Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 38

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Time: one hour later

Location: the living room of my new house.

Characters: Amy (Little moneygrubber), I (the bad man), Didi.

"Didi, the man you know is him? He?" Amy stares at me with a bitter, hateful look on her face. From this little girl's eyes, I even have the illusion that I am a shameless man seducing an innocent girl.

"No... Amy, it's not what you think." Didi's reddened face is cute, but I only look at it two times, and Amy's righteous expression stops me. She is standing between me and Didi to block my eyes, pointing at me, and shouting, "Chen Yang! You just get rid of the idea of dating with my Didi!"

I am overcast: "Amy, what do you mean by that?"

Amy picks up the eyebrows: "Hum, do you think I don't know what you do? Please! Are you working in the place we have gone there today? Don't think I don't know where it is! Hum! I've seen many men like you who hook up with ignorant girls. I ask you, Didi is such a lovely girl, so simple... Do you have the heart to harm her? If you want woman, you go to the discos or pubs, there are plenty of women who are lonesome and coquettish. You must not harm Didi anyway! "

"Who's fucking harm Didi?" I am furious: "be careful what are you saying! I haven't any bad idea with Didi! "

Amy shakes her head, but there is a sly look in her eyes: "Chen Yang, do you really like Didi?"



I almost show the white of my eyes to her. Big miss! Undeniably, I do have a little fantasy about Didi, and I really want to have something nice happen with this beautiful, simple, gentle beauty... But please, even if confession, does it need to be pushed so hard?

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"See! If you do not speak, it means you have ulterior motives!" Amy is aggressive, and then the apricot eyes glaring and yelling: "Do you want to cheat her money or want to cheat her body?"


Cheat money? Is this girl rich enough to let me deceive?

I peek at Didi and find the girl with a red face and a drooping head. She seems afraid to look straight on me, but a pair of eyes glances at me inadvertently and then stamping her feet. "Amy, The more you talk, the more unreasonable you are! I... I don't talk to you anymore!"

Then she shakes her hands as if she want to run away. But the direction of escape is the bedroom. Amy grabs her, and the little moneygrubber is smiling wickedly, glances at me intentionally, and then lowers her voice. It is purposely what she say to me: "Stupid girl, I don't know who always talks to me on the phone every day, Brother 5 this, Brother 5 that, Brother 5 long, Brother 5 short..."

I still show the white of my eyes to her. What's your business of my long or short?

Amy has said quickly, "And who's been talking to me these days about my brother 5 not calling me? Does he want to ignore me? Is he busy doing something?" Amy wriggles her voice and purposely imitates the tone of Didi. Unfortunately, her voice is a little sharper than Didi's, so she can't learn the kind of soft voice that Didi has.

Didi is held hands and couldn't run away, her head is almost hanging on the floor, like an ostrich.

Seeing that I am still silent, Amy blinks at me desperately, and that I am still not answering. She's getting annoyed, jumping up and crying, "Hello! How do you become a man? In this situation, are you still not speaking? Do you like Didi or not? Are you a man? "

I almost fainted.

How does she dare to ask me if I am a man?

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Are you a woman?!

Is there any woman like you to make such a mess? Are you being so hard to matchmaking?

But angry to angry, I look at Didi's delicate face, red cheeks, and big eyes that are almost dripping out of the water. My soul almost flies in half, and the other half seems to be going away soon.

I bite my teeth, as a big man, admit it just admit it.

After a hard cough, I say, "I like her. What's the matter?"

"That's fine!" Amy releases Didi and smiles at me. "Chen Yang, how do you thank me for such a big favor?"

Wait, how am I seeing all the splendor of money from her eyes?.

Didi finally couldn't help it. She looks up and grins her teeth. "Amy, it's enough! Ah?"

Fuck, this girl is really too weak temperament. A question, from her mouth out, is always with a soft smell. In terms of eloquence, ten Didi can't pitch a little moneygrubber.

"All right, all right, you two! You, thinking of him all day long, always chattering brothers 5 in my ear. The other one, thinking all day long of dare to do nothing!"

Heard of such speaking, I glare at her.

What calls thinking all day long of dare to do nothing? I'm just about to confession but just not yet!

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Amy has continued in an indifferent tone: "A layer of window paper, I've pierced it for you today! You two just need to thank for me! "

I have no word.

To be honest, I'm really interesting to date or maybe fall in love with Didi, but a good dating is also makes people enjoy the process. After little moneygrubber makes such a fuss, I feel lack of the feeling of dating somehow.

"It's done!" Amy is also proud of her own appearance. She waves her hands and begins working. Then she runs into the kitchen, pulls dazing Didi together..

I don't know what the two girls are whispering in the kitchen. I am left in the living room alone.

Well, no matter what they say, Didi is always bullied by Amy. This little moneygrubber is a worldly-wise woman! Didi's character is never got the chance to compete with her. Luckily, Amy is hers good friend. Otherwise, if Amy wants to sell her, Didi might be helping her to count the money.

I am smoking in the living room, five minutes later Amy comes out alone, sits down in front of me, and then hands over a thermometer. She takes my cigarette with ignore of any of my opinion, and then put the thermometer into my mouth.

"Keep it, don't bite!"

I have no temper to this girl. After she and I got acquainted, I just lost her respects. But she is really cute, with a kind of cleverness. It is difficult to get angry at what she does.

"Hey, Chen Yang, are you still mad at me? And show the white with your eyes on me?" Amy glares at me, then glances in the direction of the kitchen, and whispers, "Didi is such a charming little beauty who has folded in your hands. Do you still pretend innocence and disinterest after succeeding in gaining such an advantages?"

"Nonsense, do I need your help?" I strike her vaguely, with a thermometer. Unfortunately, in such a state, it is really hard for me to get over her.

"Sigh..." Amy suddenly sighs and whispers, "I never know that you are the brother 5 she mentions all the time. Hmm, Chen Yang, I can tell you Didi is so tender, gentle, soft and weak. If you bully her, I'll..." After that, a cut action is made.

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Cut? Don't you think I grow up under threatens?

"In fact, Didi is really too weak to be bullied by her temperament. At school, some boys saw her beautiful and weak, like to bully her, she dared not say. Later, she went to the hospital for an internship, and there were those pervert doctors hit her idea, she just fled, do not dare to resist! Well, if I have met such things, I would take the surgical knife directly and castrate these assholes." As Amy is speaking, her voice grows louder and louder. She realizes it and quickly lowers her voice and keep saying, "Didi is a girl who really needs protection. I think you are good, sort of a good man. Well, the Brother 5 she said, it turns out that you... she told me a little about your things. Did you really punch people into the hospital just to save her? Did you hurt yourself too?"

I couldn't help taking the thermometer out of my mouth, looking at her, and whisper, "Amy, are you too strange? Even if... Even if you know that Didi likes me, you are so relieved to send her to my hand and pushing so hard! What if I'm a bad man? What if I am a rogue with an eye for the women?"

"I am not stupid!" Amy rolls her eyes, then looks a little more serious. "You're not too bad actually. At least I've been taking care of you for a few days. You've been good at me that you haven't done anything bad on me. Didi likes you so much. You seem to like her for a long time, don't you? I just help you help you to achieve success. Besides, I can't take care of this girl all the time. She is a coward and a simple woman. I used to protect her in school, but I can't do it now. There are more people are tough than me in society. I am a weak woman too. How can I protect her? It's better to find a good man for her!"

I stare at her: "you're not her mother, are you?"

"How do you learn speak?" Amy glares: "Girl! I am still a double teenage girl!" Then she drops her teeth and says, "Don't you know? Didi has no mother!"

There is something helpless between her eyebrows: "So she was bullied from childhood. She has resigned herself to adversity and become such a weak character."

"What about her mother? Passed away? "I can't help asking.

Amy hesitates for a moment: "No... But I can't say it. If she wants to, let her tell you herself.

I am at a loss, but Amy put the thermometer back into my mouth. "Just keep it! I haven't examined you today. I need to report your status back tomorrow!"

Then she seems to talk to herself, "You are not bad. Also good to treat people. And you seem to be quite rich. Hmm, don't hide from me. I accidentally saw your bankbook when I helped you pack things. Hundreds of thousands! You can afford her enough."

But after a few seconds, little moneygrubber is suddenly crying out, "Oh, no! This is a big loss for me! "

She stares at me and looks at me angrily. "Awful! Wrong calculation! Didi does know how to take care of people. She sees you like this, she will certainly come to take care of you every day. What household laundry and cooking, she must have done them all! In that case, how can I earn your money? "

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