Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 39

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Later days, indeed, as little moneygrubber said. Didi loved I'm injured with her and rushes to my house every day after work to help me clean up the house and cooks for me in a different way every day.

Her eyes look at me become more and more gentle, but she is too shy to express anything straight forward.

To be honest, I really want to make some breakthroughs.

I know in my heart that if I want to hold her in my arms or kiss her, Didi would probably not refuse. It is a pleasure to be served by such a charming girl who is your prospective lover every day. She looks at you from time to time with affectionate eyes. Even when I eat, she feeds me with her own hands because my hands are inconvenient.

One spoonful of food, then one spoonful of soup each time, plus a bunch of gentle eye waves. What I want most every day is the time for dinner. In less than a week, I grow several kilograms.


It's a shame that there is still someone names Amy there.

In fact, I do not mind to show love in public. Anyway, my beloved woman, even in the street, I dare to hug or kiss.

But Didi refuses. She is really too shy. Although she is weak in other ways and she is obedient to me, but she insists on no compromise to show her love in public. I can only take her advantage while Amy can't see. What I can do is pull her hands on the sneak. If I can occasionally wrap her waist, I might be happy for quite a long time.

That damned Amy, seems to be a deliberate vent to the grievances that she can't make money from me. I hinted her several times but she still shows her existences all the time.

At the end, even things like change the medicine and feed me medicines are all served by Didi personally. Anyway, her major is also the professional nursing. The little moneygrubber is happy to relax anyway. When Didi is absent from work every day, she just start the battle of words with me. In her saying is avoid me too boring

By the way, Amy has been living in my house, Didi either.

At first, Amy left Didi with her. According to her saying, two girls are always safer than one. Besides, the location and environment of my house is also good.

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But, what a shame!

It's already late autumn. Even at home, their two girls are wearing too many cloths. If it is in summer, the scene must be super good.

But I won't do anything obey their willing.

Especially, I heard Amy hides a cut under her pillow before sleep every night.

Sometimes, I even thought that whether the ring brings me a gentle Didi, for balance, brings an Amy to disturb me?

Days past so soon. One day, the weather forecast says there is a sandstorm coming, standing in front of the window and looking out, the sky and the earth are all gray. It looks make people feel gloomy.

But my feeling is good. No, not only good but also exciting!

Because I can remove the bandage today. The plaster has been removed and my arm can be back to free.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I touch my chin. After so many days of leisurely life, living like a master every day, there are two beauties around to serve me, I have been fat a whole circle than before. I even feel a little waist fat.

I ask Amy to help me count, and then I take several groups of push-ups in the living room and do several groups of sit-ups. Then test the heartbeat and pulse. She stops me from continuing to exercise. She advises me in a professional tone that I should not exercise too much in the early days of injury. I accept her suggestion.

But then I start thinking about another thing.


I have recovered from injury, so I must find a job for myself now.

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While I am considering, the phone rings. After looking at the number, I press the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang." A little hoarse voice, but always elegant and calm: "This is Yumi. I heard you had your bandage and plaster removed today. Congratulations for your recovery. "

"Oh? Your news is really fast!"

She smiled softly, "I have been informed of your recent situation. The care around you reports your recovery situation back to the nursing company, and the nursing company will give it to me. Don't forget, I'm paying the nursing company.".

"Thank you." I take a deep breath: "Miss Yumi, Have any information with Juan?"

The phone is silent for a few seconds: "I'm sorry, No."

Her voice is so steady that I could not hear anything else from her voice.

But then her voice lightens a little: "Mr. Chen Yang, I heard that you've been at home recently. There's a job I wonder if you're interested?"

My heart beats.

I almost subconsciously ask, "Is it arranged by Juan?"

The tone of Yumi on the phone is still steady: "No." Then she smiles and say, "Well, a friend of mine, also a client of me, needs an assistant right beside him. He wants someone who has experience in all aspects and is able to handle things on the scene, and of course, need to be smart enough. I immediately think of you. Chen Yang, this job pays well. I think it suits you very well."

In my mind, I think it's a bit strange: "Miss Yumi. You... "

"Juan asked me to take care of you before his leaving."

I nod my head and accept her explanation.

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Anyway, if it's Juan's arrangement, I will accept it. If it isn't his arrangement, but entirely Yumi's kindness, it seems to be no reason for me to refuse either.

"If you have no opinion, I hope you can go to his company this afternoon. Do you have any problem?"

"No." I smile. "I have been at home for so long, and I really want to go out to do some activities." Then I say in very seriously, "Miss Yumi, thank you!"

She smiles and says, "You're welcome!" Then she tells me an address.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, I appear on the top floor of a famous office building in city commercial area on time.

The place I come to is a company calls "Deep Blue Entertainment". From the top floor and next four floors are all theirs office. When I get out of the elevator, I can immediately see the front desk of the company.

To be honest, I feel a sudden dizzy. Behind the front desk stands a hot girl.

It's not very appropriate to say she's a hot girl. She's not sort of a good-looking girl, but no one, especially a man, cares about her face at first sight.

Just because of her chest... The only words I could think of in my mind at the moment are: an ample bosom.

To be honest, I've never seen such a plump woman in real life, except for the so-called pop-milk girls in pornographic movies!

And even worse, because the company is heating, she actually wears a low blouse. People have to worry about her, because it seems as if her front skirt would be bursting at any moment!

Watching me come to the front, she immediately slightly owes herself. This bending action almost let my heart out of my throat! Then she whines in a saccharine voice, "Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

God testifies!

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Such a saccharine voice immediately reminds me of those girls who are working in nightclubs with somewhat artificial tones toward guests. But the voice of this one seems to have been so natural that it can almost compare with the honey.

I cough, trying to keep my eyes away from glancing down her neck: "I'm Chen Yang, I'm here..."

The pop-milk girl flips through the record at once, and before I finish my words, a warm smile appears on her face. "Ah, Mr. Chen, our general manager has asked to let you come in and see him immediately."

Then the pop-milk girl comes out from the front desk, make a gesture of invitation, and leads me into the company.

I watch her from her back. To tell the truth, it is hard for me to move my eyes away from her.

This woman's face is not outstanding, but God really give her a super figure.

Women who are usually full of breasts would be fat. But she is not! Her waist seems to be only thirty three or four centimeters at most, and when she walks, she wriggles gently, like a water snake, which makes people have numerous reveries in their minds. If it is at a specific time, what will it taste like when such a snake waist twists and turns?

I can't say that I am very lustful. I haven't had sex with a woman for more than a month. And I used to work in a place of entertainment. I've been in the nightclub for too long time. Although I still have a Didi at home, to be honest, I've never have the idea of have only one woman in my heart. For me, beauty is as many as better.

I sincerely love Didi, but I will not refuse occasional love affairs. Meeting this rare super figure, my eyes eat 'ice cream' for sure.

However, as I walk into the office hall of the company, I'm almost stunned.

Looking at it, hundreds of square meters of open offices are almost all young ladies. And each one is beautiful, appropriately in a professional dress, and the sound of high heels stepping on the floor reverberated in the office. All kinds of beautiful women walk past me. Some are holding folders, some are holding phones, others are carrying small handbags, and the air is filled with the smell of all kinds of perfume. The ears are full of feminine soft voices.

I feel as if I have fallen into a powder trap!

I'm not the guy never met a woman, and there are a hundred and ten women chirping together every night in the place where I used to work.

But this place is not a nightclub after all. I look closely all the way, and there is even no a man in the entire office.

This company's boss must be a super sex maniac! I think with venom.

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