Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 56

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I know I am very embarrassed now, I am handcuffed on the radiator, I can't stand straight, and I can't crouch down. Bending my legs, already sore and numb, I watch the two policemen come in. My heart is filled with anger and I can't help shouting, "You've handcuffed me here for half a day! What do you want to do?"

The policeman with the notebook looks a little younger, probably a novice, and is immediately blushing and shouting, "Behave yourself! Don't you see where it is! "

"Where is it? Is here the people's police station?" I use the handcuffs on my wrist to knock the radiator.

The young policeman is angry, put down his notebook, and rushing to me with a look of anger.

I hum, raise my neck, and say, "You want to hit me? Come on! Come on!"

"Wang, forget it." The older policeman is suddenly speaking. He is about forty years old, looks well-experienced. He squints his eyes and stares at me. "Make a note first."

Hearing this, the young policeman presses me down, unlocks me from the radiator, pushing me down on the chair. He is still staring at me fiercely.

I curl my lips and feel no fear at all.

I am not the first time get in such place, nor am not the first time facing such an occasion.

In fact, the police are all facing new suspects treat like this. They will make a vicious look, so that the suspects can have a deterrent. This is a kind of intimidation. Some ruffian who comes in for the first time sees will be soft immediately. But for some old birds, it has nothing to do at all.

The next thing is taking notes, mostly from the young policeman, and the old policeman looks at me resemble a smile yet not smile.


"Chen Yang, 23 years old. Government ID: XXXXXX Home address: XXXXXX."

"Don't rubbish!" The young policeman is still angry, tapping his pen on the desk, staring me and shouting, "Answer whatever I ask!"

I smile and say, "You need to ask anyway, I just save your time."

The young policeman is going to get angry again. The old one next to him gives him a hint. He stops yelling, writing quickly on the notebook, and then shouting, "Do you know why you're brought back!"

"I know." I yawn: "Fight. A few bastards harassed my friend, and I fought against them. I'm just in self-defense."

"Just in self-defense?" The young policeman sneers: "If in self-defense, do you have any injuries? Those people, some of them fractures, some of them is still in coma! I tell you! Two people are still not awake yet!"

I sneer, "It's their fault! They deserve it!"

The old policeman waves and stops the young policeman from talking. He coughs and says in a slow voice, "You don't have to say that much, just tell us what's going on tonight. Just tell me the truth."

"I have said, I was eating with my friends there, and those guys came up to harass my friend. And I just fought with them!"

"Hum! You are really a fighter." The old policeman's face lowers sullenly.

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"They are too easy to be K.O.!" I curl my lips: "I said you handcuff me for what? Is it arresting me or what? You need to give me a saying!"

"It will give you legal procedures." The old policeman says lightly, "Where are your working now?"

After thinking about it, I don't seem to have a company to work for yet. I was a private employer of Nanny, so I answer, "No job."

"No job?! Hum!" The old policeman looks at my clothes. "Your clothes worth at least thousands of money? No job?"

"No job is no job!" I reply with hum.

"Boy, you'd better be honest." The old policeman says: "the people you hurt are still in the hospital now! Serious hurt! We are looking at your appearance. It seems that this is not the first time you come to this place. What is the nature of here? Don't you know it indeed?"

I do not speak, but sneer.

The old policeman changes his tone in a mild tone. He says, "We are writing a record for you now. You'd better talk everything out yourself! Take the initiative! If you do not say anything, we can still figure it out! Then you will be passive. Do you know that?"

Here comes...

I laugh in my heart.

This is what the general police say when they interrogate. Generally speaking, people who enter this area for the first time will confess their crimes if they are mentally inferior.

As for me, I still say lightly: "They were harassing my friend. Whatever you ask or investigate, it's the truth!"

The old policeman is not in a hurry and looks at me, "You know one of those people, don't you?"

I move in my mind and say lightly, "Yes."

"Have you had any hatred before?"

"No!" I deny it.

This is the key. If I say there was hatred. Then they will probably identify me as revenge or something like that.

So I couldn't say.

As for the grudges between me and John, who can say it clearly? Last time I fix him in the club, they have no any proof.

"Chief, this boy is not honest! May I give him some lessons?" The young policeman looks at me, gnashing his teeth.

The old policeman doesn't respond. He just looks at me and says, "Chen Yang, listen to me. First, you know those people. I suspect that you are seeking revenge and deliberately hurting them now! Second, you say you are self-defense, and now four of them are in the hospital, one is deep coma! Can you self-defend yourself in such a way? Third, do not think you say nothing, we can't find out your background! You are Chen Yang, aren't you? Hmm, your details, when you come, we have already exported from the computer! You only twenty-three years old, but was placed in the house of detention for three or four times! I tell you! Rascal like you, I've seen a quiet a lot!"

I stare into his eyes with great momentum, I sneer and say, "I'll tell you a few things, too. First, I didn't mean to hurt people by looking for revenge! Have you ever seen revenge by taking a weak woman? Besides, if I fight for revenge, Will go alone to fight five? Stupid! Second, I've paid for everything I've done before. Yes, you can find out what I've done, but it used to be before. Now is now! You're a policeman, don't you need me to talk such a reason?"

The old policeman stands up, paces slowly to me, standing in front of me, stares at me for a few seconds, nods, and a sneer appearing on his face: "Well, you have a hard mouth! There will be enough time to let you cry!"

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Then he goes back to the table and whispers something to the young policeman. The two men walk out of the room.

I'm sitting alone on the stool, my hands behind my back, and handcuffed to the stool.

Ten minutes later, the door opens again, and this time three policemen come in. In addition to the original two, there is a middle-aged man with a big nose, wearing the uniform, and looking at the shoulder band should be the highest rank. As soon as he comes in, he glances at me and frowns. "Not talk yet? Wang, give him some lessons!"

I take a deep breath: "What? Want to hit me? I can tell you..."

"Hey, kid, don't worry, I won't beat you." The big nose shuts the door first, then comes over and stares at me. "You have a hard hand. You've broken Roth's cheek bone! Comminuted fracture of the nose bridge, sixteen muscle injuries on the body, two fractures... Look at your age, your courage is big enough!"

I greet him with a sneer and say, "I say, if it were for you, a couple of trash would run up to you and ask whether your wife could sell, how much was she serving for a sex, how much was she serving for the whole night? You... "


I'm slapped on the face while I am speaking. The guy is furious, and the slap made me stumble and almost fall off the chair. Half of my face suddenly left four fingers and cheeks are swollen.

"Ha! You still beat me!" My face is numb and I'm staring at him.

He stares down at me with a big nose. His hit too hard just now, gasping and sneering, "Who said I hit you? The injury on your face was left by fighting with those people at night!"


I swallow my saliva and say, "Good! Come on! You go on! You hurt me, and you can't explain! I didn't get hurt when I got on the car. My friends and the people around me saw it! If I get out with injury, you can't explain it. If I were hurt from fighting, according to the rules, you should take me to the hospital first! "

"Boy, still firm in speech?" The big nose is about to raise his hand, but he think about it and put down his hand: "Wang, give him something serious!"

The young policeman releases an electric baton from behind and walks up to me, holding it on his hand. On one head of the baton, the sparks are cracking and sparkling. "Don't worry, I won't direct contact you."

The old policeman in the back takes a basin from the corner of the wall and there is water in it. Then he turns to me and pushes my hands into the water.

My hands are on the back, and my body does not make any effort at all.

The young policeman opens the stick switch and put it into the water.

I feel as if I have been struck hard by a heavy fist, and all my organs are shaking, my body is jumping, and I can't help screaming.

People who have not been exposed to electricity do not understand this feeling. And this kind of water shocks people, leaving no scars on bodies.

"How do you feel?" The big nose is staring at me, "When you hit Roth, do you feel happy?"

Roth... Hmm, he must be the guy who was finally broken nose by my knees.

I am trying to catch my breath, and the young policeman turns the electric switch on again.

"Fuck!" I cry loudly, and my muscles are shaking with pain. The body struggles like a fish out of water.

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I stare at the big nose and grit my teeth. "Is that Roth related to you?"

The big nose doesn't answer, and he winks at my behind.

In the next twenty minutes, I am electrified three times and the whole body is numb. Even if they didn't electrify me, I feel my palms trembling. Big nose coughs, the two policemen release me. The three men come back to the table and say, "Okay, now will you confess?"

The big nose sits in the middle. He taps lightly on the table and sneers. "Boy, I tell you, the hospital's reports have been sent back. It doesn't matter you don't confess. It is a fact that you hurt people seriously. By rule, you can be sent to the detention tonight. But I can still leave you here for forty-eight hours! Do you want to stay here for more lessons or honestly admit that you are fighting for revenge? "

Looking at me without speaking, he says lightly to the two policemen: "you go ahead, I go out first."

After that, he stares at me and smiles, then goes out.

The old policeman gets up and closes the door, walks up to me, looks down at me, pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, pulls one out, put it in my mouth, and lights it for me: "Boy, tell me the truth. Less suffer."

Hum, playing the good cop bad cop? Can this trick deceive me?

I take a cigarette and look at him: "I am not looking for revenge, you know this!"

"No matter you were revenging or not? You hurt others seriously!"

I think carefully: "At most, it is defensive. If you want me to confess for revenge, I will be guilty! I'm not that stupid! "

"Not that stupid?" The old policeman laughs. "Not so stupid. Why you hit Roth like that? You're not living here, are you? Do not know him? Do you dare to hit him? I admire you very much!"

I shake my head: "I don't care who he is. Is there anyone who's attacking me, and I'll have to look into his details before I fight back?" Smoking cigarettes, I slowly say, "You leave me here for one day and night at most. That big nose just now, is him Roth's relative? FXXX! Ruthless!"

I laugh and scold, but the old policeman's face is quiet. Suddenly he sighs and taps my face. Then he takes the cigarette from my mouth and turns back to the table and looks at the young policeman. "Come on, Wang."

The young policeman stands up and begin to solve his belt.

I sneer at my face and take a deep breath.

Just then, a knock from the door, and the old policeman frowns: "It's interrogating. Wait a minute! "

Outside a voice: "It's urgent!"

The old policeman opens the door and goes out for a minute. When he comes back, he looks at me with a complicated look in his eyes. "You're not that simple, kid!"

After saying this, he speaks to the young policeman. The two men go out, leaving me alone.

Waiting for five minutes, the door of the room opens and two policemen I don't know come in, with a middle-aged man in a suit, tall, thin and shrewd.

The next thing, as in the movie, is that man, who claims to be a lawyer, has helped me with some formalities. Then the policeman comes and releases me from the handcuffs and leads me out.

In the hall, I see Nanny sitting there, her face anxious, shoes missing one. The wound was still not dealing with. She sees me out, jumping up at once, and running towards me with a limp, as if she wants to throw herself into my arms.

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I quickly reach for her arm and do not let her fall into my arms.

Her cheeks turn red, and in her eyes, tears are coming anytime. "All right, the lawyer's done the formalities for you... You... Are you all right? "

I sigh and shake my head. "I'm OK! Just be locking up for a while."

I don't say what I was suffering. Because of it is useless.

What a clever woman Nanny is. When she sees the fingerprint on my face, she is suddenly turned angry. "Someone hit you?"

She is furious, pointing at the two policemen behind me: "How can you beat people? How dare you beat him! Good!!" After that, she shouts to the lawyer, "Mr. Song! They beat my friend, what do they do?"

The lawyer is probably accustomed to the scene, and his face does not fluctuate at all. He says lightly, "Miss Fang, let's go back and talk about it."

If this is abroad, maybe lawyer will say complaints, reports and so on.

But here. The lawyer understands the hidden rules in this field.

Nanny obviously does not understand this, but nods her head in a dazed way. "Let's go back first... Hmm, you wait for my lawyer's letter!"

As we are walking out, two policemen follow us, but we see two guys coming face to face. I recognize that they were two of the guys I beat at night, John's companion, who were probably the least injured, and were sent here to take notes after being handled briefly in the hospital.

I stop at once, and give them a hard look, and the two guys, too, have a fierce look, but I could see that they are in a bad mood.

Nanny is angry and screaming, "Why aren't they arrested? Why did you catch Chen Yang, not catch them?!"

The two policemen in the rear are stunned, and just about to say something.

Suddenly, there's a bang sound!

The front entrance is knocked open, and a strong man of about thirty rushed in like a raging fire!

The man, with a square face, sharp facial features and a murderous face, dresses up as an upright army officer, and with an unyielding figure, rushing up to Nanny and shouting, "Nanny, who the fuck is bothering you?" Suddenly he sees one of her feet without shoe, staring at the wound: "Are you hurt? Which bastard did it?"

When Nanny sees him, her face goes down, says with upset: "These two!"

Suddenly, the man with an angry face and without a word, rushing up to the two guys and kicking one of them in the stomach! That guy doesn't even have the time to respond, just flies out two or three meters away.

I can't help frowning. FXXX! What a great kick!

Then he grabs the other one and put an elbow on his face.

Bang! Spatter of nasal blood!

All this happens so quickly that when the two policemen come to their senses and rush up. The man has stood up straight, holding his head high, steps back carefully. He does not touch the police, just raises his eyebrows and shouting, "Why? I'm an officer! Don't you dare to touch me a finger?"

After that, he looks at the policemen with arrogant.

The policeman is pushed staggered by him and is about to rush up in a rage. But he is pulled by his companion and whispers, "Forget it. We are not able to handle such a military officer."

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