Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 74

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We drive all the way to the crowd entertainment area in the city.

There are many restaurants, pubs and a famous karaoke shop here. But the most famous place here was a roller skating rink. Roller skating was once a popular recreational activity among middle school students. At that time, this roller skating rink was full every day.

Usually the boys and girls take advantage of skating to hand-in-hand in public. Of course, there are also many little messes here to pass the time. This place is a mixture of fishes and dragons, often with a gang of teenagers fighting in the back lane. It became the best place for group fighting.

In one world: Chaotic.

Now the tide of roller skating has long passed, and young people are gradually no longer popular with this entertainment. But this roller skating rink as a gathering place for young people in the city is still retained, business is still good.

When we arrive the Karaoke shop, the door is crowded and the parking space is full. Several fancy motorcycles are arrogantly placed across the parking space, with a lot of colorful lights on the body. Several young poles are smoking nearby in a domineering manner. Their mouths are full of arrogant dirty words, whistling to the beautiful girl passing by from time to time.

I notice that one of Dorra's classmates is standing beside the little hooligans, flattering and holding a box of cigarettes. This is a boy who looks at most seventeen years old, wearing a school uniform and his hair is in a mess like a bird's nest. I motion Jojo to stop the car and tell her, "You find a place to park. I'll be waiting for you in the Karaoke."

Then I open the door and get off. Passing through these little hooligans, I glance at the Dorra's classmate and hear him says in a pleasant tone: "Big Brothers, it took me a lot of efforts to bring them here today..."

I frown slightly and walk quickly into the lobby. Here is full of young people wandering. From one KTV compartment to another, various songs comes out. I go to the counter and ask a waitress in a cheap cheongsam, "There are some students in school uniforms have entered. Which compartment are they in?"

The waitress is stunned and says with professional smile:"Sorry, sir! I don't know!"

I say:" Just now, there should be four or five people, all wearing school uniforms, men and women, dress as middle school students, including an explosive head, they should be well recognized."

The waitress frowns: "If they are your friends, you'd better call them yourself to ask."

With some impatience, I take out a large bill from my pocket and push it over the counter. "Which room are they in?"

"319, the second room on the left of the third floor." The waitress quickly hands out and sweeps the counter. Then she takes the money back quickly and quietly.

"OK, open the room next it for us, thank you!"

The waitress gives me a strange look, probably feeling strange. But sees me with a cold face, she says nothing, just quickly open the room for me on the computer. I pay the bill and back to the lobby to wait for Jojo and Azle.

As soon as I reach the door, I hear a whistle coming from outside. Jojo and Azle walk up the steps and push the door in. Jojo turns her head back and puts a middle finger to the outside.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Jojo looks scornful: "A few little messes whistle to me."

I smile and speak nothing.

This kind of thing is quite normal. For other ordinary people, I'm afraid these little messes will stick up. Probably just because of Jojo and Azle are not dressed like ordinary people, and all drive the luxurious cars, so they dare not act rashly.

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We go up to the third floor. Before I enter the compartment, I quietly look outside at the interior of the compartment next door. The door of the compartment is made of colored glass. It is not very clear, there are around four or five people in it. Looking from the dress, they must be Dorra and her classmates. I can hear the loud music coming from the room. The light in the compartment is dimmed, as if they are dancing.

"Chen Yang, are we singing here?" Jojo frowns and asks, "I haven't sung KTV for some time, but why here?"

Azle doesn't care so much. He just chooses a song, holds the microphone and starts howling.

I pull Jojo and sit together to the seat near the door. From where we sit, we can see the door of Dorra's compartment. Anyone there in and out, we can all see it.

I light a cigarette and whisper to her, "Sit down first. Anyway, Let's have fun ourselves."

Jojo rolls her eyes heavenward. "Cut! If I knew, I wouldn't come out with you today. I've been busy doing with you for a whole morning. There isn't any appointment with a pretty, just to be your driver."

I laugh at her and say, "Sorry! You just take it as help me. To be honest, I just look for you to accompany me. I haven't dealt with such a little girl. You're a woman, maybe there are something need your help. Later, when the little girl go out to the bathroom, you just help me to follow her. I just heard one of her classmates talking with some little messes outside. There might be something."

Jojo's eyes lights up: "What's wrong? That's pretty good! What's up? Are we going to fight here today? I look at her. This is also this mad woman's personality. When she hears there will be something, her eyes shine. She seems to have something had happened directly and unexpectedly.

After sitting for a while, I see several people coming into the next compartment. They are these little messes and Dorra's that classmate I just saw outside. Then the music next door sounds a little louder, and from time to time there are several whistles.

I sit there, open a bottle of Coke and drink slowly. Suddenly I see the door of the next compartment open. Dorra and two female classmates come out. I immediately say to Jojo, "You follow them and make things delay them in the bathroom. Don't let them come back too soon. I have something to do."

"Make what things?" Jojo stares at me with her big eyes.

"That would be too easy to you. You just try to contact and chat with them." I say, "Just like your always way to hunt the prey."

"FXXX! They?" Jojo looks scornful: "I look down on them! Your Jojo mama does not want all types of girl! Cut! I don't like these kinds of cracked jujubes!"

I sigh and say, "Damn, Anything for my best pal! Does it just delay time? It's not about you hooking up with men! Didn't I scare of those two gays by pretending a gangster last time?"

Jojo says helplessly: "All right, you win! I just take it to return your favor!" After that, she gets up and follows the girls, and I push Azle: "Don't be stunned, you go too."

"Me too?" Azle pales the face.

"They have three people, I'm afraid of Jojo can't handle them all at the same time. You just go to help! I know you are the master of handle women!"

He wants to refuse again. I speak quickly: "I'll help you too if you are arranged to be dating with any weirdo next time." Then I push him out.

When he leaves, I turn the music off, walk to the door, head on the wall to listen to the sound of the next room.

This low-grade KTV interior compartment decoration is inexpensive partition, sound insulation effect is very poor, the wall panels can be blurred to hear the sound of the next compartment. Just at that time, their compartment's music is also turned off, I can hear the voice of men talking inside.

"Brother, can this work? Will this cause trouble?" I heard the voice of Dorra's that male classmate.

"If you're afraid, just fucking get away!" A nasty voice yells in low, "Damn it, it's just a couple of little girls! You haven't fucking done it before?"

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"But, this Dorra seems to have some background!" The male classmate hesitates. "Someone had designs on her before, but they were all beaten up afterwards. Another guy broke a leg."

"What nonsense!" Another loud voice shouts, "Isn't she a middle school student? I don't believe what background she can have. Let's take her down first!"

Suddenly this voice gives a trivial laugh, then lowers its voice and speaks: "I, take, acid, wait till they get high, take away..."

The more I listen, the more I get angry. Although I don't listen very clearly, but I probably understand what it means.

These guys are probably ready to take Dorra's coma away. As for the name Acid, of course, many of the gangsters use it to drug girls down. These little girls drink too much in Disco at night, they quietly put a pill into their drinking, and when the girls pass out. Take them wherever they want and do whatever they want. Don't mention being raped, gang **** is also the probable case.

I pinch out my cigarette, then pick up a beer bottle on the table and push the door out.

Pushing open the door of their compartment, I see a few small gangsters sitting on the sofa one by one, with their legs aside, smoking in a dandy way. The room is filled with smoke and mist. I see a translucent plastic bag on the table at a glance. I've seen such stuff before. At that time, a fire comes up from the deeper side of my heart!

These little messes see me, a stranger, push the door in suddenly. They are all stunned. But immediately, one of them has quickly put away the plastic bag on the table. One of the guys who sit nearest to the door has stood up and shouts viciously, "What are you doing? Here's not your room! Go out! " As he is saying, he is coming up and trying to push me out.

I hide one hand behind, with a beer bottle, and perfunctorily say, "Oh, I enter the wrong door." Seeing that fellow puts his hand in front of me. I put my hand on his shoulder, and the beer bottle on the other hand hits his head hard.


The fellow softens on the spot without a hum. The other gangsters jump up.

I am so fierce that I grab the first guy who's rushing to me, grab his hair and push him down, raising my knee with a knee bump. This fellow is screaming, hands cover his face and falling down. His nose, blood and tears are mixed together. When the other two gangsters see such scene, they pull out a knife from their waist.

I just overcome with emotion in my heart: Damn, the little bastards now really terrible, they even go out with the knives! The thinnest looking fellow has stabbed to me.

I sidestep, then grab his arm. With a little effort, I have removed his joint. Then I hit him on the chin with a punch. This man gives a scream of pain on the spot, but one hand hung soft, and the other hand doesn't know whether to cover his face or arm. I take his knife away and point to the two remaining guys and shout, "Come on!"

The last two little messes are a little timid. They have been seeing me clean up the other three guys at once. They all look panicky, holding knives in their hands, but hesitant to come up. That Dorra's classmate hides in the corner, trembling with fear.

This kind of little messes, I have seen too many in my early years. They are all bully the weak and fear the strong. You are tougher than them, they are soft. If they are fierce, you are fiercer than them! Then you can pinch them as you wish!

I casually drop the broken beer bottle and ignore the two guys with knives in front of me. Then I go to the corner and pick that Dorra's classmate up. I grab him directly from the corner and look at him as his nose and eyes huddled together. I feel sick and slap him on the face. This slap causes his nosebleeds to flow..

I am dismayed, seven or eight further slaps on his face. He tends to raise his hand to protect his face. As a result, I stare at him and shout, "Don't you dare to hide!" He is so frightened that he dares not move anymore.

After I slapped, his face is bleeding and his cheeks are swollen. I leave him and watch two knife-wielding messes, who are still terrified and dare not go forward. One of them begins to tremble with fear.

"Taking a knife?" I scornfully scold, "What about giving you a gun?" At that time, the guy on the ground who got a beer bottle from me moves a few times, seems to want to get up, I sneer and step on his back and kick him so hard that he keeps screaming and rolling on the ground. Then I spare him.

The two guys with knives never dare to move, so they watch me beat their companions. Until I stop, one of them cowardly speaks, "Friends... You... "

I stare at him: "Who the fuck is your friend?" He shuts his mouth in fear and dares not speak.

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My eyes are gloomy and I stare at them: "Who said just now to drag Dorra down and take away? Stand out yourself!"

Two little bastards with knives seem to have no idea whether to put it down or what to do else. After listening to my words, they all shake their heads and say, "Not me!"

I kick one of them over and the other one is stared at by me. The knife in his hand is also fallen on the ground. I point at him with the knife and say coldly, "Slap yourself!"


"Slap!" I squint, "If you don't do, I'll do it for you!"

He is silent for a few seconds under my eyes staring, and finally raises his hand...

There are crackling sounds in the room, and I stare at another little mess who had just been kicked down on the sofa by me: "And you!"

This guy looks a little older, about twenty years old, with a gold chain around his neck, with earrings on his ears. he looks at me for a moment, and suddenly, in a panicky voice, he tries to say, "You... I know you... Are you Brother little 5?"

My eyebrows are erect, and there are fierce lights in my eyes: "How do you know me?"

The fellow shrinks back in horror: "I... My cousin is a security of Golden Paradise. You're the boss there, I have seen you before."

"Damn it." I go up and pick him up again, slap him on the face. He dared not go on talking anymore.

I just sit on the table in the middle of the room, throw away the knife, take out a cigarette and light it. I look at the guy who is slapping himself. He stops to look at me. I immediately stare at him and say, "Did I tell you to stop?"

He is so frightened that he quickly raises his hand and continues to slap himself. His cheeks are red and swollen on both sides, but he dares not stop.

I stare at the fellow who knows me and squint: "You know me... Well, are you going to have design on Dorra Ni today?"

At this moment, even a fool knows that I am leading for that little girl. The guy shrinks in horror and says, "Dare not! I don't know she's your girlfriend. I'll never dare again!"

"Who the fuck is my girlfriend?" I say angrily, "Tell you! She is my sister! If you dare to think any evil idea with her again, I'll scrap you anytime. Do you believe it?"

Then I hand out and say, "Take that out!"

"Ah?" He is stunned. I stare at him and say nothing. He immediately realizes and takes out the drug pack from his arms. I throw it into the ashtray, then pick up the paper towel on the table, wipe the blood from my hands, throw them into the ashtray and light them with a lighter.

The fire flies several times and the drug pack is burning with the paper towel. Looking at the fire, the man's face shows a little distressed expression. I know that this thing is not cheap. A small package like this is worth hundreds of money at least. But at the moment, of course, he dares not say anything.

I smoke for a while and then press it out on the face of a man at the ground. He is lying on the ground moaning, be burned by the cigarette butt and immediately starts screaming.

I've stood up on my own, pat my cloth and look back at the fellow. "Don't let me see you anymore." He nods at once.

I look at Dorra's classmate again. He is sitting on the ground and crying over his face. I feel him so disgusting and I go up and kick him down again.

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To be honest, I really want to chop this little bastard on the spot. He even brings outsiders to harm his own classmates!

I turn around and push the door open and go out. As soon as I get out, Dorra comes running down the corridor, angrily, with Jojo alone behind her.

We meet in the corridor. She is a little stunned. She raise her eyebrows and cries, "Why are you again? What are you doing with me? Sick!" After that, she walks quickly past me and enters her own compartment.

I look at Jojo first. She grins and makes a gesture, which means, "It's not that I don't work hard, just can't handle this girl."

I nod and ask, "Where's Azle?"

She turns her eyelids. "In the back, the two Dorra's classmates are fascinated by him. It seems like he's going to 3P tonight." Her voice is a little gloating.

I remember the girl with many rings on her ears and get a little cold sweat.

Dorra's exclamation comes from the compartment behind me. I nod to Jojo, turn around and go back into the compartment. Dorra is rushing out angrily, sees me in front of her, and immediately shouting at me, "Did you do it?! Who the fuck asked you to hit my friend? Who the fuck are you? Why do you interfere my business?"

I look at her coldly, and when she has finished cursing and gasping, I say, "They are discussing to drug you in the room, do you know?"

"..." She is stunned for a while, her eyes are a little relax, but then she is still stubborn and scolds, "That's my business too! I don't know you! Leave me alone!"

I don't quarrel with her at all. Then I stoop down and pick her up and carry her on my shoulder. The girl is so frightened and immediately calls out loud and beats me on the back. Only with her strength, even if how to struggle, how can she resist me?

I carry her into the compartment. Those guys watch me come in. They are so frightened that their legs are soft. One of them hurry to say, "Brother little 5! I didn't say anything just now! Really didn't say! "

I ignore him. "Where's her backpack?"

They are stunned, I am a little impatient, and ask for the second time. One of them with quick response picks up a backpack and hand it to me.

I take it on my hand and turn around to go out.

I greet to Jojo in the corridor, "I'm going first."

Then I go to the other end of the corridor and see Azle struggling with a bitter face, trying to deal with the two ghostly girls around him. He says sadly, "I still have something to do... I'll go first... Don't pull me. Don't mess around... "

I walk over and push a girl away in front of me. "Azle, give me the car key."

He stares at me and sees me carrying a girl. There are some unexpected expressions from his face. Dorra is still struggling, but I totally ignore it. The girl's scratches and hits are hardly to hurt me. Anyway, it's winter now. My clothes are thick and I'm not afraid of her biting me.

Having taken the car key, I leave Azle and walk out of the KTV hall all the way. People see me carrying a girl all the way. They all look at me as if they have seen a ghost. They see me with a fierce face and hide away from me. The waiter at the door looks at me walking around with some confuses. I look at him, smile and speak in a calm voice: "My sister, a little child runs away from home, I'll take her home."

"Oh!" His face shows a sudden enlightenment. He looks at me with an understanding eye and opens the door for me in a friendly way.

I go to the parking lot and Dorra has struggled all the way. She punched hundreds on my back. I just take it as scratch my itch. I open the electronic lock of the car with the car key from afar. Throw her in, lock the door, then get into the driver's seat, tied her with the safe belt, and see that she wants to struggle again. I speak coldly to her: "You sit down honestly! I'm not polite to disturb again! Don't force me to tie you with rope!"

She becomes quiet a little, but her eyes are still unruly: "Who the fuck are you? You grow up drinking sea water? Fool will be meddle!"

Ignoring her provocation, I start the car and drive out.

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