Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 43

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The two guests Nanny Fang mentions come in about ten minutes. Obviously this is a couple, the man looks like he is about middle age, well-dressed, somewhat successful man's self-confidence and demeanor, although the appearance of ordinary, but the eyes are very spiritual.

As for the woman, she is much younger, very beautiful, and has a good figure, especially in her beautiful voice and tone.

I always feel she seems familiar, and then suddenly come to realize that she was a star who has been popular for a while two or three years ago. At that time, she used to sing one or two popular songs, but then lost her news.

It seems that the rich man has raised her as a canary.

Nanny Fang introduces this man is called "Minister Kim". This title is somewhat vague. Because I don't know whether this "minister" is a senior government official or a senior member of a famous big company. Is it official or business?

But she doesn't have the intention of further introduction, and soon pulls the female star into the beauty SPA.

Although I am just a young man, the minister seems no bigheaded.

"You are Miss Fang 's assistant?" He has a faint smile on face.

"Yes." I reply very politely, "Do you want something to drink?"

"No need." He waves and laughs. "Do you know how to play billiards, young man? How about play two rounds next door? "

"Willing to accompany." I stand up, trying to make myself look calm.

Unfortunately, I still make a joke.

Just now, Nanny Fang pulled the female star away to do a beauty SPA, but did not pay for the coffee we drank. I did not remind her, anyway, it does not matter, I guess two cups of coffee, even if expensive, it will not cost much money. I can pay for it.

So I call the waiter. He politely asks what I want. I say to pay the bill.

His face is immediately showing an odd expression.

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Later I learned that this service is free. In this salon, all the services are very expensive! For example, cosmetology, SPA and so on, but some small things, such as cafes and snacks, are completely free.

Such a business method is undoubtedly very clever. Anyway, coffee is a real Blue Mountain coffee. According to its value, a cup of coffee costs at least two hundred, but this amount of money is negligible compared to what they earn on other services. Such a free service, not only make guests feel comfortable, but also closer the connections with customers. It's really smart!

What is it called?

I think this is the way to earn your money and you have to be grateful.

Brilliant! Isn't it?

Make the simplest beauty SPA fragrance in this salon, just more than 10000 for once! This price is much more expensive than other cosmetology centers in the city.


Until I familiar with Nanny Fang in future, she then tells me that all the beauty equipment in this salon are the latest model imported from Europe, and that it is normal to be expensive.


"The beauty of a woman needs to be heaped up with money."

She says.


"Young man, you seem to be here for the first time." After sending the waiter away, we go out of the coffee shop, and Kim is still laughing at me.

I am a little embarrassed, but I soon recover to normal: "Yes, I have just been employed by Miss Fang. It is the first time I come to this place."

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"Uh..." Kim looks at me interestingly. I'm curious. All the assistants that followed Nanny Fang were girls before. There's no man in her company. How's she changing her habit this time? But little brother, you are really young and handsome. Ha ha ha ha~! "

I recognize his tease in laugh and I don't care. Anyway, such things can be imagined by anyone. Just let it be.

There's a small room here, a billiard room dedicated to entertainment, and it's obviously a place where every detail is made to a very high level, completely on the boutique line.

The table is pretty. It is much better that the free tables in bar. The clubs are all high quality goods and I feel comfortable when hold it.

A beautiful woman in a red dress is standing by. If it hasn't been for a small brooch on her breast that says it is the clerk of the club, I would have thought she is also the guest.

This is a very beautiful girl, especially this dress, cut very close to the body, the skirt just achieves the knees, the cut is very low... As you can imagine, when she bent down to play, the man standing opposite her could see a wonderful view. The sleeveless style also shows her symmetrical arms.

When Minister Kim sees me looking at the girl, he comes over and pats me on the shoulder. "Dude, she's a guest player. For example, every time I come with a woman, I'm bored and want to play, but have no friends to accompany me. Luckily, there is a lady who may play with me. Otherwise it will be too boring."

Then this guy approaches me and whispers in my ear, "Interested on her? Boy, if you're interested, it's actually very easy."

Before I explain, he has already laughed in a low ambiguous voice: "These girls, besides the salary they get from the club, are tips given by the players. If you're interested in her, come here a couple of times, tip her a little more, ask her out for dinner, go to the bar after dinner and have a drink, and then open a hotel that night…"

I shake my head at once: "Mr. Kim, you misunderstood. I'm only been on this occasion for the first time and I'm curious about everything here. It's nothing else."

Kim curls his lips and says to himself in a vague tone: "Yes... Facing Nanny Fang all day, you are naturally not interested in other women.".

The girl in red laughs professionally and acts very skillfully. She quickly put the ball in place and then gives the ball to Minister Kim.

We are playing the side pocket. Because my snooker level is so so, I feel having more confidence on side pocket.

I humility to let him kicks the ball first. When he hits the first shot, I realize that I am in trouble.

He has a very professional position of hold the cue. No, not just professional, it's almost like a career player. Lower back, grip, hit, the expression on his face is plunged and serious, as a ball is shot down by him, the expression on his face is more and more exuberant, a pair of eyes are brighter.

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Until he made a slight mistake in the sixth pole, it finally comes to my turn.

Nanny Fang didn't tell lie, this guy is really a master! And he was very depressed of the mistake just now. It seems that he rarely makes such a mistake on weekdays.

I know I am in trouble now.

Give the devil my due, my strength is no good than the level of the roadside billiard stall, also belongs to the upper middle. But facing such a master, I'm completely not able to competing with!

If just want me to lose, then no problem. Anyway, I am no good than him.

But Fang Nan wants me to lock him in battle then lose. It's really an impossible mission.

It's my turn because of his mistake, but probably I am too nervous, and I haven't played for more than a month. My arm was injured, and the movements are a little bit raw. As a result, I hit the ball off the charts. If I haven't been lucky, I'm afraid the white ball would have almost gone into the bag! No ball in pool for sure!

Then it's Kim's turn again. This time he doesn't give me any chance, one shot at a time, sweeping all his colored balls on the table into the bag, and the last shot down Black 8.

Defeat! I am almost slaughtered!

Minister Kim takes two cigars out of his arms and throws one to me. "Young man, you are a little out of line."

I smile and say, "Sorry, I slipped my hand just now. But Minister Kim, your level is really first class!"

Damn it, luckily I didn't play snooker with him, otherwise I will lose much more.

The girl in red next to us takes the cigar and the cigar scissors very thoughtfully and helps us light the cigars. She carefully arranges the table again.

This time, Minister Kim asks me to break. I see a tendency in his eyes to lose interest. Maybe in the last game I played too low a level to make him a little uninterested.

Generally masters are all like this, as if you let a master play chess with a beginner, he must feel boring!

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I must do something!

If today's first job is screwed up, then I'm afraid I'll be swept out on the first day of work by the natural beauty Nanny Fang!

I need this job. I need income. Since I am determined to leave the nightclub and live a normal life, I must have a steady income!

There are two beauties in the family living with mine, and I have a girlfriend. Everything costs money.

I take a deep breath and hit the first pole...

The first shot is not too bad, but unfortunately I did not score a ball and then Minister Kim's turn again.

I see he holds the cigar in mouth and shakes his head imperceptibly. It seems that he is somewhat dissatisfied and somewhat helpless.

I know that if he continues perform like this, I'm afraid he will lose interest on me soon.

Spell it! This idea suddenly crosses my mind.

Then I step back half a step, take my wallet out of my arms, and take a silver ring out of it!

When I put this ring on it, Kim shoots.


He smoothly hit a colored ball belonging to him into the bag, unfortunately, the white ball next also rolling past.


The cue ball goes into the bag!

He has made such a low grade mistake.

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