Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 58

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I look at Tommy with a bitter smile. I am embarrassed. I just glance at him and says," Your cigarette is good!"

He immediately pull out the entire box of "Ares" and hands into my hands. Then he asks me in a hard tone again: "Are you really in love with Nanny?"

"Of course not!" I shake my head and firmly say, "I am just her assistant. She is my boss... That's all."

"Assistant?" He stares at me with a pair of eyes. "Are you his male secretary?"

"Not a secretary, an assistant, a personal assistant." I think about it, and finally find out a fitting description: "like an orderly!"

He nods his head to show his understanding. Then he keeps staring at me. "Are you really not dating with her? Buddy, you can't expect to lie to me!"

I take a smoke and feel the stiffness of his tone annoying me, but I patiently answer, "No is No, there's nothing to be hiden."

"That's good." He seems relieved and stares into my eyes still. "Maybe I'm too nervous, because she is so concerned about you tonight... She even called the old man's old fellow for you. She never wanted to do that before." Speaking here, he speaks in a solemn, slightly warning tone: "It would be better if you aren't dating with each other! I tell you, you'd better not have such mind. Don't think I'm saying this to be superfluous. Anyway, I'm not blind. I can see something from you tonight! You... Do you hear me?"

To be honest, I have a habit of open to persuasion but not to coercion in my character.

In the same way, if someone says something nice to me, I probably won't have the heart to refute his face and consent to it. But if you use this threat and warning tone...

My face has shown a little impatient expression, but still patience, anyway, I really do not intend to be with Nanny. I reply without good mood: "You can rest assured! I do not have that kind of mind."

Then I lift my eyelids and look at him, "Can I go now?"

"Wait!" He stops me and thinking a while and says, "Well, you just change your job. I can't trust the people like you who stay with Nanny. How many is your salary now? A friend of mine is recruiting people for his company. I'll call him, you... "

Can't waiting for his finish, I'm feeling a surge of fire in my mind.

This is too fucking bully! Who the fuck are you? Why you tell me to pack up and quit and I need to go away? Give me a new job? Giving me alms?

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If I see this guy pleasing to the eye previously, it would be totally dislike now.

I look sideways and my face is wild: "Who the else are you? What's your relation with Nanny? You've laced too tight!"

He also raises his eyebrows: "Buddy, I am good for you! How Nanny looks at you. Even the blind can see what it means. I tell you, do not expect anything in your heart! Even if she likes you, you are still no hope to depend on her!"

"Who is fucking depend on her?" I grit my teeth and hold my neck, "I work to earn money to support myself. It's none of your business! Want me leave, you just ask her to tell me herself! If she says she wants me to quit her job, and I leave immediately!" I glare at him: "Get out of the way!"

After that, I am going to walk past him. He is probably a tough guy, which can be seen from tonight's performance. I am just about to go, he suddenly put his right hand on my shoulder! My left shoulder is sinking and my eyebrows stand up. "What's up? Want to fight?"

I grab him by the wrist with my backhand, and this guy, as instinctively as a conditioned reflex, grab my wrist. We just start fighting. He knows immediately that I am not a soft persimmon, and in a good mood. The other hand leans over my waist, grab my belt, and lift it up!

Want to catch me up? I take a deep breath. My legs seem to be nailed to the ground. He isn't able to lift me. But he has been hugged by me around the neck and press on him. At the same time, my arms are wrapping around his neck tightly and make him suffocate.

He bent down, puts his shoulders on my waist, and with all his strength to lift me up and throws me out with a shock of his arms. My body is in the middle of the sky, and I did not panic, just adjust my gesture to jump on the ground. He looks at me with a little more excitement. "Good buddy, Seem to good at fight. Let me try you!"

Then he shows a gesture. "Come on! Let's fight! "

I curl my lips: "You are sick! I don't have time to crazy with you."

I turn around and ready to go, but suddenly I hear the strong fist wind behind me. This guy is thick skinned. He's just attacking from my back. I slip a step to avoid. He missed and immediately shrinks back observantly, not reckless attacking again. He is very strict with his hands, the feet are also very steady, and the pace is not brisk. I can see he is pretty good at fight.

Sees me want to go, he's forcing up again, two speed jabs to my face. I stand back, can't help scolding: "Are you fucking no stop? I must be too kind to you!"

Then I dodge another punch from him, slip and turn to his side. The elbow of my backhand hit to his back. He is as strong as a bull but supple. He jumps off at once. I am truly angry now, shouting loudly, clinch my hands, rushing to his coming fist!

I defend his fist with my arms, and I kick him to the stomach. My legs are much harder than my fist. In terms of strength, legs are more destructive than fist.

Real kongfu does not like what you see in the movies. If you are in the real battle, you must be flexible. Real master are all hiding with no famous. The essence of kongfu should be a kind of "strike skill". Can it be called "strike skill" without real combat effect? Moreover, the real kongfu has no fixed tricks. It pays attention to efficiency and accuracy.

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If we want to use an accurate description, it should pay attention to hitting!

So the real master of kongfu never inextricably engages in the way shows on TV or movie. Usually it's two or three rounds and it's done already.

But when I learned with my master, I had learned a lot of basic skills. He did not teach me too much the kind of so-called killing skills. Because of such skills will hurt people very seriously. If you really use it to fight, it's normal to cause a serious injury. If bad luck, even death! Master knew that I was young and vigorous, not a standard warrior. I would back to society. So he did not teach me those heavy hands. But my basic skills in those years have been solid enough, supple, good coordination, good flexibility and powerful.

He is obviously the kind of good fighter who is from the army. Fists and feet are very strong, clean and swift movements. We test each other a few rounds, both of us are hit twice by the opposite side, but no one gives a heavy hand. I just use my arms to defend his kick, and I feel a little numb. This guy's kick skills are also very good.

Such a night, two guys are fighting near the door. The security guards at the gate of the community have noticed and coming. They seem to hesitate whether need to take care of it.

"Stop!" Tommy suddenly takes two steps back and put down his arm: "No more fighting!"

He is a little depressed: "Damn, I can't use all my strength." He looks into my eyes. "If I beat you to hard, Nanny will find me to revenge tomorrow."

I can't help laughing. Bullshit! Such a midnight, do you think I want to fight with you?

Please, you are an officer! I can't beat you hard!

He takes a deep look at me and says, "Well, anyway, I'm relieved that you and Nanny are not in that relationship." After a pause, the reckless man stares at me and murmurs, "Buddy, I tell you, Nanny is not an ordinary girl. I don't need to say anything, you know it in your own mind. If you are a smart person, you should understand what you should do and what you should not do!"

He sighs, pats me on the arm and pinches his chin. "Damn, you're a good guy, but unfortunately... It's a pity... "

Then he turns around and rushes into the Jeep. Suddenly he throws a multipack of Ares cigarette from the Jeep and waves to me. "Hey, I'm sorry tonight! Buddy, you have a backbone. I like it! " Then he is shouting: "FXXX! It's a pity!"

Then, stepping on the accelerator, the Jeep comes out like a steel monster.

I stand there, foolishly holding the cigarettes on my hand.

Is there any problem with this guy's brain? Running away during the half a fight, and leave me a multipack of cigarettes.

But I can see clearly his car license plate.

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FXXX... It's from the military command.

I was sweating just now. When the night wind is blowing on me, I couldn't help feeling cold.

I turn to Audi A8 and drive all the way home. On the way, I can't help but guess what the relationship between Tommy and Nanny is. What is the background of Nanny?

Tommy's car license plate is from the military command. It seems a bit scary.

Think of the "director" Nanny called tonight, and then what "the old man" Tommy said, and what the director is "the old man's old subordinates".

The more I think about it, the thing is more complex.

If all I guess are established... Damn! Nanny must be from a rich and powerful family!

Maybe someone will say, the lady from a rich and powerful family is still a normal person? So she is possible to have feelings with an ordinary people.

It's a joke!

Those are the bridges in the TV series and novels. The real big families are absolutely impossible to let their children and ordinary people's families to link up! Absolutely impossible!

Once there was a guy used to play with me and Azle, Jojo in the bar. He was sort of a good friend of us. The guy was accidentally dating with a girl from a big family in a northern province. He planned to play a romantic comedy. As a result, he was interrupted a leg. Then he left the city immediately and went to the south.

This is reality!

When I was working in the club, I also met a man who is son of an officer's family. He often went to a club to play with me. He was a beer-and-meat friend. He once said to me, "You see me looks happy, want money have money, want beauty have beauty... Yes, I may date with beauty at random! But there is one rule! Even if I like her, it is absolutely impossible to marry her! When I am a child, my family has decided my marriage plan. Even the back-up plan has fucking listed three or four."

That's the reality either.

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Don't say I don't intend to in love with Nanny now. Even if I have this mind, there's an almost impassable gulf lies before us.

So I drive home with all these wild thoughts. Park the car in the compound.

When I get off the car, I raise my brain and feel that I am really stupid. Anyway, I don't have that kind of mind. Why do I think too much?

Standing downstairs, I suddenly remember Didi at home. By the way, I'm such a fucking bad guy. There's a beautiful little girl in the house, I'm still wondering other women.

I scorn hard to myself.

I carefully remove the most important thing tonight from the car. Those two boxes with rings and diamond brooches!

Nan seems to be in a hurry when he got off the car and forgot to take them away. This woman is really relieved! Things worth millions of, she just threw to me without even concern.

But think again, this Audi A8 also worth millions of money. It seems that she actually very believes in me.

Well, I should not think of her things now.

I shake my head, and cautiously hold the box on my hand and go upstairs.

I need to study this ring carefully.

Enter the elevator, press the button and look at the display numbers on the elevator all the way up.

Suddenly, I suddenly shocked. It feels like the elevator is shaking violently, and suddenly stopped.

Before I could react, I feel my heart beating fiercely. Although my body is in the elevator, but clearly feel the elevator is falling down quickly.

My last consciousness is: Boom!

Then I jump up like a marble, fall down and lost consciousness.

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