Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 47

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I have some confusion in my mind.

Just last night I spoke to Raymond on the phone and it seemed that the only way I could get the other ring was the other one in the hand of the European ship king... But I didn't expect it to appear in my sight so quickly.

And so close!

To be fair, I actually have the chance to get it... After all, this is a public auction, If I have enough money, I can just bid it.

And the price doesn't seem to be expensive. At least, I know the European ship king spent millions of dollars on the ring, and now the bottom price on the menu is only one million. The price is so different.

But then I realize that I am afraid the generous European ship king might not have known the real value of the ring himself. I am afraid that, in his view, it was just a flip-flop of millions sponsoring a scientific project for charity. The ring, though exquisitely made, is nothing more than other jewelry to him. He must have owed too many same type jewelries.

Now it's easy to throw it out, and just open a "low price" as a charity.

Unfortunately, even such a "low price", I still can't afford it.

Juan left me eight hundred thousand, plus two hundred thousand at home last time. Add up, the amount is just enough to match the bottom price... Moreover, the problem is that this is only the "bottom price" of the auction.

I haven't experienced an auction, but I know that under normal circumstances, the sale price must be much higher than the "bottom price".

Moreover, this kind of charity auction in the upper class does not know how many rich people are waiting to throw money. When the time comes, a lady will take a fancy to the ring, but I'm absolutely no chance to compete with due to my own financial condition.

All of a sudden I hear the door opens behind me, and then Nanny Fang gets in and sits in the back. I can see from the inverted mirror that her face seems a little pale, and her eyes are a bit tired.

"Where are you going, Miss Fang?"

"Take me home." She seems to be tired, leaning on her seat, closing her eyes and reposing herself.

I already know her home address. As her personal assistant, when I came to the company today, Penny had given me some needed information.

I am driving the Audi A8, worth nearly two million, steadily on the highway. To be honest, I am a little absent-minded. Every now and then, peeping at Nanny Fang, who is dozing in the back seat, an idea suddenly comes to my mind: Can the hope of getting that ring rest on her?

She is very rich, I have seen it.

The company she owns, the clothes she wears, the house she lives in, the car she owns.

And yesterday, she casually spent more than 20000 to buy clothes for me.

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To be honest, I am not so gossiping to speculate about her assets. It's a professional habit.

Because I used to work in nightclub, specializing in client contact, Professional habits make me have a general understanding of the client's financial conditions based on contacts with clients.

This is knowhow to estimate the guest's consume power.

Simply put, if faced with a new client, I need to see what price he can afford according to what he wears and how he behaves. then to suggest him to drink the cheaper Chivas or the expansive Royal Salute!

It is a must experience to be a manager in nightclub.

In my opinion, Nanny Fang's personal assets, about tens of millions of it, should have absolute financial resources to buy this ring.

She lives in in the west of the city. This is a new property of the city in recent years. Originally a few years ago, here is still an old urban area, more bungalows, now after these years of construction, demolition, has established a piece of high-grade residential flats. The garden apartment she lives is an upscale residential area that was just sold last year. Last year I saw an advertisement here and invited several famous Asian stars as their image speaker. The lowest prices are above six figures. It is famous for its beautiful environment and European style.

To put it simply, just one word: expensive!

Driving into the enclosed area, the uniformed security guards stand upright at the door, saluting the car. Instead of waking sleeping Nanny Fang, I drive from building to building looking for her house.

Fang Nan lives in a row of small villa houses in the enclosed area. Originally, a villa was divided into two houses for sale, so it is called united villa. But she bought two houses together, so she monopolized a villa.

I find the number, look at the green lawn in front of the house and the garage beside it, and feel a little strange.

The rich people's life... The garage area is much larger than that of many ordinary families.

Stop the car and switch off the car. I gently awakened Nanny Fang. She looks a little lazy and flushed a little. I try to control my eyes from looking at her attractive eyes and her straight legs under her skirt.

"Um..." There is a gentle hum in her nose. To be honest, it makes my heart beating a few times. She is stretching her waist, then she gentle smiling and says, "I just fell asleep?"

"Yes." I answer stably.

"I... Did I looking ugly when sleeping? "

"Ah?" I am stunned for a moment and laughing bitterly, then try my best to reply without any emotion, "I was driving, but I didn't notice."

She says nothing, eyes flash a faint loss, and then she opens the door to get off, takes a look at me: "You accompany me in."

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To be honest, I also want to enter the house and see what this beautiful single woman's home looks like. But sense tells me to forget about it. This temptation can be imagined in mind. It is not necessary to action.

"No, I can wait for you in the car. I can smoke a cigarette just now."

She smiles, looks pretty. The corners of her lips are slightly raised, as if it is a new moon. "Don't mention it. I may need some time to get ready. You will be bored in the car. Get in, I may have something else ask you to do."

Then she walks over to open the door herself. I think about it. Anyway, she is the boss. She has said so, and I am not against it.

When I get off the car and enter the door, I really feel the life of the rich people.

There is no need a key to open the door, but a password lock. The whole house has a very advanced security system, very humanization!

This system, if intruded by external violence, can be put down metal fence in a few seconds in all the doors and windows of the whole house! At the same time, after the door is opened, if it is not closed within a certain period of time, there will be an alarm to inform the security immediately!

The system has another advantage: if someone alone, especially single women, is at home, the host can temporarily shut down the security system during the security period, so that only the people inside can open the door, and the people outside can't open the door even if they steal the password!

Any unusual condition, the system will directly alert the security.

It can be said that this system is very advanced, it is said that many wealthy families are using, is the new European standard products... Of course, the price is also "international standard".

Walking into house, after entering the door, she bends down and takes off her high-heeled shoes and leaves them behind. I try not to let my eyes sweep down because I am standing behind her just as she takes off her shoes and lifts her legs.

"You can sit in the living room for a while, and there's something to drink in the kitchen fridge." She leaves a word and goes upstairs.

The first floor is very large, about 100 square meters of the hall, very cleverly separated into a living room, and then a row of European-style wooden railings, two steps up, is the dining room, the kitchen is translucent and neatly.

I am looking carefully around here.

Apparently, Nanny Fang is a person who demands a high quality of life. All the furnishings and furniture in her house do not have that kind of luxurious atmosphere. It looks very warm. The sofa is red, its shape is very unique. It seems that like a big boat with a small boat. There's also a soft collapse next to it. It's probably used to lie on it and watch TV or movie. Because I see a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall.

The corner is a fireplace, not a decorative one, but a real fireplace! A circle of black metal fences, with a simple breath, is so clean inside that it is obvious that she does not often use them. The two chairs in front of the fireplace are apparently of a foreign design, and the floor is covered with an unknown animal's fur.

I sit down on the sofa and can't help sighing. It's very soft! I feel as if I have sunk into the clouds, and the whole man is deep in the sofa, so comfortable.

At this time, Nanny Fang just walks downstairs, she has changed into a simple casual clothes, the upper body is a large white T-shirt, below is a very fat trousers, long hair in the back of a simple bunch, seems like a little housewife flavor.

"How's my home?"

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"Great!" I sincerely admire.

She smiles and throws me a cylinder. I catch it. It is a tube of cigarettes, within one hundred. The value of these cigarettes is very expensive.

But I am very curious... This cigarette is not opened, it is still new. But I vaguely remember that she only smokes lady cigarettes. How could she have such a man's cigarette?

Is it prepared for others? Or, especially prepared for me?

I give up the absurd ideas in my mind. Don't be kidding anymore.

"Do you get used to it? I don't know men like to smoke what kind of cigarettes, but it seems that this is the best. I don't know if it's what you want." She smiles.

God, my heart begins beating. Is it really bought for me?

"What do you drink?" She seems to notice some embarrassment, quickly goes into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. "I have juice, beer..."

"Water is fine." I hurriedly say, "I have to drive, dare not drink alcohol."

She takes out a can of soda water and throws it to me --- to be fair, I don't like to drink this kind of water, but now under such situation, how can I be more critical? I take a few mouthfuls.

She squints at me for a moment, then sits down on the small sofa beside me, picks up the tube on the table, opens it and hands me one, and lights one by herself.

Unfortunately, as soon as she takes a sip, she is coughing and smiles bitterly. "I still can't get used to your men's cigarettes. They are too choking."

Looking at me a little embarrassed, her eyes are very calm: "Don't be nervous, just be a guest at a friend's house."

I am smiling exaggeratively:"Please, you are my boss, and now I'm still owing you three hundred thousand!"

Looking at me smoking, her eyes seem to be a little trance, I dare not contact her eyes, just casually say: "Miss Fang... Well, didn't you say there's something need me to do? What is it? "

"Oh... Oh... "She seems stunned for a moment, then quickly returns to normal, and says, "One of the cabinet doors in my kitchen is broken. You know, we women aren't very good at this kind of work..."

"Where?" I immediately pinch my cigarette and stand up and roll up my sleeve.

Then I feel like I'm almost become a coolie!

First I help her repair one of the kitchen cabinet doors, then run into the basement and dug out an almost rusty toolbox. Then I help her check the cabinet doors one by one to reinforce each screw. Then she says there seems to be something wrong with the lights in the kitchen, and I run into the basement and find out a spare bulb to help her change the light in the kitchen.

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Then she says that one of the wiring boards in the living room is not in good contact. Although I try it on the spot and find it's normal and there is nothing wrong with it, I say nothing and replaced it with a new spare.

As I am running around to help her with the housework, I feel that Nanny Fang has been standing quietly behind me looking at me. She does not say a word, but seems to be a little distracted. So when I help her to change the light bulb, I ask her to hold the ladder. But she doesn't move at all and I almost fall down!

I already feel something wrong!

She is just busy-making activities at all. She asks me to fix and replace a lot of things that are not broken, as if she just wants to look at what I am doing.

Busy for an hour, although some small things, but I also slightly sweated, coat has been taken off, shirt accidentally stained with a lot of dust.

"Is there anything else?" I sigh and turn around, look at her.

She embraces her arms around her chest and leans against the kitchen doorframe with a very gentle expression on her face. Hearing me asking, she suddenly stuns, as if trying to think, and hesitates to say, "Well... And the lawn outside has not been trimmed for a long time. There's a weeding machine in my basement... "


I resist my temper and say with a bitter smile, "Miss Fang... I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't know how to weeding, nor will I operate that machine. I am afraid to cut your lawn in a mess."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, gardeners come every week. Ah... " Speaking of this, she suddenly wakes up and cries in low voice.

FXXX! Since gardeners come every week, what else do you want me to weed?

My face fall a little. She makes it clear that she is playing me! Is it interesting to assign me to run around to work?

We are standing in the kitchen and look at each other for a moment. She suddenly sighs, "Chen Yang, I'm sorry. Let's go out and talk."

I grunt, somewhat displeased, and put a wrench into the toolbox.

When we all sit on the sofa, she suddenly runs upstairs and comes down with a flat box and hands it to me.

It's a new shirt.

"You... Your shirt is dirty. Change it." Her cheeks are a little red, but then she seems to be trying to cover them up: "You're going to attend the charity auction with me tonight. You can't dress carelessly."

I look at the shirt box in my hand, completely new, and even the size is completely my size. Obviously, this is also specially prepared for me...

"All right," I sigh, think about it, and can only smile bitterly, "Thank you!"

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