Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 45

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To be honest, I have lived for twenty-three years, and today I just know the fact:

The headlights of a limited edition Harley motorcycle, such a small thing, is much more expansive than the whole windshield of a Mercedes-Benz! A lot more!

This fact is something I have experienced personally. I swear to keep far enough distance when I see any Harley motorcycle on the road.

By the way, I suddenly have an infinite fondness with Nanny Fang..

Of course, this kind of goodwill comes from her generous help to pay the compensation check.

A Mercedes-Benz windshield scratched; a Cadillac re-painted; a Harley motorcycle headlights and maintenance costs (headlights to be imported exclusively from the United States)... Add an industrial ladder and a barrel of paint of the property management department of the building.

The ten thousand dollars I had just got were not yet hot in my pocket, leaving me like a winged bird.

"Chen Yang..." Nanny Fang looks at me, her face does not know whether happy or angry, or surprised: "You listen, so far you have worked for me less than three hours, but I have paid 300,000 for you. So... According to your monthly salary of 8,000, even if I deduct half of your salary every month... You have to work for me for six years, free of charge!" Speaking of this, her eyes are staring to me, as if she is saying, "You don't dream to get away with it."

Honestly, I am very grateful to her. Because her own BMW was also crashed, but she didn't ask me to pay for it.

By the way, after the accident, She had to take a taxi back to the company, and I drove to the BMW repair plant. When I got back to the company and walked into her office, she said the above words to me.

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Then I volunteered to return the envelope to her.

She does not move, but looks at the envelope on the table.

Then I can't help asking her, "I thought you would fire me. After all, the first day of work, I made such a disaster that few bosses could bear it."

Nanny Fang sits behind her huge desk and stares at me. Her eyes are very complicated, says slowly, "You did cause an accident. Because of your superb driving skills, I will have no cars for the next two days! But I have a clear reward and punishment. Although you have made a mistake today, you have also completed my task. Minister Kim likes you, which is very helpful to my business. Besides, he's naming you to have a try again when he find time. So you must stay here."

Have a try? I'm afraid he is just not convinced.

As I walk out of Nanny Fang's office, the secretary sitting outside looks at me and smiles kindly. "Why, have you been t criticized?"

I smile bitterly. "I'm not lucky today. I just made some troubles."

She nods and comes over and hands me a cup of water: "Take a rest."

I give a grateful smile to this friendly new colleague.

"Miss Fang is actually very nice, but sometimes she gets more intense. But surely you should understand, after all, she is a woman, and she is so beautiful. In this social environment, a beautiful woman has to support such a big business and sometimes she has to be tougher to survive." She smiles and extends her hand to me: "Penny, Miss Fang's secretary."

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"Hi! My name is Chen Yang." I shake hands with her. Penny shrugs her shoulders and blinks. "I know, I have your information."

I look at the clock hanging on the wall: "Have you not finished your work yet? When I came in just now, I saw many people have left."

"I am waiting for you." Penny takes out a form from her desk: "You fill out this, and then I'll get some office supplies for you. From tomorrow on, your desk is here, next door to me, but I'll tell the property to put a partition here. Here is your office supplies list. Look at it. "

I take the form and say sincerely, "Thank you!"

"Do you know? I'm curious." Penny's face reveals some witticism that doesn't match her age: "I'm in my thirties, but actually women are very gossipy." She seems to be a very friendly person by nature: "Miss Fang used to have several assistants, but they are all girls, the outstanding two have been promoted to the senior management of the company. So I believe if you can continue to work hard and must have a position in this company. But when I got your information, I was really surprised because you are a man."

Suddenly, something comes across my mind. I look at the closed door of Nanny Fang's office. I whisper, "I have a question... Well, do you feel I look like someone you know?

Penny thinks a while and says, "No. Why do you ask this?"

"Well, it's nothing." I talk ambiguously, but my doubts are not diminished.


This is undoubtedly a great day.

At home, Didi is busy in the kitchen, little moneygrubber is pouting on the side and sulking. When Didi sees me open the door and come in, she immediately put down her spoon, running to me and gives me a hug. "You're out? Where did you go?"

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I kiss her on the cheek, and this degree of intimacy is the bottom line that Didi is accepted. Looking at her blushed face, I suddenly feel relieve, the haze in my heart is swept away. I smile and say, "Oh, I got a job. The salary is 8,000 a month. The boss is nice to me and bought me an expensive formal suit. Then I did a good job, and I got a bonus of ten thousand."

Didi gives a cheer of surprise, but then I pat her on the face and shake her head and say, "I'm not finished yet... Then I had a catastrophe, and my boss lost quite a fortune, which will be deducted from my future salary.

Probably the turning point is too fast, Didi's surprise expression on her face has not faded, to change from joy to sad in an instant is too difficult to such a simple-hearted good girl, so I smile and go over to peck her face, and then look at the angry little moneygrubber: "What's wrong, girl, your expression is just like accidentally swallowing a spider."

"Ah! Ah!!" Amy cries out loudly, "You say why the quality of people is so bad now!"


Didi whispers, "Amy had a row with a taxi driver today."

"Why?" I ask.

This is the answer from little moneygrubber herself.

"I came back with a big bag on hand, so I had to stop a taxi due to I couldn't take the bus."

"Well, you are very generous today." I smile. Because little moneygrubber is usually very stingy about spending money, she would never take a taxi unless she goes out with us and pay for it by me.

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"I was carrying a big bag. It was very heavy. I asked the driver, how much would it cost to pay such a big bag for the fare calculation? He told me it's free... "

"And then?"

"Then, I told him the address and let him send the bag here. I'm going to take the bus myself. "

"And then? "

"Then he scolded me, he said I'm sick."

I stare at her for at least a minute. I try my best to suppress my impulse. Because of my first reaction, I also wanted to scold her for being sick.

After consoling Didi who is still worrying about me, I leaving two girls busy in the kitchen. I quickly run back to my room, turn on the computer, connect to the Internet, and login to my mailbox.

Maybe God has heard my prayer. There is a new mail in my mailbox. The sender is from the damn ring user investigation form.

"Dear Mr. Chen Yang:

Thank you for your support for our business. At the same time, I sincerely hope that you will be successful in trying out our products. We welcome your request to purchase our official products. Please contact us as follows."

Looking at the text on the computer screen, my heart is beating.

I am very excited! After all, I have great respect to this company. Or maybe awe? They can produce such an amazing (or horrible) product.

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