Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 41

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Ten minutes later, I have parked the car at the main entrance of the building. This is a BMW 5 series. There are some ornaments with feminine style in the car, such as dolls and so on, and a smell of perfume mixed with a faint smell of Lady tobacco. It seems that Nanny Fang also smokes.

Nanny Fang, wearing a new Versace trench coat this year, comes out with a LV purse in her hand. She seems to have been dressed up. Her face is made up of exquisite makeup. Her hair is simply pulled up, and she looks very different. The way she walks, as if floating, seems like with a delicate smell. I find that all the people passing through the building, whether men or women, are attracted by her appearance. Men, without exception, show their soul-inspired eyes, while women's eyes are more envious or jealous.

"Where are you going, Miss Fang?" When she sit behind the car, I look back at her.

"Universal building."

To be honest, although I know how to drive, but it's my first time to drive such an expensive car. Meanwhile, I rarely drive lately and lack practice. And, to my discomfort, although I didn't look back, I can still feel that Nanny Fang has been staring at me since she gets on the car.

I glance at her quietly in the mirror. There is something complicated in her eyes that I couldn't read, as if with a little curiosity and a little sadness.

After drive two blocks, she suddenly says, "Do you have cigarettes?"

I nod and throw a pack of cigarettes from my pocket. She lights one and coughs as soon as she takes the breath. She smiles bitterly and says, "Sorry, I'm not used to men's cigarettes."

She opens the window and looks out for a moment, then suddenly smiling and says, "I think you're a little familiar."

"Oh?" My voice doesn't fluctuate. But I remember that when I came out of her office just now, I could vaguely hear what she said like him very much or something.

According to my feeling, I guess the call should be from Yumi. But the word of like him, I don't understand what it means. Is it my acquaintance looks like someone Nanny Fang knows? But I don't expect her to mention it on her own initiative..

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"Miss Fang, what are you talking about?"

"I said you look familiar." Nanny Fang lightly says, "I remember that I should have seen you somewhere, especially your back."

Speaking of this, she suddenly changes her tone and says, "Ah, yes. I remember. Are you the guy in the newspaper who had won a lot of prizes at one time in the welfare lottery? I read that newspaper. It had a photograph of you snapped by a reporter. You jumped off the podium with someone in your arms and ran away. The reporter only took your profile and back."

I smile and say, "it was an accident."

"Accident? It seems you are a lucky man." Nanny Fang 's tone is not too surprising. I think she didn't read the report carefully, and didn't know the details of how I won the lotteries.

I hold the steering wheel and not speak to her again. But I always feel her eyesight is on my back, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

The Universal building is a very famous building in this city. It is the tallest building here. The downstairs floors are the most upscale shopping malls. It is famous for all kinds of world famous clothes. The prices are so expensive that make normal white-collars tremble. The income of ordinary people who have worked hard for a year may not be enough to visit here and buy something.

Upstairs, is for commercial using, there are many upscale clubs, cafes, and beauty salons, especially a fitness center, is famous of specially hires foreign fitness coaches, with expensive fees and beauties inside. It is said that many wealthy young men like to go to this fitness center, but most of the purpose is to meet all the beautiful women here.

The building has a total of 48 floors, the higher the more upscale. Many places are not opened to public at all, is entirely a membership system, and the membership requirements are very high! Rooftop has the only helicopter parking apron in the city.

We walk all the way to the elevator from the underground parking lot. I follow Nanny Fang into the elevator. I see her press the button on the twenty-fourth floor first, as if it is a salon club or something. But when she looks at me, hesitates a moment, and quickly presses the button of the fourth floor.

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The fourth floor is the menswear Department of the mall. Because the store's business style is geared to high-end goods, so the flow of people is not so much. I look around, all the well-known brand of counters, only well-dressed salesmen in a polite smile standing, but very few people patronize.

Nanny Fang leads me to a men's clothing brand's counter. I knew it is Dupont, a French brand. The price is not affordable to people like me. She looks at me for a moment, then quickly asked the sales to take out two different suits in dark and light colors, and then says in a light tone, "You try them!"

"Well?" I just want to ask. Nanny Fang 's tone is understated. "I said you must do everything according to my instructions during work time." Then she looks at my clothes intentionally coldly. "I'm going to meet some important guests in a minute. You're my assistant. You can't wear it like this to meet people now, can you?"

I smile with careless: "You are the boss! Anyway, I don't need to pay for it."

In this way, under the direction of Nanny Fang, I have changed five or six sets of clothes in one breath, dress in a set of clothes she picked out herself, walk out of the dressing room, let her see, and then a set off.

The sales lady next to her was going to introduce more, but as soon as she said a few words, Nanny Fang looks at her coldly and made a silent gesture, and said rudely, "Please don't talk. When I'm shopping, I don't like being influenced by other people's opinions.

After all, the sales lady has been trained professionally, smiling on the face unchanged and courteous.

Though I changed many suits of clothes, I feel no impatience in my heart.

Anyhow, she's the boss anyway. I get such a high salary, if the job is just changing clothes... It is easy to do such a thing.

It's easier than when I met an unreasonable guest in club and had to keep my temper down and drank with him.

Nanny Fang hardly speaks, but looks at me as if I am a model to show different suits of clothes. She is just looking, and then motions me to continue to change. If she is satisfied, she will let me wear it and turns two or three around in front of her, if not satisfied, just a quick look.

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Gradually, I notice some changes in her eyes. There seems to be an imperceptible softness in the originally cold eyes, a faint change in the expression on face. Sometimes, she couldn't help staring at me, lost her minds in two or three seconds, although she recovered very, but I still observed.

Finally, I change into a dark suit with light stripes. As I walk out of the dressing room, I notice that Nanny Fang's eyes suddenly fall into a trance, and her body is faint shocking. The attractive lips are slightly open, as if the whole person has fallen into a strange mood. She seems subconsciously trying to hide, but she failed. After coughing twice, she lifts her glasses, but she turns away in a flurry, as if afraid to look at me. Within a few seconds, she couldn't help turning her head again.

This time there is a little sadness and plaintive in her eyes, and the tenderness that flashing in her fascinating mug of eyes could almost melt any people.

"Miss Fang." I keep my own counsel and look at her calmly, "Is this suit OK?"

"Well... Oh... Ah, yes! "Nanny Fang comes back to her senses and seems to take a deep breath. She calms down completely from the confusion. Then she walks over and grabs the corner of my clothes without waiting for the salesgirl next to me to help me organize my clothes. Then she smooth out the wrinkles on my clothes in front and back, and then look at the sales lady: "There are lighters, purses, belts, all set to him, um, and shirts."

She seems calm, but in fact I can see the confusion in her eyes.

Carefully selected lighter, purse, belt, Nanny Fang let me change a shoulder printed shirt, carefully looks at me for a while, and then tells the sales lady a few words to let her go to the other counter, brings back a pair of delicate rimless glasses, very simple shape, but very well-made.

"My eyes are not short-sighted." I wry smile: "I'm afraid I can't see clearly when I put on it."

"The glasses have no degree." Nanny Fang ignores my objection and puts the glasses on me, and then steps back half a step. The eyes are staring at me so quietly, and suddenly falling silent.

Now I have a new look. I am wearing a dark, light striped suit, poise with dash. Because I used to make a living in that dark place, there is inevitably some light evil spirit. But a pair of glasses has completely blocked my original trace of evil spirit. On the contrary, it is more elegant. And inside the shirt deliberately untied the top two buttons, dimly emitting a trace of uninhibited breath.

I look at myself in the mirror and also shocked.

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If not for my eyes can't hide the sharp just like this age's young man, not mature enough, not constraint enough, not for my short hair and slightly reserved manners, I would almost have thought the guy in the mirror is the so-called business elite

Nanny Fang has been completely stunned, and her wonderful eyes are getting wet, as if with tears. I pretend not to see it, just fake a hard cough.

She is suddenly woken up, turns her head, and hurries to the bathroom.to cover up.

The sales lady next to me looks at me curiously. I give her a wry smile. She asks, "Do you need anything else?"

I shake my head and smile and say, "Please take away all those clothes I have just changed." Standing in front of the mirror, I touch my chin, raise my arms, turn to her and ask, "What do you think?"

When I finish saying, I laugh in my heart. I must be silly to ask the sales. How can she say anything bad to her client?

"This is very suitable for you to wear." Her smile is professional and her tone is sincere: "To be honest, you're in good shape. You're a natural clothes rack. It's very suitable for wearing this kind of tailor-made clothes."

Then she asks, "Do you have our membership card? Pay by credit card or cash?"

I glance at the price on the corner, and see only a long string of zero. With a deep sigh in my heart, I try to keep my face as quiet as possible, and in a tone of understatement, I say, "Wait till the lady comes back."

After that, I perceive a strange ambiguity in the eyes of the salesgirl. I guess I can know what she thinks.

She probably thought that Nanny Fang is a rich woman, and I am her gigolo.

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