relationships between us are so harmonious that it is hard for me to turn my back on her.

"As you please! I'm going to stay at the hotel now! Only one bed! Do you follow me? "

"Yes!" Amy actually nods, with a look of heroic expression: "I'll sleep on the floor. Anyway, this job pays so much that it's worth sleeping on the floor."

"I've respect you!" I sigh and thinking for a moment. Then I suddenly remember the property company that I had blackmailed and they promised to arrange a flat to rent for me. Take out the phone, I dial the number immediately.

When the person in charge of the property company hears my call, he breathes a sigh of relief and asks me in a hurry where I was and why I haven't contacted him about the house these days.

I struck a few words before I realize that he was afraid of my turning back. The commercial building I was involved in put on a large-scale advertising campaign these days. He is afraid that I would come out and expose it, it would be a mass tragedy.

Driven by interests, people's work efficiency is unusually high. We negotiated on the phone that we can immediately go to see the flat. The location is not far from my present position, but also a rather noble residential district.

To be honest, I feel very happy.

I know that residential district. It is very expensive, and the rent is quite expensive too.

If I am still working a club, there is no any problem with it. But I have lost my job, so I must think more about the price.

Luckily, when I was blackmailing the property company, we had settled the rent, which was very cheap.

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Without saying any extra word, I immediately stop a taxi and drive to the appointed place.

Naturally, my little tail Amy still follows me.


"Here it is!" I look around the house, quite satisfied.

Two rooms, one hall, newly decorated, double rooms facing south, sunny, the living room is very spacious and bright. The only drawback is that the toilet is small, but fortunately I don't have the habit of soaking in the bathtub, and it's good to have a shower at home.

There is a suite of ready furniture in the house. Simple but it's enough. It is sent by their company, though it is not a famous brand, but the quality is good.

Obviously, this is a set of "single apartments" for some urban white-collar workers. But I don't care. I like this place very much. It's quiet in the neighborhood, and the traffic is good. There's a supermarket downstairs. Daily life should be very convenient.

I have met that man from the property company for the second time. He is obviously confident of the house and knows I will accept it. And he could see that he did pay attention in order to solve the trouble as soon as possible.

The rent is 30% lower than that of the same grade, and all the property management fees are free.

When I was ready to pay the money, Amy is suddenly crying out, "Wait!"

Then the little girl bounce up to the guy and pouts, "This house is full of the big problems!"

Then her small mouth is shooting words as sharp as a machine gun.

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For example, the flat is in the tenth floor, in her mouth is very problematic, she says that according to the urban environment we live in, the tenth floor is located about 30 meters away from the ground, just in the air in the exhaust layer! Air pollution in the city, automobile exhaust emissions, generally suspended at this height, has a great impact on the human body.

Then she accuses the two rooms, though facing south, but the sun has been blocked by the opposite building from an angle, so that missing two hours of sunshine a day.

In this way, she says more and more, and finally sums up this house that I seem to have been satisfied with is full of all the faults. In her mouth, it is turned out to be a project full of quality problems.

The man, though shrewd too, is clearly not Amy's sharp-toothed opponent at this point. After being counted down by her, he is angry and flushing. Amy stops and waits until his anger reaches a critical point. Before he flutters out, she says: "So many problems, you just lower a little bit more on the price!"

Finally, under the pressure of this little moneygrubber, the property company guy actually promises to exempt me from half a year of water and electricity charges! I am also donated a year's Internet broadband fee.

After signing the lease contract and paying the deposit on the spot, the guy finally recover from scare. He raises his thumb to the petty little moneygrubber and sighs, "Tough! You are really tough!"

Then the guy runs away without a trace.

Little moneygrubber is satisfactorily watching him leave, then turns to look at me, still a lesson to the children's tone, shaking her head: "Chen Yang, you such a guy, simply can't live! Does all your money come from the sky? "

Ignoring my stunned look, she lies down on the sofa in the living room and crying cheerfully, "Finally there's a nest!"

Then the little moneygrubber turns to me and looks at me seriously. "My honorable client, we'll be living under the same roof for a while before you fire me!" Then she sighs and saying in an envious voice, "Oh, this house is wonderful. How can you find such a good house? Has the God blinded?"

I curl my lips: "What makes you're so wonderful? If you want to stay with me, do the cleaning first. There are windows to clean, floors to wash, quilts to use at home, and towels and toothbrushes, and so on. A lot of things need to buy in."

"Ah!" The little moneygrubber is jumping up from the sofa and staring at me. "Do you make a mistake? I am your private nurse, not your maid! I am responsible for taking care of your body and your injury. Not including to be your babysitter! I will not do any housework!"

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I deliberately shake my arm in plaster: "Do you think I can do the housework by myself? Fortunately, here has the pipe natural gas. Otherwise, I'm afraid the gas tank should rely on you to carry it!"

There is a cunning smile on her face: "this is your problem. The best thing you can do is to make the wound worse. So I can stay with you as a nurse for a longer time."

This cunning girl!

Joking is joking. After dropping the baggage, Amy goes back to pick up her stuff and go back to company to do a job report. By the way, she will go to the supermarket to help me to buy some daily necessities. Of course, I give her money, which not only for the cost, but also include her tip. She even made a list of all the household chores except for her nursing duties.

For example, ten for wash clothes, ten for cleanup, ten for cook, rackets: if cook three meals a day, then 15% off.

But fortunately, I was smart enough to add one, and the pay for cooking include wrap up the dishes.

At that time, the little moneygrubber looked very helpless. She sighed, "You are a fast learner! It seems that I have lost money again! "

I was in a cold sweat... What kind of girl is this?!

I've never met a girl who is so careful about money!

But her price list was fair, and I calculated it. It was much cheaper than hire a part-time housekeeping, so I agreed.

Of course, I also wanted to retaliate on her, intentionally made a malicious request: "Then help me warm the bed, how much is it?"

This time, her answer is very simple, just one word:


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