Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 59

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"Last night a small high-rise residential building of our city had an elevator failure, an elevator slipped from the third floor when it was rising, causing one person to be injured. After the accident, the residential property management claimed that it was an accident, according to the result of the investigation, found to be caused by the elevator system fault. The property company says they will inspect all elevators in the district as soon as possible.

A crisp and delicate voice is reading the newspaper, and then the little moneygrubber giggles at me and says, "Chen Yang, you are on the news!"

This is the ward from the nearest hospital where I live. The time is eight in the morning. I lie on the bed with a bandage on my hand and the body is lined with infusion tubes, don't know what is injecting.

The elevator that I took last night fell unexpectedly and I passed out on the spot. Fortunately, I have practiced kongfu for many years, and in times of crisis, my body naturally takes protective actions, which is not hurt too serious. And luckily, the elevator fell from the third floor. If it's the tenth floor... I'm afraid I'm lying in the funeral parlor now.

As soon as I wake up, I see the little moneygrubber sitting next to my bed, her hands supporting her chin, a pair of dark eyes staring at me carefully, sees me awake, immediately cheering.

According to her saying, when I was sent to the rescue, I woke up once, but I could not remember it myself. She tells me that when I woke up, I seemed completely confused, and I kept repeating "Ring, Ring..."

Then the doctor gives me a physical examination. Fortunately, I haven't any serious injuries, just some trauma injuries. There are something wrong with the bones. It is probably a shock. It was just a slight bone split, no fracture. And some other places can almost be ignored. Just need to be watching for a while, in case of the brain oscillation.

"In fact, in addition to the brain oscillation, I'm also worrying that you'll have kind of internal bleeding and so on, that's the big trouble... But just take it easy! You are as strong as a beast! "

Then she tells me that I was rescued by firefighters after the accident and sent to the hospital. The property company informed Didi and her, and the two girls were terrified. To be exact, Didi was very scared and cried at that time. Later she saw my injury in the hospital, she almost cried to faint. Later, considering that I would be staying in the hospital for a few days, Didi decided to go home and help me get something need to be used here, such as underwear and so on. By the way, she had to buy breakfast, while the little moneygrubber is watching me here in the room.

"How do you know that I can wake up for breakfast?"

"Bah! Of course we don't know. It is bought for me! "

Then I ask about the two boxes. Fortunately, she tells me that they are still there and Didi had helped me to get them back.

I sigh with relief. The most important thing is still there, fortunately, fortunately!

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Little money grubber is very exciting on busy taking care of me, give me water, feed me medicine, and then open the window so that I can breathe a little fresh air.

"Ah, this is a separate ward. How can I live in this ward?"

"Oh, it was arranged by the property company."

I nod.

This property company, the last time I was smashed under their building, I blackmailed a house from them, but now it happens to be such a coincidence that I have a security problem in the community they manage... they do this may also want to please me, for fear of I bring troubles to them.

I couldn't help feeling discontented as I watch the little money grubber is running around happily humming songs: "Hey, please, I'm hurt! Why do you look so happy?"

"Hah!" With a reproachful look, she says: "You have no seriously injury, and no disability, just a little trouble! Besides, if you get hurt, it means I have another job. Did your friend pay for you last time? Your friend is so kind to you, knowing you're hurt, he will be sure to hire me again! I'll get another paycheck!"

I ... (You are saying so reasonable that I have no word to respond!)

Compared to this heartless girl, my Didi is much more adorable. When the little girl rushes back from home, she just enters the door, sees me leaning on the bed, and immediately come towards me. Look at that posture. If I haven't been hurt, she might have really bumped into my arms.

Tears pouring down, she grabs one of my hands and put it on her face, eyes just staring at me and crying silently.

I sigh, and softly say, "Well, it's nothing serious. I was just unlucky."

She shakes her head, still bursting into tears, and then gently lifts up the thermos she has brought: "Do you want something to eat? I just bought the breakfast."

"Hello! That's my breakfast!" Amy arms akimbo with a whole face of upset.

I can't help laughing: "Miss! Please, do you have some sympathy? You see, I am already a patient. Do you still have the heart to fight for breakfast with me?"

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Amy ogles me, oh no, she just rolls eyes heavenward to me: "I have served for you for a whole night! I didn't sleep all night! Aren't I hungry now? Be careful, I'll sue you to abuse employees!"

Didi frowns, and her voice is slightly sinking. "Well, Amy, don't tease him. He is hurt. Don't let him talk so much!"

You don't see Didi's soft temperament as if anyone can bully her in usual days, but if really occasional face sinks, Amy also dare not violate her meaning. Didi belongs to a stubborn girl.

Breakfast is very delicious, although only the porridge Didi bought from the outside, but she personally feeds me spoonful by spoonful with her own hands. A spoon of porridge with a spoon of small dishes, she is afraid of the porridge is too hot, and every spoon will try the temperature on the mouth first.

Such a feeding way, as if every spoon of food I'm eating is the remnants of her, as if indirectly kissing... The atmosphere is suddenly ambiguous.

She leans very close to me with gentle breath lightly blowing on my face. I only see her eyes are more and more gentle. Her face is turning red. I eat very sweet first, but later, I look at the beautiful face of a stunned, can't help but forget to swallow.

"Hey! Hey! " The annoying little moneygrubber is interrupting again: "Oh! I can't stand you two! His hands are not hurt... Oh, sweet scene! I say, Chen Yang, don't be performing like a baby bird! Didi hasn't eaten yet too!"

Didi stares at Amy, little money grubber quickly stop talking and chews her steamed stuffed bun. DIdi continues to feed me.

"Let me eat myself. You can eat some, too." I say.

"No!" She shakes her head softly and firmly: "I like to feed you."

At this moment, I suddenly feel a little touched.

After eating, I ask her about the two boxes. She tells me that she has brought home everything I had. She is a very good girl and even don't look at the things in the boxes, nor does she ask.

To be honest, although she's basically my girlfriend now, she's never been as gossipy and fussy as the other girls. As long as it is my business, if I don't tell her, she will never ask.

The two boxes are all safe and I really relieved. But then I ask her to help me bring them to the hospital.

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"And bring my laptop to me too."

She nods and write down one by one.

Then I remember something very important: "By the way, give me my phone and I'm going to call the company and ask for a sick leave."

"No need" Amy answers this time, "A woman called you this morning when you were sleeping and said she is your boss. I told her you were in the hospital now."

After a pause, she looks at me with an unkind and threatening look in her eyes. "Chen Yang, your boss seems to care about you. Besides, she seems to be very young and pleasant to hear. Hmm, didn't you say your boss is a more than 30 year old woman? Ah! Did you do anything sorry to our Didi?"

Under her questions, I am a little guilty, my heart is jumping wildly. I do not know whether my face reveals anything, but I just say: "I did not tell a lie! She is more than 30 years old. Her voice is born for young. Does it blame me too?"

"Hum!" Amy stares at me for a few seconds with an anti-pervert look, then raises her palm and make a cut gesture, throws me a deterrent look.

"Well." I pretend to be careless and ask, "What did my boss say?"

"Heh..heh.." All Amy's face is full of cunning: "What else can I say? She asked me who am I. She also said to come to see you!"

I knew my expression is somewhat embarrassed: "Uh... And then?"

"I didn't tell her which hospital you were in," She smiles badly, "Then I told her not to come, and then hung up your phone." Then she takes out my phone and shakes it in front of me.

It's already switched off.

"Chen Yang, why are you so nervous? Did you really do anything wrong?"

I respond sternly and forcefully for the cause of justice: "Absolutely not!"

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My heart is relieved.

Well, at least, Nanny will not come. If she comes over, even if Didi's temperament is more flexible, if she sees my attitude to Nanny is a bit inappropriate.

I can't help but sigh.

Her attitude to me is absolutely more than "inappropriate".

It's good that she is not able to come. It saves me so many troubles. About Amy hung her off the phone, let me explain to her in future.

Thinking of this, I just relax.

But probably today I am destined to be lucky with the opposite sex.

Oh no, not lucky, it's unlucky.

Just as I am relieved, the door has been pushed open, and a lovely body, with a gust of fragrance rushing in. When sees me clearly on the bed, her face is sad and her eyes are red.

"Chen Yang... What's wrong with you?"

After that, she has gone to my bed, sits down gently, a pair of soft hands hold my hand.

My God! Come on!

Can't you see that there's another woman is sitting on the other side of my bed?

I'm suddenly hating the elevator.

Why did it just fall from the third floor? If it's on the fourth or fifth floor, maybe I haven't woken up yet!

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