Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 52

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The lounge is in the corridor behind the banquet hall, where security is markedly strengthened. At the entrance to the corridor, several hotel security guards stand. When Jimmy Chou and I approach, two securities immediately come to us.

Jimmy Chou takes a glance at me and takes out a golden invitation card. The two securities look respectful and usher us into the corridor.

There is a small lounge here. Obviously, if Jimmy Chou doesn't bring me in, I wouldn't have been able to come in. Because I see a distinct area arrangement outside the corridor: VIP area.

Obviously, Jimmy Chou belongs to the category of VIP, but I am not. We can come in because of the golden invitation card on his hand.

We ask for a separate small lounge, which is temporarily converted from a small hotel lounge, but it is full of things, with a small wine cabinet and a soft sofa.

Walking into the lounge, the door closed immediately. Jimmy Chou sits down on the sofa casually. Then he takes a cigar out of his arms and throws it to me. "Cohiba Siglo V. Are you used to this brand?"

I take a look it in my hand, then slightly throw it back to him, smiling faintly and say, "I'm still not used to smoke cigar, I'm used to smoke cigarette. Cigars taste too heavy to me."

His face shows a complex smile, as if thinking: "Young people, in fact, you should be brave to try new things..."

"I have tried before, but I really don't like it, so I don't have to force myself." I smile and take out the cigarette tube in my jacket pocket.

He does not say anything more, just find cigar scissors from the wine cabinet and then light it with a lighter.

The Cohiba Siglo V., which he is smoking, is a very expensive cigar, made in Cuba. I once saw this cigar in the club. Jimmy Chou is undoubtedly a real cigar smoker, with an enjoyable expression on his face, and then points to another sofa beside him and tells me: "Just sit down."

I don't like being passive all the time, so I just start talking, "Mr. Chou, you ask me to come here, is there anything you want to say to me?"

"Well, you are very direct. I like straight people." His eyes are hidden behind the blue smoke, and he is lightly smiling: "Well, Chen Yang, I hope you can do me a favor."


He is holding the cigar in one hand, taps twice on the armrest of the sofa, and says slowly, "It's about Miss Fang. Frankly speaking, I have a crush on her. So I would like to ask you a favor. "

I shake my head: "I'm afraid I can't help you, Mr. Chou. I'm only Miss Fang's subordinate."

"My request is very simple." He slowly puffs out the smoke and smiles firmly. "I just want to know one thing. Miss Fang is coming to this charity party tonight. At the auction later, is there any item she wants?"

My eyes lit up and I make a disguise of coughing, say, "You mean, you want to please her?"

"There are many precious jewels in the auction menu tonight. Women love jewelry, don't they?" Jimmy Chou laughs confidently. "I think you're her assistant. She must have read the menu before she comes. Did she pay special attention to anything?"

This guy is really very attentive.

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I already know his plan. He probably wants to bid the item Nanny wants in public, and then send it to her. Such an action is a good way to win her favor.

Of course, it is also a typical way for wealthy people to chase women.

When I think of it, I suddenly have an idea in my mind.

"This..." I make a difficult expression on my face.

"I never let anyone do anything for me In vain." He smiles, takes out a checkbook from his arms, tears it down and pushes it to the table in front of me. "You just need a little help. One hundred thousand buy your information, the price should be fair."

Damn it, the rich man is the rich man, in order to please a woman, things have not yet success, he just throws out a hundred thousand!

He looks at my eyes and slowly says, "How do you feel? I know Miss Fang must have taken a fancy to something since she comes to the auction tonight."

I have to say that he guessed very accurately.

Because when I saw that menu in the car today, I did see something in the photographs listed in the menu that Nanny had drawn a circle with a pen.

It's a diamond brooch, which bidding price starts from two hundred thousand. Maybe Nanny is going to take it back tonight.

"Mr. Chou." My face is deliberately embarrassed: "You make me very embarrassed... I'm a subordinate of Miss Fang, and I can't disclose anything about her, especially some personal matters."

He's laughing. His expression is not even a little discontented, still laughing so happy, and then he quickly spits out a few words, "200,000."

I still shake my head: "I really can't say."

This sentence is what I say intentionally. I said "can't say", but did not say "do not know", that is to imply the other side, I do know the target tonight!

He sighs and stares into my eyes as if carelessly. He says lightly, "Young man, you can't be too greedy. Well, 300,000, it's more expensive than the CIA to buy a piece of information at that price."

He writes another check and pushes it to me.

I really laugh this time. I pick up the check and play it lightly in my hand, then put it in my arms.

"Miss Fang has two goals tonight. The first one is a diamond brooch made by the Mellerio Dits Meller of French. It's the third item tonight," I say.

He nods. "Well, I know that Yumi seems to be very interested in it. It's worth 200,000. It's really good." Then he looks at me again: "What's the other one?"

"No. 5th one," My face is calm, and I'm speaking slowly in a calm tone, "It is a ring in double diamond rings, the one donated by Mr. Herod, the European ship king."

He thinks and frowns, "That ring? It doesn't seem very suitable for women to wear. But it still doesn't matter."

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Then he smiles, "Well, thank you for your information." He then takes out a business card from his arms and hands it to me. "This is my phone, young man. I hope we can get in touch more. I might ask you for help."

Then he stands up, tidies up his clothes, and takes a deep look at me. "You must be very happy to work with such a beautiful lady like Miss Fang." Then he stares into my eyes. "You'd better forget our conversation, and I don't want you to mention it to her."

I immediately put on a smile: "please rest assured."

He nods, and then stamps out the cigar in the ashtray at will, then walks out of the lounge.

I look at the time. It is only less than five minutes.

With a sigh, I suck a cigarette, look at the ashtray just a few smoke cigars, I wry smile: "Prodigal son! Cohiba Siglo V, tens of dollars for one, you just smoked so little to throw it!"

Want to date Nanny Fang? Hum, just dream about it!

I have begun to think about another thing.

That ring, if it's on my own, is definitely not expected to bid it back tonight. But now there is a Jimmy Chou as a big sucker, just let him take out money to auction, no matter how much he spends, finally he will send to Nanny...

As long as the ring is on Nanny's hand, at least the ring will be within my eyesight. Later, the difficulty has also decreased a lot.

Anyway, she may not like this ring, I will try to let her transfer to me in the future. It is pretty possible.

The most urgent thing is to keep the ring not in the hand of others.

These are all I can do only now.

Jimmy Chou, you just a sucker!

I have a good laugh for a while and wait for the whole cigarette lights out, I get out of the lounge.

"Do you need anything else, sir?" A man in uniform comea up immediately.

"No more." I think a moment and sigh, "Please send me a cup of warm water."

Back in the banquet hall, don't know where Jimmy Chou is going, I walk to the seat alone, holding a cup of warm water.

Yumi is talking to Nanny about something. She seems to ask Nanny something. Nanny listens to her face and looks a little unnatural. She just shakes her head, but does not speak. Yumi sighs and seems to have some helplessness. When she sees me coming, frowns, "How did you get back alone? Where's Mr. Chou? "

I shrug: "Cigar is not my favor. Mr. Zhou probably is talking to other guests." Then I hand the cup of warm water to Nanny.

She looks up at me. Her eyes are very gentle, smiles and says, "Thank you."

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I nod. "Nothing, I am your assistant. It is my duty to take care of you." As soon as I finish speaking, I suddenly feel a kick on my leg under the table. Yumi looks at me and says, "Chen Yang, please dance with me."

Before I could speak, she has turned to look at Nanny. "Lend me your assistant a few minutes, OK?"

Nanny's face is a little red, and her expression is somewhat wry. She says, "Nonsense! If you want to dance, you just ask him directly."

I quickly stand up, reach out my hand and make an invitation: "Miss Yumi, please."

At this moment, the dance music has changed back to a soft tune, I and Yumi walk into the dance floor hand in hand, and then a hand gently around her soft waist. I feel her body stiff for two seconds. Suddenly I remember the scene when I was holding her in the bathroom. I couldn't help laughing.

Yumi has returned to normal and sighs: "Chen Yang, I have begun to regret it."

"What do you regret?" I hug her slowly, and the two bodies stick together.

"Regret to introduce you to work for Nanny." Her tone is not good enough: "I warned you just now. You'd better not make trouble to yourself." Staring at me, she whispers, "Nanny is not the woman you should be provoking. Do you understand?"

I sigh deliberately: " Yumi, you just answer me a few questions first. Am I handsome? "

"?" She looks at me doubtfully, but sees that my face does not seem to have the meaning of laughter, then she smiles and says: "OK, in ordinary people, you are good, but that's all."

I nod in recognition of her remarks and ask, "Then I ask you again, am I rich and powerful?"

"Of course not." She replies very simply: "I know almost everything about you."

"Or do you think I am a ladies man? Such kind of woman hunter something?"

She's laughing: "You don't look like."

"That's all right." I sigh. "I'm just an ordinary person, and now I'm at most a well-paid staff. Miss Fang is what kind of woman? I'm much clearer than yours. Can a man like me be in her heart? So, you can rest assured."


"But I look like a man she used to know, right?" I left my mouth and sneer, "Miss Yumi, do you think this is making a movie? What does it look like? It's not a super imitation show! My appearance will remind her of the past at most, and when this mood subsides, it is easy for a clever woman like Miss Fang to understand that I am me, not the one in her heart!"

Without waiting for her to say anything, I say quickly, "You'd better watch out for Jimmy Chou, the guy who is the one design on her."

Yumi smiles and says, "He? He has no hope. Jimmy doesn't know the details of Nanny. If he knew it and lent him a courage, he wouldn't dare to have any idea on her."

My heart moves... Does Nanny have any strong background?

She looks at me and says, "Chen Yang... You'd better settle down. I help you to get this job, I hope you can work hard to make money, live a normal life of ordinary people... This is what Juan hopes to you."

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I smile, and reply in careless way: "you can rest assured. At least I do not want to provoke her at the moment."

Well, if I really want to touch her, I will be able to succeed at her home this afternoon.

Of course, this matter can't be said to Yumi.

The two of us stop talking and dance with the music. Her dancing skills are very good. Compare with her, I'm not at the same grade at all. But my mind is not on the dance.

I'm thinking in my mind, when Jimmy Chou gives the ring to Nanny, what will he do to let her take it? Or, after Nanny accept, how shall I get the ring?

And the three hundred thousand in my pocket.

I intend to give the money to Nanny for the compensation of yesterday's trouble.

I don't like to owe others, especially women.

Actually, I can understand Yumi's kindness. I am very willing to live an ordinary life.

But the problem is, I have learned that everything about the ring is real. I have such a magic ring on my hand. Is it possible for me to continue an ordinary life?

The answer is obviously: NO!

I am a little absent-minded, glancing around, and all of a sudden, I seem to see somewhere on the left, a figure flashing in the distance...

My heart beats. In amazement, I slow down a step carelessly and step on her instep. She frowns and seems painful. Then I come back to myself and pull her to one side, smiling bitterly. "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." She sighs, "Are you dancing badly or are you wandering?"

I smile and say, "Both."

Then I loosen her hand and walk slowly back. Yumi follows me and suddenly whispers, "Be careful of Jimmy Chou this man is very tough to deal with. You'd better not provoke him."

I nod.

He's very hard to provoke? I just made him a sucker just now.

As we walk back to his seat, the music stops suddenly. Then the president of the charity goes to the center, holds the microphone and announce loudly. Ten minutes later, the auction begins!

But I can't help looking around, hoping to find the figure I saw just now.

Impossible! That person should not be here. Did I see the wrong person?

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