Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 51

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If there's one thing in the world that's even more embarrassing than seeing a woman's pants have a "red mark" leak on the side... That's what I'm experiencing now.

It's just a partition, even less than half a meter away. Just next door in the bathroom compartment, clearly comes man and woman gasping, man growling heavily, woman moaning...

These two people's actionsare too intense, even the partition is hit with "Bang Bang" sounds!

Yumi and I are almost completely stiff. The expression on her face seems to be almost crying. The pink face is almost bleeding. Unconsciously, she grabs my arm, as if to push me away and keep them at arm's length.

But unconsciously, she grabsmore and more tight.Something strange isflashing in her eyes.

"Kim! Hurry! Hurry!"




As God testifies, I feel that the Kim's ex-star girlfriend looks delicate and quiet, but I don't realize that she is such a crazy wildcat!

Yumi holds her breath desperately for fear of making a little noise, and she has a hard breath.

To be honest, more than twenty minutes passed, and the couple next seems to have no sign of stopping... I can almost imagine that these two guys seems to be very experienced from the sound coming from. They must be the kind of people who like to pursue excitement, probably often cheating on such occasions, so they absolutely make full use of the small space in the toilet!

Because I can tell from their voices that they have changed positions several times. As for the specific, you can refer to many sex movies.

Within twenty minutes, for fear of making a sound, she stands in a posture for more than twenty minutes. Yumi seems to have some weakness, and suddenly she is going to fall. I quickly stretch out my arms around her waist. She stares at me. I grab her hand and write in the middle of her palm with my finger, "I'm afraid you'll fall down."

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Her eyes are slightly softer.

Finally, the sound of the next room gradually stopped, and after a heavy gasp like an old bull, everything finally calms down...

Then there are the sounds of wearing clothes, and sounds of using the paper towels. My God, I try not to think about where they use the paper towelto wipe...

There is a flushing conversation, which, though I don't want to hear, still comes into my ears:

"Oh, dear, you are wonderful! I am worried just now that someone might come in."

"The party has just begun, and nobody will be here for the time being, but you slut, you're not wearing underwear tonight!"


I struggled to keep myself from laughing, and the couple next to me finally tidy up and walk out of the bathroom one after another.

I really can't help admiring the Minister Kim. Apparently he is a cheater expert.He takes it easy to wash his hands at the edge of the pool and tidy up his hair before going out.

You know, this is the ladies' bathroom!

Finally, there are only Yumi and I here again. I feel that in this narrow space, as if the temperature of the air has risen a lot. Yumi hangs head, seems do not dare to see me, suddenly gnash teeth and say in hate: "beast!How do they dare to in this place... Do... Do... "

I deliberately lower my voice and laugh, "This is a special hobby."

She gives me a glance. I cough and say with a bitter smile, "Well, Yumi, what did you say to me just now? Before they came in?"

She seems to be somewhat absent-minded, with a blank look in her eyes, trying to think about it, blushing and shaking her head. "Forget it, this is not the place to talk... I just want you to be careful. You'd better not have any thought with Nanny!"

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I smile and say:" You can rest assured that she is just my boss."

"Hum!" Her tone is a bit displeased. "Don't think I can't see it! The two of you... Well, forget it." She looks at me. "Maybe I introduced you to this job. It's a mistake."

I don't care about these things, and suddenly ask, "That Jimmy Chou... He is..."

Before I finish, she nods. "Yes! He was sent from above, and now he has taken over everything here. I think even if I don't say, you should also guess that he is opposed to Juan in organization."

"Where is Juan now?" This is what I care about.

"I don't know. It seems to be in Southeast Asia. The organization sent him to do something else. For the time being, his strategy is to keep a low profile. Now we are at a disadvantage, it's better not to be too publicity."

I narrow my eyes. "You just said we, you are also Juan's guy, right?"

She looks at me. "What do you think of? Otherwise, why should I take care of you? Why did I help you to hire the private care, and to help you to a good job?"

I nod: "Are you a nail of Juan to stay here?"

Yumi hums, and suddenly there is a red glow on her face. She whispers, "You, your hands!"

"Oh!" I just find myself is wrapping around her waist. I release her immediately. She groans and her body shakes. "My leg is numb."

I could not resist laughing, "Would you like to sit here for a while?"

"Hum!" She is a little shy and angry, but she is not an ordinary woman after all, and then she calms down: "I'll go out first, you stay here. So that no one will see us together... After I go out, you wait a few minutes to go."

After finishing clean her dress, she takes a deep breath and pushes the door out.

I am lucky, nobody is in the corridor, and by the time I walk into the banquet hall, the music has changed into a slightly lighter dance piece.

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Yumi has returned to her seat, and Nanny is still sitting there. To my surprise, the two of them are chatting with people.

The other side are Kim and his ex-star girlfriend!

As I walk past, I notice that Yumi is obviously in a bit of a daze. Her eyes are floating everywhere, and she dare not look at Kim. It is probably the scene in the bathroom that left a deep impression to her.

Minister Kim looks calm, wears a decent suit and can be seen worth a lot at first sight. His girlfriend dresses in a long swarm of dragging flocks, looks radiant, and her cheeks are slightly flushed. I think in my heart: this woman is probably well nourished.

Looking at her tight narrow skirt, I suddenly remember the word I just heard.

This woman is not wearing underwear tonight…

"Hey! Our gambler master is back!" When he sees me coming, Kim is immediately laughing and stands up and pats me on the shoulder.

There is nothing wrong with the expression on my face. I greet him like an old friend. After sitting down, I look at his companion and smile, "You're beautiful tonight."

She smiles and says, "thank you!"

To be honest, listening to her slightly hoarse voice, I couldn't help recalling the voice of the woman who was moaning and shouting "Hurry! Hurry!"

"Chen Yang, last night I was thinking about the time when we played cards." Kim says with laughing, "Honestly, I've never met such a great gamble master. I just talked to Nanny about you. Let's have a chance to play together again. I will find two masters too. It must be very interesting. "

I vaguely reply him some words. Yumi looks at me, smiling: "Chen Yang, I do not know, you are a gambler master?"

She had seen me play cards, at least for more than an hour that night in the casino, and she accompanied me to lose those chips.

Minister Kim is obviously a very generous man - to be honest, I'm not too disgusted with what he's been cheating on in the bathroom.

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We are all men. Sometimes, a lot of things are tacit. Every man, occasionally, has some stimulating sexual phantom. This guy is bold and very individual.

However, Yumi seems to have some low spirits and is entirely deal with polite. It seems that Kim is also a frequent visitor to the casino and knows Yumi too.

After a few minutes, Jimmy Chou comes back, and Yumi immediately stands up and introduces both sides.

This time I notice something subtle.

Minister Kim seems less enthusiastic about the new owner of the casino. He simply says a few words and then focuses on me. We make an appointment to play again sometime. I promise to teach him how to play cards, and he is willing to teach me how to play billiards. Watching our warm chat, Jimmy Chou's face is very calm, and there is no cold discontent.

After a while, Minister Kim gets up and says goodbye to us. I stand up and shank hands with him. Then I whisper in his ear, "Man, there's lip gloss on your shirt collar!"

"Oh!" He raises his eyebrows, but do not panic, but quickly pull out a paper towel, pretending to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and then take the collar of his clothes there by the way, all the action like the winds flow to the water, very natural!

I reaffirm my heart's conjecture: this guy seems to have a lot of experiences.

"Thank you, brother." He squeezes his eyes at me and leave us with his companion.

I know that I have established a good relationship with this guy.

Sometimes, friendship between men is so simple.

Jimmy Chou suddenly looks at me and laughs. "Chen Yang, are you interested in going to the lounge to smoke cigars? It's a bit boring here. I think ladies should not mind."

What does he want to do?

I am stunned for a moment, but then I immediately smile, "My pleasure!"

Jimmy Chou has stood up. He shrugs his shoulders and smiles gracefully: "Ladies, please excuse us for a while."

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