Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 75

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BMW is speeding along the road, she curses and scolds at first. After a while, she feels tired and finally quiets down. She takes out a box of cigarettes from her arms and lights one. I give her a cold look and take the cigarette away from her lips. She gives me a fierce look, takes out another cigarette and put it in mouth, and I take it away again.

She finally gets angry, shouts loudly, and jumps over me like a little wolf. I grab the steering wheel with one hand, block her at will with another hand, and push her back to seat with a little effort.

"Young girl, don't smoke." I say it coldly. Her face turns pale with anger and she tries to open the door. But I've locked the door so that I don't worry about her jumping. Looking at her trying in vain for a long time, I coldly say, "Don't waste your energy, just be quiet!"

She finally gets discouraged, leans back in seat in frustration, gasps for a moment, and stares at me again: "Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Chen Yang." I say lightly, "Your father is my brother. He entrusted me to take care of you here."

"That son of a bitch is your brother?" She looks scornful: "So you are my uncle?"

I turn to her in a grave voice and say, "First, I'm not your uncle, I just call your father brother. But there is no blood relationship with him. Second, you do remember," I stare at her eyes. "If you call him a son of a bitch again, or if you insult him in any word, I promise you will regret for it! No one can insult him in front of me. Include you!"

My ferocious eyes probably frightened her. Nevertheless, this young girl refuses to be so easy to be soft, and she still pretends to be stubborn: "Damn it! I'm not scared!"

I ignore her and drive on to the direction of her home.

She has a house in a small district in the west of the city, which her mother and grandmother left behind, but she now goes to school and mainly lives in the school, so the house is empty in the most of the time.

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She stops talking, but when I drive to her the district of her home, her face suddenly changes again: "How do you know my address here?"

I smile and point at my own head with my finger. "Use your brain, little girl! I know your father. I got all the information from him of course!"

She shrinks back and turns her eyes. "But how do I know what you're saying is true or false? You said you were sent by that bastard. What evidence do you have?"

Without saying a word, I look at her coldly for a few seconds. Then I push the door and get out of the car. I pull the door of her side open and grab her out of the car, put her on the car body with her back to me. Then I lift my hand and hit hard on her ass!

I hit her hard for more than a dozen times and she screams in pain. I just let go of her and stare at her sideways. "I've warned you not to say that to your father!"

Her face is white with anger, and she covers her buttocks with pain, looks at me with hate: "You! Don't you dare hit me! No one dares to hit me like that!"

Seeing her want to rush up again, I say coldly, "If you still mess up, I'll hit you again! Do you believe it or not?"

She rolls her eyes, suddenly points my back, face showing surprise: "Ah! Police! Help!"

Then she turns around and trying to run. It's a pity that I catch her in less than ten steps and then carry her up again. She tries to grab and beat me again and just screaming for help.

The girl screams in everything in a hurry. First is cry for help. Then she is yelling of "****!", "Catch the hooligan!" and so on.

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It's daytime, not weekends, and there's usually no one in the residential area. But if she screams so loudly, I'm afraid it will cause some troubles. I take out a pack of paper towels from my pocket and put them into her mouth and immediately block this little girl's mouth. Then I carry her on my back to the fourth floor.

I find the key in her pocket, open the door of her house and go in. Then I put her down, lock the door with my back hand, and put the key in my pocket.

As soon as she is laid down by me, she takes out the paper towel in her mouth, coughing and retching for a while, stares at me angrily, then suddenly running into the kitchen and rushing out towards me with a kitchen knife.

I shake my head. Without waiting for her to come, I slightly chop her arm with one hand. Her hand is numb, and the kitchen knife has been snatched by me. I throw the knife casually on the table, and continue to look at her with a mocking smile.

The girl is stunned. She looks at the knife in her hand and don't know how it comes to me. She doesn't respond, but then she is shouting, turning around and running into the room. Then she slams the door.

I'm not worrying at all. I slowly walk to the door, take out the keys in my pocket, tried two and have found the right key of this room, easily open the door. She is sitting in the corner of the room, holding an air conditioning remote control in her hand. When I come in, she's screaming again.

I sigh: "Have you finished?"

"Don't come here!" It looks like she is almost crying. "I won't do anything bad with you." I curl my lips and look at the air conditioning remote control she is holding tightly. I can't help laughing. "Can't you find something else to use as a weapon?"

She draws a long face: "I couldn't find."

I am amused by this sentence, shaking my head and approaching her: "I won't do anything bad to you. Shall we go out and have a good chat?"

After that, I put my hand in front of her. She seems to hesitate for a moment, finally throw the air conditioning remote control away, and stands up.

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I am relieved. The girl's attitude finally relaxed a little.

But at this moment, I vaguely see a strange look in her eyes! Then I just feel a pain in my waist, as if I had been hit hard by something! Half of my body is numb, and the whole body falls down!

She shouts, comes up and kicks me in the waist, then quickly steps over me and rush to the door. I just see that the girl is holding a miniature electric shock in her hand! That's the kind of electric baton used by foreign women to prevent the pervert!

FXXX! I was attacked by this little girl!

I take a deep breath. Although half of my body is numb, I struggle to get up, and then I hasten out of the door. I see she is panicky searching a small box on the living room table, turning out a bunch of spare keys and running to the door. Seeing me running out, she's crying out in horror, desperately trying to insert them into the key hole. But the more anxious she is, the more she can't locate it.

I go and drag her over. She knows she is not as strong as me. She simply stops resisting, just let me drag her onto the sofa and sit down. She's looking up at me.

Then two of us, one big and one small, one sitting and one standing, staring at each other for a long time. She suddenly says in a strange tone: "Hello! Aren't you trying to **** me? Why haven't you started yet?"

Then she closes her eyes and cries out, "Come on! I can't resist you, I can't beat you, so I just take it to be overwhelmed by a ghost!"

I am so angry that I almost can't help slapping her face, and I say patiently, "Who the fuck wants to **** you?" I stare at her, but too angry to laugh: "I repeat, I know your father, so by his commission to see you, that's all!"

"That's all?" Suddenly she jumps up and points to my nose. "How many times have you held me and touched my ass! Isn't it rude to me?"

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I immediately retort, "Just you? A little child, I am not interested in you!"

Hearing this, she is screaming again and shouting, "You say I am a child? I... I kill you!"

Before she punches, I push her back again and drag a chair to sit in front of her. "I'll fight with you later if you want. Can we have a talk now?"

I take out an envelope from my arms with her picture and a bank card: "These are from your father. Is this your picture?" I intentionally squint at her and slap my lips: "Well, how could a beautiful girl make herself like a ghost?"

She immediately retorts, "Bah! What do you know? It's personality!"

I stared at her explosive head: "Is this personality? The head looks like was struck by thunder is called personality?"

"You country bumpkin, don't bother to talk to you." She leans over.

I don't care about her attitude, pointing to the bank card on the table: "There is a million here, which your father gave me, and these are specially prepared for you."

Her eyes lights up: "One million?" Then she reaches for the bank card, but I have already taken it back: "... But considering my preliminary knowledge of you today, I doubt you have the ability to use the money correctly, so I'll take care of it for you, as your father intended."

Her face swells with anger: "What for! Why I need to listen to you for everything?"

"Because I am stronger and tougher than you, you can only listen to me." I say lightly, "Are there any questions?"

She finally sighs. This time it seems that she is really admits defeat. "No more... I give up! All right?"

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