Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 57

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This officer's eyes are round, his face full of arrogance, and he spats furiously on the ground, as if he has uttered a curse in a low voice: "Hum, black-skinned dog..."

I almost can't help laughing.

I also get know a few friends who are soldiers too. So that I know that all the officers in these units are bullish and look down upon the police. Because police can't manage soldier. Soldiers are only managed by troops. As for the police, in the mouth of many officers, they like to call them "black-skinned dog".

When a policeman meets a soldier with anything happens, He'll be very headache. Because they can't fight or take them back, the soldier will be taken away by the troops in a flash. And the tradition in the army is: extreme protection! Own people have committed a crime. If bring them back by army, they can be punished as serious as they can. But people outside? Don't you dare to try?

I don't know much about ranking, but the rank of this officer must be pretty high. He is sort of an important guy.

he seems born of fiery temper, arrogant habit, doesn't look at the two policemen, turns to look at Nanny: "Nanny, how are you? Let me take you home!"

Nanny's face is not good. It seems that he has no good temp with the officer. "Why are you here?" Who let you come? "

He looks at her as if there is no anger, but patience, and pleasant face, whispers: "Well, I happen to be see the old man, did you call Director Zhou? You just hung up, he called the old man in a flash. The old man worried about you, and he was so stubborn that he would not ask you himself, so he had to let me come."

Nanny grinds her teeth and her eyes are cold: "Do not care! Your family takes less care of me!" Then, she pulls me: "Chen Yang, let's go!"

From the corridor to the outside, only a few dozen paces. The officer has been following, a little helpless, but his good face is only to Nanny, and he looks cold to me and the lawyer.

He said a few words, but Nanny just ignores him, pulling me to outside and gets into a car that looks like the lawyer's car.

The officer is in a hurry, and suddenly takes her arm. "Nanny, how do you want? Are those two basted bullied you tonight? Let me revenge for you!"

"Let go of me!" Nanny frowns, staring at him screaming. "Tommy! You let go of me! I tell you, I do not want your family help me anything!"

The officer named Tommy is embarrassed. Nanny suddenly grits her teeth and lift the foot, kicks the officer's leg.

Such a big man! Just now, one blow and one foot easily knocked down two men's officer. His is at least as good at fight as me. Be kicked by Nanny, he even dares not show any anger on his face. He just hides away with pain.

Nanny pulls me into the car and shut the door: "Mr. Song, please drive!"

We have driven for ten meters away, I turn around and see the officer is still standing on the side of the road, but suddenly I see a military open-top Jeep is parking outside the police station.

"Nanny..." I ask her tentatively.

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She shakes her head before I finish speaking, and then grabs my palm. I feel her soft little hand is very cold, as if trembling: "Chen Yang... How are you? Have you hurt anywhere?"

I shake my head: "I'm fine. You just... That guy... "

She immediately says, "Don't ask, I don't want to say." Suddenly she remembers something, facing to the lawyer who is driving ahead, and says, "Mr. Song, Please help me to prepare the lawyer's letter tomorrow... The police dare to hit people! I will sue them!"

That lawyer smiles helplessly, but looks at me from the rearview mirror as if winking me.

In my mind, I immediately understand what he means, he let me advise her not to investigate and affix legal liability.

I think, and say, "Nanny, just forget about it. Just let go of it."

"How can we just let go?" She is still very angry: "How can they beat you? Your face is swollen!" Her face shows a distraught expression. She can't help but stretch out a hand to gently hold my face, fingertips carefully rubbing, soft voice: "Pain?"

To be honest.

How could it not pain?

My face is swollen and full of the marks! It does pain!

Women like to ask such seemingly silly questions, but such question makes people who're listened feeling warm in the heart.

Also, her eyes, like winter stars shining, staring at me so close, a row of silver teeth gently biting her lips..

I sigh and look at her uneasily, without looking at her side. "Not pain."

Then I whisper, "I mean, really... Forget about it."


I interrupt her, "Nanny, you don't understand what's going on here."

To tell the truth, any policeman in charge of the crime, when he is facing a suspect, he must give some lessons to the suspect first. That's the truth. For that kind of wily old bird, you just play a fierce face to question him, it is impossible to let him tell the truth.

And If you really want to sue them. Hmm, first, leave the fact of whether you have evidence or not, a pile of troubles are waiting for you.

Obtain evidence! Hearing of witnesses! Confirmation hearings! There are so many things need to follow.

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The matter is, even if your complaint wins, you totally offend these uniformed comrades. If there's anything happens in future, you will be in big trouble then.

This is the true world!

It's the same in foreign countries! American police beat suspect no less than ours!

Nanny apparently has never experienced in a circle like this, and she think a letter from a lawyer would make this done... It's not that simple.

Looking at my eyes, Nanny's attitude softens and hesitates. I hurriedly shift the topic and look at the lawyer who's driving in front: "Mr. Song, right? Thank you for your help tonight."

He probably sees me very knowledgeable, smiles at me kindly: "You are welcome! It's my duty to serve my customer. Miss Fang has paid the lawyer fee."

I smile and say, "Do you have cigarettes?"

He smiles, throws me a pack of cigarettes, I light a cigarette for myself, throw it back to him, take a sip, and laugh, "How did you get me out? You seem to be a lawyer. I see tonight that one of the men I hit probably has relationship with a policeman in the police station."

He seems to be a kind person too. He laughs hearty: "Mr. Chen, credit is not on me. If you think it is just live the oversea TV serious, you just need to call the lawyer to handle everything. Our country's system is different, and the role of lawyers is far less than that of foreign countries."

After a long pause, he says with great meaning, "Miss Fang has an top way." His thumb points to the top: "Someone called and exerted some pressures. If you rely solely on our lawyers, you just prepare to wait for forty-eight hours inside."

I take a look at Nanny.

Think of Yumi's words... Nanny seems to have really strong background. And the officer names Tommy clearly evidently proved this tonight.

Though I am curious, I know I shouldn't ask her.

After driving for ten minutes, Nanny whispers, "Chen Yang, let's go to the hospital first. You just check your body, I'm afraid that you have some other injuries."

I shake my head and say, "No, I'm good. In front of the intersection, just stop and let me off. I'll go home by myself. Mr. Song, please send Miss Fang back."

She refuses, "No way! Let's take you home first."

I shake my head: "No! And, is our car parking outside the restaurant?"

"Let's leave the car alone. It's OK to take it tomorrow, it won't be lost overnight." She insists.

This woman! You're not worried about the car, I do care.

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That ring is still in the car! All other things don't matter, the ring can't be lost.

After a while, we finally make a compromise. She accompanies me to take the car, and then I drive her home.

Looking at her gentle expression of satisfaction in eyes... My heart is suddenly moving.

She's... She just wants to stay with me for a while.

The lawyer also sees the subtlety of the atmosphere, but he is a clever man, just shuts his mouth and keeping silent. He just drives us back to the restaurant.

Then, when I say goodbye to him, he shakes hands with me, takes out a business card and hands it to me quietly, smiling and saying, "If there is any problem in the future, you may come find me. Let's make a friend. I'll give you the lowest VIP price."

I accept his business card and smile: "OK! Thank you tonight."

He looks at me and smiles meaningfully. "No, I want to thank you, too. Miss Fang does not understand the inside thing, but you seem to understand it very well."

I know... In doing his job, he has to deal with the police frequently. I stopped Nanny from complaining to the police, so that he would not have to offend them.

Unlike us, lawyers like Mr. Song have to deal with legal organs all day long.

Then I drive Nanny home. On the way, there are only two of us in the car. On the contrary, we do not speak. Nanny gently bit her lips. Don't know what she is thinking. From time to time she peeps at me, but says nothing.

I concentrate on driving and try not to see her.

When the car arrives at her door, she does not get off the car, but sits in the back, as if summoning up courage, whispers: "Chen Yang... You... Would you like to go in? I'll rub some medicine on your head for you."

Her face is scarlet and her eyes are dodging.

My heart is swinging!

But I realize at once that such a situation could be very dangerous. Go in, who knows what will happen?

If something really happen…

To be honest, I have no objection to what may happen. It must be wonderful...

But how about after that?

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I'm an adult, not a little boy who has a hot head and doesn't care about anything in order to have a sex with a woman.

Such woman like Nanny, she is obviously not an ordinary person! What is her background?

If I really get along with her? Will there be any big trouble?

Taking a deep breath, I cautiously say, "It's too late. I need to go back. You have a good rest. "

Her eyes, that kind of glittering light immediately fades down, grieving at me for a few seconds, and then grits her teeth off the car. But she suddenly turns back, speak to me in a soft voice: "That... You drive my car back... It's so late that it's hard to get a taxi around here."

I know if I refuse her again, she will be very sad. I accept and watched her enter the house. Then I start the car to go outside the community.

Out of the gate, I suddenly see a man standing on the side of the road, waving to me and beckons me to stop.

It's Tommy! That officer!!

In the night, he stands in a stiff uniform, like a javelin, with a defensive air on his face, his eyes gleaming, and the green military open-ended off-road Jeep parking beside him.

I step on the brakes, pull the car to the roadside, and then walk towards him.

His eyes stare at me all the time. His face can't tell whether he is happy or angry. He's just staring at me faintly.

When I come to him, he suddenly moves, but he pulls out a box of "Ares" cigarettes from his pocket.

I know this is a kind of cigarette specialize in supply to the army, especially the field troops.

In this cigarette, there is a certain amount of cough syrup in the cut tobacco. When you smoke it, you will feel a slight sweet taste in your throat. It is said that it also has a certain analgesic effect.

It's not available outside the market.

He hands to me one and then another one for himself. The two of us light our own cigarettes and look at each other again.

The whole process we do not speak at all.

After smoking, He speaks, his tone is stiff, but there is no hostility. His first words are: "Good boy, I follow you all the way back. If you don't come out in ten minutes, or dare to spend the night at the house, I'm going to rush in and get you out!"

Before I could speak, he stares into my eyes and asking, "What's your connection with Nanny? Are you in love?"

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