Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 42

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When Nanny Fang comes back, her face is clearly refined the makeup. Though the eyes are slightly reddish, the glasses are enough to hide them. She stops me from taking off my clothes, and gently tells me, "Just wear it." And she tells the sales lady to cut off the trademarks for me, and then ignores my objection and throws away my original dress.

"Now you go up to see the guests with me, do you have to carry a bag of clothes?" I feel that Nanny Fang's indifference seems to have been deliberately and reluctantly made, as if it has just inadvertently revealed a mood fluctuation, for fear of being seen through, deliberately with double indifference to cover it up.

I am a little reluctant, but I know that the suit I am wearing is enough to buy dozens of my old suits.

Then we go to the 24th floor and walk out of the elevator to see that it is an integrated salon club for recreation and entertainment. It occupies the whole floor.

Nanny Fang is obviously a frequent visitor here. As soon as we enter, a manager-like person greets her and leads us in respectfully.

All the way through a lounge, inside is a concert cafe, occupying a corner of the building, closed floor windows completely blocked today's wind outside the outdoor, but the light seems to be sufficient. It is a small place, with only a dozen tables and a single sofa, and a couple of well-dressed men and women, but most of them seem to be rich women at first glance, and they did not know whether they were rich women or the canaries kept by rich people.

"What do you think of this place?" Fang Nan picked a four person seat near the corner, and then she sits down next to me.

"Richman's paradise." There is no mood swings in my tone.

"You are right, but not fully." Nanny Fang whispered: "strictly speaking, this is a paradise for wealthy women. This is the city's best beauty and fitness center, although there are leisure and recreational programs for men either, but overall, 90% are female customers. Most of the men who come here are accompanying their female partners.

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By this time a waiter has come, stoops and say in a respectful voice, "Miss Fang, you come? Would you like to rest for a while first, or?"

"Have a rest first." Nanny Fang lightly says, "I'm still waiting for someone."

"Yes." Waiter's smile is very professional: "then, do you and this gentleman need anything to drink?"

"I'll follow the old rules." She orders, and looks at me again, "what about you?"

I touch my nose and am about to ask for the menu. She sees my embarrassment, smiling, "You can drink coffee. Blue Mountain coffee here is good. It can't be drunk anywhere else."

When the waiter leaves, Nanny Fang looks at me and frowns. "What's up? You don't like coffee?"

I shake my head. "I'm not dislike it. It's just Blue Mountain coffee. Any café shop has it. Why you say I can't drink it outside?"

She is startled, then looks at me and sipping a smile.

To tell the truth, it is the first time since I met her that she had shown such a smile from the deep side of her heart, rather than a deliberately reserved smile. The indifference on her face has been swept away. Looks at her smile, as if a thousands years of glacier has been melted under the spring breeze, and the indifference that has been deliberately made has vanished in an instant! The tempting amorous feelings of her eyebrows make me feel like I can't help adoring.

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When she notices that I am looking at her, the smile on her face converges. She sighs and says, "OK, I'll explain it to you. You will accompany me for many occasions in the future, avoid you to make laugh." After a while, she says coldly, "Do you think Blue Mountain coffee can be drunk everywhere? It seems that you are just like most of the young people."

Then, with her explanation, I realize that I was really making a joke.

Blue Mountain coffee comes from Blue Mountain in Jamaica, and of course, almost all cafes shop in the country writes it on their menus.

However, few people who drink these dozens of cups of Blue Mountain coffee in the cafe shop every day know that all they drink are fakes!

Blue Mountain coffee is famous all over the world, but Blue Mountain in Jamaica is such a place that its output is limited. How many coffee shops are there in all large and medium-sized cities in our country? How many teahouses then? How many people drink the so-called Blue Mountain coffee every day? What a huge amount of consumption it is!

Is it possible?

She tells me a surprising fact: Jamaica has never exported Blue Mountain coffee beans to our country at all!

The Blue Mountain coffee beans, which are assigned to our country by the international coffee organization, are actually very few!

The whole country, only a few big cities, in a certain number of very high-end café shops, their selling blue mountain coffee, is true! There are less than ten in the whole country.

So, almost every cafe shop on the market has " Blue Mountain coffee". What are they? Ninety-nine percent, coffee beans are produced elsewhere. And, Ridiculously, most of them are cheap substandard products.

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Most so-called white-collar workers, so-called petty bourgeoisie, so-called fashion young people, but read a few petty bourgeois sentiment sour articles, the pursuit of fashion, the pursuit of so-called style, drinking Blue Mountain coffee as a fashion. In fact, they are all laymen to be fooled!

"You think there are hundreds of cafes and teahouses in every city, and every one of them sells the so-called "Blue Mountain Coffee". If it's true... Hum! Even if all Jamaica's annual output of Blue Mountain Coffees are exported to China, it is still far from enough." Speaking here, the waiter has already brought the coffee.

Looking at the brown liquid in the beautiful glass in front of me, I couldn't help smiling bitterly.

I often play cards and chat with my friends in the teahouses, and occasionally I ordered Blue Mountain coffee. But I never thought that what I used to drink were all fakes.

Fang Nan's two fingers twists a silver spoon, stirs in the cup twice, the finger naturally forms an orchid finger gesture, very elegant taste. She first looks at me to drink, smiling: "How do you feel? The specialty of Blue Mountain coffee is sweet, sour and bitter, the three tastes are mixed very subtle."

I review the taste, sigh, and smile honestly. "I'm sorry, I can't figure out the feeling you said. To be honest, in my mouth, any Blue Mountain coffee is no different with Nestle in a bag. It's tasted all the same."

Nanny Fang is really laughing this time, and her smile is more intimate: "You speak very honestly."

I shrug my shoulders: "it's not honesty, it's just a simple fact. I am not a so-called petty bourgeoisie, nor will I be a snob. Can't is can't, no shame." After a pause, I smile and say, "In my opinion, drinking coffee is no good than drinking tea, and drinking tea is no good than drinking water."

She covers her mouth and smiling, then takes a deep look at me and slowly says, "I'm starting to find that you are very interesting."

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After a while, she asks, "Do you know how to play billiards?"

"You mean snooker? Or side pocket? I all know a little." I nod, "my level is OK."

"Well, what about the cards? You know Yumi, you should be familiar with all kinds of casino games?"

I nod.

"Good." Her smile fades and she says, "There will be two guests, a man and a woman, and I will accompany that woman to do SPA. As for you, your task today is to play balls or cards with that man in the recreation center nearby."

After a pause, she cautiously adds, "I don't care what you do, you have to lose, and don't lose too much. Better close the score!" She explains, "If you lose too much, the other side loses interest in the game because it is not challenging. You have to keep him interested, and at the same time let him win! "

I nod, but her subsequent words make me a little nervous.

"Chen Yang, don't think it's easy. The man's level is very high... And it is said to be an honorary member of a professional club." She repeats again and again: "Remember, you can only lose, you must not win! But we must not lose too much! Remember! Remember! Remember!" She's probably not very sure about me, adds a word finally.

"If you mess up, you're dead!"

Interestingly, be stared at by this kind of natural glamorous woman, eyes clearly should be full of the threat of killing, but with no reason just become into the charm... It feels pretty cool.

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