Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 46

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There are three ways to get in touch: an e-mail address, an SNS account, and a phone number. I check it out and it is weird because I can't find its international area code belongs to any country on the Yellow page!

Is it an encrypted phone number?

Obviously, email contact is too slow, long-distance international calls are too troublesome, because my home phone is not open long-distance international, so I immediately login the SNS, and contact that account.

This connection is very smooth. Without any waiting, the other side immediately responds.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang, I am the customer service staff of our company. Because of the area you are there, so company entrusts me to serve you. You can choose to communicate with me in English or Chinese."

This sentence has been sent two times, once in Chinese and another once in English.

"Chinese." My choice is clear.

"OK! I would be happy to answer any questions you may have."

I think about it and ask the first question, "Will this ring be working when I don't wear it?"

Then I list some of my recent experiences, briefly.

Then, almost patiently, I waited for five minutes before I got a reply --- I suddenly regret that my home phone has no international calls.

"Excuse me, my Chinese input is slow. Our answer is as follows: theoretically, the ring doesn't bring you good luck when you don't wear it. That is to say, when you take off the ring, you will not be able to get the luck enhancement function of the ring. However, since you are using a trial product of our company, there may be side effects of rings without the use of a measuring instrument. That is to say, you use rings to enhance irregular luck, affect your luck balance, and bring some... other inconveniences. We call it "side effects". This situation is not within the control of the ring, so even if you have removed the ring, but because of the previous misuse, you will also suffer some bad results."

I sigh helplessly, and type, "I have experienced all this. In particular, the side effects have left me a deep impression. "

"I'm sorry to have caused you some trouble." He replies, "You can remove the ring, so the ring will no longer affect your life."


That easy?

I'm sneering from deeper of my heart.

When a person really feels the magic of this ring... Who can endure this temptation?

Think of the good luck that the ring brings to me! And those amazing experiences!

I don't think anyone will give up after experienced these things... So, as long as this person is not mad, his only thought must be: how can he find a way to use the ring "correctly" without causing side effects!

If such a effect can really be achieved.

God, how wonderful the life is?!

I have more and more feelings that this ring is just like a drug! When you are attracted to it, it's really hard to give up!

"I'm not going to give up your product. I just want to find a way to use it correctly." I sent the message.

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I still have one word in mind: Unfortunately, your cheapest official product is millions of dollars! Even if I sell my own organs, I still can't afford your product's price!

"Then you can only choose to buy the official products." His return is as expected.

After thinking about it, I tentatively say, "I would like to ask if your company has provided some easy-to-consume parts replacement? I'm just giving you an example: I bought a computer, but after a while, the keyboard broke and I need to change the keyboard... Can a computer company ask me to spend money to buy a new computer? "

The other side responds quickly: "you mean... Buy a measuring instrument alone?"

I sit in front of the computer and laughing silently, hitting the keyboard: "Can I?"

"Sorry, but I have to say: No!"


I am silent for a while, staring in a daze.

Do I really have to find a way to buy a formal product? Millions of dollars!

How do I get it? Robbing a bank? To sell drugs? To smuggle?

Suddenly, I think of a very interesting idea.

If, under normal circumstances, a person can have millions of dollars, he is already a very rich man. If you are a very rich person, then you should have been successful, have everything you should have. Well, in that case, you simply don't need such a ring to change luck.

What does this ring bring to man?

Money, power, beauties...

A man who can take out millions of dollars to buy a ring, he is already a great man of success and fame, so he must already have money, power, beauty and so on.

I don't know what psychology I am. I send this thought out.

Now, it's his turn to be silent.

For five minutes, the other side does not send another word.

Just as I almost thought he'd left me alone, a message comes out.

"Thank you for your advice."

The letters are very common, but I don't know why, just feel the other side's mood is very low.

Another minute later, a new message: "Mr. Chen Yang, Are you available? May I call you now? Is your phone XX XX XXXXX?"

To be honest, I am somewhat flattered and quickly knock back:" Yes!"

A minute later, my phone is ringing. I pick it up and lock the door.

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"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang." The voice on the phone is clear and the Chinese characters are standard, but the tone is somewhat stiff: "I'm Raymond. We talked on the Internet just now. "

I say nothing but "Uh!"

The other side suddenly lowered his voice, as if sighing: "What you said just now had given me a deep impression. I think this is probably one of the biggest reasons for the failure of this project."

I still a "Uh" and say nothing else.

"Mr. Chen Yang, in fact, I am not one of the company's customer service, I am one of the team members involved in the development of this product..."

"Oh?" I am really surprised. "You mean, you joined the R&D progress of this ring?"

"Yes." The tone is very calm.

I sincerely say, "I must say, I admire your invention very much! Amazing! "

"Oh!" Raymond's tone is becoming much more active, and he speaks much faster: "Oh, we've had a lot of difficulties... Overall, the ring itself can change human luck because we stumble upon an unknown metallic substance that is so rare on Earth that we find only a small part of it in one place, and we suspect that the substance is not made on Earth, but from outer space. A meteorite or something... In short, our research has shown that this metal can produce a radiation-like effect that affects brain waves of the human body... At last, we unraveled the true face of luck."

To be honest, I quite understand him. It's like a lot of online content providers, after they've uploaded anything, immediately want to get a reader's comments, no matter good or bad.

"But I am very surprised." I ask, "why's only me contacting you? What about other users? Have you followed other customer to investigate? "

Raymond is silent on the other end of the phone, then his voice is lower, a little husky, and a little hard to speak.

"This... Actually, I shouldn't have said it originally, but... It's all right now... To tell you the truth, there are only two people in the world who use our products, include you. That is to say, we have sold only two rings altogether." Speaking here, his mood seems to be a little low: "It cost billions of dollars and only two people used This is our greatest shame! "

"Two... Two?!" I am stunned.

"Yes, only two! And you're only using a trial product, and the other user, though using a high-end formal product, doesn't seem to believe the ring at all, just... A little ashamed, when our salesman came to see him, the generous rich man didn't really believe our research, but he is a generous and enthusiastic man who sponsored various scientific research undertakings, so he paid for one of our top-grade products, but in fact, he only bought one. It was purely to sponsor us, and the ring he bought seemed never to have been used. I guess it's probably forever in his treasure box. "

"So..." I laugh bitterly.

Before I can tell, Raymond has already said to himself, "So, in fact, you're the only customer who has really used our product." Saying here, he begin to smile bitterly: "Fortunately, just now your words, suddenly awakened me, I finally understand why our products can't be sold out... Because the price of our product is too high, but the people who can afford it do not need it at all."

I really want to laugh.

This Raymond is probably the kind of research nerd or something.

I admit, I guess this possibility, perhaps... There is a certain possibility...

But I'll bet my head that most, no, it's the vast majority of people who refuse this product, probably because they don't believe it at all!

This is obvious.

If it were you, then one day someone knocks on the door and says to you that there's a magic ring to sell. If you wear it, you will always have good luck.

Do you believe it or not?

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Whoever will believe? Most people might even call the police!

"Then... About my request, can you think about it?" I cautiously mention this topic again.

"Oh..." Raymond's voice is somewhat puzzled, and he carefully says, "I think I have to explain further... In fact, my contact with you today is mainly to satisfy my curiosity. As regards your request... To be honest, don't mention that you just need to buy a measuring instrument... Even if you really have enough money to buy a full set of formal products... I'm afraid I can only say "no" to you."

"Why!" Seeing that hope is going to burst, I am in a hurry!

"No reason." Raymond wry smile: "I have said just now, you should have heard... I said it's OK now, which means, our project has been completely discontinued. We've spent too much money, but we haven't benefited much, so the Institute stopped our project, and we've decided to put our resources and money into new invention research projects! Because the project stopped, we didn't continue to produce this product. That is to say, there are only two products in the world now, one in your hands and the other in the home of the rich man.

"..." I don't know what to say.

"I'm sorry to have brought you such bad news." Raymond's voice is very guilty. "But to thank you for satisfying my curiosity, I can give you a kind suggestion that might help you."


"Well! So... The rich man with the other ring, a very generous gentleman, is also a collector of works of art and is willing to exchange collections with art lovers all over the world. Your only hope is to find a way to get that ring from him... Or, the measuring instrument!"

"Is there no other way?"

"No." Raymond sighs.

I think a while, "Then... His ring is much more advanced than my trial product, right? How about the effect? Is it even better?"

"Of course!" Raymond's voice is solemn: "You're wearing a very, very small amount of that special metal, but the most expensive high-end products, has much more of this metal! At the same time, it will also promote the human brain to absorb more luck elements."

"What is the effect?" I'm a little curious.

"Effect..." Raymond clears his throat and says quickly, "Have you ever seen the descriptions in many of the novels that some has the kind of the air of the king, who may wheel the history forward... This is basically the case."

Wow, this Raymond is cool! He even knows such a popular novel's description.

"Well, Mr. Chen Yang... The generous rich gentleman with the other ring, whose name is Mr. Herod, the famous ship king of all Europe, I think you must know that name.

To be honest, I am completely disappointed. It seems that the measuring instrument is not available to be got at all, but I simply subconsciously ask, "Mr. Raymond, I'm curious about the miraculous team of scientists like you... What are your next research and development projects? I'm really curious, I don't know what a miracle you're going to create, like this ring."

"Oh! This is a newly discovered substance, but slows the aging of the human body, and we speculate that if it goes well, it could triple the life span of humans today!"

"Oh!" I am surprised! What a tough bunch of science maniac!

But then Raymond's voice is disheartened: "but we are facing a difficult situation at present. This substance actually delays the body's growth by three times, which means it takes three times longer to grow. Normally, for example, a man is basically physically mature at the age of fifteen and can reproduce. But after using the drug, his life expectancy tripled, but he had to wait until he is forty-five to mature..."

They are really a bunch of science lunatic!

Three times life, three times development time...

Well, let's see, a girl with a mental age of thirty, but she looks only ten years old. Thinking of it is evil.

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I am depressed when I hung up the phone, turn off the computer and go out to have dinner.

Two beauties at home ask me why I looking unhappy. I sigh and answer, "I'm holding a huge safe, but I don't have a key…"


The next day, I go to the company, my desk has been laid out, on the outside of Nanny Fang 's office, and Penny's desk is not far away, but set up a partition in the middle.

I have a complete set of office supplies, computers, folders, telephone on my desk.

To be honest, actually, I feel quite fresh and curious.

Because I've never worked in a company before. Actually I should say I never worked in an office building! When I was 18 years old, I went to the nightclub to carry trays and worked there for five years. That's the only job I've had so far.

Now, looking at my desk, my computer, my phone, my folders in front of me, I'm a little excited.

The only regret is that I feel a bit idle.

I'm Nanny Fang's personal assistant. I'm not even a clerk in the company. I'm in charge of her personal arrangements and I can't interfere company's work.

I sit at my desk all morning and watch my computer. After the initial freshness disappeared, I have to surf the Internet to read the news to kill time.

At noon, Nanny Fang finally comes to me. She calls me into the office by telephone.

Today, she wears a high turtleneck sweater that looks lively, with a brown pleated skirt underneath. She doesn't even put on make-up. To be honest, it looks like a graceful girl of 20 years, adding youthfulness to her charm.

Even though I know that she is at least thirty years old, my heart is still beating wildly for a while when I see her wearing this dress with a faint smile on her face.

She seems to have forgotten the unhappy yesterday.

"You accompany me to a place where I'm going to attend a charity auction and a party after the auction. I need a escort. You should be able to dance?"

Apparently, she has more than one car. In the parking lot downstairs, I start a champagne-colored Audi A8 with her keys and drive the gate of the building to wait for her.

I wait for a few minutes, boring, and pick up a beautifully printed pamphlet on the seat next to me.

"Charity auction menu?" I murmur, and then look it over.

Apparently, the charity auction is a gathering of rich people. The auction items are all curiosities, or famous antique porcelain paintings donated by celebrities. The cheapest auction is estimated to start at least six digits!

I look at it casually, and suddenly my eyes are attracted by something.

After looking at it for two seconds, my breath is beginning to rush and my eyes are becoming hot.

On the exquisite album, printed with a picture of a ring, the ring is very exquisite shape, inlaid with a ring of fine broken diamonds, and the ring is double-decked design, inside and outside the double circle can rotate, in the middle of the interlayer, inlaid with a large diamond, a few carats!

The following is the introduction written in this way: Europe's most famous jewelry master XXXX personally design style..... Thanks for the generous donation of the famous European shipping tycoon, Your Excellency the King of Ships, Mr. Herod...

Ring, the King of Ship, Herod... Ring...

Ring!!! This is the "formal product"!

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